Just ideas

By DhizKCH

614 6 38

This story is based on a LOT of stupid things. Story ideas, theories, one shots and whatever else I feel like... More

Stupidest report EVER
Princess Unattainable (Gravity Falls)
Another Phantom Thief Heist (Kaitou Kid)
The Phantom and the Critic (Cokai) (DC/MK1412)
Gravity and Space (Dipcifica /RevGF)
Sweet Blood (Kanato/ DL)
A Cup Of Noodles (Naegiri/DR)
Shadow Travel Mishap (Nico/PJO)
Two Months Of Humanity (Ryoji/P3)
Intangible Memories (Lucifer/Urushihara ~ TDIAPT)
The Spirit's Song (Venti/GI)

Big Nate's Prank Day

137 1 0
By DhizKCH

"Nate, what are you going to do today?" Teddy, 11 years old and grade 6, asked excitedly.

Francis looked curiously and Nate just smiled smugly.

Every year at the end of school was the unofficial Prank Day when mischievous students at P.S 38 pulled numerous pranks.

Nate, however, the pointy haired kid who was smiling smugly, was the king of pranks and pulls off such spectacular ones that awes everyone.

Not that anyone could really prove it. They know, but they just don't have solid proof. If they did, mostly teachers, he would have been expelled ages ago.

"That, my friends, is a secret. Prepare to be amazed," he said with a smug tone with the same smug smile. Francis and Teddy don't mind, though, they just can't wait to see what's in store for today.

A kid their age was running excitedly to them.

"You won't believe what just happened to the school!" He said, "Follow me!"

Nate, Francis and Teddy ran to the school to find...

"Woah, what happened to it?" Francis asked.

The school had turned into something completely different.

"It looks like a cross between a fun house and a haunted house," Francis observed.

Indeed, that was the best explanation for what the school transformed into. Students were taking pictures of it while teachers just stood flabbergasted.

The boring school turned into something entirely different.

It became colourful with balloons all over saying 'Happy Prank Day' and some burst to reveal videos of previous legendary pranks. Clown heads were bobbing around the school and monkeys were all over. Whenever a teacher walked into school, the monkeys would smear paint on them while students walked scot free.

Well, except Randy and Gina who are disgruntled by the painting monkeys. Sometimes the monkeys high five students or wink mischievously at girls.

Francis, Teddy and Nate crossed into the school building after the monkeys high fived them.

"How did you do that?!" Teddy asked.

Nate had a smug smile. "I don't know what you are talking about."

But as everyone knew, the surprises are getting started.

People were starting to open their lockers and some students got splashed with water squirted from flowers out of their lockers. TVs were spotted in classrooms and teachers roamed around the corridors for no apparent reason.

At least, until they heard an announcement.

"To all teachers, the faculty lounge is currently off limits until animal control comes and remove the panda from school premises."

"Panda?!" Francis asked.

"Lets go check it out!" Teddy said, and off they went to see in fact that a panda was indeed in  the faculty lounge eating the snacks from the vending machine.

Hope the animal is alright.

A teacher spotted the three boys.

"You better get to your first period, boys," the teacher chided them and off they went, to Mrs. Godfrey's homeroom which will be followed by her Social Studies.

"What do you have in store next, Nate?" Teddy asked. It was never a dull day with Nate around during Prank Day.

Nate simply shrugged with a smug smile.

They went to homeroom and took their seats but before they could even begin, the TVs that mysteriously appeared in the school suddenly turned on to reveal the Beatles with a young Principal Nicholas.

Everyone was entranced at it. Apparently, it's being broadcast to the entire school.

"Hey, Nic! You ready?" One of the Beatles asked.

Principal Nicholas nodded and sang with them. It was kinda funny like the time when Nate recorded Principal Nicholas karaoke to the intercom.

Everyone laughed. The whole video took until social studies.

"OK, class! Enough shenanigans! It's time-" Mrs. Godfrey was suddenly interrupted...

... by a woman who said, "Mrs. Godfrey?"

"Yes?" she replied to the woman.

"Congratulations! You've won an opportunity to perform with the troupe!"

"Troupe?" Mrs. Godfrey asked.

"C'mon!" The woman dragged Mrs. Godfrey while the class followed...

... to outside where a stage was set,

"Wh-what?!" Mrs. Godfrey spluttered, overwhelmed.

"Change up, c'mon!" and the woman dragged Mrs. Godfrey to the set out of the view.

In no time at all, the class figured out this was an acrobat troupe that showed acrobats to the class with Mrs. Godfrey in it. She looked simply shocked and it's a wonder that they are able to perform with her.

Teddy, standing next to Nate asked, "How did you do it?"

"I know people," Nate simply said.

A few more pranks followed the next one.

During Art, color bombs suddenly appeared and colored the whole class different colors of the rainbow. Apparently, it happened in every Art class. The substitute teacher, Mr. Rosa was absent today, was in a horrible mess.

Between classes, they suddenly heard soft piano music and a roaring bear, a few minutes later, an announcement over the intercom stated, "Attention, students and teachers, the music room is currently off limits because someone put a PIANO PLAYING BEAR in it!"

Shocked faces could be seen around. LOL!

During recess, pie was given for dessert and someone threw a pie at the teacher and it actually exploded, splattering cream all over the teacher. Soon, everyone was throwing exploding pies, creating the a-pie-calypse which will forever be legend...

Gym was met with laughter. Apparently, some of the monkeys who painted the teachers also cross dress some of them or gave them funky hair. Nate, Teddy and Francis saw Mr. Staples with pink hair when they went to Gym.

Coach John was wearing a maid outfit and everyone was ROTFL!

"Stop laughing!" Coach John barked, "Now, give me 20-" that sentence was suddenly interrupted by an elephant's trunk taking Coach John by the hem of his shirt and putting him on its back. Coach John looked terrified. To make matters funnier, the elephant took Coach John's toupee and ate it! First an eagle took his toupee and now... good Lord!

"It's a good Prank Day," Teddy said when school ended.

"Yeah, now let's get ready for summer!" Francis said.

Teachers were already going to their cars, ready to get home from the exhausting day when suddenly the cars floated.

As they floated, something was raining down on them. Teddy got a fistful on his face.

"Wait, is this... chocolate?!" Teddy exclaimed.

Then, the cars spelled, 'Have a good summer!'

The school laughed and Nate said, "That was one great Prank Day..."

"How can you be so sure?"


News people have appeared out of nowhere and recorded the scene which will most definitely make headline news in the evening or tomorrow. What a wonderful Prank Day...

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