The Haunting Of 5H

By Jauregui_Cabello456

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Five college girls buy their first house together in Miami Florida. It was built over 100 years ago and the g... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four (Final)

Chapter Fifty Five

228 11 50
By Jauregui_Cabello456

A/N I cried while writing this. Just warning you.

When the girls got home they all hung out in the living room together. It was strange to be able sit in the home and not be thrown against walls or hear any demonic screams. The girls were sitting looking through photo albums when Camila's phone chimed alerting a text message it from Andrea, Normani's mom.

Andrea: So Normani wanted me to ask you if you would be the flower girl in the wedding. She was going to ask Sofi but with the short notice she wants you. The hospital is supplying roses tomorrow so all you have to do is throw them down the hallway and make Normani's wedding special.

Camila: I would love to be the flower girl! :)

Camila placed her phone down and smiled.

"Baby why are you smiling, what happened?"

Camila grinned bigger and said "Normani's mom texted me and said that Normani wants me to be the flower girl in the wedding tomorrow so I get to be a flower girl!"

Dinah hugged Camila "We'll you'll be the prettiest flower girl I've ever seen."

Camila hugged Dinah back "You'll be the prettiest bride I've ever seen."

Lauren cleared her throat "Um right here you know?"

Camila giggled "I know."

Lauren rolled her eyes and tackled Camila and Dinah in hugs.

"I can't believe Normani was going to purpose to me. This is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen."

"It's really beautiful DJ, It kinda reminds me of the one Camz bought me."

After a little while of looking through photos and comparing engagement rings Ally came into the room with a notebook.

"So I have an idea."

"What's up Allycat" Dinah answered.

"So since we can't exactly plan a huge wedding. I thought that you and Normani could each have one bridesmaid. You've known Camila since elementary school, so you could have Camila. Lauren you've know Normani since preschool, so she could have you. I could stand with Normani, even though I met you first Dinah, but since Normani wants this wedding to be special I thought I could stand with her."

Dinah nodded "Sounds perfect to me."

That night consisted of the girls finding dresses. Dinah found a long white dress with sleeves, Ally was wearing a black dress with a silt revealing her leg, Lauren was wearing a white dress matching Dinah's. Camila was wearing a short tan colored dress. Dinah found a black one for Normani. She couldn't find the white one from prom, but she figured this would be perfect. All four girls had there dresses on when Nick came home.

"Damn it's like I walked in on a red carpet. Y'all look great!"

Ally ran and jumped in Nick's arms "Baby!"

Nick carried her back to where her friends were sitting.

"What's going on, why are you wearing dresses?"

Dinah smiled "Normani and I are getting married. It's her last wish, Nick we want you to be in the wedding. We don't exactly have wedding rings but I want you to marry us. I know you can because you've talked about it before. Nick will you marry Normani and I?"

Nick smiled "Of course!! I just did an exorcism at a house earlier today and I wore my suit, so i'll wash it right now and have it clean for the marriage in the morning."

Dinah nervously laughed "So he just an exorcism in the same suit he's marrying Normani and I in?"

Ally laughed "You did ask a 'ghost hunter' to marry you two what did you expect?"

Dinah nodded "I guess you're right."

Ally stayed downstairs with Nick and Lauren while Dinah and Camila went upstairs. Dinah joined Camila in her room, they changed out of there dresses and sat on the floor

"Mila you have your guitar ready?"

"So you're gonna sing for Normani tomorrow?"

"The doctors told me I could. You know I've been practicing this song for months now."

Camila started playing a long to Dinah's soft singing not wanting to ruin the surprise.

****Wedding Day****

Dinah was listening to "Marry You" By Bruno Mars loudly throughout the house.

Lauren picked her phone up off the nightstand it was 6:03AM.

Lauren groaned "Ugh why is she so-"

Lauren looked over and saw Camila standing in front of the mirror. She was looking into it with her beautiful brown eyes, she was brushing her long brown hair and trying to style the ends. She delicately placed a bracelet on her wrist.

"My god Camz."

"Well good morning Lolo."

That was a nickname Lauren hadn't heard from Camila in a while.

"Good morning Camz, you look so beautiful. Why are you awake?"

"Dinah came in this morning and yelled "It's my wedding day!" She even threw confetti on the floor.

Lauren scratched her head and looked down to the floor that was covered in gold colored confetti. "How the hell did I miss that??"

Camila laughed "You're a heavy sleeper baby girl."

The whole morning was a blur. The girls were rushing around getting dressed and putting hair pins in each other's hair and making sure they looked picture perfect. Ally and Nick left before the others to help Normani get ready.

Back at the hospital Normani was getting super nervous. 

"Do you think Dinah is excited?"

Ally shook her head "Of course she is! She's marrying you. Why wouldn't she be excited?"

"It was a spur of the moment thing. Amaya doesn't to get to a part of the wedding and I can't have the official first dance we wanted to do."

"Normani she's excited. She couldn't fall asleep last night cause she's too excited about marrying you."

Ally helped Normani in her dress and finished applying her makeup. Ally left Normani's hair down, it had a wave to it and it was naturally beautiful.

Camila and Lauren were giving Dinah a pep talk.

"DJ she's your bestfriend. You love her. Don't be nervous. You're just talking to Normani you're telling her how much you love her."

Dinah smiled "You're right Laur, I love Mani, It'll be easy to tell her how much I love her."

The wedding was small. It was Dinah's mom and dad, and Normani's parents and grandma. All the girls were there. Nick was officiating the wedding, and some of Normani's doctors were there including Angelina who took care of Normani when was pregnant and delivered Amaya. Derek was there who's Amaya's doctor in the PICU. The couple were getting married in an old part of the ICU that is no longer used.

The played soft music on a keyboard that was brought in by a nurse who was also playing.

Camila grabbed the basket of flowers and began throwing them down the hallway, the aisle was short but it perfect for this wedding. Dinah and her father followed. She stood at the end of the aisle by Camila and in front of Nick. Next was Normani.

The nurses had disconnected her from everything except oxygen. She wanted to feel "normal." Her dad led her down the aisle. Dinah and Normani both were crying a little bit. Dinah couldn't believe how amazing Normani looked. She wasn't wearing the white dress she wanted, instead she was wearing a black dress with a grey part covering her arms and chest area. She looked so amazing you couldn't even tell she just had a baby less than 2 weeks ago. She made it to end of the aisle and her father handed her off to Dinah. Normani was standing by Ally and Lauren.

Nick smiled and spoke "Friends we have joined here today to share with Normani and Dinah an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to join together as one."

Dinah kissed Normani's head and she could tell she was using every muscle to be able to stand up right now and be able to marry her bestfriend, she wasn't going to let her weak body fail her right now.

"Who supports this couple in their marriage?"

Everyone softly clapped except Camila.

"Wooo go Norminah! Power couple" Camila yelled out.

Everyone including Normani couldn't help but laugh.

Nick did the opening prayer "Let us pray. God, for the joy of this occasion we thank you. For the meaning of this wedding day we thank you. For this important moment in an every growing relationship we thank you. For you presence here and now and for your presence at all times, we thank you."

Normani looked at Dinah and smiled. She couldn't help but smile back. Normani's mother was getting the best pictures right now. The way the two girls looked at eachother was complete love.

"Girls would you like to read your vows?"

Normani went first "Dinah I want to thank you for being there for me whenever I needed you. You were always there no matter what. You always tried to cook for me and I appreciate that but maybe leave that to Chef Jauregui. I love you Dinah Jane, you showed me how much you wanted to be a mother to Amaya. She will grow up with an amazing mom. Since our first dance class we formed a bond and I've loved that bond ever since the first day we spent together. You've taught me to be a better dancer. You bought so much Pizza and Popeyes over the years. You tutored me in high school we I needed help. You've been an amazing friend but an even more amazing girlfriend and now fiancé and soon wife. I know it was rushed, but I've known for a long time I wanted to marry you Dinah Jane. You're so beautiful and you make me so happy, I love you."

"Normani Kordei, I love you too. You're so amazing. I can't believe you're mine. You've been apart of my life for a long time now. We were paired in that dance when were younger and now look at us. We're getting married. It's crazy. In these past few weeks, I've learned so much about you. It's crazy. You're so strong a fighter. You gave birth to Amaya and you've fought this infection and you've given me a daughter. The best present I've gotten other than you. Normani you're not a present you're a gift from God, and I love you and I'm blessed to spend this time with you."

"I Normani take you Dinah to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death to us part."

"I Dinah take you Normani to be my wife my friend my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence our family and friends I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

"I Normani take you Dinah to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you, my heart and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

Nick was ready to make this official "By the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Normani and Dinah shared the most passionate kiss they ever shared.

"I present you Mrs. and Mrs. Hamilton, I present to you the newly married couple, Normani Kordei Hamilton, Dinah Jane Hamilton."

It was official Dinah and Normani were married. Normani's nurse brought a wheelchair for her to sit in. She was getting weaker by the minute being disconnected from the machines, but she was happy regardless. She married Dinah.

Dinah was standing in front everyone and took a microphone and smiled "Hi, I wanted to talk for a few minutes, so Normani and I have talked about a wedding before and we always said our first dance would always be "Smack That by Akon, but obviously that's not going to happen, Normani, Camila and I have been planning this surprise you. I wasn't going to do this at our wedding, but Camila and I wanted to this. She stayed up late last night making this video of us together, and I wrote this song for you called "Kiss Me First." Mani this is for you."

Camila came out with her guitar and they set up a projector that projected the video on the wall and Camila started playing guitar and Dinah began singing.

"If I was by your side, I'd be ready to die be like bonnie and clyde,

be like planes and get high, I know I could be shy,

but I just wanna know its real.

Always feels like could be when I got you around, you be makin my day,

you be makin me smile, swear it's been a while, since I felt like I do right now,

I'm just trying to be next to you, but I don't wanna say anything to soon,

cause life don't let me get out of my head, and wont say what things should be,

I'm starting to lose my patience here cause it's seems like we ain't going anywhere,

life don't let me get out of my head, and I won't say what things should be,

so get it out of the way, and kiss me first, get it out of the way and kiss me first.

I would give you my all every drop of my love,

but I just wanna know it's me or it's us,

I don't wanna wonder if I'm right or I'm wrong no more,

I'm just trying to be next to you but I don't wanna say anything to soon,

but life don't let me get out of my head and I won't say what things should be,

say I'm starting to lose my patience here, cause it seems like we ain't going anywhere,

so life don't let me get out of my head, and I won't say what things should be.

so get it out of the way and kiss me first

get it out of the way and kiss me first.

I'm just trying, I'm just trying, I'm just trying.

I'm starting to lose my patience here cause it seems like we ain't going anywhere,

so life don't let me get out of my head, and I won't say what things should be,

so get it out of the way and kiss me first, I'm gonna love you babe,

get it out of the way and kiss me first,

get it out of the way and kiss me first,

get it out of the way and kiss me first."

If the song hadn't made everyone cry, the slideshow definitely did.

Normani stood up and kissed her wife's lips "I would always kiss you first."

The hospital ordered a half chocolate and half white cake for the newly weds, and they all got to all eat cake and talk about things among one another. Normani was getting wheeled around talking to everyone, and they all sat in the hallway being visited by various doctors, and the end of the wedding they got a special visitor.

They saw a little baby getting wheeled down the hospital in her little bed hooked to a lot of machines. Derek had Amaya.

"You think Amaya was going to miss her mommies wedding? She's even wearing a white outfit."

Normani ran her fingers down her daughters arms, Normani choked up knowing this would be the last time she would ever feel her daughters skin. She knew that this would be her last memory of her daughter. She loved her so much. She wished more than anything she would be able to watch her grow up but Normani knew she was needed somewhere else for some reason. Normani kissed her hand and placed it on Amaya's face.

"I love you more than life baby girl, you be nice to mama and you take care of her for me okay princess."

For a few minutes Dinah and the rest of the family saw Amaya briefly. After they took Amaya back to her room they then took Normani back to her room, Dinah helped her wife change back into her hospital gown. They locked there selves in the bathroom.

Normani was standing in her bra and underwear, "Dinah I don't wanna leave you."

Dinah hugged Normani "I know baby I'll see you again."

Dinah kissed Normani's breasts before putting her hospital gown on her.

"At least you'll have that memory."

Once they got Normani situated back in her room, they listened to a little Beyoncé. You could see Normani's body giving up on fighting. Once 10pm came around everyone kissed Normani's face.

"I love you guys thank you for everything. Camila thank you for helping Dinah sing to me today, thank you for endless laughs, Ally thank you for keeping God in my life, Lauren thank you for keeping Art in my life and being so creative, Nick thank you for keeping my friends safe, and my daughter. Dinah, thank you for being my wife. Even if it was short I will die knowing we're married. That's all that matters."

Normani was given the first dosage of morphine. The medicine made her sleep. One of the doctors spoke to the girls and Normani's parents who were present at the time "The morphine isn't killing Normani. The morphine is numbing her. She's off all medicines and machines, including oxygen. The morphine will make her pass away painlessly and she won't suffer. It'll only be a matter of time, Normani has signed a DNR which is a do not resituate form, so once her heart stops we can't start it again."

Dinah held Normani's hand until the next day, March 22nd at 7:16pm. Normani's hand went limp and Dinah knew that was it. Normani had a heart monitor on her finger. The line was flat and the machine let out a constant one tone beep noise. The Normani that everyone loved was gone. Ally, Lauren, Camila, Dinah, and Normani's parents were in the room when Normani's heart stopped.

Doctors came in and ushered everyone out of the room. Dinah didn't want to leave her. She knew Normani was no longer alive but it hard to process this.

Ally Camila and Lauren broke down in the waiting room. Normani's parents wanted the girls to go home, and they would take care of Dinah tonight.

Nick was in the waiting room when Normani left this earth. He drove everyone home. Once they got home they didn't even make it upstairs they broke down in the living room. They couldn't process what had happened. The girls were sitting in the living room and Elizabeth appeared. 

"Girls I want to say Normani is okay. I saw her after she passed away. She passed away with no pain. She feels happy. She feels like she can dance again and be herself. She said she gonna miss you all so much,"

Cassidy appeared next and she stood by Elizabeth.

"Don't cry girls you're too beautiful for that. You have to remember to be happy and remember the happy times you spent with Normani not how she is now. Remember all the goofy moments and silly times."

The girls saw an actual 5 year old standing in the room. Cassidy wearing a purple dress and white flats with her hair in pig tails her blue eyes were the biggest blue eyes any of the girls had ever seen before. This is the 5 year old that the girls knew Cassidy could be.

Camila smiled at Cassidy and Elizabeth "We love Normani and we love you two."

The girls all gathered on the sofa that night while Nick brought the girls refreshments and even cried with the girls sometimes. He didn't know Normani all that long but while he did he really cared about her. He cared about all these girls. He wanted them all to feel safe in there home. That's exactly while he was there.

Ally went to her bedroom and she found a note on her bed.

 Hey little sunshine! Just because I'm gone doesn't mean I'm gonna stop watching over my girls! I love you Allycat! I'll keep surprising you sometimes, I'm never far away. Keep your head up beautiful! I love you Allyson xoxo - Manibear.

Ally hugged the paper close to her heart. This was from Normani. It was her handwriting. Ally knew at that point everything was going to be okay. She put the paper on her nightstand by the picture of her and Normani in the blue and white picture frame. Normani was holding Ally in her arms and they both had the biggest smile on her face. Ally knew they would be okay, but this didn't make her miss Mani any less.

A/N song is kiss me first by Dinah Jane, sorry if I messed up the lyrics any, there isn't a lyric video out there I could find! I cried so much during this chapter. I apologize for the heart breaking chapter. Less than 5 chapters left until the end!!! Omg it can't be ending.... Anyway this is supposed to be a scary fanfic, just wait I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment vote and share!! God Bless -Katie :)

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