University of Manchester

By Cattt123

6.3K 175 24

Graduation has come and Sabrina is ready to get out of her small town of Palm Springs and into England. But w... More

Girls Make Our Judgment Cloudy
Delicious Tea
So Much For Thinking
Ice Cream Nose
Misconception of Words
A Girls Day Out
So Much For Looking Attractive
Where's His Number?
A Player?
The Day to Myself?
Plans Changed
Sleep Over
First Day Of School
6 months later
Concert Night

Under the Bridge

159 6 0
By Cattt123

     I woke up to bright lights flashing in my face. I wiped my eyes, completely exhausted and focused my eyes to where the lights were coming from. Zayn, Niall, and Louis were taking photos of me and Harry sleeping. 

    "Oh my gosh! What are you guys doing !?" I yelled, making them crack up. I probably looked like a mess, with my bruises, swollen lips and messed up hair. 

    "Just telling everybody how cute you two are on twitter." Niall said with a devious smirk making me fling up out of bed. To bad Harry had his arms wrapped around me, causing me fall back down on the bed. The boys laughed even more. I looked to Liam whose facial expression was apologetic and helpless. 

    "Sorry Bri! I tried to tell them!" He said with a sorry and innocent tone. I moved my head to Eleanor, who had been giggling until my glare reached her. "I tried too!" She said, and continued to laugh. 

    "Guys, you did not post those! I probably look terrible!" I said trying to slide out of Harry's grip. Wow, he is a deep sleeper! 

     "You look fine Bri! You can't see the bruises or anything! You guys looked to adorable to not take a photo of!" Zayn said and they all nodded in agreement. So this is how One Direction plays. 

    "Paybacks a bitch!" I said and they all laughed. 

    "We are so scared!" Louis said sarcastically, and Eleanor hit his arm again. Oh there will be payback!

   "Okay, how did he sleep through all of this?" I asked while looking to Harry, sound asleep. 

    "He's a deep sleeper. Let's get him up boys!" Louis said, leading the pack as they moved closer to the bed. 

     "Wait! Let me get off of here first!" I yelled, and they all laughed. I slid down and slipped out of his grip. "Okay, go." I spoke, and they all ran onto the bed and jumped up and down screaming "HARREH! HARREH WAKE UP! UP! UP! HARREH GET UP!" Eleanor and I leaned against the door and laughed at the world famous pop stars jumping up and down like little children. 

    "uughhhh. What do you want." Harry's sleepy deep voice came out from the pillow. 

    "It's time to wake up Haz baby!" Louis said, and Harry gave him dirty looks and flipped him off, rolling over.

     His eyes shot  open and he jumped up. "Where's Sabrina?" He yelled in distress and I laughed at his scare. The guys looked at him, and broke out in laughter falling on the bed. He looked over to me and grew red. 

     "Wow Haz! Seriously?" They guys continued to laugh and I tried to hide back my butterflies. He was that scared that I wasn't there?

   "I um, need to go to the bathroom." He said nervously, and sped walk to the bathroom. The guys continued to laugh as they got up and made their way out the door. 

  "We are cooking breakfast Bri! If you want some!" Liam said while traveling out the door. "Sure! I'll be down in a second!" I said while looking around for my clothes. Where are they? 

   Harry walked out of the bathroom and his cheeks redened again at the sight of me. "Do you know where my clothes are?" I asked, still looking around for them. "Um, well heres your pants. But I don't know where your shirt is." He still was red, and embarrased so I grabbed his hand. 

   "Don't be embarrased." I said, and he got even redder. 

     "Okay." He looked at the ground. 

       "Now  I need to find my shirt! Oh and breakfast is ready." I let go of his hand and began to search. It was useless, I lost my shirt. But now what am I supposed to wear? 

      "You can wear my shirt today." He said with a small smile.

        "But we have a date today! I can't look like crap!" I said, realizing how bad my face probably looked. 

        "You are gorgeous Bri, and no matter what you wear you will still be gorgeous." His words made the tips of my fingers and lips tingle. 

         "You're such a sweetheart." I smiled at him and gave him a light peck on the cheek, making sure I didn't hurt my lips. To my suprise, my lips felt fine. My grin widened, and he looked at me curiously.

    "What?" He asked confused. I lent in and kissed him, feeling nothing but a surge of excitement rush through me. He was hesitant, trying not to hurt me, but grabbed my jaw and kissed me back. My heart raced, from the touch of his lips. Iv'e never had such a wanting like this before. I pulled back and gave him one last peck. 

     I hoped out of his boxers, and slid my jeans on. I don't even care if my face looks like a wreck, because he thought I was beautiful anyways. 

      "You look stunning." He said as he took my fingers and lifted my arm up so I could twirl. 

       "Now let's go get some breakfast!" I grab his arm and pull him out the door and down the stairs. "Smells delicious!" I chime as I smell the sweet smell of chocolate chip pancakes. 

      "Your plate my lady." Liam says as he hands me a huge stack of pancakes. I was ready to dig in when I look over to Niall, destroying his. I laugh at the sloppy boy with chocolate and syrup all over his face. 

     "These are delicious!" I say with a mouthful of the savory pancakes.

      "Thanks! I'm a great chef." Zayns said with a prideful tone.

        "Yeah right, we all know I made it!" Louis said, and Eleanor shot him a glare. 

      "I made them! You guys didn't help me at all! You stole the chocolate chips!" Eleanor yelled out and everyone laughed. 

      "So how were you two love- birds last night?" Zayn asked, looking in mine and Harry's direction. "Um, good. I just slept. I was really tired." I said, and they all looked at me with a 'yeah right liar' expression. "No seriously! We slept!" Harry yelled and they all just shook their heads and went back to eating.  These boys are nothing like I pictured them. 

       "So we have to go out today, I know you two have a date. So me and El will go shopping." Louis said and Eleanor cheered. "I'll go to my friend Danny's." Zayn said and I instantly thought of the dancing youtube video of Zayn and his friend Danny. God was that hot. "Daniel's in town, so I'll go hang out with her!" Liam said with an excited tone. "Uh, i'm just gonna hit up Josh's, drink some pints, and see what the Craic is tonight." Niall said and all the boys chimed "of course" at the same time.  "What! You know I like my pints!" Niall said and we all laughed. 

    "Alright, well we should head out. See you soon Bri, it was an interesting way to get to know you, but still fun!" Zayn said and they all came to give me hugs and walk out the door. 

    "Okay! What's the plans for today?" I spun around to him, in the swivly chair. "Well, I just want to run around London with you! Go to a nice coffee shop, maybe go to a bar? Just have some fun." He smiled, my whole body growing gitty. "Okay! Maybe we could go ice blocking or something! Do you have any steep hills around here?" I asked and his face grew confused. "What is ice blocking?" He said, and I realized that it's probably an american thing. "I'll show you! It's really fun!" He smiled and grabbed my hand. 

   "Let's go!" His grin widened as he slid me off my chair, pulling me to the door. We walked out of the apartment, and were greeted with the icy air. My arms grew goosebumps from the iced breeze. 

   "Here love." He said as he rapped his blazer over me. "But your going to be cold!" I stopped walking and looked at him. His goosebumps had already been forming. 

  "Fine, how about you wear my jack wills sweater and I'll wear my blazer." He said with a smile, and mine widened at the thought of it. First I was wearing his Ramones shirt, and now i'm going to wear his infamous Jack Wills sweater, in public!? 

    I took his shirt off, folding it on the bed, and slid his loose jack wills sweater over my head. I lifted it up to observe the huge black and blue bruises along my waist.  I looked up to see him staring at the same thing. 

   We walked outside again and his arm slid across my shoulders. I looked up to his dangling fingers on my shoulders and entertwined my fingers in them. As if on cue, paparrazzi surrounded the apartments. 

   "How do you handle this everyday?" I looked up to him questioningly. 

   "I guess you get used to it. Even though I wish they would just go away sometimes. Give me a life." His face smiled down at me, but seemed pained. I leaned up to give him a kick peck, his expression changing within seconds.

   "So, do you miss home?" He asked, and sadness flushed through me. 

   "So much. I wish they could be here with me, experiencing the excitement." I looked down at the ground, wanting to call my mom and tell her all about yesterday, and just talk for hours.

   "I feel the same way." He looked down also, and I felt bad. Harry never gets to see his family, and Iv'e only missed them for about a month. 

   "Surprise visit her one day! She'll be so excited!" I looked up to him with a smile, and he smiled back considering my words.

   "That's genuis! Maybe one day she'll be able to meet you..." He trailed off, sending his sight back to the ground. 

   "Haha, yeah. Maybe one day." I said as we continued to walk. I look ahead to see flashes from cameras of paparrazzi, getting every angle.

   We came up to an adorable clothes shop. "Let's go inside!" He said, and I looked up to him for reasurance.

      "Okay!" I said as I ran into the store, pulling him along.

     "Oh my gosh look at this!" I pulled out a silky figure forming black dress, and laid it on my body.

     "I want to see that on you." He said with a cheeky grin.

    "Does this scream slutty?" I ask sarcastically, pulling out langerie.

    "That ones the winner! Try that on!" He said cheerfully.

      "Haha, you would like that." I said, nudging his shoulder.

    "What about this?" I turned around to see his option. A blue dress, with a sweetheart neckline showing off the boobs, and flowed out at the bottom to mid calf.

     "That's so pretty!" I reach for the fabric.

       "And so is the girl that would wear it. Go try it on!" Harry's smile sent a surge of excitement through me. 

    I grabbed his hand and walked to the dressing rooms. "Show me when you put it on!" He said cheefully from the other room. I slipt it over my head and it looked amazing! I walked out to show him and his jaw dropped, making me even more excited.

     "Do you like it?" i asked, while twirling around to let the dress fly out.

     "You look so beautiful." He said, walking to me. My whole body flushed with warmth. His arms wrapped around my waist lightly, making sure he didn't hurt me and he stared down at me, with a huge grin.

     "Wear that tonight." He spoke soft and slow, moving in closer to my lips.

     "But it's freezing outside." I said, anxiously waiting for his lips to touch mine.

     "You can wear my blazer. You look so perfect in it." His words sent a surge of electricty through me tingline my toes and fingertips. I leant in and kissed him, again gaining my cravings. 

      A bright flash snapped us out of the trance, and we pulled away to see a young girl frozen with excitement. "I-I'm sorry." The high pitched voice came out and I grew nervous.

     "It's okay." Harry's subtle voice calmed my nerves.

    "Ca-can I have an autograph?" The little girl asked, and it made me realize that although I was annoyed, I was just like her at one point.

     "Sure hun." His voice seemed to be hiding annoyance, with overlly fake joy. He had to deal with this everyday?

    "Harry, it's $80 pounds. It's way to expensive." I say while looking at the tag in shock. British people must be rich!

     "Babe, I'll get it for you." Hell no, i'm not going to make him pay that much money!

     "No way. That's way to much. I'm fine." I say while unclasping the back.

     "You looked so beautiful in it. I have plenty of money. Please let me buy this for you." His voice sounded sincere, but i still can't make him buy it.

     "It's so much! I can't make you."

    "It's not making me. I want to. Please." His bottom lip popped out showing off his perfectly adorable puppy dog look. How can you resist that?

     "Fine. But nothing more!" I say and he cheers.

    "Now I know what look works on you." He winked, and I frowned.

    "Dang it!" I laughed and removed the dress, and put on my original warbrobe.  

    We walked to the cash register, and I looked up to see a gorgeous busty blonde trying to give Harry the eye. My whole body flushed with jealousy. "That's quite expensive. You must have a lot of money." She spoke in a flirty voice and licked her lips after. I looked up to Harry to see him smiling back. WHAT? My entire self esteem burst out the window. I looked down to the ground wishing I had been some gorgeous model, like she was. 

   His arm slithered over my shoulder pulling me to his side. I looked up to him confused. "Yeah, it's for my beautiful girlfriend." He said with a smirk, making her look at me with disgust. He bent his head down to kiss me, sending butterflies through my stomach. Did he really just say that? She was gorgeous, and im just an ordinary girl. Why would he want me?

    "Here." She said, practically throwing the bag at me and giving me dirty looks.

    "Thanks." I said with a huge grin making her even more mad. 

    I looked up to him, and he chuckled softly leaning down to kiss the top of my head. "She really liked you." I said, while looking back down at the ground.

   "Yeah, and I really like you." His words flushed my cheeks and I looked up to him with an uncontrollable smile.

     "Did you see her face when you kissed me?!" I laughed remembering the fuming anger of the gorgeous blonde.

     "Yes! Haha, it was priceless!" He laughed along, placing his arm around my shoulder once again.

   "She was so jealous!" I laughed more.

    "You were too at first." He said with a devious grin. My cheeks grew red.

    "Was not!" I defended myself, knowing it was helpless. I was completely embeloshed with jealousy when she flirted with him.

    "Was too!" He laughed and I laughed along.

     "Alright fine, maybe just a little." I say while motioning my fingers to show a tiny symbol. 

    "I knew it! I wouldv'e been jealous too if a guy tried to flirt with you."

    "Yeah right! Like any guys going to flirt with me." The words slipt out of my mouth and he looked down at me with a frown.

     "I'm surprised you don't have hundreds running up to you right now." He said and I stood up on my tiptoes and gave him a light peck. 

    "So where too now?" I asked as I pulled away.

    "Let's go on the ferris wheel!" He said cheerfully and I froze up.

    "Erhm, what's wrong?" He asked confused with my sudden reaction.

     "I'm scared of heights." I poorly spoke.

     "But it's such a beautiful view of the city!" There was no way he could convince me to get on that thing...

    I clenched at his shirt, hiding my eyes. I felt the machine lift us up and a shriek escaped my lips. "It'll be fine love. I'm right here. Just take a couple deep breaths."

   "I can't believe I agreed to this." I said through his shirt. He laughed lightly.

   "It was the frown. I knew it would work." I could tell he was smiling through the tone of his voice. His arms were wrapped tightly around my back, making me feel a tiny bit safer.

   "Will you just look, really quickly?" He asked, and I shook my head in his shirt.

    "Pleeaasseeee." His sweet Cheshire voice pleaded. How do you resist that adorable voice?

    "Fine." I said hesistantly. 

    I turned around resting my entire body on his, and looked at the huge city in front of me. "Isn't it gorgeous?" His voice was on my neck as he rested his head and wrapped his arms around my stomach.

     "It is." Was all I managed to get out of my voice. I looked down foolishly, regretting it almost instantly. I flipped around grabbing back on to his shirt and burrowing my face back into his chest. He laughed, placing his arms back around my back, and lying his head on the top of mine. 

     "I'm never doing this again!" I said into his shirt, and he laughed again.

    "At least you enjoyed it for about two seconds." I laughed aswell.

    "Right this way." The worker spoke, snapping me out of my comfortable trance. I looked ahead to see the entire line filled with screaming girls. Harry smiled to them, and then looked at me with a sorry expression. "I almost forgot you were famous." I said, and his smile widened. 

     "Ready? On the count of three we are going to make a run for it." He whispered into my ear, grabbing my hand.

     "1...2...3!" We both took off out of the ferris wheel, and began running down the bridge. I looked back to see fans chasing us. I looked back down to my feet making sure I head a steady pace, and won't trip. Harry pulled me to a dark corner under a bridge.

    "Wha-" His hand lightly placed over my mouth to keep quite. 

     I began to laugh uncontrollably. Harry chimed in, and I threw my hand up to cover his mouth too. We both broke out in a fit of laughter for absolutley no reason. I looked behind me to see girls running past us, not even thinking twice to look over. I looked back to Harry to see his face serious, and inches from mine. There was no need for words. We both leaned in, lightly touching our lips together. 

     "Considering we aren't dating, we kiss alot." I said with a giggle, breaking the kiss. "That could change." His green orbs burning through mine. 

      It was only our second real date, but we have had alot of moments with eachother. From the first time, lying in the flowers together, talking about deep thoughts, to him saving me with paparrazzi. He dropped everything he was doing to come save me, and spend the day cuddled in bed. And then there was last night; I spent the night at his house. He protected me, and kept me safe. He is the sweetest guy in the World. My bodies reactions to his touch, have never occured till him. And my craving for him was abnormal. I want to be with him. I want to be his, and he be mine.

     "I feel like iv'e known you forever." His words were soft, a bit of nerves portrayed.

     "I feel the same way." My heart beat sped up, almost exploding out of my chest.

    "So, erhm, I just feel like we get on so well." His words were nervous, as well as mine.

    "Sabrina will you go out with me?" His eyes met mine, and I knew my heart had exploded out of my chest. Without knowing what I was doing, I jumped up into his arms wrapping my legs around his torso, and my arms around his neck.


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