C15 ~ First

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“Hey watch it! i'm trying to do her nails here!” Lisa scolds Christina who was reaching for a hair straightener.

“Sorry!” She apologizes.

“Dani! That outfit will not do!” Lauren rolls her eyes at Dani.

“Yes it will.” Dani drops the outfit down.

“Stop arguing, we still have 3 hours before its time” Amy tried to keep the peace.

“Also we ALL know what outfit Aurora should wear.” Katherine smirked holding up a black garment bag. All of a sudden the 3 girls who were doing my hair and makeup rush towards Katherine too see what was inside the bag.

“OMG THAT OUTFIT IS PERFECT!” I heard the girls squeal.

“Thank you, thank you” Katherine bowed.

“What does it look like?” I try to peak over Lisa who was now kneeling in front of me trying to do my eye makeup.

“Aurora! Stop fidgeting!” Lisa glared at me.

“Fine!” I sighed.


“Aaaaaaaaaaand done.” Lisa smiled finishing her last touches.

“Wow, You look amazing Aurora!” Amy gasps. All the girls nod their heads in agreement.

“Now will you tell us who you're going on a date with?” Lauren tilted her head off to the side.

“Its a secret” I smirk leaving them in suspense.

“Please girl, we all know its… Alex” Lisa whispers her brothers name in your ear so no one else can hear.

“Psh you wish” I nervously chuckle.

“Anyways, your mystery date will be here in... oh, 10 minutes” Katherine gasps as she sees the time.

“Alright, out all of you!” I begin pushing them out. “and don't even think of staking the place out just so you can find out who i'm going out with. I've got Olivia taking you home also don't even think of convincing her to do anything, i got some pretty good blackmail i'm using just so she does this.” I laugh.

“Ugh fine, girls lets get going” Christina gives in and has the girls get out of the room, well all but Lisa.

“What?” I ask her.

“Good luck tonight. Give me all the details.” Lisa smiles before handing me the garment bag and walking out.


“Aurora your dates here!” I heard Sam yell up the stairs. Sighing i look myself in the mirror and look over my outfit.

“Ok Aurora, you can do this. You. Can. Do. This.” I say to myself in the mirror before walking down the stairs.

“Wow” I hear my date gasp. i look and lock eyes with him.

“Hey Alex.” I give him a gentle smile.


“Will you go on a date with me?” Alex nervously asks me out.

“Well… uhm… i-i’ve never really been on an actual date…” I stutter out.

“Really? So let me be your first” He steps closer, smiling at me softly.

“C-can i think about it?” I look down shifting nervously.

“Hey, of course. I don't want to pressure you into anything” He uses his finger to lift my chin so i am facing him.

Oh, Hi... Cimorelli... ~Sequel~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora