Beating Heart✔️

By AnotherFangal

137K 3.7K 2.7K

{Completed} One day while out running in the Maze you come across two mysterious boys who take you on somethi... More

The boys
The doors opened
Grievers attack
Your story
Escape the Maze
Gladers Vs Grievers
W.C.K.D is good
Painful Interrogation
The Mall
Cranks are worse than Grievers
Goodbye friend
Jorge and Brenda
Hanging around
I hate cranks!
What happened to your face sweetheart?
Close shots
Who am I?
Attempting to Admit
Impulsive decision
Sequel announcement

The Right Arm

3.7K 119 20
By AnotherFangal

You felt yourself wake up as the car stopped at The Right Arm base. You weren't completely sure how long it'd taken you but the sun was lower in the sky so you assumed it was over an hour.

Jumping out the car after Minho you looked around. There were few fires smoking slightly, tents were set up with people walking in and out of all of them. Crates and boxes were stacked all over the place, some were opened and others were padlocked shut. Base workers were packing some onto the backs of more trucks and cars. It looked like they were packing them up like they were leaving. If you'd caught them just before they moved again it was like fate pulling you in the right direction.

"They've been planning this for over a year now," Harriet explained looking out over the camp. She began to lead the group into the base and you followed listening interestedly. "This is all for us."

"Immunes?" You asked looking at her. She turned around and nodded at you.

"You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light." Sonya explained. Fate. "Where's Vince?" 

"Somewhere over there." A man answered pointing in the direction of another tent.

"Who's Vince?" Thomas asked.

"He's the one who decides if you get to stay," Harriet told him mysteriously.

"Sounds promising," You muttered to Minho.

"Let's hope he's nice," He muttered back his arm hanging over your shoulder casually.

"Well, I'll play nice if he does," you whispered so no one else heard.

"I'll second that," he chuckled in your ear making shivers go down your spine. "I thought The Right Arm was supposed to be an army?" Minho spoke louder looking around addressing the group at large. 

"We were." A male replied coming out of a nearby tent. "This is all that's left of us." He stopped in front of the group. He had longish hair and a short beard. He was a tall well-built man around 30. He had authority in his voice and was clearly the leader. "A lot of good people died getting us this far," he continued. "Who are they?" He asked Harriet nodding in your direction stood with Newt, Minho, Teresa, Fry and Thomas. 

"Their immunes," Harriet replied calmly, "Caught them coming up the mountain."

"You check 'em?" He asked.

"I know this guy, Aris," she explained pointing to Aris, "I trust him."

"Well I don't," Vince muttered darkly, "Check 'em."

"Hey, boss?" A rifle holding guard spoke looking closely at Brenda. Suddenly she gasped for air and collapsed on the floor. 

"Brenda?!" Thomas shouted urgently looking at her.

"Brenda?" You repeated, worried about your friend.

"Brenda," Jorge said kneeling down to her and picked her up slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she was breathing unevenly looking at Jorge her eyes opening and closing slowly.

"What's going on with her?" Vince asked kneeling down to Jorge's height.

"I don't know," Jorge replied quickly, "Brenda?" He tried again but she didn't answer.

Vince pulled down a small bandage that was wrapped around her ankle and sprung to his feet quickly. "Holy shit." He pulled out his pistol pointing it at Brenda, "Crank, we gotta Crank."

"No!" Thomas shouted quickly moving in front of Brenda. You broke free of Minho and joined him. You had no idea Brenda was infected but you didn't want your new friend to be shot, she was the only girlfriend you had that you actually liked. You didn't want to lose her. "Wait wait!" Thomas shouted, "Listen Listen!" 

"Step back!" Vince ordered. Jorge was dragged away from Brenda by two guys and she was left gasping on the floor.

"Listen this just happened she's not dangerous yet!" Thomas explained quickly. 

"Well you shouldn't have brought her here," Vince argued annoyed.

"We can work something out please just don't hurt her!" You pleaded to him.

"We let Cranks in here now and safe haven won't last a week." He retorted, "Step away." You ignored his order and stayed still.

"I understand, alright I understand," Thomas started to reassure the angry Vince. "Just listen alright please, please. I told her you could help her. There's gotta be something you can do."

Vince paused for a second clearly thinking. "Yeah, there is..." he loaded his gun and pointed it back at Brenda. "I can put her out of her misery."

"No!" Thomas shouted struggling again the two men holding him.

"Vince that's enough!" Came a woman's voice. "Let him go." Jorge was released and you looked at her thankful she has stopped Brenda being shot. She was short, had long dark hair and a kind face. She was clearly the boss above Vince.

"She's infected Doc," he informed her as she stopped next to him, "There's nothing we can do for her."

"No," she replied looking at Thomas a smile on her face, "But he can. Hello Thomas," she greeted smiling more. You glanced at Thomas who looked back at you just as confused. How did she know him?

She turned to look at you and her eyes widened. "Holy mother." Everyone turned to look at you like you knew what she was talking about but you were in the dark. "I know you won't remember me but I know you also, Y/n," You felt even more confused, you had never met this woman in your life.

"You know us?" Thomas asked confused his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Interesting," she replied looking at Brenda, "It makes sense they put you in the Maze. Though I must admit," she bent down and taking Brenda's wrist and checking her pulse. "I was worried they'd kill you after what you did."

"What I did?" Thomas repeated her phrase.

"The first time we spoke you said you couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die one by one. Last time we spoke you gave me coordinates for every Wicked Compound, Trial and Lab."

"He was our source," Vince muttered staring at Thomas in ore.

"We couldn't have pulled all this off without him." You stared at Thomas in shock, he betrayed Wicked.

"What about her story?" Vince asked gesturing to you.

She looked at you sadly, "Well, that's a little more complicated." You couldn't work anything out from her eyes. What was she hiding from you? Did you have some dark past you didn't know about? Did she know about your relationship to Janson?

"Take her to the tent." She ordered, "And get these guys some warm clothes." You glanced at Teresa who was giving Thomas a strange look, it was between anger, sadness and disappointment.

"Do you mind if we talk later after I'm done with your friend?" You looked around and saw Mary looking at you. You nodded and she left taking Thomas and Brenda with her.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" Newt asked appearing next to you.

"I have no idea," you answered shrugging.

"Can we trust them?" Minho spoke standing on your other side.

"They haven't given us a reason not to so, for now, I think so yeah," you told them. "Those two girls from the Maze are here and that woman, Mary saved Brenda from being shot. Maybe we can trust them, maybe we are safe."

A man came round and handed you big coats and a few blankets. It was nice to be having a break from the harsh hot of the Scorch, this cool breeze was heaven in comparison.

"What do you think she meant; your story's a little more complicated?" Fry asked when you were sat around a fire-eating. 

"Your guess is as good as mine," You shrugged.

"Maybe she knew you before the maze?" He offered.

"Yeah maybe." You were lost in thought having no memory at all of this woman. Maybe Fry was right and she knew you before the Maze. You didn't know why but you had a bad feeling Ratman was involved. The same question was running around your head, did she know he was your Uncle?

"Thomas," Newt called pulling you out your thoughts. Thomas sat down in a spare chair and pulling a blanket around him.

"Is Brenda alright?" You asked quickly feeling worried.

"Yes, she's fine." He replied and you relaxed knowing your friend was going to be alright.

"Y/n!" You heard Mary calling you, "Can we speak, please. In private?" You glanced around at the boys who nodded.

You got up and followed her into an empty tent. "So, I'm guessing you want to know who you are?"

Secrets are going to be uncovered next chapter!!!
Lotta love AFG

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