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"i thought you were a guy, that's why we even answered your craigslist offer!" "well i look like a little bo... More



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"alright where is this bethany bitch? i'll fight her right now." lana gets out when i widen my eyes as i place a hand to her shoulder. i had spoken about the past events of what i had dealt with when it came to grayson's girl. i at first believed i was the only one who could have been overreacting however it seemed the other two girls who had sat in the kitchen with me had also been convinced of her dislike toward me.

"i don't know, all i know was that i was shocked. i just didn't expect that much passive aggression." i add when lana rolls her eyes. my vision scans between her and another acquaintance as julie shrugs her shoulders.

"maybe she's just a little intimidated by you. i mean you're really girly and it caught me off guard at first too. especially with that ribbon hat you wore when i first saw you." she informs as i smile now memorizing the piece of clothing she speaks of.

"oh my ribbon hat, that's my favorite." i say in a sweet voice as lana nods along with my words.

"i fucking love that hat, in fact, where is it? let me wear it right now." she insists as i agree when running to my room as i scanvage for the item. it takes me a minute until i find it and sprint back only to be faced with lana and julie who speak to grayson with judging eyes.

"i got the hat- oh my god what are you guys doing?" i question now as i frown when placing the item onto lana's head. she looks at me with irritable features as she then gazes back at the man.

"i'm just telling him that his girl hates you."

"which is impossible because bethany is a nice person, am i right joey?" he questions now as i sigh softly when i take a seat. my head lowers as i fidget with the ends of my hair in the process of trying to not answer his words.

"uhmmm, mumble, mumble, mumble." i murmur when i look back up to grayson who raises an eyebrow.

"did just you mumble the word, mumble. what the hell?" he comments as i take a deep breath of air when i gape at him.

"yes grayson, i feel like bethany doesn't like me." i finally admit after he suddenly shifts in his spot once his face softens.

"ha, i told you." lana teases now which lets me send her a warning look before getting back to the situation we had dealt with. because the man in front of me consists of major confusion and had his lips parted to speak when i stare.

"how? what happened?" he asks as i gaze down once more before letting my fingers run through my hair.

"well it was what she said last night. she told me that i had this whole persona of being like this cartoon princess who could get away with everything because of my big brown eyes and baking. it was just the way she said it made it seem taunting and it felt so wrong. i don't even know if you'll understand it because it's how girls are like, this give these compliments that aren't really compliments when you think about it more and that's what she did." i inform when causing him to stand in silence before he shakes his head.

"yeah i don't understand it."

"you won't, buddy. but just know from us two girls we can say that your girl is definitely not nice with joey." lana adds as he furrows his brows when scoffing now. he crosses his arms when looking at all three of us.

"i think you guys are just making this whole situation dramatic. maybe she wasn't being shady." he tells me when i groan now once i hear his defense.

"listen grayson it's just hard to explain but i just think it's kind of weird. it's just like that one time this girl told me i rocked a lot of polka dots." julie gasps now when placing a hand over her chest and widens her eyes a little.

"how did she say it?"

"joey you rock a lot of polka dots." i get out with a lot of attitude and sass as they both nod.

"see that's what we're talking about, grayson. she's just being shady." lana concludes as i nod along causing him to brush it off now when wanting to walk away but i stop him when i place my hand on his arm.

"i would also like to add that bethany told me she's not a desert person. that really worries and it should with you too." i state seriously as he laughs softly before nodding as i let go.

"yeah, alright joey."


the night had came across the day when the whole group had been at grayson's bar. the man stands on the other side when the rest of us had stood or sat gazing at him. "so i heard bethany hates joey." cameron brings up causing a groan to form from the man's lips.

"no she doesn't, joey can you stop telling everyone around you that she hates you?" he asks with harshness now as i scoff now when crossing my arms.

"i didn't tell anyone else. the only ones who know are my girls and troy. so tell troy something." i inform as the man who sits besides me only sips on his beer, guiltily. his hands in a surrender as he shrugs his shoulders.

"when i hear that good shit i'm going to let everyone else know." he states as he walks away now which lets grayson glare at the man who states this factor. either way it didn't bother me until the girl herself had shown up which let me leave within seconds.

"what was that troy? im coming!" i holler now when troy had not even uttered my name before i had escaped the presence of the couple. it seemed the other boys were definitely feeling the same way as they followed along when i walked away to sit at a table. troy eyes me questionably as i slouch as they all crowd around me.

"do you have a thing where it bothers you with people not liking you?" he asks as i sigh softly when nodding.

"especially when it is for no reason. i don't get it, you know?" i voice as he agrees as he shrugs his shoulders in response.

"who cares, i like you. so does ethan and cameron and grayson."

"yeah i don't know about that grayson part right now." i add causing troy to brush off the man who seems to be bickering with the girl once i turn around to gaze at the two.

"don't worry about him, he's just sensitive about things." troy explains as suddenly bethany barges off and into the walls of the bathroom as i take a soft breath of air. my hands pushing me up as i look over to troy.

"i'll be right back."

"probably not a good idea to get involved."

"yeah i know." i state before walking over to the door of the girl's room. my palm helping me open it as the girl wipes under her eyes with the emotions of dejection. however she looses it once she makes contact with me.

"i don't want to talk to you joey." she informs as i frown when i take a few steps to her but stop at a good distance between us.

"i know but i just wanted to make sure you're okay-"

"you can't do that, especially what you told grayson. what are you two faced or something?" she interrupts me with these harsh words as my hands turn into fists at my sides when i knit my brows in annoyance.

"no i'm not, i just told him what you said made me uncomfortable. don't act like you don't know what you said was shady." i add as bethany only shrugs her shoulders as she crosses her arms.

"well too bad i don't care now. because the one reason i said that is because of this act you put up. like you talk to everyone like they're children and you see the whole word with rainbows." she tells me as i scoff faintly now.

"maybe it's because i'm a teacher and work with kids a lot. if i acted as closed minded and cold as you i would scare them. and i'm so sorry if you don't like that about me." i explain genuinely now as she shake her head with a soft smile of disbelief.

"it's not even that either, it's also because you're the only girl in that house. and you're pretty, you bake, you give out blankies, and sing how you feel. i mean before i know it grayson will be falling for you." i sigh now when not truly believing what she speaks of.

"bethany, grayson likes you not me. i would never-"

"just save it joey. i never wanted a girl friend in the first place so just leave me alone because i want to cry but i definitely don't want to cry in front of you." she insists as i sigh now when crossing my arms now.

"but i want to cry too now. you hurt my feelings and you just can't take this crying room when-"

"joey go." she commands now as i gaze down when stepping out and being accompanied with the presence of everyone else now. my eyes scanning the table my roommates sit at then to the men's room as i decide why not. my hands push it open to ethan dolan peeing with his vision on me.

"joey what the hell?" he shouts as i whine. i just wanted to cry in peace as i just go to the corner of the room and place my head against the wall, letting tears fall.


the next day had brought the court date of my ticket when i sat in the room with my head down and papers in hand. the judge dealing with another case as suddenly the door opens to bethany with a brief case in hand. she takes a seat beside me as i stare with confusion. "you didn't have to come." i inform as she takes a deep breath.

"yeah well i promised i would help so here i am." she tells me as my name is being called next causing the both of us to stand up.

"joey sidhu." he states as this lets bethany talk quietly when we amble to the front.

"the only thing you have to do is plead that you're innocent and let me do the rest of the talking-"

"yeah i know, i've watched enough law & order." i state when she raises her hands in surrender as the judge gapes at the both of us with a straight face.

"joey sidhu how do you plead in the case of-"

"guilty." i blurt out in nervousness as the man soon hits the desk with his gavel as i stand in shock from my words as he speaks.

"let the defense know that joey sidhu will pay the fine of seven hundred dollars for driving through a red light on melrose." he explains when suddenly we are both walking in silence and out the courtroom until bethany sighs.

"well i guess we'll never know if the stopping for blue birds on the road will work in a-"

"okay listen, i've had enough of this. now you're going to listen to me and stop with this judging thing. because i haven't done anything to you beside been nice and been myself. alright maybe i have touched glitter in the last hour and i am an elementary school teacher with a quirky attitude because if i do anything else in that classroom they would just close me off like a bunch of moody robots." i explain as i cross my arms when noticing the way she stares unamused.

"and maybe i do like baking and have a really hard time believing you're not a dessert person because they are the best thing on the planet. and yeah i rock a lot of polka dots and give out blankets, not blankies. i've never even said that word before so i don't where you get that from. and i sing how i feel and i wear a lot of colors. and i wish your pants suit had more colors and maybe some glitter but that's just me and i'm sorry if you don't like but i'm not changing because guess what? i like it. now excuse me while i go pay this seven hundred dollar fine. so in conclusion if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all, bitch." i finish off with a humph as i turn on my heel and walk away as she clears her throat in the process.

"wrong way." she states as i turn once more and my chin held up high in the process when i leave without another word.


"you called her a bitch?" lana gets out with a smile as i nod with the opposite of her happiness. my frown evident as i continue to knit.

"yeah and if i'm being honest i feel kinda bad now that i did." i admit causing julie to now scoff when she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. all three of us had sat on the couch with the actions of crocheting something as we spoke.

"you really shouldn't. she had it coming especially after what bethany told you at the bar." she explains when suddenly another individual is budding into the conversation. grayson has his eyebrows raised with his hair wet as he walks out in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"what did bethany tell you at the bar?" he asks when taking a seat beside me. his body slightly closer than usual as i roll my eyes when deciding to concentrate on what is in front of me instead.

"what does it matter? you won't believe me anyways." i state before getting a sigh from the man in response. my hair now covers the side of my face as his hand pushes it behind my shoulders.

"yeah well i'm sorry about that because when i brought it up to bethany she seemed a little guilty." he informs as i sigh when slouching a little in my seat.

"well it was a lot but to basically sum it up, she's scared that you'll like me instead of her. she never wanted to be my friend in the first place, told me that i live on rainbows and made fun of the way i bake, give out blankets, and sing my feelings. oh she also made me cry and then told me she wanted to cry but i wasn't allowed to stay in the bathroom with her to see it." i state now as grayson nods with his lips slightly parted. he frowns now looking away.

"i'm sorry joey. i never knew she would-"

"grayson it's not your fault. she's the one who did all of that, not you. if anything she should be apologizing to me or i should be to her because i may have called her bitch when she showed up to court with me." i add as grayson now smiles faintly when shaking his head at me.

"i don't even want to know that part but i'm just glad you didn't call her squidward like you did with thomas." he tells me as i snort now when continuing to knit.

"she's doesn't deserve to be called that, more like a plankton." i tease as he chuckles before the door is being knocked on and i am the one getting up to answer it. my humming evident as i am faced with none other then a distressed bethany. "oh hey, bethany. grayson is in the living room if you-"

"i didn't come here to see grayson. i, uh, came to see you and apologize." she brings up as i get out a soft oh now when i stare with a calm face. "i'm just really sorry for judging you and being mean. i'm just not use to having girl friends and especially girls like you, but not like that's a problem. because joey you're great and i'm sorry if i made you feel otherwise." she explains when i nod now. her apology seeming genuine when i begin to smile.

"thanks bethany and i'm sorry for calling you a bitch." i add as she brushes it off when shrugging her shoulders.

"it's alright i deserved it." she informs before i take a soft breath and move aside.

"well grayson is here if you want to-"

"uhhmm, grayson and i aren't together anymore. so yeah, i'm fine but i just thought i come here to apologize before i never see you again." she tells me as i nod now. soon after we bid goodbyes as i am back on the couch with questionable looks from everyone around me.

"she's more like a patrick now that i think about it."


another chapter done and another relationship gone. but yeah anyways we have a new character too, julie is one of lana's model friends and is friends with
joey! she will be showing up once and awhile now and so i will put photos of how i imagine her.

but how did you guys feel about bethany? do you think she was a good person just
with a bad moment or was she just an actual bitch? comment what you think loves!

michaela wain as julie pierce
@michaelawain — 21 years olds

word count: 2,976 words

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