10 - Melody and Classondra

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My eyes partially opened, and I felt a sharp pain stab at my head. Damn. I let out a groan, as I sat up and everything that had happened rushed back into my memory. Everything that happened with Classondra and Angelica.

"Oh my god... Classy!!" I yelled for my girlfriend. "Classondra!! Where are you?!"

"Mel?" A weakened voice called back. Classy.

"Yes, it's me! Babe, where are you?!" I answered, tears of relief filling my eyes.

"Up here..." She trailed off. I looked above me, and gasped. Classondra, tears stains streaking down her cheeks, was tightly chained to the ceiling right above me.

"Shit, what do I do?" I mumbled to myself. I needed to get Classondra down somehow.

"Oh, so my two new servants have finally woken up. Lovely!" I heard the dreadful voice of Angelica announce. She was dressed in a tight black sleeveless gown with diamonds on the waist. She had a diamond encrusted choker, and her ebony wings were taking up most of the space in the tiny room Classy and I were shoved in.

"Get her down from there, Angelica." I confronted the angel.

"Why? She seems very comfy up there. Isn't that right, Classondra?" She asked with an evil sneer.

"No..." Classy squeaked, her eyes full of tears.

"I said, get her down from there. Now." I snapped at Angelica.

"Mel... stop..." Classy whimpered.

"Oh, wow. I'm so scared. I pity your pathetic attempt to save your cute little girlfriend. You promised you'd be my servant, remember? That means you do as I say, and it also means that I can choose whether or not to let her down. Your input doesn't matter in the slightest." Angelica snapped.

"You should really change your name to Demonica." I mumbled, flopping down onto my bed in defeat.

"What's that? Is that a fly buzzing in my ear?" The bitchy angel taunted me. She winked at me, and I swear I saw her eyes turn completely black. She left the room, her hips slightly swaying as she walked. She'd make a great Demonica.

"Classy, I know this is cliché, but I'm going to find a way to get you down from there." I promised my girlfriend.

"I know you will, Mel. Just... please try to hurry." She said, her voice almost dying down to a whisper. I saw that the chains around her wrists and ankles were smeared with blood. Fresh blood. Classondra's blood.

"I will." I said, trying to find some confidence deep down inside of me. I looked around for something to cut the chains with. I searched in every place I thought something would be hidden. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. God f**king dammit! I almost wanted to cry, but I knew Classy wouldn't want that. I kept looking. Then, I remembered. I had been lifting weights for as long as I can remember, and those chains look pretty weak. That's it! I'll break them. Now, how to get up there you ask? I had a plan. I would jump up to the particularly low ceiling from the bed. I would hang onto the chains, and break them off of her.  Then, when we went back down, I'd break her fall. She's fragile enough as it is, and this torture doesn't help her at all. Now, for my plan.

"M-Mel? What the hell are you planning to do?" Classy stammered, concern seeping from her words.

"Just trust me, baby." I said as calmly as I could, climbing onto my bed, preparing to jump. I prepped myself for what could be either the greatest stunt I've ever achieved or a broken back. I launched off of the bed, and just barely caught the freezing chains.

"Melody!" Classondra exclaimed.

"Shh. We don't want Angelica to hear." I whispered. Carefully, I moved my hands to the chain around her ankles, and pulled them off. However, I feel to the ground, which wasn't planned, leaving Classy hanging by her wrists. My heartbeat sped up significantly. Classy gritted her teeth and held back a wince. "Hold on." I commanded, terror filling every inch of my body. I jumped up from the bed again, and got a good grip on the chain trapping her wrists.

"Mel..." Classy whined, tears falling from her crystal blue eyes.

"Hold on tight to me." I replied, yanking the chains off of her wrists. We both tumbled to the dusty cement floor. I had my arms wrapped around her waist, and she was holding tight to my shoulders, her head buried into the crook of my neck.

"A-are you okay, Mel?" Classy whispered.

"I'm fine. How about yourself?" I replied, a small smile on my face.

"Just shaken up. Otherwise, perfectly fine." She stated. Suddenly, she let out a soft cry of pain. I remembered her wrists and ankles. Shit.

"Oh god, Classy. I-I don't have anything to help with injuries." I stammered as fresh tears fell from Classondra's eyes.

"I do."

Controlling My ElementsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora