Juliet Noble // Cody Martin

By 0804writer

43.2K 645 161

Juliet is going to school at Seven Seas High School. She's intelligent, pretty, and really shy. Juliet has ne... More

First Day
Looking and Working
Author Notes
Harvard or Yale
Moseby's Birthday and Meeting the Parents
Garbage and Hannah Montana
Holiday Special (Part 1)
1 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 2)
Holiday Special (Part 3)
4 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 4)
First Day, Again
Chief Martin
Beauty Pageant
when in rome
london (part 1)
london (part 2)

Dance and Museum

3.2K 51 6
By 0804writer

Juliet's POV

I started to wake up in a room when a nurse came in.

"Hi I'm nurse Molly, how are you feeling?" She asked

"Alright, how long have I been asleep?"

"Since few nights ago. What do you remember?"

"I remember Cody winning the competition and getting hit with an orange."

"He came to visit you with a bunch of your friends."

"That's nice of them. What's the case on my knee."

"You bruised your knee but we can't know the extent of it until we get an x-ray."

"When can we do that?"

"Once you have parents consent."

"I can call them now, if you'll wait here." She nodded

There was a phone on the side of my bed. I picked it up and dialed my home phone.


"Hi mom, it's Juliet."

"It's so good to hear from you."

"The reason I'm calling is...I kind of got hurt."

"What?! When?! Do I need to come and get you?!"

"Relax, I just bruised my knee and I need your okay to get an x-ray done."

"Of course, I'm coming to you immediately."

"Mom, I'm going to be just fine. If you come you'll be stressed and then you'll stress me and that will only make it worse."

"Fine but I want to know what's going on immediately otherwise I'm coming."

"Okay, now I have to go. Can you fill the forms out online? "

"Yes, bye Honey."

I put the phone down.

"She's going to fill the forms out now." I said

"Okay, do you need anything?"

"Can you get my purse from my room? I know you don't usually.."

"Of course. I'll be right back." She left the room

Then Cody, Zack, Bailey, and London came in

"Hey guys."

"How are feeling?" Bailey asked

"Fine I guess, but what did I miss."

They all looked at each other. Shaking there heads.

"Nothing." They said in unison

"Okay, what about school?"

"Today is our dance." Bailey said

"Where is it being held?" I asked

"Outside on the deck." Bailey said

"I don't think I'm going to go." I said

"You should." Cody said

"Maybe, it depends on how my x-ray m goes."

Then Nurse Molly came back in.

"Are you ready?" She asked

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later."

"Bye." They said and Molly helped me into a wheelchair and took me to get my x-ray done.

It was over pretty quick. Then I got wheeled back to my room and waited for the doctor.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Ryan." She said

"How does it look?" I just wanted to know how long it would be til I could dance

"You bruised your knee cap and when you fell forward on it, it caused a hairline fracture. Now you won't need surgery but you'll need to keep weight off of it for 6 weeks using crutches and then you can started to put pressure with the crutches."

"Oh...okay..can I go to the dance tonight?"

"If your feeling up to it but then you have to ice right after."

"I think I'm going to go. When can we splint it?"

"Now if you'd like."


She undid the bandage and it was really bruised and swollen.

"This going to hurt, I'm not going to lie a lot." She said

She started to reposition my knee. Then she put a knee sock on. Then a brace and laced it up. She was right, it hurt...a lot.



"Now here are your crutches." She put the crutches against the bed.

"That's all, if you need me I'll be here."

"Thanks Dr. Ryan." I said and she left

I adjusted the crutches and put my purse crossbody style and stood the crutches up and started to "walk" to my cabin. I walked in and looked in my closet to get a dress to wear. I picked one out and put it on. I did my hair and put my shoes on.

I remembered I had to call my mom. I got my phone out and called her.

"Juliet how is your knee."

"Well I have a hairline fracture but it won't need surgery. I just need to use crutches."

"Oh my lord, do you need me to come?"

"I'll be fine, if I need you I'll tell you."

"Okay, be careful I have to get back to work."

"Okay Bye."

The call ended and grabbed my purse and crutches and left for the dance. It was moved inside because it was raining. I hobbled in and went over to Bailey at the snack table.

"I'm so glad you could make it." She said

"Thanks, you look really pretty in yellow."

"Thanks, you look really nice too, especially since you had no time."


"Look who's coming." We turned to see Holden

"I'm going to go over there." I said and walked over to Cody; he was seeing London's dress

"Hey Cody."

"Juliet, I'm so happy you made it."

"Thanks Cody."

He finished sewing London's dress.

"You look really nice." He said

"Thanks, Sorry you and Bailey aren't dancing together."

"That's okay, want to sit?" He said pointing to the table

"Sure." He pulled a seat out

"Thanks." I sat down and put crutches against the table

"Your welcome."

"I am sorry you didn't get to dance with Bailey." I said

"I know I shouldn't keep going after her. She obviously likes Holden."

"You can't help the way you feel. I would offer to dance but I can't exactly."

"It's the thought that counts and I guess fate just doesn't want us together."

"I'm sorry Cody."

"Thanks but it's not your fault. If Bailey likes Holden then I hope there happy."

"That's very mature of you."

"Attention everyone we'll be crossing the international date line in 3...2...1....well that's it not much too it. Everyone carry on." Miss. Tutweiller said

"We had a whole dance just for that." I said

"Pretty much."

"Hey the slow song wont last for ever. You can dance with her on another song."

"Tonight I was going to tell her how I felt about her and her out of the friend zone but I guess that fell through."

"There's always tomorrow."

We talked for the rest of the night. Bailey and Holden danced together for the entire night. I tried to make Cody feel better about Bailey and by the end of the dance he was laughing.

"Attention Everyone its time for you guys to get back to your cabins." Miss. Tutweiller said

"Thanks for cheering me up Juliet."

"Anytime." I said and started to get up. Cody handed me my crutches

"Thanks." I got on my crutches and started to leave.

"Can I walk you to your cabin?" Cody asked


"I'm really glade you made it tonight."

"I am too." We got to my room

"Bye Cody, I had a lot of fun tonight." I said

"Bye Juliet, me too."

I went in and got changed into pajamas. It took way too long to get changed. I undid my hair and washed my face. I got into bed and went to sleep.

~next day~

Juliet's POV

I woke up and put my glasses on. I tired to get out of bed and forgot about my knee and fell.

"Ow." I said as I sat up against my bed.

I eventually got up and got my crutches. I got changed and put my shoes on. That was not the easiest thing to do. I had to take my brace of and then put it over my jeans. That hurt. Then I did my hair.

I grabbed my satchel and crutches and went to the deck. I saw Cody, Bailey, and Zack and went over to them.

"Hey guys." I said

"Juliet you can have my seat." Cody said standing up

"Thanks but you don't have to."

"I insist."

"Thanks." I said sitting down

"How are we going to be able to see all of the great museums?" Bailey asked

"Easy we need to eat the bus driver to go two thousand miles per hour." Cody said

"Or we can cut the museums out entirely and go to the beach."Zack said

Then Cody's computer made a weird noise

"Cody why do you have a giant nose as your screen saver?" Zack asked

"That's Irwin calling." Cody said

"Hey guys." Irwin said

"Hey Irwin." Zack said then moving his chair

"Irwin back up you noses hairs look like a jungle." Cody said

"Sorry, do I have any bats in the cave?" He asked showing his nose

"So your the famous Irwin." Bailey said

"Zack and Cody have told us all about you." I added

"Guys you didn't tell me there were girls there with you. I was all up in my nose."

"I'm Bailey." She said

"I'm Juliet."

"So your the two girls Cody's always telling me about." He said

"Hopefully good things." I  said

"Yeah, the other day Cody sent me a nine page letter about you too."

Me and Bailey looked at each other really confused and a bit weirded out

"That's nice of him." Bailey said

"Hey your mom told me your going to the museums of Great Antiquities my cousin works there. You got to look him up, his names Milos Hackakopolis."

"Alright, What's he like?" Zack asked

"He's a little quirky, awkward, clumsy, nothing like me." He said falling back in his chair to reveal slippers

Irwin had to hang up and got to work and we had to leave for the Museum. Today there's going to be a lot of walking. Miss. Tutweiller already said if I get tired to go and tell her and I can leave early but I really want to see most of it. Once we got there we walked into a room filled with beautiful breathe taking artifacts. I saw a vase that was really beautiful. Then Bailey came over.

"What a beautiful sculpture, what a magnificent vase." Bailey said

Then London said "What a hot guy."

"London you are surrounded by some of the worlds greatest artifacts how can some guy." Bailey started then London turned her head

"Sweat potato pie. I wouldn't mind looking for a penny in a hat stack with him." Bailey said

"I did see what the big deal is." I said

"The big deal is he is hot." London said

"Okay, you two fawn over him I'm going to go look at artifacts." I said and was about to walk away when that guy started to talk

"Hello my name is Adonis, I'll be your student tour guy. Come, follow me." He said pointing to Bailey

I stayed back with Cody and Zack.

"How are feeling?" Cody asked

"I'm fine for now. Isn't this incredible."

He was looking at Bailey and Adonis.

"How am I supposed to compete with him?" Cody asked

"Well Bailey loves Greek things why don't you get her a gift." I said

"Juliet's right she likes the Parthenon, the amulet,... Adonis. You can probably afford this it looks used." Zack said picking up the vase from before

"Zack that's a priceless artifact." I said

"Put that down its an artifact." A guy who worked there said taking it form Zack

"I got it...I got it..." it slipped out of his hands and came towards me so I caught it. My crutches dropped.

"You got it." He said

"Someone take it." I said I was trying to balance on one leg

"I got it." Cody took it from me and put it back on display. Then he gave me my crutches

"Thanks." I said

"Be careful." Cody said

"Yeah I know."

"Thank you kind strangers." He said

"I'm Cody, this is Zack and Juliet."

"You must be Milos, Irwin's cousin." Zack said

"How did you know? Here we are going?" He said and fell

"Lucky guess."

"I love cousin Irwin like my own life. Did he happen to mention anything about me owing him money?"

"No." Cody said

"He is a lying Pig!" Milos yelled

"Did you say no? Never mind. You saved the vase is there anyway I can repay you?" He asked

"Not really, do you guys want anything?" I asked

"I'm trying to impress a girl. Is there anything in the gift shop girls really like?" Cody asked

"Come with me. The souvenir replica of the amulet of Aphrodite and you beloved will be the first to have one because they are not on sale." Milos said handing Cody the box

"Excellent, Thank you Milos." Cody said

"So Milos What's your actual job at the museum?" Zack asked

"Well I am in charge of many things."

"Milos, the toilet on the second floor is back up again." A man in suit said

"This is one of those things." Milos said

"Do it now, tomorrow the museum with be stuffed with people like rice into a grape leave, all here to see the amulet of Aphrodite." The man said opening the case to reveal the beautiful amulet

"It is truly beautiful." I said looking at it

Milos went to go clean the toilet when he bumped into everyone making them drop the boxes if the amulets and knocking me the ground. Why is this my life? Why? It hurt a lot.

"Oww!" I exclaimed

"Juliet I'm so sorry." Milos said helping me up. I got my crutches and stood up.

"Are you okay?" Milos asked

"I'll be fine."

We eventually left the museum and went back to the Ship. It was late so I went to my room. I got changed and undid my hair. I got into bed and went to sleep.

~next day~

Juliet's POV

I woke up extra early and remembered not to stand up immediately. I sat up and carefully took off my brace. I used my crutches to help me get to the bathroom. I had a chair in the shower. I took a shower and I quickly dried my hair. I got changed and put my brace back on. Then I did my hair.

I heard a knock at my door.

"Who is it?"


"Come in."

"I need you to read my speech-wait. You have a room to yourself."

"Yes, if I help you are we even."

"Fine." She handed me a piece of paper. I read it over. It was a good speech.

"The only thing is that it's gentlemen not quentlemen."

"I'm pretty sure it's quentlemen."

"Can I come to hear your speech?"

"Only if I get your room."

"What if I go and you can't take my room."


I grabbed my purse and I went up to the deck. I could find Cody, Zack, or Bailey. They must have gone somewhere. We eventually left for the museum. I was with London. Once London made her grande entrance I followed behind. I stood by the the statues. London gave her speech and said quentlemen. Then everyone left but before I could get out Milos closed the door.

"The coast is clear get moving."He said the slapped a statue.

Then the statues moved. I hid behind a plant and watched to see what they were doing they went over to the case for the amulet. Then one of the opened lifted it up.

"What's going on?!" I yelled

Then everyone ran in.

"Juliet?" It sounded like Cody

"Cody? Why are stealing the amulet?"

"We're not." He said

"Thieves!" That Guy in the suite from before said

"Not thieves they were returning it." Milos said

"That's the oldest excuse in the book."

"No, I accidentally gave them the real amulet of Aphrodite."

"Once we found out the truth we replaced it." Cody said

"And this just some piece of souvenir junk." Bailey said

"Glade you liked my gift." Cody said

"You are fired." The man said

"If you fire Milos then I'll tell my daddy to stop funding your museum." London said

"You didn't let me finish; get out of here until you take up your knew job as Vice President of souvenirs."

Then music started playing and they all started to dance. I got out of there way in the back of the room. Then Cody came over to me.

"Sorry I didn't tell you about our plan." Cody said

"It's fine, it all worked out in the end."

They danced for a little bit longer then we went back to the ship. I went back to my cabin and got changed into pajamas and undid my hair. Then I went to bed.

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