The Khalanium Blades

By SpeedyShield

909 135 39

An original science-fiction telling about when five teenagers were given abilities and were summoned by a sec... More

Chapter 1: Red Lightning
Chapter 2: Shocking Discoveries
Chapter 3: PROTECT
Chapter 4: Wave One
Chapter 5: Warning
Chapter 6: Project Alpha
Chapter 8: The Specials
Chapter 9: Torg
Chapter 10: The Briefing
Chapter 11: Going Down
Chapter 12: Conquest
Chapter 13: Conquerors
Chapter 14: Goodbye
Chapter 15: Going Up
Chapter 16: Korpus
Chapter 17: Execution
Chapter 18: Outsider
Chapter 19: Ambush
Chapter 20: A Team
Chapter 21: Jungle Temple
Chapter 22: Tri-als
Chapter 23: Impossible
Chapter 24: At Last
Chapter 25: Android
Chapter 26: The Final Battle
One-Shot: Lasting Friendship

Chapter 7: Settling In

31 5 2
By SpeedyShield

Sam stressed his eyes to open. His hands and wrists were aching, and he felt as if someone had completely drained his energy. But what he didn't realize, was that that someone was himself. He sat up and saw four familiar faces all staring at him, worried as if he was dying. "What happened?" Doctor Lok took the lead. "When you bravely stopped that missile and saved everything, your body just couldn't handle it. But at least your powers saved you from breaking your bones and muscles."

Sam took a moment to remember. Though the wild occurrences of the day quickly faded, the feeling of pain and the force he had to exert was a sensation he'd never forget. "What time is it?" He asked, accepting the cup of water Rob had offered. Lok glanced at his watch. "About ten at night. We expected you to wake the next day, but it seems you're just fine." Sam groaned. He smashed his head on the pillow and whispered, "I hope so."

"Sam, you'll spend the night here. It's that fine?" Lok asked. Sam lazily raised a thumbs-up. In a second or two, he was once again asleep. The doctor turned to Ray and Jane and gave them instructions. "Now listen carefully. Here I have three key cards, one for each of you. Ray, give Sam his tomorrow. Both boys will be bunking together in one room, while Jane will be sleeping alone just next door."

Both nodded. Ray thought it was pretty good, but Jane would have to be alone. Jane, however, was screaming for joy in her quiet mind of hers. She longed for this opportunity and used this as a way to concentrate on her own thoughts, while the boys expressed themselves all night long. Too bad she didn't bring a book or her journal with her. They quietly took their key cards and followed the doctor to their rooms.

They had to go two floors up the elevator until they reached the floor where their rooms were located. They were told the floor and the one beneath them were used as the sleeping rooms for literally everyone on the watchtower. Ray insterted the key card into the slot beside the wooden door on the end of the long corridor. Jane did the same right beside Ray. They both entered at the same time, while Lok waited outside.

Ray was amazed at how clean and white the ceiling was. The walls were painted blue, and the floor was covered in brown carpets. On the top left corner of the room lay a lonely but big bunk bed. He immediately called dibs on the bottom bunk, mostly because he was afraid Sam might be kicking his legs all throughout the night. Of course, he could be the one to do it instead. He smirked at the thought.

Jane thought it was peaceful and pleasant. The walls were instead violet, her favorite color, and her bed was just a normal twin bed. Both rooms were small, but they realized they'd probably be unconscious most of the time, exhausted from the day's surprises. After half an hour of thoughts and tears, wondering if they'll ever see the earth or at least their family again, Ray and Jane were knocked down by weariness.

Morning came and all three were up by six, the usual time they all woke up in the real world. They were starving, and just realized they never had dinner or lunch the day before. Ray walked out of his room and was about to knock on Jane's when she opened it first. "Good morning!" They greeted in unison. For some reason, they both were lively, not drowsy or droopy as they should be. But Ray guessed it was the adrenaline doing the work. "Let's find our breakfast...and Sam." Jane suggested, already walking towards the elevator.

In the elevator, the two teenagers were met by Director Quick and Rob. "We've been expecting you." Quick said, staring at the door as it closed. Rob quickly jumped in before his boss creeped the children out. "Um...hello, how was the night?" Clearly Rob had more experience with teenagers, almost being one himself. Jane wanted to talk, obviously. "It was quiet, and gave us the peace we needed. Right, Ray?" Her neighbor nodded.

"Well, that's great. But first, we need to get your other friend and grab some breakfast so we can talk things over. Sounds good?" The teens nodded, smiling at the thought of food. Quick rolled his eyes, clearly agitated at the informal and childish way his new "friends" were acting. He would have said, Just follow me. The two were frightened of what another day in this space station would offer. Sam was worried too, as he patiently waited on his bed.

Humming while waiting, Sam was overjoyed when he saw his old and new friends enter his little hospital room. "Hey! I'm hungry!" He called out, only thinking of food. Rob motioned the kid to come. "Sure you are. Now let's get some breakfast while we talk things out." Sam jumped out of his bed, energized from his cravings. A nurse came after to clean, accidentally whacking Jane in the head with her wooden broom.

They went one more floor down and were greeted by a strong fresh smell of fruits and sweetness. The whole floor was a massive modern restaurant but a buffet. The aroma carried itself around, pleasing the teenagers as they, Quick, and Rob found a seat for five just beside a wall. The buffet station nearest to them was one of the four there was. "Hey, isn't all this food way too much for a few two hundred?" Ray commented, looking around. Now Quick just made it simpler than anyone ever could. "Kid, train well and you'll see how tired you get."

Ray didn't know what he meant. But he did recall Quick saying there'd be training before he and his teenaged friends go out into an ancient temple in the middle of the jungle. "Come on, what are you waiting for?" Rob asked. Jane immediately stood up like in a military academy, hoping she could impress the man in the simplest ways like obedience. The rest followed, while a woman served the director his "special breakfast" of steak and veggies.

Once everyone began throwing everything into their mouths and practically choking in the process, Quick used this "silent" opportunity to explain the day's schedule. "Ahem. So today you kids will be training with Rob the whole morning," Quick announced. Rob winked at Jane as she blushed. "And you'll come back and take your lunch with Rob again, since he's basically also an outgrown child. Makes things easier when you can relate with someone practically the same age." Rob scowled, but he knew it was true. Plus, he did feel at home with them.

Ray and Sam were also quite satisfied with the simple day they would soon experience. Clearly they three didn't know a thing about how physically tiring training in PROTECT really was. Once they were done, the trio and Rob left for the white room they were previously waiting in, while Quick hastened to arrive at the scheduled Briefing with the ten highest officials on time.

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