Play With Fire (Completed)

By historia14

18.3K 1.1K 361

"Sana, there's many boys around you who silently and openly adore can pick whoever you like. But rem... More

Oh Sehun
Park Jimin
Jung Hoseok
Cinnamon Ice Cream
After A While
Park Jihoon
In Sena's Free Time
Their Conditions Afterwards
Since That Till Now
Suicide Attempt
In Your Arms
Sisterly Love
I Miss You
Hurt... it's just hurt
J-Hope's Strikes
Get A Grip
Quiet Days
note (update is before this)
new book (au)
It's Too Late
Six Months
Going Public
Jimin's Feelings
Something is Missing
Lovers Trip
Paradise For Us
Triple Date
Special Stage Request
Never an Easy Day
Drunk Text
🔸i got tagged 🔸
Realization Hits
Forgive, Me?
The One She Loves
Sana's Heart
Friend for Life
The Day We Start It All
Burning Up
But I Still Love You
It's Time To Forget
She Better Died
Final - Spring Day

How To Put An End

168 12 5
By historia14

Why are we all like this?

We hurt each other then we reconciled.

We fought then we made up like a blow of wind.

The cycle will always keep repeating. We kept our distance then we grew closer. We had good conversation then we ended up being so personal and fought. In the end, we just hurt and hurt like it's an unending circular.

"You left Hoseok hyung at the cafe without asking him where Jimin is right now and went to my place to take you there?"Jungkook asked, glancing at the girl who's sitting on the passenger seat beside him. Sana gave a small nod.

"Why though? You could just ask-,"

"He's kinda busy I can't disturb. So I went to you instead,"Sana cut his words. Jungkook rolled his eyes and pouted.

"Well...if you think I'm less busy than him,"but he mentally said he can take her anytime she wants anyway.

"It's not like that. I have that feeling that you're free to take me there,"Sana pushed Jungkook's shoulder softly and playfully, laughing to comfort the younger one. Jungkook laughed.

"So you have telepathy? That's good though,"Jungkook played along with Sana's joke. Until the arrived at hospital, the car was filled with laughter and some stories that they shared. For a while and magically, Sana forgot all the sad thoughts and her burdens.

"Well, since I already accompanied him last night I don't need to see him again now. I have something to do too, I'm just equally as busy as Hoseok hyung, Sana,"Jungkook said, he bent closer to her ear for a whisper when he said he's also busy. Sana laughed upon seeing his cute action. She knew Jungkook tried to give her time alone with Jimin.

"Thank you Jungkook,"Sana gave her angelic smile that Jungkook deserved since he gave her laughter before.

"You know way back to home right?"Jungkook asked jokingly.

"Of course I'm not a baby. You can leave now, bye bye Kookie-yah!"Sana waved her hand to Jungkook. Jungkook smiled and then bid his goodbye. While watching Jungkook walked away to the lift, Sana sighed and smiling...she wonders why Jungkook is so dependable nowadays.

Sana hesitantly knocked the door the opened it carefully. She almost jumped back when Jimin already looking at her from his bed. The lad was also shocked seeing her and she knew so she threw an awkward smile before approaching him.


She bit her bottom lip when she finally near him, done checking his condition. He got bruises on some part of his face. His left eye was bruising too and his lips bleed. Sana's heart fell when she saw the fixation on his right arm and the bandage on his head.

"You broke your arm?"Sana bit her bottom lip, trying to hold her tears yet the moment she asked him that her voice cracked. Jimin smiled bitterly, in condition like this she cares...he thought.

"No it's fine, just a sprain but to make this recovered fast it must got fixated,"he answered.

"Thanks God. And your head? W-what happened Jimin you're not careless,"Sana touched the bandage carefully.

"My head still feels heavy but it's getting better now. The CT-scan result already came, I'm alright,"he pressed his lips into thin line because Sana really looked worried. Sana grabbed the sheets in front of her, near his arm and ducked her head.

"I know we're not together anymore but I never wanted to see you like this. I want you to take care of yourself,"she said weakly. Jimin's heart fell. He took Sana's hand and holding it tightly, trying to comfort her.

"Thanks Sana. Never imagined you'll say this... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...,"

"Tell me what happened or I won't forgive you,"she said.

"Nothing happened, I fell,"Jimin gave a fake smile.

"No you're clumsy but not careless. And you're clearly got beaten up, don't try to fool me!"

Jimin looked into Sana's orbs. Her eyes are watering right now, yet tears still haven't fall yet.

"What's the point to tell you the reason Sana? I know things won't changed...,"he said almost whispered.

"Will you love me again? I don't think so...,"he continued.

"That's not the rea-,"

"That's the issues. I want to erase you from my mind. I always want. You asked me, you realized the answer... don't shut the truth Sana. I know I'm not in your eyes anymore,"Jimin bit his bottom lip.

"That's not-!"

"Not true? You love me? If yes, can you kiss me now?"Jimin tilted his head to have proper look at Sana.

Sana pulled her hand away from Jimin. She refused him, she rejected him and she wondered why she felt hurt a lot. Jimin reached her hand again, intertwined their fingers and right now Sana didn't budge.

"You still love me hurts a lot when I think you also love the other man. Why are you so cruel?"he whispered, never broke his stare to her although she tried to hide her face.

"Your heart is divided into two parts and that's not fair. You have been neglecting me the whole time, for fuckin months, for a fuckin year...and you comeback when I almost killed myself...,"

"Oppa stop it!! I come here not to make myself regret! I'm worried!"Sana snapped but Jimin didn't care.

"... I'm sorry... don't cry...,"Jimin realized he already scared her again and let go of her hand. He looked away. Sana sobbed while trying to control herself.

"I'm sorry if this happened because of me...but you know that I never forgive myself if you do something stupid again,"

"Okay. I'm sorry to make you sad,"Jimin nodded.

"You know we have to perform this week,"Sana said when she already calmed and Jimin fell silent for a while, looking out the window.

"I'll get recovered soon and we'll do alright,"

"Okay, thank you...,"Sana said.

Silent pregnant after that and Sana didn't know what to say anymore. Although she had plenty things to say but she can't tell him.

"You know what I want to end this pain...,"

"What pain?"Jimin finally looked at her again.

"Your pain...,"


"You know what to do Sana...,"Jimin gave a faint smile before he tucked some strands of Sana's hair behind her ear.

I need to give a peace into my heart.


The worst thing of waiting is the feel of being betrayed when it's out of expectation. But, actually she must have expected something like that.

She even wasn't waiting anymore. She just met the truth.

"Sana?! What are you doing here?!"

Sana was standing frozen when she saw the tall and well shaped body of Oh Sehun in front of her when she just reached the 1st floor of this building after visiting Jimin. What made her shocked even more is the one who just came out from midwifery room behind his back. Ofc seeing her, that's no way she's coming with other person when Sehun is here.

Sana gave a painful smile. She thought she can't take this anymore. She just recovered from her hangover. Snapped at Jung Hoseok. Found the truth that Jimin got into fight when he got drunk because of her. And now bumping into her own boyfriend with his ex who just came out from midwifery room.

"I'm sorry I don't know you,"Sana said, turned around and run away. Sehun tried to grab her but she was fast. He wanted to run as well but realized the hospital is packed and Sulli needs him right now.

"It's okay go,"she said when Sana ran but Sehun just can't leave her.

"You okay when she left like that?"Sulli asked worriedly.

"She broke up with me... I'm the one who's not okay here,"

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