Controlling My Elements

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Gwynndolyn Rodgers, also known as Gwynn, has been blessed, or as she finds it, cursed with the power of controlling seven elements: water, earth, fire, air, metal, light, and snow. She is only 15 years old, and a sophomore in high school. Will she be able to control her powers at such a young age?

Dante Pacer is a sophomore at his new school in Albany, New York. He runs into a girl, Gwynn, and immediately feels something for her. He's not quite sure if it's friendship... or something more. Being 15, you would have thought Dante has been in a relationship, right? Well, he hasn't. When he realizes that Gwynn has special powers, will he run in fear of her hurting him, or will he help her control her burden?

Find out the story of these two best friends in "Controlling My Elements".

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