C17 ~ Jealousy Part 1

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“Sam! I'm home!” I yell as i walk in to the house.

“SISSY!!” I hear Ryan yell, next thing i know i'm being knocked to the ground.

“Hey there buddy, how you been?” I stand up with him in my arms.

“Good!” He giggled.

“That's great, how about we go watch Dino Train?” I toss him up a little.

“Dino Train!” He cheered.





‘Hey, you comin’ tonight?’

‘Duh, i wouldn't miss it for the world!’

‘I got a couple g’s last night, you gonna hit up wit me?’

‘Is that even a question?’

‘Just makin sure you aint wuss out yet.’

‘never man, look i gotta go my brother fell asleep. Where’s the party at tonight?’

‘Same as yesterday. See ya there’

“Aurora, you need help?” Olivia walked into the living room.

“Yeah i can't really lift him up with me pinned under him” I chuckled, she joined in and picked him up. As she was walking out of the living room with him in her arms she stops and turns around.

“Its really nice to see you again Aurora.” She smiles.

“See me again? I’ve been here the whole time Olivia…” I raised my eyebrow.

“I mean see you smile again, a real genuine smile. Those girls are really good for you.” Olivia explained. As the words left her mouth i wanted to correct her and say it wasn't only the girls but the parties and party favors i've been to almost every night.

“Listen i have got to go, my friend just invited me to another party. I’ll be back either late tonight or tomorrow morning.” I shrug.

“Be careful!” She called after me as i walked out of the house.





“Aurora?” A voice said.

“Hmm? Who's that?” I replied.

“That's you. How much did you have to drink?” an exasperated sigh left the persons mouth.

“Nope, no drink, me and drinks don't mix well. Just uh just… your not a cop are you?” I squinted towards the fuzzy figure in front of me.

“No i'm not i'm-”

“Alex?! Is that you? Babe you can't see me like this!” I started panicking.

“A-Alex… as in Cimorelli, Alex Cimorelli? Y-you're dating him?” The person began stuttering.

“Yeah” I said dreamlike.

“Lets go.” The mystery person picked me up.

“Funny, you smell like someone i know…” I muttered as my eyes began to flutter close.

“That's because i do know you Aurora, how'd you let it get so bad?” The person whispered.

“I just wanted to forget everything.”

“This isn't the way to go. Do something better.” My body finally had succumbed to the pills pulling me into sleep. 


“Dani what are you doing?” I walk into my room only to find Dani hanging from the top bunk.

“Uhm… nothing…” She slowly climbs down.

“You know what i don't want to really know.” I chuckle climbing into my own bed.

‘Party. Tonight. My House. @7pm’ - Aurora

“Hey you get this text from Aurora too?” I look up at Dani.

“Yeah, it was kind of… blunt.” I reread the text.

“I guess… Maybe she was in a hurry.” Dani shrugs obviously not worried.

“You worry too much Lisa” Lauren walked in and climbed up the ladder to her bed.

“I'm an older sister, i'm meant to worry” I retort.
“I know, but she's a big girl, she can handle herself. And for now! We are going to go get ready for this party Aurora has planned.” Dani got out of bed and rushed to the closet.

“Oh right the party!” Lauren just jumps down from the top bunk and goes through the closet with Dani. For the next 3 hours the room was filled with ‘does this look good on me?’,’ should i wear this or this’ and my favorite one, the one asked most constant ‘how much longer until the party?’.






“Come in!” Aurora shouts.

“Nice way to greet your guest Aurora, Hey girls who i never tend to get the names of” Olivia laughed.

“Hey I'm Christina”

“I'm Katherine”

“i'm Lisa”

“I'm Amy”

“I'm Lauren”

“I'm Dani”

“And we’re Cimorelli”

“Haha, wait a second i've heard that before…” She lets us in as she tries to fit us somewhere.

“Yeah we’re a band.” Amy answered for her before wandering off.

“Aurora’s up in her room still getting dressed, uhm there's more people around and Jamie is actually going to come.” Olivia fills me in.

“Really that's so cool! They finally made up?” I ask sitting on the couch.

“Yeah, Aurora came home this morning with Jamie and they were laughing and having a good time.” She sits next to me. We soon flowed into a steady conversation, Looking around i saw random people chatting along with my sisters, Aurora yet to be seen.


Yay an update! I really suck sorry... i have 4 more days of freedom before i go back to school... This story is going to start picking up soon don't worry, i just hope i don't screw up what i have planned.

QotU: Do you hold grudges?

My Answer: I honestly don't know... I think it really depends on the person and how sever what they did was...

Quote of the Update: "It’s not childish to hold on to hope. It’s actually hard, very very hard."- Via G.A.

Anyways, have a good week! Until next time.


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