
By LadyCommanderKat

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What if magic had returned to the world two decades sooner? What if Rhaegar's eyes never fell on Lyanna? What... More

Chapter I | Vipers in the sand
Chapter II | News from the south
Chapter III | White Knights with Pale Swords
Chapter IV | The Silver Prince
Chapter VI | Queen of Love and Beauty
Chapter VII | Emerald Nightmare
Chapter VIII | Safety and Lust
Chapter IX | Secrets and lost Bastards
Chapter X | Choices
Chapter XI | Fangs and Petals
Chapter XII | The Morning After
Chapter XIII | Plans
Chapter XIV | "Trust me."
Chapter XV | "Together."
Chapter XVI | A boar?
Chapter XVII | Havoc
Chapter XVIII | Smoking Morning
Chapter XIX| Leap of Faith
Chapter XX| Blame
Chapter XXI| Him.
Chapter XXII| Crossroads
Chapter XXIII| Bleeding Lion.
Chapter XXIV| "My shield, the dagger."
Chapter XXV| Fox gone feral.

Chapter V | Soiled Cloaks

4.8K 176 6
By LadyCommanderKat


Melelna's head was spinning by the end of the night so when Rhaegar offered to walk her back to her rooms, she was relieved. It wasn't just the wine that was turning her brain into mush. It was the Prince

The girl turned on her other side on the bed, then changed position again. When she realized that her mind wouldn't allow her sleep anytime soon; she threw the covers off and got on her feet. She hastily dressed in a simple linen gown and donned her hooded cloak before walking to the door.

She needed to clear her head, perhaps talk with Amir. He was the only one who knew her situation and those involved well enough to give solid council.

She really liked the Prince. He was charming and polite; with a face that looked like it was shaped by the Lyseni love goddess's own hands. And most of all: Melelna could feel that he could come to care for her, even love her. But... But would he still want her if he knew about her past? About the problems that she might lead straight to his doorstep? What if she got her hopes up only for him to lose interest when he discovered the truth? Or worse...What if he didn't lose interest and he was met with the same fate as the last man she was betrothed to did?

Melelna let out a deep breath and pulled the door open. Amir stood outside, a solid figure by the stone wall.

"Couldn't find sleep?" Her brother stepped closer to her.

"No, I want to take a walk and then find somewhere quiet to sort my thoughts. Walk with me?"

Amir leaned in to pull her hood up, covering her silver hair. "I don't think it's a good idea to leave the castle walls at this hour. Perhaps we could go to the stables to see midnight? I don't imagine anyone being there in the middle of the night."

Melelna nodded and strode down the dimly lit corridor, letting her legs carry her while she lost herself in her thoughts. What if she was worrying for naught? Perhaps this was a blessing from the Gods. Rhaegar was the Crown Prince-a future King. Her father would surely approve and she would live on the other side of the Narrow Sea, far away from Nyessos. Is Nyessos arrogant enough to try and harm someone of such an important status? Risking making a whole continent the enemy of their family in the process?

Of course he is, there are no limits to his wickedness. A voice whispered inside her head, making Melelna shiver.

They neared midnight's stable door and the mare peeked her head outside, as if sensing them to approach. Melelna gently stroked the animal's neck, murmuring words of affection. She'd come to care about the horse in the days that they'd spent together on their way to Harrenhal. How could she not bond with it when it gazed at her with those large intelligent eyes and sensed her moods better than those close to her could?

A noise came from Melelna's left, causing her hand to still on the mare. She saw Amir grip the hilts of his swords in alarm, but he instantly released them when the sound came again and it was clear that it was a feminine giggle.

Melelna's gaze scanned the space around her and noticed that the door of the stable next to that of Midnight stood ajar. The giggle came again but this time it was followed by a man's voice. Their voices were too low for Melelna to make out their words but it was obvious that she was intruding on something private so she took a step towards the exit, gesturing to Amir to do the same.

She barely made it three feet when a woman rushed out of the stable, still laughing and talking to whoever was inside. When the girl's gaze found Melelna, her smile instantly died on her lips; her eyes going so wide, Melelna thought they might burst out of their sockets.

Melelna took in her features and recognized the girl. Lady Ashara from the feast, Arthur's sister.

The girl gazed back inside the stable, then to Melelna, then inside the stable again. She began to slightly shake in panic so Melelna opened her mouth to assure her that she wasn't going to mention seeing her to anyone, but the sound of heavy boots behind her caused her to snap her mouth shut.

Both women jerked their heads towards the direction of the new noise and soon, white plate started to appear in the shadows, as a man approached. Ashara paled when it was plain that the man nearing was one of the Kingsguard and Melelna could very well understand why.

She quickly shifted closer to Ashara and turned to face the Knight. When he was close enough to the torch so that she could make out his face, she realized he was the same man who had escorted her to the feast.

"Ser Barristan," She greeted as if nothing was amiss.

The man looked between her and Ashara, his gaze lingering on the Dornish girl. "Lady Melelna. Lady Ashara" His eyes narrowed and Ashara visibly swallowed. "What are you doing in the stables unescorted so late in the night?"

"We are not unescorted." Melelna corrected him, pointing at the dark corner Amir stood at. "I couldn't find sleep and neither could lady Ashara, so when I saw light in her tent, I asked if she would come visit my horse with me. She was kind enough to accept." She lied.

Ashara's gaze snapped to hers, the girl's eyes slightly widening before she recovered and forced a smile. Melelna needed her to quit shaking like a leaf if they were to pull this off.

Ser Barristan gave the Volantene a look that said "I don't believe a word you just said" but nodded his head at her words. "I see. I would escort you back to your rooms if you wish, my ladies."

"That would be very kind of you Ser Barristan but my tent is just outside the gate." Ashara mumbled before turning on her heel and bolting out of the stables.

The knight's eyes followed her as she retreated, and Melelna could swear she saw hurt and despair dancing in them before they hardened.

"What about you, lady Melelna? Would you like me to escort you back to your rooms?" he asked; his tone calm-even if he looked as if someone had just sliced his chest wide open.

Melelna didn't need him to escort her but she remembered that whoever Lady Ashara was with, was still inside that stable so she accepted his offer-the man could leave unseen when she led away the Kingsguard.

Their walk back to her chambers was filled with uncomfortable silence. She glanced up at the Kingsguard next to her a few times and found his face unreadable but she was sure that she hadn't imagined what she glimpsed in his eyes when he gazed at Ashara. She heard that the Kingsguard were supposed to stay celibate while serving their King but Melelna knew damn well that you couldn't just order a man to close his heart.

Melelna gave him a gentle smile when they reached her door. "Thank you for escorting me Ser, it was very kind of you."

He nodded his head at her. "Have a good night, Lady Melelna," Was all he said before turning and walking back towards the tower's stairs.

Melelna would try and find Ashara on the stands tomorrow. The girl seemed sweet and kind; and besides, the Volantene could use a female companion in this strange place-the only other woman who seemed interested in getting to know Melelna was Cersei but the Lady had no doubts that Lady Cersei's offer for friendship didn't come out of the good of her heart.


Rhaegar left Robert's tent relatively satisfied with the progress he made with the two Lords. Brandon was much more difficult than Robert-who already despised the King for sending his parents to their deaths-but the heir to Winterfell proposed an idea that would make Rhaegar's plans much easier to execute. The young Lord couldn't pledge his loyalty without the consent of his father but the Prince could see that he wanted to. It was a long shot trusting them with details of the horrors that occur at court, but it paid off. There were, of course, promises for future friendship and alliances that would benefit greatly both the Starks and the Baratheons, but it was a small price to pay if it meant he could have their support. Brandon suggested that he sends an official invitation to his wedding with Lady Catelyn at court. The chances that the King would want to attend the wedding in person were slim and Rhaegar was sure he could find some way to go in his stead. There, he could speak with Lord Rickard and try to persuade the Tullys as well.

"That went much better than we hoped it would." Arthur said when they reached the Prince's chamber.

Rhaegar sighed deeply. "Yes. Let's just hope that we can maintain peace at court in the time between now and the Wedding."

"And your own wedding? Do you think it's going to occur before the Stark's?"

Rhaegar undoubtedly wanted it to. The Stark wedding was still a few moons away, which gave them enough time to plan the wedding in King's Landing if Melelna's father accepted the match. "It depends on her father. If he negotiates the match and we have to exchange massagers, well there won't be enough time."

A knock sounded from the door and Arthur opened it. Ser Barristan walked inside the chamber with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Your Grace." The knight gave Rhaegar respectful bow.

"Is something amiss?" The prince asked, wondering why Ser Barristan was visiting him at such a late hour.

"No... Not exactly, your Grace. I have just escorted Lady Melelna to her room. I found her at the stables."

Rhaegar tensed. "She was at the stables? Alone in the middle of the night?"

"No, not alone..." The Kingsguard hesitated and glanced towards Arthur. At that moment, Rhaegar realized that Ser Barristan hadn't looked at Arthur since coming in, not even when he opened the door for him.

The Prince's main concern however, was that the Kingsguard just told him that Melelna was at the stables in the middle of the night not alone. "Who was she with?" Rhaegar snapped, jaw clenching.

"No! Nothing like that, your Grace. She wasn't with a man." The older Knight quickly assured the Prince when he heard the jealousy in his tone. "Well she was with her guard but she has that one with her all the time. It's just that..." He hesitated again, his gaze avoiding Arthur. "Lady Ashara was there too."

Arthur's eyes widened. "My sister was with Lady Melelna in the stables?"

"Lady Melelna said that she couldn't find sleep and that Lady Ashara was kind enough to walk with her."

"But you don't believe her." Arthur stated, his eyes narrowing.

"No, I don't. In fact I don't think they even arrived at the stables together. You see... The reason I went to the stables is that I saw a man and a woman sneaking inside from afar. I couldn't make them out from so far away but the girl had long dark hair and wore a yellow gown..." Ser Barristan lowered his eyes to the floor and Arthur loudly cursed-most likely recalling that his sister wore a yellow gown at the feast.

"Did you see who the man was?" Arthur demanded.

"No, I think he was still there when I left but I couldn't look for him without shaming Lady Ashara."

Arthur rubbed warily at his temples. "And no one else saw?"

"Lady Melelna must've seen them but she acted as if nothing was amiss. Ashara was easier to read," Barristan gave Arthur a sympathetic look. "She was practically shaking when she saw me." He reluctantly informed them.

"Melelna won't shame my sister." Arthur announced and it was clear in his tone he truly believed that she wouldn't speak a word of this. "I'll talk with Ashara tomorrow, let's not mention it again."

Rhaegar was amazed that Melelna had lied to a Kingsguard's face for Ashara's sake, only a few hours after meeting the dornish girl. But what shocked him even more was the respect and informality in his Kingsguard's voice when he spoke of her. It was the first time Arthur referred to her without using her tittle and Rhaegar wasn't sure how he felt about it. He knew that his Kingsguard had spent a whole month on the road with her so it was natural that they were close-and the same could be said about Oberyn-but Rhaegar still hated that they were familiar with her and he was not. Of course, the rational part of his mind was reminding him that he'd only just met the girl today; but the knowledge that she would soon become his wife made him want to warn away every other man-to his surprise, even his friend. Dragons weren't known for their rationality after all.


Jaime woke long before sunrise on the tourney's opening day. He was to join the Kingsguard today, pledge his life to the King until the end of his days. He never told his father as much, but he was proud of himself. He might have been his heir, but most of all he was a Knight-and the greatest Knights served in the Kingsguard. Then of course, there was the fact that he didn't have to choose a wife anymore so he didn't have to worry about keeping his future bride safe from his sister.

He loved Cersei-no-he adored Cersei. She was the other half of him and if he had his way he would marry her instead; but his sister was a wicked woman. It didn't matter who his father forced him to marry. He'd only care for Cersei and he had no doubts that his sister would find a way to torment his wife, no matter how highborn she was. Jaime was glad he didn't have to condemn some poor girl to a loveless marriage and a hateful new sister.

He got out of bed, dressed and walked to the table on which his armour pieces were laid out. A small smile appeared on his lips. The scaled plate was polished, gleaming under the candle light.

In that moment, the entrance of his tent flapped and Ser Arthur walked inside. "I thought you might need some help putting on your armour, kid."

Jaime's eyes lightened up. "Yes. Thank you, Ser." Jaime truly admired the sword of the morning, he'd never seen another knight as chivalrous as him. It was a blessing of the Gods that he could train with him.

Jaime's smile widened and he picked up his bracers while Ser Arthur helped him don his chestplate and pauldrons; then his legplates, his gauntlets, and finally his boots.

Soon he was standing outside by the stands, all in white, waiting to be called under the Royal box. He could feel everyone's eyes on him-especially his sister's, who was settled on one of the rows closer to the top with smug expression on her face.

The young knight averted his gaze to the Royal box. The King was seated on his chair with a sour look in his eyes; but the Prince was tall on his legs. Rhaegar had the Volantene girl with him and didn't seem to be able to tear his gaze from her, or his hands for that matter. The Prince was trying to be subtle about it but the message he was sending to every male watching was clear. Jaime couldn't truly blame the man if he was being honest. The girl was a true beauty-not that he would dare admit to Cersei as much-and even if rumour was that she was to be Rhaegar's bride, the men weren't at all shy with their crude leers. She'd worn a sky-blue dornish dress similar to the one she had on when she'd arrived. The colour made her light violet eyes appear almost pink. She'd turned her gaze to him then and when she found his eyes watching her she gave him a faint, shy smile. Sweet girl, too sweet for her own good if she intends to survive with this lot, Jaime thought.

Jaime's attention shifted to the Lord Commander who had just called him forth. The young Knight straightened his shoulders and lifted his chin before making his way to Ser Gerold's side.

The Lannister knelt next to the Lord Commander and repeated his oaths of devotion to the King. When he swore to maintain chastity, his gaze automatically found Cersei on the stands but he quickly averted it back to the floor. Finally, Ser Gerold secured the white cloak under his pauldrons and Jaime rose, letting it fall proud down his back.

Cheers filled his ears, coming from the mouths of nobles and smallfolk both. Jaime stood taller on his feet. He'd join the lists with the others and show them his skill. Young as he was, he knew he could best most of these men with both sword and lance.

Only, when he asked permission from the King to do as such, Aerys only gave him a feral snarl. "Your responsibility is not to entertain, boy" The king hissed. "You are returning to King's Landing at once, to protect your Queen."

Jaime ground his teeth but reluctantly nodded at his King. "Of course, your Grace."

He kept his gaze straight ahead as he retreated towards his tent. He didn't wish to see the sympathy that was surely on display in the eyes of the onlookers. He didn't want their pity, he was a Lannister of Casterly Rock-and as of then minutes ago, a member of the Kingsguard. He didn't need silly lance games to prove his worth.

He grabbed a linen bag and hastily started throwing his things inside. He'd only take what he didn't trust to leave with the servants and have the rest delivered to him when the royal party returned.

"You would leave without saying goodbye to me?" Came a familiar voice from his back. His ill temper must've affected his instincts-he hadn't even heard Cersei come in.

He turned and faced his sister. "Haven't you heard the King? I need to leave at once." His last words came out as a snarl. Queen Rhaella didn't need immediate guarding. She was perfectly safe inside the Red Keep's walls along with Prince Viserys.

Cersei shifted closer and took hold of both his hands, causing him to drop the bag. She stared into his eyes and Jaime immediately tensed. She had that look in her eye-the same look she had the day she asked him to join the Kingsguard. "The Prince doesn't want me Jaime. Father is going to order me to marry some Lord who's going to lock me in some keep far away from King's Landing."

Jaime's eyes hardened and he jerked his hands out of her grip. "You want me to soothe you because Rhaegar doesn't want to bed you?" he growled.

Cersei scowled at him. "Do you still not see? You joined the Kingsguard so we could be together! If Rhaegar marries that Valyrian whore, then you and I will live our lives apart, only to see each other once a decade at some wedding or some feast!"

She was correct in her assessment but Jaime couldn't find it in his heart to want the union of his sister and the Prince. How could he wish for any man to bed the woman he loved?

Jaime sighed in resignation. "What do you want Cersei? For me to tell you how superior your beauty is and that the Prince is a fool not to want you? What good will that do?"

His sister's gaze pinned his own, determination making her emerald eyes bright like wildfire. "I want you to help me fix the problem. I need you to complete our plans."

He arched a brow at his sister. He didn't like where this was going. What did she expect him to do? Bed the girl so the Prince thinks her a whore? Rhaegar would execute him on the spot for touching her. If his sister's endgame was for his head to roll, then it was an excellent plan.

"Kill her." Cersei stated simply, her voice perfectly calm.

Jaime's eyes widened and he took a step back. "Have you gone completely mad? You want me to kill the Prince's bride?"

"Let them see you leave and then circle back. No one is going to suspect you. Do it Jaime. Kill her for us." Cersei begged him; tears now falling down her rosy cheeks.

Jaime's mouth opened but he couldn't form any words. Was she truly asking him to murder an innocent girl in cold blood? He hated to see Cersei like this; he'd normally do anything to soothe her hurt, but this...Could he really bring himself to do such a horrid thing?

"Cersei..." He began, not really sure what to say, but she silenced him by getting on her tiptoes and bringing her mouth on his. It was a gentle caress of lips, full of slow seduction. He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her flush against his chestpiece, deepening their kiss. He'd missed touching her as he pleased on the days they'd spent on the road.

His sister pulled back from him and pushed against his chest. "If you don't do this, that kiss might be the last one we share for years-maybe forever." She said after he released her. "You need to do this Jaime. You need to let go of your morality this once."

Jaime's hands curled into fists. He didn't want to lose her; that much was true. The thought of Cersei somewhere far away in some Lord's bed tightened his chest. She was right: there wasn't another way, he'd have to share her with the Prince. He hardened his heart and nodded at his sister. "I'll do it. I'll kill the girl."

Jaime did as Cersei had suggested. He galloped half a day's ride towards King's Landing and then circled back. He left his horse a safe distance away from Harrenhal and dressed in old, peasant clothes and a hooded cloak to conceal his head. With all the commotion from the tourney, getting back inside the castle undetected was easy enough. Spotting the girl however, proved to be a whole different matter.

He's couldn't find her in her chamber and Jaime saw the Prince, alone, at the main yard. This castle was too damn big for him to search every room and corridor for her but it was late in the day, getting dark. She was bound to return to her room sometime soon. So that's where Jaime waited. He sneaked inside her room, using a connecting balcony from an unoccupied chamber, and concealed himself in the shadows of a darkened corner.

He stood, unmoving, at his spot until the chamber's door opened and the girl walked in with her guard. She was laughing at something the man had said and Jaime's stomach twisted with guilt. He blinked his reluctance away and patiently waited for her to dismiss the guard-if he fought him or she had time to scream, the whole castle would be on his heels. He needed this to be quiet and quick.

Lady Melelna finally sent away the man and turned her back to Jaime before she started to take off her dress. He took a few silent steps towards her direction until he stood directly behind the girl. Jaime used one arm to lock her against his chest and the other to cover her mouth and nose. He couldn't bring himself to mark her skin if he could help it, preferred to leave her unscarred in death. Murder is murder regardless of how you do it, you hypocrite. The boy in his head whispered. He wondered if the boy would still be there on the morrow, he supposed not.

She squirmed and kicked her legs like a feral animal, trying to break free but it was no use. Jaime's hold was too tight for a little thing like her. He held her firmly against his chest until her muffled screams quieted down and her body went limp in his arms. She was still alive, he knew. He only needed to keep her airways blocked for a little longer and she'd be gone-dead. Jaime's hand over her mouth quivered at the thought.

Before his mind registered his movement, he released his hold on her and she started to fall. Jaime quickly caught her arms and let her head gently drop against the floor. He stared at her, unblinkingly, for a long moment-he had his knife in his boot, he could still slice her neck open, get this over with.

He unsheathed the blade and touched it to her pulse. His hand stilled, as if he no longer had control of it. The memory of Ser Arthur knighting him flashed through his head, then that of Ser Gerold giving him his white cloak. He instantly jerked the knife back. Jaime shook his head. He couldn't stoop so low, not even for the woman he loved.

The Knife must've pierced her skin where it had touched her because a thin line of blood trailed down to her collarbone. "I'm so sorry," He whispered before ripping a piece of his cloak and tying the cloth around her neck; to ease the bleeding of the shallow cut.

Jaime got on his feet and left the same way he came in. It will hurt to live without Cersei. It will be the hardest thing he's ever done. But he couldn't disgrace himself like this-betray his Prince and sworn brothers like this. His sister would have to forgive him because Jaime was certain that if he had taken that lovely girl's life... He wouldn't ever forgive himself.


Rhaegar rushed down the castle corridors, making his way to Melelna's room. Every possible scenario that resulted in her death, running through his head. When Arthur stomped into his chamber and informed him that she was found unconscious on the ground with blood covering her neck, he also assured the Prince that there wasn't any danger to her life anymore. But it mattered little how many times his friend had repeated himself; Rhaegar had to see for himself. Make sure she was still breathing. One day he had her by his side-just one-and someone had already tried to take her from him. Rhaegar's jaw clenched. They all thought him civilized, the perfect Prince. It seems they forgot that he too shared the dragon blood. He might not share his father's eagerness to kill everyone he so much as suspected a traitor but if they thought that whoever had touched Melelna would walk away from this with his head still attached to his shoulders...Well they were dead wrong.

He pushed her door open and came to halt by her bed. She was laid out on top of the covers, her head resting on the pillows and a bloody bandage around her neck. She looked peaceful in sleep, he supposed, and other than her neck and a few light bruises on her upper arms, she seemed unhurt.

Rhaegar relaxed the slightest bit and let his gaze move from the girl. He immediately noticed the man standing on the other side of the bed. He was openly glaring at the prince, his gaze unflinching.

"Do you want to say something to me...what was it that she called you? Shadow?" Rhaegar asked him, returning his glare.

"This is your fault!" The man spat, making Rhaegar's eyes widen in surprise. The Shadow had some courage talking to the heir to the Iron Throne in that tone. Even so, the Prince couldn't find it in himself to punish him for it-for he blamed himself too.

Arthur quickly paced through the room and patted the shadow's back. "This is Amir," He said, giving the man a harsh look. "He's the one who found her on the floor. You'll forgive him if his distress is making him forgetful of who he is talking to."

Amir shook his head, uninterested in Arthur's scolding, and turned his gaze to Melelna on the bed. "It doesn't make sense." He quietly muttered.

"What doesn't make sense?" Rhaegar demanded.

"It's as if someone came to assassinate her but then changed their mind."

"Explain, damn you!" Rhaegar snapped.

"We came back to her chambers and I left her inside so she could change into another dress. I waited outside the door and when she hadn't come out for a while, I knocked. She didn't answer so I pushed the door open and saw her laying on the floor." He pinned his gaze on her neck. "That cut is from a knife. And she's passed out but she wasn't knocked out cold, there are no bruises anywhere on her face or her head. Whoever cut her neck could have easily killed her, but he settled for that shallow cut and even badged it with a dirty cloth before leaving."

Melelna suddenly stirred and the man sat down next to her on the bed, taking her hand in both his own. Amir's eyes were clouded with worry as he asserted her wound-way much more worry than one would expect from an average household guard-and there was something else in his gaze too...love?

"You are not just her guard, are you?" Rhaegar asked.

Amir's lips twitched. "Is Ser Arthur just your guard, your Grace?"

"What are you to her?"

"Perhaps one day, if you earn the right to share her secrets, she'll tell you." Amir simply stated, then turned his attention back to Melelna's unconscious form.

Rhaegar's eyes narrowed on the man and he opened his mouth to demand that he says more; but the Prince forgot all about Amir's cryptic talk when Melelna stirred again, this time also slowly lifting her lids. Rhaegar hastened to her other side and also sat down on the bed. She was blinking unsteadily, her gaze unfocused until her eyes found Amir and settled on him. "Wha-what happened?" she whispered dryly. She lifted her fingers and touched the bandage on her neck, instantly wincing and jerking her hand back.

"You have a wound, nothing serious but it's going to take a few days to mend. You don't remember what happened, Mel? After I left you in your chamber?" Amir asked in a gentle voice.

She shut her eyes tightly and rubbed at her temples. A second later, Melena suddenly jerked upwards and sat up on the bed, eyes wide. "Uh... Someone grabbed me and then...Then I couldn't breathe..."

"Don't push yourself Melelna. You should let your body rest now," Rhaegar cut in. She was pale and the spark that normally decorated her lovely eyes, was gone.

She turned her eyes on him and Rhaegar realized that she hadn't noticed him next to her until he spoke. "My Prince," She began. "I..." She looked unsure of what to say next and he couldn't blame her.

"May I speak to you for a few minutes, Melelna? In private?" Rhaegar offered, keeping his voice gentle.

Melelna turned her gaze to Amir and nodded her head. The man lingered for a few moments but reluctantly stood and followed Arthur out of the room.

When they shut the door behind them, Rhaegar joined the fingers of one hand with hers. "I'm sorry." He said, lowering his eyes.

"Why are you apologising, your Grace?" She hesitantly asked.

"Somebody hurt you because of me. There is no other reason anyone would harm you here. I don't know why they executed it the way they did, maybe it was a warning or a message but...But I'm sorry Melelna, I'm sorry this had happened to you." Rhaegar said before lifting the hand he had interlocked with hers and bringing the inside of her wrist to his lips. He brushed a light kiss on her skin while keeping her gaze. Melelna's eyes got slightly hooded but she glanced away from him.

"You have no reason to apologise, your Grace." She said and colour started to return to her cheeks.

Rhaegar touched his free hand to her jaw and tuned her face back to him. "I want one of the Kingsguard to be with you until the end of the tourney. Then I want you to come with me to King's Landing where I can keep you safe. Will you do it, Melelna?"

Her eyes widened and the Prince knew she understood what it was he was really asking. Her expression was torn and pained, and Rhaegar couldn't help but wonder what it was that held her back. He could see her responding to him, at least her body did, and yet... there was a conflicted look in her eyes. "Do you-" Rhaegar hesitated. "Do you have a lover waiting for you back in Volantis?" he reluctantly asked.

Her gaze snapped to his and she tightened the grip she had around his fingers. "No! I have no lover in Volantis. It's just... I..." She paused, lowering her eyes. "I'm going to assume you know that I was betrothed once before." At his nod she continued: "Do you know what happened to him?"

Rhaegar uncomfortably swallowed. He knew what had happened to him-at least how whatever had happened to him ended. "He died." He said in a soft tone.

"He...He didn't just die Rhaegar. He was murdered." She stated in a harsh tone.

"I was told he was robbed in Lys, the thief had slit his throat." That's all Varys could find on the matter and not much could escaped the spider's reach.

Melelna shook her head and tears started gathering in her eyes. "There was no thief!" She snapped. "He died because he was going to marry me!" She pulled her hand from his grip, wiping the tears on her cheeks.

Rhaegar's eyes widened before coming closed in a slow blink. No thief? Murdered? Somebody had killed her betrothed because they were to be wed? The Prince cupped her face in his hands and forced her gaze on his. "You know who killed him, don't you Melelna?"

"Please... Don't...I can't. I just... I want you to know that-" She was hesitating again but the Prince understood her meaning. He had the sudden urge to laugh. If she only knew how many would be demanding his corpse soon-not that many didn't wish him dead already.

"Melelna, I am the Crown Prince. I'm not that easy to kill you know." He playfully assured her, brushing the remainder of her tears away.

Rhaegar shifted closer to her, their noses almost touching. He lowered one of his hands, resting it on her hip and used the thumb of the other to lightly caress her mouth. Her eyes fell on his own lips and that's all the invitation the Prince needed. He brought his mouth down on hers and took advantage of her surprised gasp to slide his tongue inside. She returned his kiss, stroking her tongue against his own and wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer, as she lowered herself on the bed. Rhaegar could feel himself getting bigger in his trousers as his hands roamed her body, taking everything he got to keep them away from her intimate areas. She was everything he had dreamed she would be and more, and he wanted her-Gods how he wanted her-but he knew he couldn't take her now. He fought the urge to discover just how far she'd allow him to go and reluctantly pulled back.

"Should I take that as a yes? You are coming with me to King's Landing?" He smirked.

Melelna's cheeks flushed but she nodded, lowering her gaze. Rhaegar tipped his finger underneath her chin and his attention was immediately returned to her swollen lips. "Let's keep this attack quiet so you can enjoy the rest of the tourney in peace. I promise no one is going to touch you again, Melelna. I vow it to you." He kissed her again, gentler this time, to seal his promise. No one would so much as touch a hair on her beautiful head a second time. Not now and definitely not when he made her his wife. And he would be making her his wife soon. He was still shocked about what she'd told him about her dead betrothed but Rhaegar sensed that he shouldn't push for details on the matter yet-she'd tell him in her own time. For now he'd force his rage to quiet and be patient. He'd need a clear mind if he was to discover who'd done this.


We are getting much more of Jaime later on.

if you guys are enjoying this please vote and comment, it would put a smile on this one's face.

Love, Kat

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