Marvel oneshots

By Dekunuts

3.7K 80 5

Marvel oneshots featuring mostly the avengers and a few others. (Dr.Strange, Loki, Peter Quill, etc.) Don't e... More

Steve Rogers (Movie moments)
Loki (Summer days)
Avengers (Definitly and over reaction)
Bucky Barnes (Babysitting)
Thor (Scary Movie Marathon)
Thank you, Stan Lee...
Avengers (Problematic)
Avengers (Thanksgiving)
Peter Parker (Christmas)
Jeez its been a while
Loki (Baking Mischief)
Peter Quill (fooled around)

Tony Stark (Drunk confession)

284 9 0
By Dekunuts

Tony swayed from side to side, a nearly empty bottle of scotch in his hand, music blared as the party he started carried on. He was having a grand old time, even though it seemed to be getting out of hand. With every sip he took, every bottle he finished, the more things began to get crazy. People cheered when ever he spoke, equally as shit faced women swooned over him, fights occasionally broke out, things were broken- and you were standing sober in the middle of it all.

You were a close friend of the Stark family, known Tony most of your life. You'd been to a couple of his parties before, but you've never seen them turn out like this. The whole situation was making you uncomfortable and you quickly go to the corner of the room where you saw a familiar face. Pepper sees you as you approach, there's a drink in her hand but she was basically sober. "Yn? What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't make it?" You look back at some guy as he bumps into you, nearly knocking you over and making you bump into Pepper. She holds her drink to the side before the alcohol inside can splash on either of you.

"S-sorry." You mutter, slightly glaring at the man before he disappears back into the crowd. "I wasn't going to come, but I changed my mind... Guess I made a bad decision, huh?" Pepper pursed her lips slightly and nods. "Do you know what's wrong with him? Why is he acting like this?"

"I have no idea. I'm just about ready to pull the plug on all of this. Everything is getting too crazy."

"I can see that. I just got here and I'm afraid about how this whole thing is turning out."

"I'm with you on that." She pauses. "Does Tony know you're here?" She asks.

"No, I wanted to stop by and check up on him. Usually everything is done by now. Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking that maybe you could help me out with-"

"PULL!" The sound of a blaster going off and a glass bottle shattering makes you jump and flinch. Glass rains down and you look back at the Playboy wide eyed. The group of people around him cheered as a woman prepared to throw another bottle into the air. Your stomach drops and you quickly run to him, he has one glove from his suit on and was preparing to fire another round.

"Tony!" You yell, grabbing him by the wrist. He looks to you a bit shocked as your eyes held worry. You can feel yourself chew on the inside of your cheek nervously, afraid of what his reaction would be.

"Yn? What... what are you doin here?" He slurred.

"Tony, stop this. You're drunk- please, put it away."


"Quit crashing the party!" A few strangers yelled.

"All of you need to leave!" You shout. "Parties over, get out!"



"I said PARTIES OVER! Leave! All of you! NOW!" You yell angrily, Tony quietly stares at you as you take charge. Pepper ushers everyone out of the room and you sigh, grabbing Tony by the arm.

"Yn..." he murmurs.

"No, I don't want to hear a word out of you!" You snap, gripping his wrist tight as you drag him to his room. The door slams behind you and you let him go, raking your fingers through your hair as you take a deep breath to calm yourself.

"I thought you said you weren't coming..." he mutters with a slight hiccup. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were alright. Your parties don't usually run this long." You sigh, heading into his bathroom, you rummage through the cabinets for some aspirin, knowing he was definitely going to need it in the morning. This routine wasn't foreign to you, when ever you'd find him in a state of inebriation you'd put him to bed, set up what he'd need for the hangover to come, and watch him while he slept in case he ever threw up in his sleep. (Thankfully that hasn't happened quite yet.)

As you leave the bathroom, Tony grabs ahold of you by your upper arm. You look up at him confused, there's a look in his eyes that you can't quite make out. "What?" He suddenly pulls you close to him, roughly smashing his lips on yours. Your eyes go wide and you immediately tense up. When he pulls back you're completely frozen, cheeks hot, and unsure what just happened.

"I love you..." he slurs. "Yn, I love you so much... Please don't be mad..." he puts his lips to yours roughly again, forcing his tongue into your mouth, you can taste the sweetness of the alcohol he had been drinking. Stark loses his balance- pushing you, making the both of you fall on his bed with him on top of you. "I've wanted to do this for so long, Yn." He says against your lips, his hands gripping your waist.

"T-Tony! Tony, stop! Y-you're drunk!" You shriek, pushing on his chest in an attempt to get him off of you. He gently kisses your neck making your cheeks turn a deep red and a chill run up your spine at the delicate touch. This kind of affection from him was something you've wanted- but not like this. Not when he's drunk out of his mind.

"I've loved you for so long..." Tony passes out after saying it and you're left with him lying limp on top of you. It takes all your strength to push all 170 pounds of him off of your body and onto the bed. You lay there, eyes wide and panting, unsure how to process the events that just occurred.

He loves you?

No, that couldn't be right. He's drunk- it was probably just the alcohol talking.

You quickly stand and rush out of the room, only to be greeted by a worried looking Pepper. You close the door, pressing your back against it and not making eye contact. "Yn, what happened? I heard a commotion, are you alright?" You push past her without saying a word and head to the kitchen. Pepper follows, watching with concern as you raid Tony's liquor cabinet, grabbing one of his bottles along with a glass. You needed something that would calm your nerves. "Yn?" You pour yourself some, knocking it back and drinking it rather quickly. It tasted like him; sweet but had a strong bite to it. The alcohol burns the back of your throat and you cough. "Yn?!"

"He kissed me!" You shout, pouring yourself another glass. "He told me he loved me then shoved his tongue down my throat!" You knock the drink back again, it hurt less the second time around, but still burned nonetheless. "When is this shit going to help calm me down?!" You pour one more glass before closing the bottle, Pepper quickly grabs the bottle, putting it back up in the cupboard before you changed your mind. You pace back and forth with your third glass still full, a slight buzz from the first two hitting you. "H-how am I supposed to take this? Did he mean it? Did he say it just because he's drunk?! How am I going to face him after this confession?! Th-things won't be the same!"

"Are you trying to say that you don't love him back?" You pause, looking at Pepper as your cheeks tint pink.

"N-no! I-I mean- I don't know!" You set the glass down and rest your elbows on the counter, hanging your head between your arms. "God, I've known him most of my life! What the hell am I going to do?!" You couldn't say you never thought of situation between you and Tony, but this was never how you wanted it to play out, it's never how you hoped you'd find out.

Tony groaned loudly as the light of the morning sun leaked into his room. His head was pounding and he felt like he was going to puke. "Oh god..." he moaned out, sitting up and bringing a hand to his forehead. He felt so dizzy, nearly falling on his way to the bathroom. He popped a couple of aspirin in his mouth, swallowing the pills dry without bothering to help wash them down with a bit of water. Afterwards Stark stumbles his way to the kitchen, he's surprised to see you there, sitting with a cup of coffee in your hand.

"Morning...?" He grumbles. You don't respond, just stare at your coffee. Tony goes to pour himself a cup.

"Anthony," He pauses, you never called him by his actual name- not unless you were mad or something serious was happening. "Do you at all remember what you did last night?"

"Yn, please don't make me try to do that right now." He rubs his temples, the headache still wracking his brain. "What are you doing here so early anyway?"

"Had a bit to drink so I couldn't drive... crashed on your couch..." you look up at him. "Do you really not remember what you did last night?"

"Yn, please stop asking me to think back- my head feels like it just got slammed between two slabs of concrete... and what do you mean you crashed here? Did you come over yesterday?" Tony takes a seat next to you and he notices you tense up. "What? What's wrong?" He can see you getting a bit uneasy as a thick line of tension builds when you look at him.

"You... you said and did some things last night with me and I just... I-I don't know..." Tony nearly spits out his coffee. He quickly swallows as he looks to you, you're still avoiding eye contact.

"W-what did I do?" He asks, fearing the worst.

"I... I'm not sure if I want to talk about it... I don't know if you really meant what you'd said either..." Tony quickly began to search through his memories of last night, trying to recall what had happened between the two of you in a panic. When the memories came flooding back he instantly goes quiet, pressing his lips into a thin line. Stark hides his face in his hands.

"Oh my god..." he groans nervously.

"You remembered, didn't you?"

"Yn, I didn't mean to do any of that!"

"But is it something that you wanted?" He goes quiet. "Anthony... did... did you mean what you said last night...?" He rubs the back of his neck nervously, taking a deep breath, and shutting his eyes tight.


"For how long?"

"I don't know... it's been years." The tension between you two seemed to grow thicker, you could probably cut threw it with a knife at this point. Tony clears his throat. "I don't remember hearing you ever respond..." you grip your coffee cup. "Yn, we've known each other for so long... have you never felt the same? Even just for a moment?" He suddenly smiles, switching to his cocky demeanor. "You can't tell me you didn't enjoy what I did?" Your face instantly flushed red.

"Sh-Shut up...!" You growl. "I would have if you weren't shit faced!"

"So there is something there?"

"Yes! Okay? But it wasn't how I wanted it to play out!"

"You wanted to go further than a sloppy kiss? Ooh, Yn- so scandalous!"

"Th-that's not what I'm saying!" You turn away from him to hide your face and take a deep breath. "I shouldn't have expected any different from you- you're not some knight in shining armor. I don't know what you are..."

"A genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist." He says without missing a beat. "Just to name a few." He takes a sip of his coffee and you roll your eyes, a sigh passing your lips. "You know," Stark starts up again. "I may not be a knight- but I've got some shining armor, and if it's all the same to you- I'd like to sweep you off your feet..." you feel blush on your cheeks and try to hold back a smile.

"You use that line on all the ladies?" You chuckle. Tony shrugs.

"Only on the one's I've known 90% of my life... so how about it?"

"Well, If you really want to... you can start with a redo of that kiss."

"Aw, did my performance not reach your standards last night?" Tony asks, pretending to be offended. You raise a brow and he chuckles leaning into you, you can feel his breath on your lips. "Fine, I'll just treat it as an encore.~" the gap is closed between the two of you and you immediately kiss back. He tasted like he did last night, sweet- but a slight bitterness was added because of the coffee. His hands find their way to your hips, grabbing them firm as he attempts to pull you closer. You grab him by the collar of his shirt, digging your fingers into the fabric as your lips moved in perfect sync. Tony's hands begin to move upward and under your shirt, his fingers delicately rubbing against your bare skin. His tongue grazes the bottom of your lip and you open up, pressing yours against his and fighting for dominance. Tony's hand goes further up and you gasp slightly when he cups your breast, giving it a quick squeeze. He takes advantage of this and presses his tongue firm on the inside of your cheek, you can feel the smirk on his lips when you moan slightly into his mouth.

When your lungs began to scream for air, the two of you pull apart. Tony rests his forehead on yours; you grab his hands and gently push them back down to your hips. "I love you..." he mutters, staring deep into your eyes, you smile.

"See- now this is what I was waiting for..." you say with a slight giggle. "...I love you too, Tony..."

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