Catch Me ~ A One Direction/Ha...

By xoxotiffany

288 0 1

What happens when you and your best friend get to live the dream of your life: moving to England. What happen... More

Catch Me ~ A One Direction/Harry Styles Fan Fiction
Starbucks Invader
Hey there, One Direction. What's up?
Totally Available...Totally.
Friendly Date
Friendly Date (la deuxième partie / part two)
"What's up with you two?"

How Do You Do, Styles?

37 0 0
By xoxotiffany

   "Holy butter balls." were the first words to leave my mouth. When I realized what I'd just said, my face started burning and I looked down at my feet. Then I noticed that the drinks were still on the floor.

   "I'm so sorry," he said in his attractive, husky English accent. I practically melted at his words. I can't believe this. I just bumped into Harry Styles. The Harry Styles from One Direction!!! And I practically made a fool out of myself.

    I looked back up at him before noticing how close our faces were. I think he noticed too because then he took a few steps backward, as did I. "No, it's my fault." I said once I regained my composure. I turned around to see the clerk blending something. "Excuse me? Um, I sort of dropped my drink on the floor." I called to him. He turned around with an eyebrow raised. "Do you have a mop?" I asked him.

    He didn't hesitate when I made my request. He didn't even question anything, but instead went to the back to retrieve a bucket full of water and soap, a rag, and a mop. I was about to take it from his hands to clean the mess, but he pulled it away.

    "Don't worry. I'll make you a new drink." he said with a friendly smile.

   "But you have to make drinks," I said, nodding towards the blender.

    He shook his head and waved his hand. "Don't worry," he repeated. "It's not even done yet."

    Harry stepped forward and took the mop from the blond's hands and said, "It's okay. I'll clean it; it was my fault anyway. I was right behind you." he said, aiming the last sentence at me with a small smile. "Go. Go make the drinks for her; I'll pay." he said firmly before shooting the guy a grin. The clerk hurried behind the counter to finish the orders, leaving me and Harry.

    After a few seconds of silence and Harry mopping the floor while I stood frozen, I made my body move forward. "You don't have to pay. It's okay, really." I said, trying to grab the mop handle.

    Harry pulled his arm back so I couldn't get the mop. He smirked. "There isn't an option to it. I said I'll pay for your drinks, and I'm paying. Besides," he said, returning to wiping the wet floor with the rag. I bent down to help him while he put the mop into the bucket and leaned on it. "It's my fault."

    Suddenly I felt guilty. That he had to pay for Zoe's and my drink, and that I left him cleaning up the mess that I made while I stood to the side like a dummy. And that he wasted his time on me because of one stupid little mistake. But I knew he wasn't going to change his mind. So, defeated, I nodded with a smile.

    "Thank you. So much, but really, it's not your fault." I continued.

    "Rubbish." he stated while putting the tools to the side of the wall near the back. The clerk came by and handed us three drinks: Zoe's, mine, and Harry's. I slipped the cardboard jacket around Zoe's and my cup before tucking two straws between my fingers. I held the drinks tightly in both of my hands and smiled at Harry who was looking down at me.

    "Thanks." I said.

    Harry grinned cheekily. The corners of his eyes crinkled a bit and he stuck out his hand. I looked at him, confusion written all over my face. "I thought I'd get to meet you more properly, instead of in the elevator when I looked like a scary kidnapper or when I was looking at you on the balconies." he said. "I'm Harry Styles. You probably know that." he added smugly with a hint of laughter in his eyes.

    I blushed at the memory of when I was sitting outside on the balcony, and I turned to see Harry looking at me. Now that I think about it, that was why he looked so familiar. It was the curls, but I couldn't really see. I held the two drinks up in my face, silently telling him that I couldn't shake his hand. Sadly, I really wanted to. Believe it or not, Harry is my favorite person from One Direction. I had a slight crush on him. Not to the point where I'm stalking his every move and finding out about his blood type or what not. I just favored him more than the rest of the band.

    Harry understood. "Oh, right." he laughed.

   I softly giggled. "Yeah. I'm Tiffany, by the way. My friend, Zoe, is in the restroom." I told him. "Well, thanks again. Sorry I bumped into you..." I said. "And wasting your time." I added softly.

   To my surprise, he actually heard it. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised and a "Are you kidding me?" expression. "You didn't waste my time, Tiffany!" he exclaimed.

   "No?" I asked. "But I mean, you're Harry Styles--"

    He cut me off. "And that's supposed to mean...?" he asked.

    "No! I mean, um, I mean don't you have to go somewhere? Ya know, record songs or be with your bandmates?"

    "Oh," he said. "I see. Well, we're sort of on vacation right now. We just finished our last concert in Australia, and we're back home for a couple of weeks to rest and hang out. I'm staying at the hotel with the guys for a week until I go back to Holmes Chapel. You might have seen Niall and Zayn? They were covered up though, so maybe not. Liam and Louis are with their girlfriends." I barely heard half of what he said. I was too busy admiring his husky accent.

    I nodded and sat down next to a table. Harry sat across from me, setting his drink on the top. "Well, I noticed Niall a bit. His hair color sort of gave him off."

    "Funny. You're not screaming or fainting right now. Most of the girls the lads and I talk to either scream, faint, or just freeze up." he observed. "You're different."

    I blushed again. Damn it, stupid bloody cheeks. Hah, I'm getting on the British lingo. "Well, I mean, I admit I'm a fan. But I don't listen very often, and believe me, I'm screaming on the inside. Just not as much as you think." I laughed.

    He looked at me and tilted his head to the side a little. I instantly felt insecure. Why was he looking at me like that? Did he think I wasn't pretty or something? Was there something on my face? my teeth? Did he think my laugh was dorky? Zoe always teased me about my laugh, saying that it sounded like I was half choking, half giggling. I didn't really pay attention to that until now.

    While my mind was rambling, I managed to act natural. Oh, who am I kidding? I was sitting there like a rock, observing him observing me.

    He tilted his head back to its original postion, which meant he was done thinking. "You have an American accent!" he announced with a bright smile. I left out a breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Where in America are you from?"

    "California." I simply said. I unwrapped a straw and stuck it in my iced mocha. I looked at Zoe's drink. It was melting a bit. Come to think of it, where was she?

    As if on cue, Zoe popped up out of no where and put her hands on her hips. At first she didn't notice Harry. "Sorry I took so long. There was a lady in there and it sounded like she was giving bir--" she stopped when her eyes landed on Harry. She quirked an eyebrow up. "Who's that?" she demanded, jutting her thumb at him.

    I frowned at her manners. She's a very straight forward person. "That's Harry. Styles. From One Direction." I said slowly.

    Harry smiled and awkwardly waved at Zoe, who didn't return the gesture. Instead, she rolled her eyes at me and said, "I know who he is but why is he here?" she said. I smacked my hand on my face and groaned inwardly. Zoe looked at Harry who had an amused expression then back at me. I guess she decided to ignore everything because she bent over to retrieve her drink, sticking her straw into it and sipping the life out of her cup. "Oh, Starbucks here is way better than Cali. Right, Tiff?" Zoe isn't that big of a fan for One Direction, like me. I mean, we both love their music and the boys themselves, but we just don't spend 24/7 of our lives on them. Zoe's favorite is Niall--no surprise there--because he's blond. Again, no surprise there. Literally, all of her boyfriends were blond, fake or natural. She never had a serious boyfriend, which was why she kept chasing a guy after another guy after another. I'm hoping that if she meets Niall, she won't scare this one off, and Niall won't break Zoe.

    I shook my head sympathetically at Harry, giving him a small smile. "Sorry, she's very straight forward. What was your question again?" I asked, completely blocking Zoe out. Zoe plopped down on a seat next to me, just sipping on her Starbucks while staring at everything else in awe.

    "It's okay. Louis is like that, too. Even Niall, sometimes, once you get to know him." he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Anyways, um, where in America are you from?"

    "California. Zoe and I just moved here a couple days ago. Of course you know about that, since...we were on, erm....the same elevator...and such." I said, pausing every so often. "We're going house hunting tomorrow." I told him.

    Zoe seemed to have been interested in our conversation because just after I finished my sentence, she sat up and put her hands on the table, leaning towards Harry. "Wait, Niall? He's the blond one, right? Right?" she asked, moving closer after each question.

    Poor Harry was leaning back in his chair, trying to get away from Zoe. I stifled a laugh and he playfully glared at me. "Yeah, he's blond. But not naturally."

    "Oh, goodie!" Zoe said, finally sitting back in her seat. "Could you, like set--"

    "No, Zoe!" I scolded. She pouted and I rolled my eyes at her. I leaned towards her ear and whispered, "I am not letting Harry set you up with Niall. I just met him, don't scare him off. And for goodness sakes, he's a celebrity! Act polite."

    Zoe frowned and crossed her arms, but I knew she obeyed. Although she is a few months older than me, I often act as her mom. Most of the time, though, it's vice versa, but you get the idea. I looked at Harry who was looking at his Rolex watch.

    "Sorry, I have to go. I promise the lads I'd go out for lunch with them." he said, standing up and grabbing his Starbucks. Then his eyes lit up. "Hey, how about you join us? It's the least I could do for earlier, and scaring you in the elevator."

    I shook my head quickly while pulling Zoe up with me. "No, no, it's okay. We're just about to leave anyway."

    "No, I insist. Please?" he said, giving me his damn puppy eyes. Oh good lord, they were the prettiest greens ever. It was like he was melting me just my looking at me. I snapped out of my thoughts and continued to shake my head. He turned to Zoe. "Come on...Zoe, am I right?" Zoe nodded eagerly. "Convice Tiffany to come. Niall will be there too...." he said.

    You could see Zoe's face light up about a mile away. She instantly jumped on my, tugging at my arm. "Come on, Tiff, please! Harry insists, and it's rude to decline!" she whined. Ugh, Zoe. All because you want Niall.

    I looked at Zoe, and she was jutting out her lip, still pulling at my arm. Then I looked at Harry who had a smirk on his face and pleading eyes.

    "Please? I'll at least get to know you better. And Zoe really wants to meet Niall. Besides, it's rude to decline." he said, quoting Zoe.

    I sighed. "Okay, okay. Fine. But I'm saying sorry in advance." I told him, looking at Zoe who was smiling like a freak. Harry chuckled and lead us to his black Audi. Good thing too. I didn't want to pay for another taxi ride, and walking in these wedges would kill me. We all got in--Zoe in the back, Harry in the driver's seat, and I in the passenger's. WE buckled our seatbelts, and Harry pulled out of the Starbucks parking lot.

    "So, tell me about yourselves. You girls just came here, right?"

    "Yeah," Zoe piped. "Tiff is an England-obsessed maniac. She claims she loves England, and she dragged me here to live with her."

    "Well, yeah, but you agreed! So I didn't drag you here. Actually, you dragged me--by my hair!" I protested, recalling the memory from the airport when Zoe was running and yanking my hair. "And England is really amazing."

    "Yeah." Zoe agreed, staring out the window.

    "So you're going to live here? How old are you?"

    "Eighteen! Hah!" Zoe said, pointing her finger in my face. She knew that I hated having my birthday so late.

    Harry looked at me from the corner of his eyes, trying not to leave his view from the road. "And you?" he asked me.

    "Seventeen. I'll be eighteen in a month." I replied, clearly still annoyed at Zoe. I'd rather have my birthday in February or something.

    "So, September?"

    "Yup." I nodded. I slowly looked at Harry. I began to realize what I hadn't seen earlier when I was too mesmerized by his accent and pretty green eyes. I looked at how his curls looped in the cutest ways, and how the corners of his lips were always pulled up into his infamous and cheeky smirk. I turned my head towards the front, but my eyes tilted towards to corner so I could sneak a look at him. They landed on his hands. One was gripping the steering wheel while the other was wrapped around his Starbucks cup. His hands were abnormally a bit large, but they looked pretty hot. I mean, I had a thing with guy's hands, I don't know why. And their eyes, of course, but their hands were top priority. I look at them to see if they fit my likings, and boy, did Harry's fit perfectly. I mean, come on, they were slender but they had a firm look to it. Like, if he held something, he could hold it gently, or he could hold it tightly like a fist. If he ever got married to someone and they had a baby, those hands would be made for them. God...

    Oh my gosh! I was thinking about Harry's babies? What has gotten into me? I seriously need to think about talking to a doctor to see if my head is all right. Thank goodness he didn't notice though, otherwise it would have been really awkward.

    A few minutes later, we were parked outside of a small restaurant/diner. We all hopped out of the car and walked towards the door. I discovered that this place was Nandos. I remember reading something on the internet about Niall's love for food and Nandos. I guess I'll see what's so special about this place.

    Harry walked in front of me, and Zoe held onto my arm as we walked behind him. The place was practically empty, but when my eyes landed at the four heads in the corner of the room, I realized why.

    There, in the flesh, is the rest of One Direction.

   I think I peed myself.

    Author's Note: Hello there, Directioners and readers of Wattpad. Lol, ok. Um, first of all, I'd like to point out that there might be a few flaws in my story, and let me remind you that I am new at this, so if you want to let me know about any errors, please do so but in a nice way. Isn't Tiffany adorable? And Harry? Oh my gosh, Zoe is crazy, just saying, but I love her. And One Direction.....Anyways, please please please please PLEASE comment, vote, and most importantly, FAN!!!! I'd really appreciate it, and it'd really boost up the confidence. It'd also make me really happy that people are reading it and that they like it, so please please PLEASE comment to let me know, vote to keep the story going, and fan so I know you like my stories! So let's put it this way:

FIVE VOTES for the next chapter.

FIVE VOTES & FIVE COMMENTS for two chapters.

TEN VOTES, FIVE COMMENTS, & FIVE FANS will be for FIVE new chapters!!!!

Althought I can't promise to make all of them on time for the last option, I WILL try my best, and it'd mean so much for me if I could really get that motivation from you guys! All right, let the votes and comments begin! : )

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