The Girl Who Loved | A Tom Ri...

By AugustLikeTheMonth

334K 11.2K 6.7K

Tom Marvolo Riddle. The most infamous dark wizard of all time. His legendary rise to power as the Dark Lord w... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
A Note From Your's Truly (SEQUEL)
Fan Art

Chapter 30

5K 200 31
By AugustLikeTheMonth

Thank you for reading this far! You all are awesome! Keep those votes and comments coming. They are so encouraging :)

"So, what did the orphanage say when you told them you'd be staying with us this week?" Ellison asked, stowing away the sweater she had been wearing in her bag.

She and Tom had enjoyed their last ride on the Hogwarts Express talking and laughing as each took turns trying a different flavor of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. It had been just like old times ... a more innocent time. A time when they had been younger. A time when things hadn't always been so serious.

"They didn't much care I don't suppose. I'll only have a place there until the end of the summer anyhow," Tom shrugged, throwing his bag over his shoulder. "After that, I'll have to make other arrangements."

"What do you plan to do after that?" Ellison asked, opening the compartment door and walking out into the corridor, her trunk in tow. Tom shrugged again.

"Not sure. Suppose I'll have enough gold saved up by then to afford my own place." Ellison nodded. Though it felt like she wasn't getting the full story she resolved to drop the subject for now. Tom had never been too keen on discussing his future plans with her, and with students flooding the corridors in a rush to get off the train to see their families, now didn't seem like a good time anyway.

"Ellison, dear! Over here!" A voice called as Ellison and Tom stepped off the train. Ellison turned to see the smiling face of her mother, hand in the air waving from across the platform. Ellison smiled, she and Tom making their way over to her.

"Hi mum," she said as her mother embraced her in a tight hug, "really mum, it's only been a few months," she added, trying to pry herself from the firm grasp her mother had on her.

"Oh I know, but we've missed you all the same sweetie," Mrs. Pennifold said, grasping Ellison by the shoulders, holding her at arm's length to examine her properly. After properly inspecting her daughter Mrs. Pennifold let go turning her attention to Tom instead. "Hello dear, it's quite good to see you again!"

"The pleasure's all mine ma'am," Tom spoke in the same charming tone he so frequently used when speaking to adults. He held his hand out, but Mrs. Pennifold pulled him into another tight embrace. Tom, though looking thoroughly taken aback, wrapped an arm around her, patting her lightly on the back.

"Mum, where's dad?" Ellison asked, realizing her father's absence for the first time.

"Oh dear, I'm afraid he couldn't make it this year honey. Work has had him tied up at the office all week long. He'll be joining us for dinner though ... Which reminds me, we ought to be getting on ... Come on you two," Her mother continued, ushering them towards the brick wall that separated Platform 9 ¾ from the rest of King's Cross Station. 


Ellison walked along the garden path separating the guest house from the rest of her family's home. She and Tom had spent the majority of the day in Puddlemere, a small village that rested a mile or so from her house. They had made a day of exploring the various shops, and had even stopped for lunch at a fish and chips stand overlooking the harbor. She had left Tom moments ago to get freshened up for dinner and had decided to take the long way, enjoying the fresh flowers that had bloomed in her mother's flower garden.

She opened the back door to the house, and walked inside. Walking down the long hallway, she stopped short of the staircase leading to her room. The door to the study was open, and sitting at the desk stationed inside it was her father. Ellison had yet to see her father. He hadn't made it to dinner the previous night as her mother had said he would, and he hadn't been at breakfast that morning either.

Ellison peaked inside the room. Her father was seated behind the desk, pouring over the pile of papers that sat before him. Knocking on the door, she stepped inside.

"Hi dad." Mr. Pennifold looked up, a smile appearing on his face at the sight of his daughter.

"Ellison! Please, come in!" Taking off his reading glasses, he stood up, walking around the desk to greet her. He looked tired. His eyes were heavy, with rings of light purple underneath them. How long had he gone without enough sleep she wondered. Ellison walked inside, returning the embrace her father gave her. "Please, have a seat," Mr. Pennifold said once they had pulled away from one another. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to sit down and eat with you all," Mr. Pennifold said, taking a seat behind his desk. "Things have been busy at The Ministry as of late."

"Looks like a lot of paperwork," Ellison said, nodding towards the large pile of paper sitting on the desk.

"Yes, quite a lot," Mr. Pennifold chuckled. "But enough about that," he continued, pushing the pile of paper away from himself, "Tell me how you've been. How did exams go?"

"They went well enough I suppose," she replied, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm more confident in some subjects than others. I think I did pretty well in Defense against the Dark Arts ... but Herbology ... Herbology I'm not so sure about," she continued.

"Oh sweetheart, don't worry about that. I'm sure you've done fine," Mr. Pennifold smiled. "Besides, Herbology isn't a required N.E.W.T. for Ministry work." Ellison tensed at the words. She had known it would come up sooner or later. She had hoped it would be later than this though.

"Dad..." she began, but he cut her off.

"If it's still the same as when I applied, I believe-"


"You only need an Exceptional in Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms-"


"And ... I believe an acceptable in-"

"Dad!" she cut him off, raising her voice. Mr. Pennifold stopped talking, watching his daughter expectantly. Ellison drew in a deep breath. "Dad ... I'm not taking that Ministry job." Mr. Pennifold chuckled, as if her words had been some kind of joke.

"Honey, don't be silly. Of course you're taking the job."

"No dad. I'm not." Ellison said, determined to settle this once and for all. "We've talked about this. I told you I want to become a healer." The smile Mr. Pennifold had been wearing moments before vanished, replaced by a more serious demeanor.

"So we're still on that I see," He began, but she cut him off.

"Yes dad. We are," she said determinately. Mr. Pennifold gave an exasperated sigh.

"Ellison, where on Earth did this idea come from? What makes you want to be a healer?"

"I want to make a difference Dad ... I want to help people."

"You can help people in The Ministry-"

"No, I can't!" Ellison argued, her voice rising. "How am I going to help people Dad? How? By pushing papers at a desk all day?" She asked, gesturing towards the stack of paperwork he had been working on moments before.

"You will NOT throw this opportunity away young lady," Mr. Pennifold began, rising to his feet.

"I don't want your opportunity! I've been telling you that since the beginning." They were both standing now, glaring at one another. "But you don't listen. You never have!"

"Damnit Ellison," Mr. Pennifold began, slamming his fist against the desk, "That's enough! I won't let you do this. You're not throwing your future away on a whim."

"No Dad ... I'm not," She shook her head, regaining some of her composure. "I'm going to become a healer. I'm going to make a difference in this world ... my own way. And if you can't be okay with that then ... then I'm sorry." Turning around, she made her way for the door.

"Young lady, I'm not finishing talking to you," Mr. Pennifold called behind her. "Elliso-" He continued, but she slammed the door. She walked down the hallway, towards the door she had come in through just minutes before. Minutes. Was that really all it had taken? In mere minutes her father had taken a great day, and had ruined it. She walked back outside, down the cobblestone path from which she had come.

Pushing through the overgrowth that now littered the end of the path, she came face to face with her destination: A small wooden building with large floor to ceiling windows as its walls. It had once been her mother's greenhouse, though she had long abandoned it for the much larger one her father had built eight summers ago. Ellison had come out here as a child, helping her mother with the gardening. After its predecessor was built, the greenhouse had become a sort of hide away for Ellison. She had come here when she had needed a place to think, a place to be alone. She hadn't been out here in ages. In fact, she had all but forgotten about it until now.

She pushed through the screen door, entering the small room within. Old pots lay haphazardly on the tables within, having held the seedlings for her mother's garden once before. Reaching up, she wiped away the thick layer of dust that had formed on the window with her hand. The last time she had visited here her problems had seemed so big. They seemed so miniscule compared to what she faced now. She certainly hadn't had to worry about her relationship with her father then, much less what career path she was going to choose.

"Eh-ehm." Pulled away from her thoughts, Ellison turned around to see Tom standing in the doorway. She took a deep breath.

"Hey," she said, giving him the most convincing smile she could muster.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked, taking a step towards her. He had apparently overheard her and her father's argument.

"I've grown quite accustomed to disappointing my father," She began, shaking her head, "This time's no different." She turned, peering out the window. Arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to the body to which they belonged.

"He'll come around," Tom said, planting a kiss against her cheek.

"Humph ... I wish I could believe that."

"He will," Tom insisted, pulling her closer.

"What makes you so sure?" she asked, cocking her head to the side to look at him properly.

"Because you're his daughter," Tom began, "And though he's not doing a great job at showing it at the moment, he loves you." Ellison gave him a slight smile.

"I hope you're right."

"I'm always right," Tom said, smirking down at her.

"Oh come off it," Ellison laughed, turning around to face him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she planted a kiss on his lips. Pulling away, she rested her forehead against his. "Thank you," she whispered.


Okay guys, I decided to only post this chapter since it ended up being a lot lengthier than I originally thought it would be! Hope Ya'll enjoy it!

The last chapter will be posted some time tomorrow and the Epilogue will be posted the following day so GET HYPE!

You know the drill, give me them votes and comments! 

- Peace & Blessings, August

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