You may now kiss the husband!

By Rumbadaa

145K 9.4K 1.4K

The famous playboy prince, known as Singto was again in the tabloids! His mother was fed up, completely exasp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 10

5.2K 334 92
By Rumbadaa

As Krist starts to fall for a prince who makes him want to throttle and pounce on him at the same time, he knows he has to choose – play it safe and steady, or risk all his dreams and hope Singto doesn't destroy his heart.  

Little does he know that Singto is doing his very best to win his heart. One date down. Two left. Will he succeed in winning it?


Krist placed his phone back on the coffee table and played a little more with Singto's hair. It was so soft. He then said: "Mika is going to pick you up in thirty minutes." Singto sat up instantly and stared at him: "But.." "You need to rest. You are hurt. And I have work early in the morning." Singto nodded. He understood. But still, did Krist have to call Mika now? He wanted to stay with Krist a little more. Krist ruffled his hair as he said: "Don't make that face. I loved your surprise. It was a real surprise to come back home and find a burned prince in my kitchen." He chuckled as he saw Singto glare at him. Krist coerced him to lie back on his lap and he said softly: "I am kidding. I really loved your efforts to make me dinner. Thank you, P'Singto." And Singto beamed.

But then a few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Singto groaned. Usually Mika was always late. But tonight, the idiot had to come just on time, huh? Krist nudged Singto and the latter reluctantly got up. He turned to look at his cute omega who smiled at him. He sighed. Okay, time to leave. Mika who stood at the door smiled at Krist. Singto placed his chin on Krist's shoulder and said: "So punctual for once Mika?" He examined his best friend's clothes and added: "So carefully dressed up to come to pick me up? Are you finally falling for me?" And he smiled inwardly as he felt Krist stiffen beneath his chin. Aww, Krist was so cute. Mika glared at him: "I had a date and just because of a clumsy prince who thought he could do everything, my date is ruined."

Krist chuckled and asked Mika: "How is it going for your dates?" Mika smiled at Krist fondly and now, it was Singto who tsked in annoyance. Mika said: "Your idea of blind date was awesome. Your cousin was so cute on that first date. Then I got so busy that it was tonight that I finally got my second date with him which got ruined because someone wanted to be a chef." Singto stuck his tongue out at him and asked: "How come I was not aware of this arrangement of blind date?" Mika said: "Well, you were so busy with your events that I did not get the opportunity to tell you." Singto nodded, brushing his mouth to Krist's neck slightly. Krist froze for a second. And he then gently removed Singto from his shoulder. 

Mika said: "Okay, Romeo, say your goodbye. I am going ahead. Come to my car." Singto nodded. And he turned to Krist who stared at him, an unidentifiable look on his face.

Singto said: "Go back in. Then I'll leave."
Krist shook his head: "No go with Mika first, then I'll go back inside."
Singto: "No you first."
Krist: "Go, P'Sing"
Singto sighed dreamily: "I love when you call me that but no, you go back."

Krist: "But.. just go.."

Singto pouted: "Don't wanna.."
Krist sighed: "Go.. I'll see you off.."

Singto said cheekily: "Nah go back.. no wait I have a better idea.. give me a good night kiss first and then I'll go"

Krist stared at him for a few seconds. He then walked towards Singto whose eyes widened in delight. He was going to get his good night kiss. But Krist merely adjusted his scarf around his neck and his cap on his head. "Be careful, P'Sing. I'll see you at work." Singto sighed as he realised that he would not be getting it after all.  Singto complained, pouting: "But I miss you already..." And Krist suddenly tugged on the Singto's scarf. He kissed Singto lightly on his mouth and let him go as he whispered: "Good night, P'Sing." He walked to his apartment without looking back at Singto at all. He closed the door and leaned against it, closing his eyes as he listened to his racing heart.

On the other side, Singto touched his mouth in wonder, forgetting about his burnt hands and spit in disgust as he tasted the aloe vera paste that was on his hand on his lips. He floated happily towards the underground parking, smiling. His Krist had kissed him a sweet good night kiss. He was going to sleep so well tonight. He grinned at Mika who was looking at him suspiciously as he opened the door for him. Singto sat inside the car and said: "I want date ideas, Mika." Mika looked at him through the car mirror and said: "Like the unique one you just had?" Singto glared at him: "Ha ha." Mika chuckled. He said: "Did your plan at least work?" Singto remembered what Krist told him and he nodded: "A I'll think about it counts, right?"

Mika remained silent as he drove them to his apartment. He was thinking about Singto who was doing his best to woo the famous actor. But what if Krist on the third date refused Singto? Then what? He glanced at his best friend again. Even if Krist did it, Mika could not blame him. To accept the prince's feelings came with a lot of responsibilities. The media. The fans. The public. The queen. He winced as he thought of Singto's mother. Singto suddenly said: "Stop thinking that hard, Mika. That frown is not fun to see on your face." Mika opened his mouth to speak but Singto stopped him and said: "It's going to be fine." His best friend laughed. That was what Singto usually said before things went disastrous. 

A few days later..

Krist walked to the shooting set and he was in a bad mood. Firstly because he woke up late in the morning and secondly because of a stupid article that he saw in the morning. He did not know why he kept letting those statements of the actresses being Singto's girlfriend affect him like that. He sighed heavily. The prince had not acknowledged her statement like he always did. Singto never agreed if the girls were ever his girlfriends. Then why did it affect him like that? He noticed some fans ahead and took a deep breath. Then he smiled sweetly at them. He was greeted warmly by them and he returned their greetings with a huge smile. They always made his day better with their smiles and encouragement. And he was talking with them when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. 

He took out his phone out tentatively, afraid that it might be his mother right now. Because he knew how much time she took to speak to him normally on the phone. Above fifteen minutes. A total typical motherly call. However, it was not his mother! To his very surprise, it was Singto. And his shock was so great that he just blurted the prince's name out loud. The fans started to shout in excitement. Krist smiled sheepishly, explaining why he was shocked. Because Singto never called him. He always texted him. Or line-d him. What could be the reason of his call? Krist had completely forgotten about the article that had made him in a very bad mood now. He just instinctively took up the call, turning his back from the people to have some kind of privacy. The fans could still hear part of what he was saying. But he did not care. He just needed to see if Singto was alright. He had been texting him these past days since the cooking fiasco in his apartment. So, he knew that Singto was okay from this incident. But could something else had happened? 

He said softly: "Hello?" And a cheerful "Hello babe" came from the other side of the phone. A smile instantly brightened his face. He then tried to calm his sudden tingling nerves and said: "P'Singto, is something the matter?" The prince huffed in disappointment on the phone: "Seriously, Krist? Should something be the matter for me to call you? Can't I call you because I miss you?" Krist bit back a laugh and said: "Right now, you can't. I am working." Singto replied: "Ohh I know. I have been watching your sweet smile for your fans for a while. That's what made me call you." Krist's eyes widened in surprise and subtly tried to turn back to look for the prince. Singto chuckled, a husky sound hitting Krist's ear, making him shiver deliciously. "Don't look now, I am gone. P'Jane came to fetch me already."

Krist, a bit disappointed, played with his sleeve of his jacket. Singto continued in talking. "Krist?" The latter said: "Yes." The prince asked: "Can we play a game?" Krist frowned as he heard this weird question from Singto. "A game?" Singto replied: "Yes, a game." Krist asked him: "You called me to play a game, P?" Singto laughed: "Don't say it like that. It sounds weird like that." Krist chuckled as he replied: "It sure does." Singto asked: "So, Krist east or west?" The game started already? Krist tried to make sense of what kind of game that was. But then he just chose one of them. "East?" Singto sighed: "You have to be more daring next time, Krist. But anyways, East means a fun night with your mind blowing prince! So, be ready for tonight, my dear Kit. I'll come to pick you up. Casual clothes. No stress. We are just going to have fun. And maybe, this time instead of saying you will think about it your answer would become a yes." 

Krist was about to speak but Singto said: "And the point of the game is not to refuse the challenge. So see you tonight , Krist" And the phone call was over. Krist raised his head and saw his manager gesturing that they were going to be late and that they had to move. He smiled at his giggling fans and waved them bye as he moved towards the staff. He then thought about what Singto had just said. He scratched his head as one pertinent question kept on turning round and round in his head. He started to work and finally succumbed to ask Singto about it during his break.
"What if I chose west?"
The very anticipated reply of Singto finally came and Krist hurried to check it.

"To have unlimited kisses and hugs from your alpha prince!"
Krist chuckled: "I should have expected this from him." The rest of the day was moving so slowly. He kept glancing subtly at his phone to check the time. But just when he thought an hour had passed by, only five minutes had elapsed. He sighed. He unlocked his phone and scrolled up their messages. Since lunch, Singto kept texting him about the remaining hours left for them to finally meet.

"Five hours left, my cute Krist."

"Five minutes left to reach those remaining four agonizing hours. Why is it so sloooooow?"

"Why is the clock moving so slow, P? This three hours seem too much. I can't wait anymore." 

"Tick tock tick tock, time is flying! One hour left for us to meet!!"

And Krist pocketed his phone as he got into the car to get to his apartment with a smile. The prince was right. Only one hour was left. The wait was finally over.  And he hurried to take a shower. When he got ready, he moved to the door and opened it before Singto could knock. When Singto saw him, his face brightened and he grinned as he grabbed Krist's hand: "You ready?" Krist nodded. Singto said: "Let's go then." For both of them, to avoid getting recognised by the public, they had worn caps and scarves. They walked to the car where Singto sent his disguise flying. He looked at the car mirror and adjusted his hair. He turned to Krist who was looking at him with an amused expression on his face. "Hey, you can remove yours too.", said Singto as he reached over and untangled Krist's scarf, his hands brushing Krist's neck. They stared at each other as Singto removed the cap too. He even styled Krist's hair with his hands. He then exclaimed: "Now we are ready to go on the date."

Thirty minutes later, they reached somewhere and Singto got out to open the door for Krist. He bowed and said as he offered his hand: "If you please?" Krist placed his hand into Singto's and Singto placed his other hand on Krist's eyes. They walked slowly with Singto whispering sweet words into Krist's ear who was getting impatient. He whispered: "Are we not there yet?" Singto said: "Soon. We are getting there." And when they finally arrived at the place, Singto removed his hand and Krist blinked several times before his eyes focused on what was in front of him. A transparent bubble tent right in the nature. His surprise was very apparent and Singto asked tentatively: "You like it?" Krist looked at him and said: "It's very special. Of course I like it." Singto grinned and invited Krist into the bubble tent. This date was working fine so far. He smiled as he sat on the bed. 

He patted the bed and said: "Sit. Don't be shy. I won't ravish you." Krist sat and Singto whispered into his ear: "Yet." And he chuckled as Krist covered his red ear in defense. He removed his shoes and jacket: "Seriously, make yourself comfortable. We are here to have fun." Krist muttered: "What kind of fun?" "You will see.", said Singto mysteriously. And they sat, facing each other. Singto smiled and gestured towards the goldfish bowl in front of them. "Go ahead. Choose one." And Krist took one heart shaped paper out of the bowl. "No words." was written on the paper. Krist showed the paper to Singto who grinned. "We are going to play games. Get to know each other games. We are going to take turns to ask questions to each other. And you just drew No Words game. Which means you can answer the questions with only a "Yes." or a "No.". It's quite easy. Let me give you an example. If I ask you: Do you find me handsome? You have to answer with only Yes or No." Krist smiled mischievously: "No." Singto pouted: "We have not started yet. You start."

Krist's first question: "Do you believe in ghosts?" Singto lifted an eyebrow but replied with a "Yes."

Singto's first question:  "Have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants?" Krist's eyes twinkled with laughter and replied: "No."

Krist's second question: "Do you have fears?" Singto's reply was a solemn "Yes." as he looked at Krist. Singto's second question: "Do you believe in love at first sight?" Krist smiled and replied a soft "Yes."

And the random questions soon started to turn a serious turn with Singto asking: "Do I even have a chance to win you over?" Krist laughingly said without actually replying to Singto's question: "Time to move to the next game." Singto stared at him and he finally nodded. He then took one paper from the goldfish bowl and put it in Krist's hand. Krist read it and it said: "Staring game." He looked at Singto and said: "Seriously? Staring game?" The latter brightened and grinned: "I like this one! Let's do it!" Krist laughed at Singto's sudden excitement. Singto whispered: "Come closer. It's more fun this way." "Ready?" Krist nodded. "1, 2, 3. And start." Both were sitting so close to each other and Singto made a serious face as he started to stare into Krist's eyes. Krist too took a deep breath and stared into Singto's eyes. But suddenly, he said: "Wait is there a time limit for this?" And of course the mischievous prince shook his head. "The one who breaks the stare or laughs first loses."

And they resumed the staring, with Singto now wearing a very sweet and confident smile on his face. He was appreciating the game. To stare at someone whom you liked was no problem at all. Well for him. Because someone else was already squirming while playing. He kept swallowing hard and he also started to twist his face trying to be funny. Singto simply continued without reacting at all to his goofy faces. Soon, Krist got tired and stopped in trying to make him lose. Singto suddenly started to lean more into Krist's face, making Krist jump in surprise. He nearly smiled and slapped Singto playfully trying his best not to laugh. He then started to become very red as he continued to stare into Singto's laughing and triumphant eyes. Singto instinctively moved closer to him and Krist went even redder. He blinked and moved away. He could not fight the charismatic prince at all. Singto shouted triumphantly: "AND I WIN!!"

He pinched Krist's cheeks and said: "Aww my cute omega" Krist glared at him and said: "You did not play fair. You were going to-" He stopped talking as he realised that he was going to say that Singto was about to kiss him. He sighed as he saw Singto's smirk. He was daring Krist to say the last part. He rather said: "Next game." Singto shook his head and said: "Aren't you hungry?" He leaned away and placed a bag in front of them. The bag was full of snacks and chocolates. Krist licked his lips. Damn, this guy knew how to win someone's stomach for sure. He smiled at Singto and whispered his thanks. He even moaned loud as he bit into the chocolate bar. Singto cleared his throat as he munched on a snack. He said: "Now, we can focus on the next game." And the next game was the True or False game. Each of them had to say two truths and one lie. And the other had to guess which one was a lie.

Krist placed his food next to him and grinned: "Now this is a game that I will win." Singto shook his head: "We'll see."


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