Panthers in Hemlock Grove

By Taffy-Lover634

21.1K 606 94

(Hemlock Grove x Reader) In order to protect his younger sister, 26 year old, Dylan takes custody of Y/n, who... More

Chapter 2: Calm Your Tits
Chapter 3: Attachments
Chapter 4: We Got Your Back
Chapter 5: Order of the Dragon
Chapter 6: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 7: People Are Crazy
Chapter 8: Friends
Chapter 9: Not Alone
Chapter 10: Bacon Grease
Chapter 11: White Psycho
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter 13: A Year
Chapter 14: Dreams
Chapter 15: Bye Lynda
Chapter 16: Hope
Chapter 17: We're Connected
Chapter 18: The Caul
Chapter 19: Drowning
Chapter 20: Intruders
Chapter 21: Falling
Chapter 22: Gold Star
Chapter 23: The Great Escape
Chapter 24: The Mistake
Chapter 25: Bye-Bye Boogeyman
Chapter 26: Fuck This Town

Chapter 1: I Guess I'm Attractive

1.9K 59 14
By Taffy-Lover634



Y/n was sitting on a metal ledge, of a factory, facing a river. She wasn't alone though, in front of her were two guys standing side by side on a walkway leaning on it. On the right was a guy with brown hair that went down to his neck and on the left was a dude with shorter brown hair, she wasn't too far away from them but they couldn't see her.

"This is one of the only rivers in the world that flows north. Confuses the birds. They say that birds can see the magnetic field of the earth, that's why they migrate. What do you think it was that brought us here?" The one on the left asks after talking about the birds. Righty just stared at him before he noticed something.

"Is that blood?" He asked Lefty while looking at his shirt.

"Yeah... Long story... Stupid ass birds." Lefty said before the birds started to fall in the water, but before he could turn back to the river Y/n was able to make out what the blood formed on his shirt. It was a snake eating itself.

"Are you okay?" Righty asked. It took him a few seconds to reply.

"We're in this together," Lefty said, staring at Righty. Righty stared for a few seconds.

"Holy Fuck!" He said. Then seconds before Y/n saw blackness something made them turn around, they saw her, she was certain.

*End of dream*

She woke up to the feeling of being shaken.

"Hey squirt, time to get up." Dylan was shaking her trying to wake her up. All Y/n did was groan. It's too fucking early for this shit.

"Come on you're a Junior this year, you can graduate early." Dylan was trying to convince her to wake up. Y/n thought he sounded tempting, but to her that will never beat sleep.

"Don't make me throw you in the pool." He threatened.

"There's a pool?!" She immediately shot up.

"Hell yeah, there is. You can swim in it after school." He was laughing at the way she just popped up like that.

"Ugh, that hell hole," She groaned, just wanting to plop back down and go back to sleep.

"Yeah, 'that hell hole.'" He confirmed getting up.

"I don't see why they even invented such a thing," She yanked the blanket off, though not getting out of bed yet.

"Me neither kid. I'm gonna go make some breakfast. We leave in thirty minutes." He said walking out the door and downstairs.

After ten minutes of just laying there and almost falling back asleep, she finally got dressed. She grabbed her backpack and ran downstairs towards the smell of f/b.

Y/n walked into the kitchen and saw two plates that had f/b on them, set on the table with two cups of f/d. Dylan sat down and so did she. They sat there eating in comfortable silence.

They finished their breakfast and got into Dylan's car. On the way to school, they listened to music and sang, more like yelled, along with the lyrics. When they arrived he stopped the car and looked at the school before looking at Y/n.

At school

"I'll pick you up after school. Be careful and have a nice day. Bye love you." He put a hand on her shoulder. He was telling her to be careful because a girl was killed a couple of days before the siblings came into town.

"I will. Bye love you. See you later." She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. Then he sped off. That didn't surprise Y/n, he said he had a job interview and by the looks of the time he's late.

Y/n is walking up the stairs when suddenly a girl with long brown hair bumps into her and drops her books. Y/n being the nice person that she is, helps the girl pick up her books.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was-" She cut herself off and just stared at Y/n's hand.

"Is everything okay?" Y/n was looking at her with concern.

"Yeah just- I have a question. Are you a werewolf?" She asked in a whisper.

"Why would you think that?" Y/n whispered back looking her in the eye.

"Because your index and middle finger are the same lengths. They say that makes you a werewolf." The girl was still staring at Y/n's hands.

"Huh. Well, ain't that something. I never noticed. Well, I can assure you I'm not a werewolf." Y/n observed her hand then turned to the girl calmly. 

I mean it is true, I'm not a werewolf, I'm a panther. Were-panther? Ah who cares. no one can hear me anyway. 

Y/n started walking towards the school.

"My name is Christina." She said catching up with her.

"Y/n," She said simply.

"Are you new in town?" She seemed really curious. 

What is she a journalist?

"Yeah just moved in yesterday... Anyway gotta go or I'll be late to class." Y/n headed towards her first class. 

That was a close one. Not even at school for thirty minutes and people are already being nosy as hell.

On her way to 4th period, Y/n saw a bunch of freshmen surrounding what looked like a crying girl. They were picking on her.

"Hey hey sweetheart it's okay, you can tell us we're your friends. Us Freshman we, we gotta stick together." One dude said leaning down towards her and then getting back up to stand by his friend.

"Come on what'd you eat first? I mean I know what I'd eat first." Another douche said.

"Come on it's not so bad, who tasted better?" Douche 1 asked.

"How about you two go eat a bag of dicks and shit then tell me which one tastes better," Y/n said sarcastically, finally speaking up and standing in front of the girl on the floor.

"Oh, really what are you gonna do?" Douche 2 asked, seeming not impressed. The thing is Y/n wasn't there to impress, she just hated douche bags and bullies or maybe just all prepubescent boys in general.

She started walking towards them slowly with her resting bitch face on, she stopped about a foot away from them.

"Okay then show me what you got." Douche 1 swung his arms out.

"Oboedio," She whispered.

"The hell did you just say?" Douche 2 asked.

"Kiss him, use your tongue." She demanded Douche 2, using the compulsion spell.

"Wait wha-" Douche 1 was cut off by his friend french kissing him. Everyone around them laughed until a tall dude with brown hair walked up. 

It was one of the guys that Y/n saw in her dream.

"Why are you all still here? Leave." He said then all the kids left. While he did that she helped the girl up.

"Hi, my name is Y/n. What's your name?" Y/n asked looking up at her.

"Shelley." Her phone said after she typed.

"Why did you help my sister?" The guy asked looking at her curiously, Y/n though he recognized her.

"I did the right thing. No one deserves that." Y/n crossed her arms and smiled at Shelly. He nodded as if saying he accepted the answer.

"Roman Godfrey." He said, holding out his hand. Y/n could see a hint of a smile forming on his face.

"Y/n L/n," She grabbed it.

"You new around here?" Roman hadn't seen her around before, the answer was obvious to him.

"Yeah just moved in yesterday," Y/n folded her arms behind her back and smiled.

"Thank you." Shelley's phone said.

"You're welcome. No one with a beautiful face like yours should be treated that way. Anyway, I gotta get to class bye." Y/n's kind words caused Shelley and Roman to smile. She walked off to class and carried on with the rest of her day.

After what seemed like years school was finally over. She walked out of school only for someone to bump into her again causing her to fall.

"Man what is it with people bumping into me today, am I that attractive," She muttered while getting up.

"I'm sorry. I'm just kind of in a rush." A guy with brown neck-length hair said.

"Ah, it's fine," Y/n realized that he is the other guy from her dream.

"I'm uh Peter, Peter Rumancek." Peter thought she looked familiar and that interested him.

"Y/n L/n," She smiled.

"Wait L/n, are you related to Dylan L/n?" He'd heard his cousin talk about Dylan a lot, even more in the past few months.

"Yeah he's my brother, we just moved here yesterday, how'd you know?" She was curious. She thought the only person around here who knew Dylan was Destiny.

"Destiny Rumancek is my cousin. She talks about him sometimes, and says they are old friends." He nodded his head.

"Yeah, Dylan said that she was the one who helped him pick out our house and that she was the one who did my room," Y/n was actually excited, she didn't have any friends back in her old town. She was already making new ones.

"I uh gotta get going. But uh see you later?" Peter started walking backward smiling at the girl he'd just met.

"Definitely," She confirmed smiling back. That's when Y/n finally saw Dylan's Camaro waiting for her. She started walking towards it until a wrapped hand landed on my shoulder. She turned and saw Shelley. She handed Y/n a piece of paper with her number on it.

"Here is my number. I really appreciate what you did for me." Her phone said.

"Thanks. I'll text you later. Bye Shells." Y/n gave her a quick side hug. She hugged back saying goodbye. Y/n started to walk to the car. Before she got in she turned and waved at Shelley, she waved back.

"New friend?" Dylan watched the interaction and was happy for Y/n.

"Uh yeah. A dude named Roman and his sister Shelley. Also Destiny's cousin Peter." Y/n started putting on her seatbelt.

"Oh really. She's mentioned him before. Said he was a werewolf." He said as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Huh... Tonight's the full moon." Y/n now realizing why he was in a rush.

"Yeah.. hey look we don't have to shift tonight. You know with all the stuff that just happened and-" He started to say before Y/n cut him off.

"No, I want to. I've had so much stress and anxiety put on me I think I just need to release all of it." Y/n then turned on some music and looked out the window on the ride home.

At Y/n's house

When they got home Y/n went up to her room.

"Hey get ready we are going to shift in an hour." He yelled out.

"Okay, I will," She yelled back. Y/n went ahead and texted Shelley letting her know that this was her number.


All the spells used throughout this book are fake. They are spoken in Latin but I used google translate so don't come at me if I didn't get the words right.

Also eveything in italics are Y/n's thoughts.

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