Panthers in Hemlock Grove

By Taffy-Lover634

21.8K 617 94

(Hemlock Grove x Reader) In order to protect his younger sister, 26 year old, Dylan takes custody of Y/n, who... More

Chapter 1: I Guess I'm Attractive
Chapter 2: Calm Your Tits
Chapter 3: Attachments
Chapter 4: We Got Your Back
Chapter 5: Order of the Dragon
Chapter 6: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 7: People Are Crazy
Chapter 8: Friends
Chapter 9: Not Alone
Chapter 10: Bacon Grease
Chapter 11: White Psycho
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter 13: A Year
Chapter 14: Dreams
Chapter 15: Bye Lynda
Chapter 16: Hope
Chapter 17: We're Connected
Chapter 18: The Caul
Chapter 19: Drowning
Chapter 20: Intruders
Chapter 21: Falling
Chapter 22: Gold Star
Chapter 23: The Great Escape
Chapter 24: The Mistake
Chapter 25: Bye-Bye Boogeyman
Chapter 26: Fuck This Town


2.7K 64 15
By Taffy-Lover634


"It has been decided that Dylan Thomas L/n's request for full custody of Y/n M/n L/n has been granted." The judge announced.

"Yes!" Y/n ran over and hugged Dylan. He immediately hugs her back. After months of this ongoing custody battle. He had won.

"What, this is ridiculous!" M/n shouted.

"He can't take care of that brat. He can barely take care of himself." D/n backed her up. They started walking towards the siblings but the officers that were in the courtroom held them back.

"You're lucky they didn't charge you two for neglect," Dylan said pushes Y/n behind him.

"Dylan lets just go," She started pulling his hand leading him towards the door. Once they got in the car they started driving to the house.

"Come on let's be quick." He gets out and goes inside with Y/n right behind him. When they got to her room they started her packing things, which wasn't much. All of her possessions filled up one suitcase and one backpack.

They put the bags in the trunk of his black Camaro before getting in.

"We have a long trip ahead so you might wanna get some sleep." He said as he started to drive. She obliged, after all, she'd had a long day.

In the car

Y/n woke up right before they passed a sign that said 'Welcome To Hemlock Grove'. After passing it Dylan got a call.

"Hey, Destiny... Um yeah, we actually just pulled into town... oh okay. Hey, thanks for everything you've done. We just had to get away and start fresh... yeah okay we will. Bye." He said then hung up.

"So that's the friend that helped you find the place?" She asked.

"Yeah her names Destiny. She's- I guess you could say a psychic witch." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Oh. Does she know about us?" Y/n raised a brow.

"Yeah. All she had to do was look at me, then I just told her about you. She said she can't wait to meet you by the way." He said as they pulled up to a two-story house. There was a girl standing in front of it dangling what Y/n assume are the keys to the house from her hand.

"Whoa. Did you rob a bank or something?" The teenager asked getting out of the car and walking to the front door.

"I guess you forgot that I was in the military for 6 years. Plus we still have the money Grandma and Pops left us." He said taking the keys from the Destiny.

"Hello love, I'm Destiny." Destiny was holding out her hand.

"I'm Y/n," Y/n took her hand and started shaking it with a big smile.

"Well Dyl I have to go I'll see you soon. It was really nice meeting you Y/n." She hugged Dylan and Y/n. They both waved at her as she left. When she did, Dylan finally opened the door letting Y/n walk in. She looked around and the place was amazing. After admiring the place they start to up pack their things.

"Where's my room?" Y/n placed her things down and looked at him. He just smiled.

"Your room is the one with the balcony." He said.

"Really?!" She was excited.

"Hell yeah. Destiny already set it up. I told her what kind of bedroom you wanted." He started leading her upstairs.

He placed his things in his room then he pointed to the door in front of Y/n.

"That's your room." He said with a proud smile. She opened the door but refused to look until she set her things down. Finally she looked up and was amazed, this was way better than her old room.

She immediately went to the swing and sat in it. Y/n swung a little and laughed then she started to run around the room admiring the little trinkets everywhere. The last thing to admire was the bed, she took a moment then ran and jumped on it repeatedly. She flopped on her back and saw that Dylan had been leaning on the door frame smiling at her childish actions.

"Come here," She spread her arms for a hug, this was most likely the fifth hug of the day. He obliged and flopped down onto her, all his weight almost suffocating the girl.

"Okay! I meant hug me not turn me into a rug. Hug not rug, Dyl." She was trying to push him off. He laughed and got off pulling her into a proper hug.

"Thank you. All I had back at that place was a blanket and a pillow." She hugged him tighter.

"You're welcome. You deserve this, You're a real trooper. Love you squirt." He then sat up.

"Love you, Dyl," She was sitting up too.

"I have something for you. Well, two things actually." He said pulling two boxes from his back pockets. She eyed him before taking the bigger box first, she opened it and there sat a phone, something she'd never had the privilege to own.

"Thank you," She said giving him a smile.

"You're welcome, it already has mine and Destiny's contacts in it. Now open this one. It's my favorite." He handed her the smaller one. She opened it and there sat two necklaces. One said 'Y/I' and the other said 'D'.

"Aww, D. This is cute." She took hers and put it on.

"I know. It's perfect. As long as we have these on we'll always know where the other is. I put a charm on them." He said putting his on.

"So, in other words, this is a GPS that leads to me," She started messing with it.

"Yeah, you can put it like that." He said.

"Well, it's still sweet. Thank you." She tilted her head with a smile.

"You're welcome. Now get some sleep you have school tomorrow." He said getting up and walking towards the door.

"Hell," She shouted after he walked out. His laugh could be heard before he went into his room. After a few minutes of sitting, Y/n unpacked and got ready for bed.

Then she fell into sleep.


Before continuing I just wanna say that this book is inspired by @crazyfreckledginger's story, "The Siblings Are In Town", on Tumblr.

OK first things first. Your brother will be played by whoever you want.

Name: Dylan L/n

Eye Color: e/c

Hair Color: h/c

Age: 26

Supernatural Species: Dylan is a warlock. He also has the power to turn into a Panther.

You will be played by you.

Name: Y/n L/n

Eye Color: Y/e/c

Hair Color: Y/h/c

Age: 17

Supernatural Species: Y/n is, like her brother, a witch. She can turn into a Panther just like her brother, it runs in the family; the witch part anyway.

You both can shift anytime you want. It just easier to let it all out on the full moon.

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