Do you miss it

By divadeja14

69.3K 1.8K 837

It's been months since Camila has spoken to any of her former group members and she has to admit that she tru... More

Who's Calling?
WE needed you too
Sisters Are A Gift
Sorry A/N
Safe Haven
Who Knew?
A/N: Just passing by
Communication Is Key
Old Friends
Inner Demons
It Can't be True
We'll fix things
She Was Hurting Too
A Break
Life is getting better
Please Don't Leave me
She Knows What She's Doing
A/N: Fifth Harmony
Unexpected Meeting
Friendships Reviving
Fixing What's Broken
We Kissed
What If...
The Process Of Forgetting Feelings
Taking Chances With The Stars
When The Truth Comes Out
Here's To Us

You Deserve Better

1K 41 15
By divadeja14

A/N: Over 2,600 words guys! That's a new record for me lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter and PLEASE comment an vote. I need the feedback! Luv u guys <3 (Not proof read)

Camila's POV

"Ally I can't tell her. I thought it over and I can't. There are too many ways it could go and I don't want to mess anything up. Lord knows we don't need more messes" I mumbled the last part, looking at the floor as I heard Ally sigh as she stood in front of me.

It was the next day, well evening, and I found myself back in Ally's hotel room after a day of overthinking and interviews. And now was the time I was supposed to tell Dinah everything I was thinking. I can't do that!

It seemed like a good idea yesterday but now I've had nothing but time to think.

"If you tell her now you can start forgetting about the possible feelings and then focus on what you have with Matthew. Isn't that what you want?" Ally asked, sitting beside me, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"I mean...yeah. But what if she doesn't want to be my friend any-" I was cut off by Ally's phone ringing.

"Sorry" Ally apologized, quickly grabbing her phone and answering it.

" did you see this?" I watched as Ally's expression changed from calm to confused. Who was she even talking to?

Ally stood and mouthed to me that she'd be right back before going into the hallway, still on the phone.

I contemplated going to the door to listen but decided not to. She could be talking to a family member and I don't need to eavesdrop.

Flopping on the bed and rolling on to my stomach, I began thinking through everything again. I can't mess this up and I really rather not say anything at all but if I'm gonna get rid of this crush I guess I have to.

I played with the tiny ball of lint that I saw on the sheets as I waited for Ally to come back in. Took her about 5 minutes but I finally heard the door open behind be.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as I rolled over to look at Ally but only felt my heart stop for a second.

"Hi" Dinah smiled as she dropped her bag on the chair beside the door. 

I looked at Ally, basically asking why was Dinah here without really saying it.

I watched as Ally gave me a sad smile before they both came over and sat on opposite sides of me as I sat up

What's going on?

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously, looking at both girls who both looked as if they were waiting for the other to speak before Ally sighed before speaking softly.

"Have you seen anything about Matthew online?" she asked me making my heart begin to race. Did something bad happen to him?

"No why is he okay?" I asked worried. I quickly went over to my bag that was on the chair beside Dinah's, taking my phone out and opening my messages. 

I was going to text Matthew first but the most recent text I had gotten was from Taylor.

Hey I was gonna call to check on you but I can't right now. He doesn't deserve you but text me when you wanna talk. Love you <3

I quickly opened twitter and saw Matthew's name trending number one. As soon as I clicked it and saw the tweets and pictures I felt my heart shatter.

"Mila..." Dinah got up and walked over to me, turning me and pulling me into a hug.

I could feel the lump in my throat and my eyes begin to sting as tears began to fill my eyes but tried not to let my emotions take over but how could I not.

Dinah's POV

I rubbed Camila's back, attempting to comfort her before she broke down but when she sobbed into my shoulder I knew it was best to let her be upset.

I was at my hotel when I got on twitter and saw Matthew's name trending so I decided to see why and ended up feeling my heart break for Camila when I saw pictures of him today kissing a girl that wasn't Camila. It was a girl named Elieve.

I knew there were rumors that Matthew dated her and Camila at the same time but I didn't think he'd have the audacity to cheat. Again?!

I always thought he was a dick anyway.

"Come on" I said gently to Camila, leading her over to the bed, sitting beside her after she sat down.

"I can't believe you think it's old? Maybe I should talk to him to make sure" Camila wiped her tears with her hand, going to grab her phone from her side where she sat it but Ally grabbed it first.

"I don't think that's what you need to talk about if you call" Ally gently said as we both rubbed Camila's back.

She didn't know that we already knew it was true. I had texted Matthew after I found out, basically telling him how shitty he is and he had a response.


I can't believe you'd actually fucking do this to Camila. You never deserved her. 

I locked my phone annoyed, sighing as I thought about how Camila was gonna react. God I just wish I could be there in person for her but she's probably busy. I saw that she was in NYC too but that was like 2 days ago. She's probably not here anymore.

My phone dinged to let me know I had a text. Unlocking my phone I felt myself getting more pissed than I was a second ago as I read Matthew's text.

Yeah yeah. Why are you texting me when you could be talking to your new girlfriend. Go get her since you both want each other so bad

This man....

I went to my contacts and called the first person I could think of.

"Hey" Ally answered the phone as I got up and began pacing as I talked.

"Hey did you see what Camila's shitty boyfriend did?"


"He cheated on her today" I rolled my eyes as I rested my hand on top of my head. Imagine cheating. Let alone on Camila.

"Where did you see this?" Ally asked.

"He's all over twitter. Some Paparazzi caught him and clearly Camila's gonna find out. Most likely through social media" I huffed, letting hand drop to my side.

"I can't believe he'd do this to her" I heard Ally sigh.

"You're in New York too right?" I asked as I grabbed my bag from the bed and heading towards the door since I already know the answer.

"Yeah why?"

"I'm coming over. Just text me the hotel info" I said as I closed my room door and began heading towards the elevators, pressing the down button once I got to it.

"Okay but you should know Camila's here with me"

I felt my stomach flip as Ally told me Camila is with her. Why is she there?! I didn't think I'd have to face her now! Maybe I shouldn't go-

"You still have to come. She'll need the support" Ally told me. I contemplated whether I really should or not but as I got off the elevator in the lobby I knew Ally was right.

"Text me where" I said even though I was nervous as hell. I was still trying to get over this little crush thing but how was I supposed to if I had to be around her. I didn't think I'd see her again until an event or something. Not just a random day.

Trying to push my personal emotions into the back of my mind, I got a cab and made my way to the hotel Ally was staying in. After about 10 minutes I finally got there. Paying the driver, I made my way through the lobby and up to Ally's floor where I saw Ally standing outside her door.

"Hey" I smiled, hugging Ally before pulling away.

"Not in a rude way but why is she here?" I asked trying not to show my nervousness as Ally shrugged.

"She was just around and wanted to hang out. Ya know. Trying to rebuild everything" I nodded as Ally explained. 

"Now come on" Ally said opening the room door, walking in. I followed and I could see the look of surprise on Camila's face. This is going to be hard.


"I can't believe I was so stupid. I knew about her and actually believed him when he said she was confused about their relationship" Camila shook her head, wiping more tears as they fell, making me frown.

"You're not stupid for believing the person who was supposedly loved you" I told Camila as she kept her eyes trained on the floor.

"Dinah's right. He doesn't deserve you anyway and you definitely don't deserve to have someone so disgusting in your life" Ally said softly before Camila ran both her hands over her face and taking a deep breath.

"Thanks. I think i'm just gonna go back to my hotel. I just I'll talk to you guys soon" Camila said as she leaned over to quickly hug Ally and I before getting up and heading to the door.

"I'll text you later okay?" Ally asked/told Camila who simply nodded before grabbing her things from the chair and leaving, closing the door behind her.

I finally let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, letting myself fall back on to the bed.

"Are you okay?" Ally asked laying down beside me.

"Yeah. Just have a lot going on lately. But I'll worry about it later. How are you?" I asked, turning over so I could face Ally.

"Good. I'm here for some music stuff and that's been my main focus" Ally said making me nod.

"And how are you and Will? Ya know since you've been in relationship longer than any of the rest of us" I laughed lightly as Ally smile.

"We're good. I'd hope so since we kinda live together but enough about me. You're clearly dodging something. What's up?"

Let me tell you something real fast about Ally. She has this thing about her that makes you wanna talk to her. I guess it could be her caring personality but she just has this comfort thing about her. You know she'll never judge you.

"Say you liked someone, well thought you might like someone, but it's not a good idea to act upon any feelings. How would you get over them?" I asked, watching Ally as she thought for a second.

"Well. Depends. Why can't I act upon the feelings?" Ally asked making me shrug.

"Let's just say you're friends or something and don't wanna mess up the friendship" I said nervous that I might have said too much. What if she catches on?

"Okay. I say that if the friendship is really great then why not just tell them about the feelings? If I really value our friendship and they do too then they won't let the friendship fall apart because of it" I looked at the ceiling, taking in everything Ally just said.

She had a point. Would Camila really let our friendship fall apart if we just discussed everything? I'd like to think she wouldn't but I can't be positive.

"I say tell whoever it is Dinah. They might even surprise you" Ally said from beside me. I looked over and sent her a small smile before sitting up.

"Thanks Ally" I thanked the short girl, hugging her after she sat up too.

"I gotta go do something so I'll text you soon?" I said as I stood and made my way towards the door, Ally behind me.

"Of course. If you decide to tell this person I hope it goes well" Ally smiled. I sent her one last smile before grabbing my things, saying good bye, and leaving out of the room.

Today might not be the best day but it's gonna have to be because I have to talk to Camila about everything.

Fingers crossed I guess.


"She's on the roof. I'm sure she'll be happy to have your company" Sinu told me, smiling warmly before hugging me again.

"It's nice seeing you again" she said making me smile.

"It's nice seeing you too" I said as we stopped hugging. Sinu turned back around and went into the hotel room, leaving me in the hallway alone.

I had spent a few hours thinking as I had to be with my team to go over some things but as soon as they said we were done for the day I had already convinced myself that I was going to talk to Camila about my feelings.

As it was going on 11 PM I went through my contacts until I found Sinu's number, hoping it was the same number so I could ask if it was a good idea for me to come talk to Camila. She immediately told me it was a great idea cause Camila hadn't really spoken to anyone since she got back from Ally's hotel.

Going to the elevator, I pressed the button and got in as soon as the doors opened.

As I felt the elevator rise, I tried to relax my nerves but I didn't have much time as the elevator came to a stop, the doors opening too soon for my liking.

I stepped out and could see Camila laying on the white couch, facing the balcony.

Taking one last deep breath and wiping my now sweaty hands on my jeans, I made my way over to Camila.

As I got closer I realized she had fallen asleep as her breathing was slow under the blanket she had wrapped around her body. Once I got closer I felt my heart break as I saw the faint tear streaks on her cheeks.

I didn't really wanna wake her so I just sat the other end of the couch but much to my dismay, Camila began waking up as she felt me sit down.

"Hey" I greeted her again softly for the second time today as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Camila asked, her voice raspy. Probably from just waking up or crying. Probably both.

"I just came to comfort you" I said, tapping my leg nervously, turning myself to face her as she began to wake up fully.

"Thanks but I don't want any comfort right now" Camila mumbled, adjusting her blanket, not making eye contact with me.

"That's okay" I responded quietly as I watched Camila seem lost in thought, looking out at the city.

I watched as the cool night air blew through Camila's hair and couldn't help but think about how beautiful she is. Lately I've been brushing all my thoughts but if I plan on getting over this, I'm gonna admire this moment.

"If it's okay with you I'm just gonna talk. But you have to listen" I said quietly, looking at Camila for a response. She just nodded as she continued to looking at the city.

Taking a shaky breath and looking down at my lap, I said my thoughts out loud despite how terrified I was.

"I've been thinking about...the kiss...and I tried not to but I couldn't stop and then what Matthew did made me think more cause you don't deserve that and I know you probably don't wanna hear this right now, probably not at all but...can you promise that no matter what I say you won't stop being my friend?" I asked, looking up from my lap, expecting Camila to still be staring into the distance but she was looking at me with a look I couldn't place.

"I promise" Camila whispered. I looked back down at my lap, too nervous to look at her face to face.

What I'm about to say could ruin everything but I'm prepared for the backlash.

"I- I think I might like you like...that. It's okay if that's weird. I just had to tell you but please don't let it ruin-"

I was cut off by soft lips pressing against mines. I was taken aback by this at first but easily fell into the kiss. It felt as if time slowed down and made me feel so happy and content. That alone was terrifying.

I could feel my stomach fluttering with a million butterflies as our lips lightly danced together all the way until we slowly pulled apart and looked into each others eyes.

Except this time no apologizes came after.

No looks of regret.

Just silence that was louder than words. Until we had to speak actual words.

Twitter: divadejadiva1
Instagram: osnapitz_deja

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