Oh, Hi... Cimorelli... ~Seque...

By JournalArtist

18.3K 687 75

*Sequel to 'Y-You're Cimorelli...'* What will happen when Aurora meets up with Cimorelli again? How will Cimo... More

C1 ~ Locked Away
C2 ~ Meeting Up Again
C3 ~ Unsettled
C4 ~ Worry
C5 ~ Shut Out
C6 ~ Educational Institution... NOT
C7 ~ Therapy!
C9 ~ Confrontations
C10 ~ Feelings
C11 ~ Night With The Cimorellis
C12 ~ Jamie
C13 ~ Addictions
C14 ~ Cimorelli Boy
C15 ~ First
C16 ~ Really?
C17 ~ Jealousy Part 1
C17 ~ Jealousy Part 2
C18 ~ The Talk
C19 ~ Sorry

C8 ~ Friday

900 31 4
By JournalArtist

*Later that same day*
“Hey Christina, can we assemble a ‘only girls’ meeting real quick?” Lisa leans against the counter as i set the table.
“Uh, sure just let me finish up here and we’ll meet up in the computer room” I quirk my eyebrow at her.
“Thanks, i'll go get Dani and Lauren from outside.” She walks away.
That was weird… Wonder what's happening.
“Alright we are meeting because i believe Lisa has something to tell us.” I started the meeting off.
“What is it Lisa?” Amy asked.
“Well as you guys know i was out all night last night, well i went to Aurora’s house and i found out what was happening with her.” She started saying.
“Oh my, I can't listen to this again” Katherine began tearing up.
“Katherine? You already know what she's going to say?” Dani turned to her older sister.
“I'm afraid so” She sniffled.
“What's going on Lisa?” Lauren asked.
“Uhm… She-her parents are dead a-and so is her friend Jen.” Lisa stuttered out.
“What?! Mr. and Mrs. Simons are dead? H-how?” Dani gasped.
“Uhm it was in a car crash.” Lisa started tearing up.
“Wait, you said her friend Jen was also dead? How did that happen we just saw her not that long ago” Lauren had tears running down her face.
“She, well, committed suicide.” Lisa now also had tears spilling from her eyes.
“Hows Aurora doing?” Amy asked.
“S-she’s doing better than last night. You should have seen her, she was a mess. Ended up crying herself to sleep in my arms. It broke my heart hearing her cry like that” Lisa choked up a bit.
As all my sisters were crying I felt frozen. I couldn't wrap my mind around all that has happened  to our friend. We had to let her know that we would be there for her if she needed us. The only question is how?
“Hey Aurora, i'll be ‘round your place at 8 and no need to dress up.” Jordan informed me as she rushes out of the class. Confused i pack all my belongings and head to my next class. As soon as i take my seat i put my headphones in and read my textbook.
Well if no one is going to teach us might as well teach myself.
“Hey I'm going out with a friend tonight” I inform my aunt.
“Alright sweetheart have some fun, and stay safe.” She gave me hug.
“Always am!” I waved to her before making my way to Jordan’s car.
“Hey!” She greeted me.
“Hey, so where are we going?” I asked.
“Oh i guess i forgot to tell you, we are heading to a party” She smiled as she pulled out of the driveway.
“Really? Who’s party?” I became intrigued. The last time i was at a party I got sick and had to leave early.
“My brother’s girlfriend is throwing a huge ‘i'm going to college’ party.” She laughed.
“So this is a Senior’s party, cool” i smiled.
Hopefully everything goes well…
“Ok stick to my side, don't want any guys, or girls, trying to pull any moves on you” She stated as we walked into the house. People were everywhere drinking, dancing, talking basically having a blast.
“So am i here as your friend or your date?” I smirked as i watched her glare at a guy who was checking us out.
“A-as m-my friend, duh” She blushed averting her gaze somewhere else.
“Mhmm, so what is there to drink?” I ask as she leads us to the kitchen.
“Wine coolers, beer, water, soda, vodka, scotch?” She went through the a cooler.
“I don't know…” I hesitated, biting my lip.
“Lets start out light yeah? Here drink this” She handed me a bottle. I looked from the bottle to her face.
What else do you have to lose?
My dignity.
Well who cares about dignity? Take it, drink it, live a little!
What if i don't want to live a little?
Well it will help you forget.
Forget what?
Mom, Dad, Callie, Jen...
It would?
Yes, now do it!
“Alright, what is it?” I take it from her taking the cap off on the counter.
“Wine cooler, its not that bad. Its not as bitter as beer” She grabbed one for herself.
“You're right its actually not that bad” I took a sip.
“You bet i am, now come on lets dance!” She took my hand dragging me to the dance floor.
“Why hasn't anyone ever told me that vodka is this good?” I slurred my words.
“You my friend then have not been hanging out with the right people.” Jordan held onto the counter trying to keep herself balanced.
“Y-you're so right, need another drink?” I questioned.
“Uhm some water i need to sober up a bit if we want to get home tonight.” She answered.
“Alright I-i'll be right back” I stumbled my way towards the kitchen.
“Well hello there pretty girl” A random guy said as i grabbed a water bottle and a shot of tequila.
“Excuse me i need to get by” I tried walking by him.
“Now why would you want to do that?” He tried being smooth.
“Get a hint she's not interested” I looked over his shoulder to see a furious Jordan.
“Who are you her girlfriend?” He laughed.
Oh shiz…
“Maybe i am, Maybe i'm not” Jordan crossed her arms.
“Please i'm sure this hot thang is not a lesbian” I had to roll my eyes at that statement.
“Really then why would we do this” She pushed past him and kissed me straight on the lips. I could hear wolf whistles and howls but i didn't care i couldn't focus on anything other than my new friend was kissing me, on the lips, at a party.
“Well then” I heard the guy walk away.
“W-wow” I stuttered as she backed away.
“I uh yeah s-s-sorry” She blushed.
“Here's your water” I tried changing the subject.
“Thanks” She smiled still with a light pink tint to her cheeks.
“Thanks for letting me stay the night” I smiled.
“Its cool i'm actually glad everything is cool” Jordan chuckled.
“No worries my aunt would kill me if i came home drunk, so… where do i sleep?” I looked around her room.
“D-do you mind sharing? We don't have much extra room and id rather you not have to sleep on the floor” She sheepishly smiled.
“No its fine! Can i borrow some sweets and a loose t-shirt?” I sit on her bed.
“Yeah sure um you can change in here i'll go change in the restroom.” She handed me clothes before walking out.
“Thanks” I called out to her. I was changed and staring at her bed when she walked back in.
“You can get in you know?” She chuckled.
“I know i'm just waiting for you” I smile.
“Aw you're so sweet. Alright come on in, i won't bite” She patted the empty space next to her. Slowly i slid in next to her i looked up at the ceiling as she had her back towards me.
“Jordan you still up?” i was met by silence. Think about it for a minute i turn so i was facing her back and slid my arm around her waist and fell asleep.
Holy shiz, my first kiss… was with a girl… and we are in the same bed together.
ON THE ROAD AGAIN! I am currently leaving Texas and heading back to Virginia where I will spend one last week there before heading home. Is it bad that I don't really miss my dad even though I haven't really spoken to him except with short blunt sentences these past 3 months?
QotU: How often do you travel?
My Answer: contrary to these last 3 months I usually don't travel unless is to go see my mom every summer or when my dad has time so we can drive an hour back to my hometown and visit family and friends there.
Quote of the Update: 'Many times, the decisions we make affect and hurt your closest friends and family the most. '- Lex Luger
Updates will be back to happening at random after next Friday.
Anyways, Have a great week Oreos!! See you on the flip side!

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