
By Twiira

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[Completed] "I thought I changed. Perhaps that was just an illusion I believed in." When Ace transfers to a n... More

Chapter 1: Late
Chapter 2: Tour
Chapter 3: First Impressions
Chapter 4: Apologies
Chapter 5: Service
Chapter 6: The Park
Chapter 7: Sketchbook
Chapter 8: Model
Chapter 9: A Cherished Friend
Chapter 10: Bullies
Chapter 11: Secret Room
Chapter 12: Cupcakes
Chapter 13: A Note
Chapter 14: Assistance
Chapter 15: Counselor
Chapter 16: Moved
Chapter 17: Phone Numbers
Chapter 18: The Past
Chapter 19: Tutoring
Chapter 20: Fun & Games
Chapter 21: Cupcakes
Chapter 22: Frosting On Top
Chapter 23: Technology & Phones
Chapter 24: Haunted
Chapter 26: Back To School
Chapter 27: Scattered Stars
Chapter 28: The Rehearsal
Chapter 29: Comforting Words
Chapter 30: Grim Atmosphere
Chapter 31: Positivity
Chapter 32: Group Chat
Chapter 33: Family Meeting
Chapter 34: Nightmares
Chapter 35: Snowfall Valley
Chapter 36: A Friendly Snowball Fight
Chapter 37: A Surprise
Chapter 38: Untold Truths
Chapter 39: Tipping Point
Chapter 40: First-Aid Kit
Chapter 41: Escape Plans
Chapter 42: Job
Chapter 43: Escapade
Chapter 44: Anger
Chapter 45: Pulling Strings
Chapter 46: Behind His Mask
Chapter 47: Appetite
Chapter 48: Conflicting Emotions
Chapter 49: Her Strength
Chapter 50: Illusion Of Protection
Chapter 51: Sympathy
Chapter 52: Regaining Sanity
Chapter 53: Collapse
Chapter 54: True Nature
Chapter 55: Recovery
Chapter 56: Burnt Out
Allian Ending
Evan Ending
Kai Ending
Raiden Ending
Ryoma Ending
True Ending

Chapter 25: Trypanophobia

807 34 1
By Twiira

 "Evan, your weight and heart rate is good. You've been taking your medicine every day, right?"

"Yeah." Evan answered, peering down at the paperwork the nurse was filling out.

"Alright." She smiled. "The doctor will come in soon." She got up from her seat and placed the file of paperwork neatly on the table before walking out of the room.

Ace slowly walked around the room, peering at all the instructional posters on the walls. If she were to be honest, they frightened her a tad. It was simply explaining the results of some diseases and abnormalities, but in the back of her mind, she could hear a little voice warning her that if she did not take care of herself, she too could fall victim to one of these illnesses.

Evan fiddled with his sleeve, sliding his jacket hoodie back onto his head. Glancing over at him, the girl shook her head slightly. "Don't you think you should take your hood off? I think it's kind of expected that you don't have it on, just as respect for the doctor."

He sighed, pulling the hood off of his head. "You're right.. I'm sorry Ace."

She smiled. "I guess you're just very nervous. That reminds me, are you okay with me being here? I mean, your doctor is going to go through some stuff that may be personal to you."

He took in a breath. "Well.. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't want you to worry about me." He glanced up at her and smiled. "You can wait outside on the sofa."

"Alright." She pushed herself off the wall and walked towards the door.

"Thank you, Ace."

Looking back at him for a moment, she grinned before slipping out of the room.

She walked towards the waiting area beside one of the offices and sat down. The grey cushion sank beneath her, allowing her comfort. She looked down the hallway, her eyes trailing up towards Room 4.

"Worried about him?"

Ace looked up. Her eyes fell upon the nurse who stood behind a counter, organizing a few papers.

"Actually I.. Don't exactly know what's wrong." She slumped against the sofa's back. "I won't ask him unless he feels comfortable telling me."

The nurse put down the papers. "It's nice that you're respecting his privacy." She looked up and smiled. "Evan's never brought anyone with him before. It's nice to meet you. I'm Kaitlyn."

"I'm Ace. Nice to meet you as well." She nodded.

Kaitlyn began shifting through a few more things on her desk. "It's comforting to know that Evan has people caring for him. He comes for a check-up and a blood test once a month, but for some reason, he's almost always late by around thirty minutes. Today he was only late by a few minutes, so that's surprising."

The girl giggled. "I ran into him and he said he had a doctor's appointment. But he was walking really slowly. He was stalling."

Kaitlyn rose an eyebrow. "Do you know why?"

"I believe the name is.. Trypanophobia?" Ace tilted her head up in thought.

"The fear of needles?" The nurse laughed lightly. "A lot of people are scared of needles. He knew he had to get a blood test so I guess that's why he stalls time."

"Yeah." Ace smiled. "I had to pull him here."

"You're a good friend." Kaitlyn smiled. Checking her laptop, she picked up a box full of medical equipment. "The doctor's done talking with Evan. I need to go administer the blood test now."

Ace stood up. "I should probably give Evan some mental support."


"G-Get that.. thing a-away from me!" Evan yelled, pushing himself backward away from it. He hugged his knees tightly, trembling at the sight of the needle.

"Evan, please! We need a blood sample!" Kaitlyn sighed, placing the needle down on the table and grabbing a cut rubber band.

"Over my dead body.." He muttered, clenching his hand tightly.

Ace frowned as she walked towards him and stooped down beside his chair. "Evan?" She murmured soothingly.

"...Y-yes?" His hoodie blocked a part of his face.

"Calm down. Relax. I'm right here next to you." She offered him her hand, in which he reluctantly took. She gently began to stroke the back of his hand rhythmically, gradually calming him down. "Look at me and don't look away."

The boy reluctantly looked at her, meeting her eyes.

Ace gave him a gentle smile. "Now, I want you to put your right arm on the table."

Evan hesitated, slowly complying with her orders.

"Good!" Ace grinned. "I'll count to three. On three, the nurse will take your other hand and tie your upper arm with a rubber band so that it'll be easier for her to find your vein, okay?"

He kept a steady gaze on her eyes and nodded slowly.

"One.." She began slowly. "Two...Three."

Evan winced slightly as Kaitlyn took his hand, tying his upper arm with the rubber band.

"Okay." Ace smiled. "The nurse will clean your arm and find where your vein is."

The woman then ran a small, wet white cotton pad along his arm's joint, cleaning it. Her index finger gently probed his arm, locating where the vein was.

A sharp pain shot up his arm, making Evan immediately tense up and shake uncontrollably. Ace locked her eyes with his, squeezing his hand in an attempt to comfort him. His grip tightened around her hand, his eyes never leaving hers.

The feeling of pain soon left him, followed by relief flowing through his body. The nurse quickly pressed a cotton ball to the small puncture wound, followed by a band-aid.

Ace grinned at him and released his hand. "You did it!"

Evan looked at his inner elbow in shock, then suddenly brought the female into a hug. "Thank you, Ace."

She returned the hug and rubbed his back.

Kaitlyn chuckled, putting the blood sample into its slot. "You're done, Evan. I'll contact you when we have your blood results." The two released their hug.

Ace stood up along with Evan. "Maybe I'll see you again next time. Take care!"

The nurse smiled. "Be safe!"

They walked out of the clinic together. "Are you going back to school?" Ace glanced at Evan.

"Yeah." He replied glumly.

"How about some ice cream?" She suggested, a smirk on her face. "I know it's cold but I love eating ice cream in this weather. And you deserve some for your bravery today."

He nodded with a small tinge of red dusting his cheeks and a small smile on his face.


Holding an ice cream cone, Ace licked her strawberry and vanilla ice cream happily while Evan was biting into his cookies and cream ice cream.

The boy suddenly reached out to her lips with a napkin, gently wiping away a few stray bits of ice cream.

Startled, Ace stared at him, her cheeks turning a deep rosy color. "Evan!"

The boy grinned at her. "Gotta keep clean, you know?"

Ace groaned. "Was that really necessary though?"

He shrugged, a sly grin on his face. "..Yes."

They walked in silence for a few moments before Evan suddenly took her free hand, surprising the girl. Looking at him, he sighed. "You know, Ace.. I really am happy that I got to meet you."

Startled, Ace dragged her eyes away from him. "I'm happy that you think so."

Evan looked up at the sky. There were a few clouds adorning the blue, cheerful sky. "I never thought it was possible for me to make a friend." He murmured almost inaudibly.

"What?" Ace squeezed his hand slightly, startling him.

"Oh..!" He felt his heart pump quickly in his chest. "Y-you heard that?"

"What makes you think you can't make friends?" She asked promptly.

He stared off into the distance and laughed bitterly. "I never thought anyone would give me any attention. Nobody wants to bother with a shy kid. Someone who never talks."

Ace released his hand. "Well, that's because nobody wants to talk to someone who gives them the cold shoulder." She shrugged. "When you stay reserved like that, you don't really smile. Smiling gives people a sign that you're friendly and willing to talk."

Evan pressed his fingers against the cotton ball bandaged to his arm. "I'm.. not exactly talkative."

The girl grinned. "Yeah and that's what makes you, you. I heard that the quiet ones can be very loud once you get to know them."

He tensed slightly. It was true.

She laughed. "Don't feel bad for being who you are, okay?"

"Alright." His lips pulled up into a tiny smile.

When they reached the school, Ace stopped in front of the gates. "I'll see you tomorrow. Tell the others I said hi."

He nodded. "I'll see you soon. Thank you for coming with me."

"Of course!" She licked her ice cream and grinned. Turning around, she began to walk back to her house.

Evan stared at her back, watching her figure slowly turn smaller and smaller. When she turned a corner and completely disappeared from his sight, he turned back towards the school and walked in.

I feel.. so happy when I'm with her.


Taking her phone out of her pocket, she laid down on her bed and unlocked it. Clicking on her messages, her fingers almost moved automatically.

Ace (11:49 am): Hey Lyra.

She set down her phone and sighed. Almost immediately when she had departed from Evan, her mind drifted back to her hellish nightmare. How long must I be tormented?

Hugging a pillow, she shut her eyes tightly.


Opening her eyes, she reached for her phone.

Lyra: Hey Ace! You texted me first? Woah! We're in a world of revolution!

Ace: Yeah well..

Lyra: Okay. What's wrong? You never text me unless there's something on your mind.

Ace: Haha... You know me so well.

Ace: I had a dream.

Ace: That dream.

Lyra: D:

Lyra: Ace! I promise you that I'm safe and it's all because of you.

Lyra: I honestly don't know what I would have done if you didn't step into my life.

Lyra: There's nothing to worry about. It may seem frightening but it's all just a dream!

Lyra: I have never ever thought and felt poorly about you.

Lyra: I will never leave you. That's a promise.

Lyra: Don't you dare doubt my words.

Ace: Yeah..

Ace: I know. You've told me over and over again but the nightmare keeps recurring.

Ace: It'll never end.

Lyra: You don't know that!

Lyra: I've read somewhere that nightmares are there the result of a past feeling of anxiety or depression. These nightmares that you have may just be a remembrance of the past with a different ending.

Lyra: Maybe your subconscious just remembers how you felt back then.

Ace: Then what should I do?

Lyra: I don't know the answer to that. Psychologists are still trying to find a true answer on why dreams exist.

Lyra: Maybe you need to prove to yourself just how strong you are now, compared to the past.

Lyra: Hahaha I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

Lyra: I'm sorry.

Ace: Then... Do all those fights mean nothing to me?

Lyra: No Ace! They do mean something. If not to you, then to everyone that you saved.

Lyra: I know. I've had first-hand experience.

Lyra: Thank you, Ace.

Ace: Heh. I just.. Did what I could at the time.

Lyra: And your actions saved me. I could never thank you enough.

Lyra: The bell just rang. I have to get to class now.

Lyra: Cya later!

Lyra: And never doubt yourself.

Ace: Cya. Thank you.

She dropped her phone down onto her bed and rolled over on her side. It was her actions that lead to...

She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. There was nothing she could do about it. She shouldn't let that plague her mind.  

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