Elves and Dwarves (part 2)

By animaltrainer

10.8K 283 13

After Thorin Oakenshield and his company escaped the halls of the great Goblin king. They now have to take an... More

The Shifter
Thranduil Part 2
Farewell Mirkwood
Sneaking in


571 13 0
By animaltrainer

"Do it again, and you're dead." The man threatened

Balin, who was standing near the edge of the group, spotted a barge floating in the river behind Bard. He talked to Bard, approaching him slowly with his hands held in the air.

"Excuse me, but, uh, you're from Laketown, if I'm not mistaken? That barge over there, it wouldn't be available for hire, by any chance?" Balin asked

Bard lowered his bow and walked towards his boat.

He climbed aboard his barge as the dwarves approached him.

"What makes you think I will help you?" He asked

"Those boots have seen better days." Balin said simply

Bard began loading the dwarves' empty barrels into his barge.

"As has that coat. No doubt you have some hungry mouths to feed. How many bairns?" Balin asked

"A boy and two girls." He replied

"And your wife, I'd imagine she's a beauty."

"Aye. She was." Beard said sadly

Balin's smile faded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" he began

He was interrupted by Dwalin whispering loudly to Thorin.

"Oh, come on, come on, enough with the niceties."

"What's your hurry?" Bard asked

"What's it to you?" Dwalin growled

"I would like to know who you are and what you are doing in these lands." Bard said

"We are simple merchants from the Blue Mountains journeying to see our kin in the Iron Hills." Balin lied

"Simple merchants, you say?" Bard asked

"We'll need food, supplies, weapons. Can you help us?" Thorin asked

"And herbs!" Bofur added as he sent a pointed look at Kili an Draco.

Bard looked at Kili and Draco before he turned to look at the barrels and examined the various dents and nicks they received during the fight with the orcs.

"I know where these barrels came from." Bard said

"What of it?" Thorin asked

"I don't know what business you had with the elves, but I don't think it ended well. No one enters Laketown but by leave of the Master. All his wealth comes from trade with the Woodland Realm. He will see you in irons before risking the wrath of King Thranduil." Bard said

Bard boarded his barge and tossed a rope to Balin. Thorin mouthed to Balin.

"Offer him more."

"I'll wager there are ways to enter that town unseen."

"Aye. But for that, you will need a smuggler." Bard said

"For which we will pay double." Balin said

Bard looked at him suspiciously.


The orcs ran beside the river in pursuit of the dwarves, who the current had carried far ahead of the orcs.

"Sha mogi obguryash!" Bolg commanded

[Don't let them go away!]


In the woodland realm, Thranduil had retaken his throne with the help of Lord Elrond and Lómëanor had been sentenced to a lifetime in the dungeons. Legolas and Tauriel had brought their captured orc to Thranduil's throneroom. As Legolas stood with his knife pressed to the orc's neck, Thranduil paced around it.

"Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world it festers and spreads, a shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was; so will it always be. In time, all foul things come forth." He said

"You were tracking a company of thirteen dwarves. Why?" Legolas asked

"Not thirteen; not any more. The young one, the black-haired archer, we stuck him with a Morgul shaft." The Orc said

The orc spoke this while facing Tauriel. She looked worried.

"The poison's is in his blood. He'll be choking on it soon." It laughed

"Answer the question, filth." Tauriel growled

"Sha hakhtiz khunai-go, Golgi!" It yelled

[I do not answer to dogs, She-Elf!]

Legolas pushed the orc a bit as Tauriel whipped out her knife.

"I would not antagonize her." Legolas warned

"You like killing things, orc? You like death? Then let me give it to you!" Tauriel said as she rushed forward with her knife, but Thranduil spoke.

"Farn! Tauriel, ego! Gwao hi."

[Enough! Tauriel, leave! Go now.]

The orc snarled at her, but Tauriel managed to regain her composure and left.

"I do not care about one dead dwarf. Answer the question. You have nothing to fear. Tell us what you know and I will set you free."
Thranduil lied

"You had orders to kill them - Why? What is Thorin Oakenshield to you?" Legolas asked

"The dwarf runt will never be king." The Orc spat

"King? There is no king under the mountain nor will there ever be. None would dare enter Erebor, whilst the dragon lives." Legolas said

"You know nothing! Your world will burn!" The Orc growled

"What are you talking about? Speak!" Legolas commanded

"Our time has come again. My master serves the One. Do you understand now, Elfling? Death is upon you. The flames of war are upon you-" the Orc laughed

Thranduil, whose eyes had widened upon hearing about "the One," suddenly whipped out his sword and beheaded the orc, leaving the orc's head in Legolas's hand.

"Why did you do that? You promised to set him free." Legolas said

"And I did. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders." Thranduil countered

The orc's body, although separated from its head, shook violently. Thranduil stomped on its leg to stop the shaking.

"There was more the orc could tell us." Legolas argued

"There was nothing more he could tell me." Thranduil countered

Thranduil turned and walked away, sheathing his sword.

"What did he mean by the 'flames of war'?" Legolas asked

"It means they intend to unleash a weapon so great it will destroy all before it." Thranduil said and he turned and addressed the elven guards.

"I want the watch doubled at all our borders. All roads, all rivers. Nothing moves but I hear of it. No one enters this kingdom, and no one leaves it."

Legolas approached the elves guarding the entrance to the Woodland Realm.

"Holo in ennyn! Tiro i defnin hain na ganed en-Aran." Legolas ordered

[Close the gate! Keep it sealed by order of the King.]

Legolas turned to walk away, but one of the guards called out.

"Man os Tauriel?"

[What about Tauriel?]

Legolas stopped short.

"Man os sen?" Legolas asked

[What about her?]

"Edevín eb enedhor na gû a megil. En ú-nandollen." A elf guard called

[She went into the forest armed with her bow and blade. She has not returned.]

As Legolas walked towards the gate, the guard pointed out towards the forest in the direction Tauriel went. Legolas looked anxious.


Bolg and his orcs arrived at the rock where the dwarves met Bard. One of the orcs tasted a pool of liquid.

"nash! Agra-yi." An Orc said

[Dwarf blood! They were here.]

"Nuzdi-arg nash...hum an bunish!" Bolg said

[There is another scent...man flesh!]

"They have found a way to cross the lake. Bolg hissed

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