By humioka

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Being a tomboy all my life and an avid reader Trina tended to hide in her books. She never had a real boyfri... More



55 7 3
By humioka

After putting me down, he hugs me and gives me a peck on the lips.  I grin up at Tristan and shake my head.  "Is this a new occurrence when you see me now opposed to the kiss on the cheek.  Yep, I checked with the crew, and they said as long as it is quick your reputation will stay intact.  I giggle and shake my head.  I hear a throat clear next to me and turn "Oh, Tristan babe this is Valentin.  He graduated last year and came to show his support for the team.  He is like an older brother."  Tristan holds out his hand "Hi, nice to meet you."  Valentin looks him up and down, and I smack him.  "Stop ok Tony, Nathan, and Eddie have all already gave him the talk about hurting me."  "Ok as long as he knows if he hurts our girl we hurt him."  He looks down at me "never she is the light of my day.  Plus I don't think I could find another girl with as much sass as this one right here."  "OK and don't try to change her."  Tristan started to laugh "Yeah, right she would kill me.  She told me from the first day I met her that what you see is what you get and I wouldn't change her for anything."  Valentin looks at me "OK I approve."  "Like I need your approval.  Stop behaving like Joel."  "Is Joel giving you shit about this.?"  "Yeah, he hates that we are together."  "Well, I guess I am going to talk to him."  I see Valentin head straight to Joel, and I chuckle.  Tristan leans down "What is going on?"  "Oh, Valentin is telling Joel to back off and that if anything happens between us that hurts me that is his fault he is going to hurt him."  Tristan shakes his head "didn't realize my girl had so many bodyguards that want to keep her safe."  I smile at him and drag him on to the dance floor.

We danced in a group with all our friends until a slow song came on and he pulled me into his arms, and we danced while he held on to me.  After a while, a country song came on, and he looked down at me want to try it.  I laughed and said "sure."  We started to go around the dance floor, and he looked down at me "You can two-step."  "Yep, and do a country waltz."  "You little minx you made me think you didn't know how to dance country.  "You never asked me I would have said yes I could."  "OK well, this next song I am pulling out all the stops."  Which he did, he twirled me around the dance floor, and we had a good old time.  When we got off the dance floor a couple of my buddies looked at me  "Trina why didn't you ever tell us you could two-step."  "You all never asked if I could or asked me to dance a country song."  "Who taught you?"  "Oh, my grandma did.  Plus I can dance a cumbia, a chotice, a huapango, and a polish waltz."  "Damn girl,"  Linda said.  I giggled "Did you all forget I was in Folklorico our Freshman year and 8th grade."  "Well, yeah I guess we did."  "Plus, when I was younger a lot of my dad's brothers got married, and I was their flower girl, so I was at all the weddings."

Tristan had his arm around my waist when Joel came up and asked if he could speak with us.  "Yeah, what's up"  "Look you two I am sorry.  I guess I am jealous that Trina is not available to me when I want her to be.  I mean take tonight for example normally she would have come up to the DJ booth and harassed all of us while she waited to dance.  Normally that would happen during the couple songs.  Now she never once came over, and I hate it."  I look at him "Joel I am still your best friend and always will be.  You helped me when I needed you.  You helped me realize I was living in a dream world and brought me back to reality.  I can never thank you enough for that."  "I know, but it still hurts to see I am no longer the number one person in your life."  I hug him "I understand, but please accept us."  "I will try I promise."  He walked away and went back behind the DJ booth.  Tristan looks at me "Trina sweetie I think there is more behind him not wanting us to be together than he is letting on."  I look up at Tristan "What would that be?"  "Not my place to say but I hope I am wrong.  I can't lose you."  I look at him "Oh, that."  "You know."  "Sam brought it up.  He said he thinks Joel is in love with me."  "Babe, I don't feel that way about him.  I haven't in a long time."  "So, at one time you did."  "Yes, but I moved on, and I promise you that when you hold me, I lose all sense of what is going on around me.  It is not that way with Joel."  "Good."

Tristan went to get me a drink, and a snack and Linda comes over.  "So, did you tell Tristan about the crush you used to have on Joel."  "Yeah, how did you know?"  "I saw how he looked at you and then Joel also how you hugged him and put your head on his shoulder with your hand on his chest."  "Yeah, Linda I have never felt this way for a guy before.  I think Joel I was mistaking love for admiration."  "Yeah, I thought so too.  Does, Tristan know you and Joel kissed."  "Yeah, I told him."   "Good hiding that could ruin your relationship." At that point, Tristan walked up and gave me my diet coke and nachos.  I look up at him "you know me so well babe."  "yes, I do"  We danced together the rest of the night, and when he took me home he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine and then lightly ran his tongue along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to let him in.  He deepened the kiss and held me close after we pulled apart he whispered "I love you Trina"  "I love you too Tristan"  I got out of the car and ran up to the door.  After going in, I closed the door and leaned against it trying to catch my breath.  Joel's kiss never left me breathless.

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