Controlling My Elements


565 18 29

Gwynndolyn Rodgers, also known as Gwynn, has been blessed, or as she finds it, cursed with the power of contr... Еще

Controlling My Elements
1 - Secrets and New Friends
2 - Mae Meets Her Match
3 - Reunions and Three Musketeers
4 - The First Dream Coming True Moment
5 - Secret's Out
7 - Let Me Explain
8 - Keep a Lookout
9 - Tent Trouble and Cuddling
10 - Melody and Classondra
11 - Nameless

6 - You Love Who You Love

30 2 0

Dante and I ran in the direction Classondra went. I stopped at the girls bathroom where I heard quiet sobbing.

"Be right back." I said to Dante, kissing his cheek and walking into the bathroom. There I found none other than Classondra, crying her pale blue eyes out. "Hey, Classy." I whispered. She looked up worriedly.

"Don't start. I already know what you're going to say." She whimpered. I shook my head.

"No, you don't. I was going to try to calm you down." I reasoned.

"Don't lie to me!" Classondra sobbed. I backed up a bit. She'd never been this mad before. She went back to crying. I didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Melody's a lesbian." I blurted. Her head shot up, her eyes red from crying.

"R-really?" Classondra squeaked. I nodded slowly, grinning. Classondra smiled. "For some reason, that makes me feel so much better!" She exclaimed. I nodded.

"Sorry about asking, but do you... like Melody?" I asked. Classondra nodded.

"D-don't be mad at me..." She began, but I cut her off by putting my hand on her mouth.

"How could I be mad at one of my best friends?" I interjected. My hand fell from her mouth, which was trembling slightly. She must still be embarrassed from that. "Classy, Dante and I are both here for you. We'd never discriminate against you. If I did, Melody would freaking kill me!" I exclaimed. Classondra giggled slightly, wiping the excess tears away from her eyes. I grabbed her hands. "Classondra, you're an amazing person, and no matter who you love, Dante and I will always be by your side. Please believe me." I explained.

"Okay." Classondra replied in a whispery tone.

"Good. Now, let's get back to Dante. He's worried about you." I responded, smiling. A smile broke out onto her face. That's the Classondra I know and love.


We walked out of the bathroom to see Dante pacing nervously back and forth. When he saw us exit the bathroom, he rushed over to Classondra and gave her a giant hug. Before he could get anything out of his mouth, she cut him off.

"Gwynn explained. You don't have to. I always knew I kept this friendship for a reason." Classondra stated, grinning. I smiled at how cute they were. No, I'm not jealous. She's a lesbian! Were you not paying any attention?! Sorry.

"Okay. You guys wanna go back to my place to work on this huge ass project for social studies?" I asked.

"I didn't know we were studying Nicki Minaj, but sure!" Dante teased.

"Smart ass." I mumbled.

"What?" He said, trying to be threatening.

"SMART ASS!" I yelled in his face.

"Okay! Calm down!" Dante exclaimed while Classondra was cracking up. I love my friends.


Melody picked us up as usual. I made Classondra sit in the front, and she was blushing as soon as she sat down. Dante slid into the back seat, and I joined him. He squeezed my hand, and I squeezed back. We grinned at each other.

"Oh, stop it back there, you lovebirds!" Melody joked. Dante laughed, and I smiled. "So, you're working on a huge ass project? Does this involve Nicki Minaj?" She asked. I facepalmed as Dante burst into hysterical laughter. "I didn't think it was that funny!" Melody exclaimed.

"No, no. He said something like that earlier. That's why it's so funny to him." I explained over Dante's laughing.

"Oh... I get it now." Melody responded. Dante calmed down eventually. We just talked about random shit until we got to my house. The three of us worked on our project while Melody stayed on her phone in her room.

"Hey, Gwynn." Classondra said to me. My head popped up to face her. "Can I use the bathroom?" She asked.

"Sure! Second door on the right." I responded. She exited the room hesitantly.

"She's acting weird." Dante said to me.

"Her two only friends just found out she's a lesbian. Of course she's acting weird!" I responded.

"True." Dante murmured. We stayed working on the project for a while, and then I started coughing. "You okay?" Dante asked.

"Yeah. I'll just get a drink really quickly." I replied. I walked out of the room, and towards the kitchen. I stopped at Melody's room, however, because I heard voices. It was Melody and...

"I never would have thought you'd feel that way about me." Melody said.

"Yeah. I didn't think I would either." The other girl, Classondra, replied.

"I, uh, feel the same way." Melody revealed. It took all of my strength not to fangirl at that moment.



Then, there was silence. I peeked around the corner, and I saw them standing and staring into each other's eyes. I put my hands over my mouth and tried to hold in a squeal of delight. Ugh, just kiss already! Melody brushed Classondra's long strawberry blonde hair out of her face, and began to lean in. Classondra leaned in as well. Melody wrapped her arms around Classondra's waist. Classondra draped her arms around Melody's neck. Finally, their lips connected. I could feel the sparks from here. I made my way to the kitchen to get my water when I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it and I saw the cold green eyes of Melody's ex-girlfriend, Angelica Jacobs.

"Angelica, what...?" I was cut off as she shoved me out of the way.

"Go away, bitch." She growled. I hate her. She stormed into Mel's room, and I heard her shriek, "You bitch!" I ran into the room to find Melody holding onto Classondra for dear life.

"A-Angelica, stop." Melody whimpered.

"No. If I can't have you, then no one can. Especially not this ugly piece of shit!" Angelica exploded, her dark brown hair whipping in her face.

"Stop being such a control freak! We have been over for a week!" Melody shouted.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I don't still love you!" Angelica whined.

"If you love me so much, why the hell did you slap, punch, and kick me nearly every day?!" Melody retorted.

"I've changed." Angelica whispered.

"No you haven't, you liar." Melody growled.

"Fine. You and your little princess can be my slaves." Angelica boomed, her voice suddenly deeper. My eyes widened as of noticed two bumps on her back that were growing out. I heard footsteps behind me, and Dante was there in a heartbeat.

"What the hell is going on?" He yelled. Then, he saw Angelica. She wasn't all human anymore, though. She had transformed into a dark angel. Her wings were all black, and her nails were long and black. Her eyes were now a glowing orangey-red.

"I am the Princess of the Angels of Darkness. Melody, you and this bitch are coming with me. NOW." She ordered, hovering about a foot off of the ground. Her voice was scratchy and demonic.

"No!" Classondra screamed.

"Either you be my slaves, or I kill these two." Angelica offered, looking over at Dante and I.

"I'd rather be stuck with you for eternity than have my sister and her best friend die before my eyes!" Melody raged. Classondra stared at her in horror. "We'll go with you." Melody shouted. Angelica smirked.

"Melody, Classondra, no!!" I screamed.

"It'll be alright! Gwynn, you're strong enough to fend for yourself!" Melody called to me as a tear fell from her eye. She and Classondra were lifted up into the air.

"You two will be wonderful additions to my army of slaves." Angelica mused, baring her pearl white fangs. Suddenly, there were horrible winds blowing everything around.

"I may never see you again, Gwynn, but I want you to know that I'll never forget you!" I heard Melody yell.

"I'd never forget you even if I tried!" I shouted to her, tears of anger falling from my eyes. All at once, the winds stopped, and that angel bitch had taken my sister and my best friend. My hands tensed up because of my anger. My head was pounding. The only thing that made it worse?

"Uh... Gwynn?" Dante croaked.

"What?" I said bluntly.

"How and why are you holding fire?" He asked. I looked down at my hands, and my heart nearly stopped. Shit.

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