Temptation Of Grey

By Lilith41

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Reylo fanfic based on ideas for Episode 9 The rebels could first flee to a safe place and start rebuilding th... More

Chapter 1 - Rescue
Chapter 2 - First Conversation
Chapter 3 - The Jedi Books
Chapter 4 - Jedi Robe
Chapter 5 - The Nightmare
Chapter 6 - Proximity and Distance
Chapter 7 - Training out of control
Chapter 8 - Discoveries
Chapter 9 - Lessons
Chapter 10 - Collaboration
Chapter 11 - Liquid Heat
Chapter 12 - Agitation
Chapter 13 - Confessions
Chapter 14 - Unexpected Sights
Chapter 15 - Longing
Chapter 16 - Bloodbond
Chapter 17 - Secrets Revealed
Chapter 18 - Letter from the Hereafter
Chapter 19 - Truth
Chapter 20 - Breakthrough
Chapter 21 - Fate and oath
Chapter 22 - Awakening
Chapter 23 - Harmony
Chapter 24 - The soul of the darkness
Chapter 26 - Soul Merge
Chapter 27 - Encounter
Chapter 28 - The Circle Closes
Chapter 29 - Fulfillment
Chapter 30 - Visions
Chapter 31 - On the Way
Chapter 32 - Revelations

Chapter 25 - The soul of the light

2.5K 71 12
By Lilith41

Ben looked at Rey one last time as she sat cross-legged in front of him, trying to relax. She had already closed her eyelids and was about to take some deep breaths. Her lips were slightly open and her forehead focused wrinkled. He would have liked to lean over to steal a kiss, but he knew this was the last thing they should do. So he closed his eyes and also focused on her.

He plunged into her mind. She had dropped all barriers and he was free to penetrate deep into her soul. He was not sure what he would find. Rey always seemed strong and courageous to him. She was flexible and managed to accept things as they were and adapt quickly to new situations. So he was curious what secret was behind her strength and went deeper to the core of her being to find answers there.

He suddenly found himself under a blazing, hot sun. Barren desert as far as the eye could see. Rich green was sought in vain. The winch would merely take a walk away from a shabby cluster of small differently shaped buildings. He went to it, for he sensed her presence there, among the weathered buildings. However, her mind was strangely structured, as he had never felt before. He frowned and moved on.

He came to the middle of the settlement, which was marked by a kind of market on which all the inhabitants offered their barren goods. And then he saw the girl.

She was only eight years old, tiny and petite, as fragile as a delicate flower. But her voice was not. She was loud and strong and very desperate. The girl ran through the crowd shouting at the people walking around, but no one seemed to notice her.

"Please help me! I do not know where i am and have lost my parents .... Hello !!! PLEASE !! why does nobody help me ??? " Tears ran down her thin, delicate face, and in her big beautiful eyes a panicked expression had manifested itself. Suddenly she stumbled and fell to the ground. There she remained crouched, desperately placing her arms around her middle. She rocked back and forth as if to reassure herself, and an empty expression of surrender came into her eyes.

"REY!" He felt her pain and the boundless loneliness and had to lean against a wall because the intensity of these feelings had almost knocked him over and because he knew those feelings as well as she did. It was hard to feel that sense of being unnoticed again.

Suddenly the scene changed in front of him and he found himself outside the settlement in the desert again. The wreck of an old AT-AT was lying in the sand in front of him, his stomach was torn open and formed the entrance to a shelter. He walked slowly in and found himself in a shabby dreary dwelling. A small sleeping area in the corner, a shabby little doll on the table, and a few other wildly collected items lay in the room. The wall to his left was dominated by a carved pattern of small lines. He went to the wall and carefully touched the small grooves.

Then he heard a soft noise outside and quickly walked out of the room and around one of the AT-AT's legs. There was the girl, now about ten years old with her shoulders bowed, turned her back to him. Her whole body shook under the sob that she gave. She mumbled incomprehensible words and he took a few steps closer to understand her. "Nobody will come, nobody will help me, I'm so alone ... I can not do that anymore .... I don't want to do this anymore ...."

He was standing so close to her that he could have touched her hair which were grouped in their usual three pigtails. And he saw what she held in her hand; it was a sharp dagger.

Ben froze as he realized what she had in mind with the blade and wanted to address her, because he could not let her hurt herself. But suddenly a voice behind him whispered, "What are you doing?" Ben and also the girl turned around startled and Ben froze in disbelief.

Directly behind him cross-legged on the floor .... he saw himself, rather his eighteen-year-old version. Dressed in the beige brown robes of a Padawan, his hair a little shorter than now and frowning, looking at the girl who looked at him startled, "Who are you?" she asked mistrustfully.

"Why can you see me?" he asked her in astonishment. Then he mused aloud: "I meditate, something must mean this ..." Suddenly, young Ben looked intently at little Rey: "It's you."

"What am I?" she asked irritatedly. "The Force binds us together, so there must be a reason for that, even if I didn't understand why." He stroked his hand over his chest in confusion: "Or is this a dream? Or maybe a test? Master Luke will probably never tell me." He sighed in frustration, then turned back to Rey: "Why did you want to hurt yourself? I'm probably here to figure it out or prevent it, so tell me."

She said nothing for a long time looked at him in amazement, then took a deep breath and said: "For two years, I'm here alone, nobody notices or speaks with me me, they do not even see me. I can not take it any more, I do not want to feel this loneliness anymore." With these words, tears flow uncontrollably over her pretty cheeks.

Both, Ben and young Ben, could't stand her despair and inexplicably feel an incredibly strong affection for this little girl. The young Ben got up and went to her, he carefully reached out his hand to her cheek and slowly wiped away the tears. She whispers quietly under his touch and looks up at him in astonishment.

"You are not alone," he told her, penetrating with the power of his thoughts into her agitated mind: "From today you will never again have the feeling of being compleatly alone. You will feel confidence and the turn to look ahead and you will have hope and not despair. You will only remember me as a dream as I do to you."

The boy Ben stared into those big beautiful eyes, which now got a sleepy expression and slowly closing in. He wished he too could rid himself of all his fears and releasing demons as he was doing with her, suddenly she opened her eyes again and stared right into his, saying, "I am not alone ... neither are you, do not forget this." Then she fell in deep sleep, and young Ben lifted her into his arms and laid her on the bed in the barren dwelling.

He was about to turn away, and even though for some reason he found it incredibly difficult to part, but then he leaned over again her ear and whispered without even knowing the reason: "I'll come back to you, I promise!" Then he went back into the sand crouched down and disappeared before Ben's eyes after a moment.

Ben stared in disbelief at the place where his younger self had just disappeared. He could hardly believe it. His dreams of her, his sense of knowing her, all that had been right. They knew each other and he had saved her, for so long Snoke had not connected them, the force itself had done it.

"I always knew it, felt rather, it was you who has always given me the strength through your affection for me." He turned around and now the adult Rey stood in front of him, dressed in a long white robe. Her voluminous open hair fell in waves over her shoulders. Behind her the huge window gave a fantastic view of the galaxy. This was his dream!

He did not reply, his emotions moved him too much at the sight of this woman... his wife. "She's mine!" called the dark male part in him. She just smiled and said aloud, "Yes that's me, just as you are mine." Then he filled the void between them and pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately while the force between them pulsed more than ever before.

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