Toxic Love

By bullshnit

742K 17K 4.4K

***COMPLETED*** This story was written when I was very young, so I personally find it cringe... read at your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Ch.7 Joining The Mafia
Ch.8 The Mission, Welcome To The Family.
Ch.9 Date Gone Wrong
Ch.10 Poker Face
Ch.11 Lost
Ch.12 Make Over.
Ch.13 Liars.
Ch.14 Play Them At There Own Game.
Ch.15 Plans,games.
Ch.16 Toxic Fights, Or Is It Lovers Fights?
Ch.17 No Way! He Is My....
Ch.18 Took It To The Next Level
Ch.19 I Had A Boyfriend?
Ch.20 Hard Core
Ch.21 Suicide
Pls Vote
Ch.22 Surgery /kidney Transplant
Ch. 23 New Country, New Beginning
Ch.25 Reunion?
Ch.26 Trap
Ch.27 Creepy/smart Stalker
Ch.28 Lair? More Like An Actor!
Ch.29 Masquerade ball Part 1
Ch.30 Masquerade Ball Part 2
Ch.31 Anastasia Nostra
Not A Chapter
Ch.32 Blood Shed Is Tomorrow
33. Hell on Earth
Ch.34 I don't get a break.
Ch. 36 The real shit.
Ch. 38 Once Upon A Time
New story
New Book

Ch.35 Underwater.

10.4K 347 32
By bullshnit

Anastasia POV

I'm currently in the old castle, Luca, his gang, mine, and my uncle are all here. We are here because it's time we find out who really killed my parents.

We are going through every book, every little thing there is in this secret tunnel.

I'm looking around, we have been here for like 5 to 6 hours. Nothing.

Suddenly, I realize there is a small aquarium. With no fish in it.

Interesting. Very interesting.

I walk towards it. There is a single rose in the aquarium. It's black. A black rose.

"Guys check this out." I say. They all come rushing to my side.

"what is this?" Luca asked.

" It's an aquarium with no fish, and there is a single BLACK rose in the water, definitely not a real rose."

He looked at me. And dived his hand into the water to pick up the rose.

Right when he touched the rose, electricity traveled through his body, and he fell onto the ground.

" what the duck?"he said holding his hand.

" what just happened? Here let me try. "said Red.

She put her hand in to grab it, nothing happened to her, but she couldn't pull the rose out. Every one tried to remove the rose, whoever was in Lucia's gang, flew back because of the electricity, and whoever was on my side, nothing harmed them, but they couldn't pull it out.

It was my uncles turn, he put his hand in the water to pick up the rose, the rose moved a little, but it didn't come out.

That's when it clicked, Anastasia Balck, Black rose, Shadows heir. It all is crazy. In a way like since my fake name before was Anastasia Black like in reality it was Anastasia Nostra, and so that no one can reach this video, the used this method and it can only be opened by me, maybe of all the fake surnames they could have given me, they chose black for this reason. This is insane.

I pushed my uncle aside.

Quickly putting my hand in the water, and I pulled out the rose with no deficulty whatsoever.

Just then, the large drawn old picture of the shadow of a man. Moved aside. A screen came on, and a video started playing.

A woman, a man and a baby came insight on the screen.

Then the man started speaking.

"Anastasia Nostra my beautiful daughter, I really hope you won't have to watch this video one day, but If you are, that means you have come a long way, I am proud of you my child, now, the important thing is, that I have to explain why we were brought down, my dear, we 'Shadows' created a technology, a technology that has the power to destroy the world if used in a wrong way, it is up to you to find that technology, because our enemies want it, we got into war, we destroyed every one except one enemy, ' The ghosts', with man and weapons we are stronger, but hiding is there top thing, and they hid until they saw our side being weak and attacked, we escaped, me, your mother and a few, including your uncle, I am afraid they will find us soon, and a huge possibility we will die, but I am going to give you to your uncle, I wanted you to live a normal life, but if your watching this, it means it truly is in your blood, like father like daughter, haha, I'm sorry if you lived a horrible life, I wish it was different, if I opened my eyes a little more, I would have noticed there is a traitor in my mafia. When I did it was too late. "he said shedding tears. Then my mom continued.

" My baby girl, I love you so so much, your father and I are very proud of you, knowing you, you are like your father and I, you are going to do the impossible to avenge us, I know that, but listen sweety, they are after you, they knew you were alive, be careful, stay guarded at all times, you have to reach the technology before they do, it is extremely powerful, it has every detail about any mafia, the English government, any country you want, any police station, any information in the world you can get it by using that very technology, find it, you use it to destroy ghost, but then destroy it, because another war will be created if the word spreads. Here is a riddle to help you find where me and your father hide it. ' I am an alone rock, alive at night, may 71rst is my birthday, I have value no one else has, deeply buried under Anastasia.' Remember my sweety we are proud of you, and we love you, bye my baby. "the video ended, recorded on may 17th. A tear escaped my eye, but I quickly wiped it, no one can see me cry.

Think, think what does the riddle mean. Wait a second. May 71 is may 17 switched. Okay, good, okay.

" Uncle when did my parents die, at what date? "I asked.

" may 17th "

I grabbed a paper and a pen.

May 17th. I looked at the Calender, in 5 days it's may 17. Hmm. I grabbed my lap top, and the video, attached it to my computer, and started hacking...

After about 5 hours. I FINALLY hacked it. It was recorded on an island. It clicked. ALONE Rock that must be the island. I quickly researched, there is a party on that island every May 17th. Ever since my parents died. The ghosts, must be the one celebrating my parents death, fuckers. I need to stay calm in order to figure this out.

A value no one else has, that must be the technology.

So the technology is on that very island my parents died on, may 17th is the day that it should be found, since no one is allowed on the island except on May 17th,and buried under Anastasia, what the fuck is that supposed to mean. Buried under me? What the fuck.

I finally figured most of it out though.

" Guys, guess what, the island my parents died on, there is a party there on my 17th every year, my parents said 71 but it's in reverse they must have known they were going to get killed, so it means, on May 17th, on that island which is the alone rock, which by the way is forbidden to enter, the island can only be entred on May 17th, because the government is guarding it at all times, and us mafia's trying to enter it will cause war, and the value that it has no one else has is the technology, which means on May 17th the ghosts are going there to find that technology, we have to go, one thing I didn't figure out is under Anastasia? What the fuck is that, I don't know maybe if we go there we will find out, anyway everyone get ready, train hard because in a few days it's may 17th we have to keep a low cover, but be ready to fight no matter what, we are going on a mission, and I hope it will be successful, because we have to wait a full year to have the chance again, ghosts WILL be there, so we have to be careful, girls get the mafia ready, but the top ones no one from the below shall know, they can be a traitor we can't risk that. "they all nodded and went off. Leaving me and Lucia's inner gang.

" We are helping" Luca said.

"guys can you leave us alone please" I said, as they left, leaving me and Luca alone.

" Luca I don't want you to risk your life, I can't okay?"

Then I recieved a text from silent Stalker, it read. ' accept Luca's offer, every time you listened to me I was correct, listen to me and accept him' it read, and it's true, he always helped me. Maybe I should take his advice.

" I'm not leaving you, we are fighting this together okay?" said Luca

"okay" I replied. He rapped me in his arms and kissed my forehead, while I thought.

I hope one thing, we actually reach Anastasia before they do, because they have been searching wayyy before us, clearly they didn't find it, but I just hope. I know one think, I will not dissapoint my parents, I'll do anything it takes.

I will make ghosts pay.

A/N plss guys please vote.

12 votes, and I'll update after tomorrow, more than 20 votes I'll update tomorrow, more than 25 votes I'll update again today, your choices.





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