Ruining Fame (Girl X Girl)

By xxjvmai

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Olive Mencher, a finishing senior at Columbia University in New Yorks most expensive entering a career in Jou... More

Chapter 1 / Accepted
Chapter 2 / The Meeting
Chapter 3 / The Photo
Chapter 4 / First Assignment
Chapter 5 / Questions
Chapter 6 / The Panel
Chapter 7 / Forgotten Brother
Chapter 8 / The Magazine
Chapter 9 / Surrounded Stench
Chapter 10 / Right Arm
Chapter 11 / I'm Trying Ok?
Chapter 12 / Audition
Chapter 13 / The Raven
Chapter 14 / Numerous Photos
Chapter 15 / Collision
Chapter 16 / NY Often
Chapter 17 / Two Queens
Chapter 18 / Hello, Johnathan
Chapter 19 / Prison Freedom
Chapter 20 / The Question Game
Chapter 21 / Pierre's Swimmers
Chapter 22 / Home Sweet California
Chapter 23 / One Horrifying Emotion
Chapter 24 / Hold Me To It
Chapter 25 / Rivalries
Chapter 26 / Comfort from Her
Chapter 27 / The Couch
Chapter 28 / Coffee Was Hot
Chapter 29 / Olive's and Olive
Chapter 30 / Redefine Beauty
Chapter 31 / Where is she?
Chapter 32 / Follow the Plan
Chapter 33 / Will You Be Okay?
Chapter 34 / Uh oh, it's Him.
Chapter 35 / The Affair
Chapter 36 / I'm not Sober
Chapter 37 / I Can Kiss You, Right?
Chapter 38 / I Promise.
Chapter 40 / Choosing To Want.
Chapter 41 / Everybody Leaves
Chapter 42 / More Than A Friend
Chapter 43 / The Plan
Chapter 44 / The Chase
Chapter 45 / Awaiting

Chapter 39 / In Session.

5.6K 170 18
By xxjvmai

A/N: Hey readers! I'll keep this short and sweet for you guys to continue reading. I have some upcoming news about this story later on in the book, I just have to handle some paperwork for it but stay tuned . . .

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Word of the Day:

Saudade (n.): A nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant or that has been loved and then lost; "the love that remains."


Blake never made it to my place and I continuously called her that night, there was no response nor answer. I started to get worried and wanted to check in on her but I didn't want to barge and interrupt her family matters, maybe she got stuck with them . . . Who knows. I cried the whole night not wanting the court trial to happen but it was for the best, I just wanted comfort and Blake wasn't there to provide that. She hasn't even given me a heads up on if she'll even be able to make it now to the trial.

I rested my eyes finally at four in the morning but had to be up at seven to prepare myself for the trial. Pierre, Nova, and Blake are supposed to be meeting me at my house and I would meet the lawyer at the courthouse except I don't know if Blake was going to show up. The night went by so quickly that when I woke up it felt like I was stuck in a dream still, everything was spinning and I kind of felt nauseous but today wasn't the day for throwing up. I just have to hold that baby barf in, which is kind of gross but my only option.

I woke up to brew coffee and checked my cell phone to see if Blake had either text or call, but there was nothing. She promised she would be here for today when eight o'clock rolled around Pierre and Nova showed up at my doorstep together hand in hand. I smiled yet frowned hoping it would be Blake, but to my disappointment, it wasn't.

"Wow, I'm sorry we weren't the people you were expecting," Pierre laughed.

"Blake's gone missing in action, she won't even answer her phone," I mumbled while pouring coffee for the three of us.

"I'll try giving her a call," Nova smiled softly and exited the door to make the phone call outside.

I started to prepare myself in professional clothing to seem presentable in front of the stand. Pierre was casually sipping his coffee in the kitchen while I buttoned up my white long sleeve blouse. I slid into my black pants and wore medium length heels so I wouldn't die from standing up for so long. I looked in the mirror to apply slight makeup and I couldn't help but stop before I put the concealer on, I looked at my eyes to see the bags underneath them.

"Damn crying and lack of sleep," I cursed to myself.

I heard a knock at my door causing me to mess up my mascara next and I sighed in defeat, I turned around to see Nova. She shook her head at me telling me she didn't answer and continued to say that she left her a voicemail at least two or three of them. I thanked her with a weak smile and proceeded to finish my face with the appliances I had to offer it. I wanted to cry again knowing I didn't have my comforting person, I mean we weren't a thing it's just she meant a lot to me.

Why would Blake all of a sudden go missing in action after everything we've been through, I mean, was she scared? Easy enough to say that I'm more terrified than her but maybe she left because she didn't want to deal with me again, maybe I was just a fling. I didn't know what to think at this point, there was nothing positive in this situation but I understand I already have a support system but I needed Blake.

I walked out of the bathroom and sighed in defeat, I laid on my bed and felt my whole body sink into it deeper. I wanted someone there and I needed that support, maybe Blake just wasn't ready I scrolled through my contacts and called Blake once more to see if she would pick up. The first line rung, the second, and then the third . . . Nothing. I closed my eyes shut tightly wanting this weird pain to go away, I felt like my body was decaying.

I decided to call someone else and it's been a long time since I've spoken to her or maybe a week or two. In my opinion that was long, it's just how did I not know Blake was just going to up and leave again? The line was calling and in just about three seconds she answered the phone, I could feel my breathing hitch just from the thought of talking to her again.

"Lydia," I breathed.

"Olive? You sound distant, what's wrong? Wait, where have you been?" She asked immediately and I heard something dropped in the background like a spoon or something.

"Y-yeah . . . I'm fine," I felt a tear fall down the side of my left cheek and I quickly wiped it away. "I was wondering if you could come over before nine, I have some explaining to do," I mumbled while my voice cracked.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," She reassured me.

"Oh, and dress decently please," I reminded her considering I was going to take her to court with me. She hung up the phone and was immediately on her way over which she sounded like a rush over the line. I heard another knock at my door while I laid on my bed and sat up to see who it was, Pierre smiled lightly and laid on the bed with me while his head was next to mine. We stared at the ceiling in silence and finally, he broke the silence.

"Olive," He started, "I know you say you would be fine when Dustin gets pulled off the plug but I know you . . . In fact, anyone who's going through this won't be fine so why don't you just cry it out? I'm here for you," He looked at me while I continued to stare at the ceiling.

I didn't respond, I just laid there feeling numb on how I dreaded this day. Pierre wasn't wrong though, I mean how could anyone be okay with pulling their brother off the plug. How could my mother tamper with his will and just ignore his state of mind, I mean we wouldn't be here in the first place if we just did it the moment it happened. Everything happened in an instant, before it was just my brother and myself, just maybe if I stayed in the car none of this would have happened and it's all my fault.

I felt the weight of the world on me and now I was just living in a nightmare, but I have to face it again. "I know I won't be fine but I'm hanging in there, you know?" I scoffed a slight laugh while my breath quivered.

The doorbell soon rang throughout the house and I immediately jumped up to go see to it. I mean of course I already knew how it was but it was nice knowing I have that bottom support for comfort. As I opened the door I was embraced with a quick hug and I could feel Nova and Pierre looking at both of us with different opinions. I didn't bother to say anything though I told Lydia to follow me to my room which she did while the other two stayed outside.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" She started to ask the questions hastily but I put my hand up wanting her to let me explain.

I took a giant breath and averted my eyes away from making any eye contact with her, I started to explain slowly but surely. She didn't really say anything as we sat on my bed, her focus landed on my face, I could feel it but I didn't say anything besides explaining the situation. I started by having a twin bother being hospitalized, parents tampering with his will, and then going to court to fight for his rights.

"So that's why you left?" She questioned in her voice.

"I left so I could find myself a lawyer from my friend Pierre because his lawyers never cease to fail cases. I, um, also left to get away from everything in New York . . ." I mumbled while playing with my fingers and perking my lips to the side.

"When you mean get away from everything do you mean before or after I slapped Blake?" She laughed.

"All of it," I interfered quickly but she just slowly nodded her head understand while her lips perked to the side as well.

We sat in awkward silence until she finally said something, "So you chose Blake . . ." She said very softly.

"I did but I don't know if she's officially gone now . . ." I said sadly.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean she's like missing, she just ghosted me," I had a saddening expression and said the words weakly.

Lydia embraced me in a hug once more and started to apologize on behalf of Blake's actions even though it wasn't really necessary. Somehow her hug seemed comforting like I could sink more into it, to be honest, I just wanted to cry and I could feel the tears wanting to seep out. I took a giant breath and made sure the waterworks didn't spew out, today was not the day for crying. Today was a day for justice and for peace for my brother, I know that sounds odd but it's what's best.

Soon enough Pierre knocked on my door and mumbled saying we had to go, I started to feel the weight in my stomach shift. We all took one car together and of course not my car, we decided to take Nova's driver in the sports utility vehicle. Lydia and I sat in the back while Nova and Pierre sat in the front. I couldn't help but look out the window, today was gloomy and I laughed mentally thinking how funny mother nature understands a human emotion. I just wish it didn't have to come to this, I sighed while my breath touched the window causing it to fog up. I felt a hand slither down my own left hand and I looked up and smiled at Lydia.

The turmoil in my stomach almost made me want to vomit but before we know it we were standing in front of the courthouse, all hand in hand. I sighed looking at the tall architectural building and only sensed fear and freedom, I never understood how one could become a judge or a lawyer. I think being stuck in school for that long would be hectic, I had acquaintances who were in law school but only saw them stress out. I mean, if it makes you money then I'm not complaining.

"You ready for this?" Pierre looked back at me with his hand on my shoulder. I nodded with a slight smile but clearly wasn't a lively one more like a wistful smile.

"You got this, I believe in you," Nova smiled and embraced me in a hug, this was the first time she's ever actually given me some sort of affection. I was taken back but fondled the hug, I checked my phone once more to see if Blake had called or messaged me but there was nothing . . . How could she do this to me? Why do I and everyone I love to pick people to choose like we're nothing?

We walked inside up the large steps and entered in the building feeling the cool air hit my face, it echoed with people's voices. There was a desk in the middle with customer service and multiple rooms with large doors holding the judges, lawyers, and papers. Once we settled inside and told them my name and time, the double doors opened up which caught my attention revealing my family. My father and mother walked in and I could only see my mother's eyes glaring down. She wore an all-black outfit with large shades and black hat to top it off. I never understood her, she always wore shades and a hat when there are cloudy days but that's not the point! My father waved at me and walked over while my mother talked with the lawyer, she continued to stare me down though.

"Hi," My father spoke.

Everyone left us to talk and Lydia only shook his hand and left, I forgot they met before, "Hello," I simply responded.

"Olive, honey . . . Are you sure you want to do this?" He looked at me while his hand was on my back and seemed to speak in a hushed tone not wanting my mother to hear.

I averted my eyes away knowing this was the only option because my mother wasn't going to do anything about it. Even if my father tries to talk her out of it she would go against him and there would be nothing to do to stop her. I nodded my head towards him and he started to whisper angrily how this could destroy our family and our ways. I decided to ignore him and walk off but he grabbed my arm yanking me back which startled me.

"Please get your hand off of her sir, we have a court to attend to," Lydia interfered while she walked over.

My father only looked at me and shook his head while he pinched the brink of his nose, "Fine but when this family is destroyed it's on you." He scoffed and walked away, my father would never lay a hand on me like that ever, I don't know what's gotten into him. I thanked Lydia for interfering when she did and she simply smiled at me while we walked back together to the group.

Nova and Pierre asked me if I was okay and I simply nodded, I just couldn't get this feeling in my stomach out of me. I couldn't help but think what the verdict will choose once we I met the lawyer near the front entrance we followed inside and we had about fifteen to twenty minutes till it started, we took a seat inside and just talked about the small things. The lawyer pulled me aside and started to give me tips and notes on what I should and shouldn't say. I shook his hand to thank him and walked back towards my friends, which they all gave me a smile. I knew they were just here to support me but deep down inside I knew they were worried and I couldn't ask for a better group.

"No update from Blake?" I asked Nova and she shook her head.

"Once I talk to her I'll give her a piece of my mind, don't worry, I got you," She smiled and laughed slightly.

"To be honest, I don't even want to speak to Blake anymore . . . I'm already hurt enough by her actions and today was not the day. I know she's your best friend but I can't do it anymore, the choice isn't hard whether to stay in my life or not. The other day ago she seemed fine with me everything was happy even in Spain we were doing phenomenal. All of a sudden she just falls off the face of the earth? No, I don't need that in my life . . ." I finished my statement but Nova didn't say anything she only looked saddened knowing I was right.

The giant double doors opened once again and I saw a familiar face walk in the room, I knew who it was but surprised she was even here. I started to walk towards her and tapped her shoulder as she was talking to someone, "Savannah?" I questioned.

"Oh, Olive, it's good to see you again," She smiled lightly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked starting to feel the negative side coming out of me even though my stomach was already flipped.

"I'm here for Dustin, your mother invited me. I mean she was always a sweetheart to me unlike you but I mean here I am supporting your family . . . Again, unlike you." She sneered in a way and I was ready to pull this girl's hair out and start a fight right in the middle of the courtroom. I wish the security guards could hold me back right now, I just need to calm down.

I took a breath, "Look, I never liked you because you broke Dustin's heart and I'm going to ask you to politely leave because this is a family matter thing and doesn't need people who are from his past like you. You broke his heart and I could never forgive you for that and I highly doubt he wouldn't want you here."

"I think I'm going to stay just to annoy you."

"You're pathetic," I laughed and walked away towards my friends.

"What was that about?" Pierre asked.

"That is Savannah, she is Dustin's ex-girlfriend, she was one of the main reason why Dustin and I were driving in the first place. To get away from things and from the family event actually but Dustin was already heartbroken over her when she dumped him for some rich douche bag." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Can this day get any worse?" I scoffed and sat down in the aisle of seating.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back . . .

I sat in the car with the windows rolled down listening to Dustin's rock music, it was loud and I felt like I could be near death. There were dices hanging off the rearview mirror which boggled back and forth showing each symbol on the side of the cubs. Words of either one of us spoke, just the music and for once I felt free . . . From my parent's religious side, even though I still respected it and from the hard labor of school. I haven't been able to see Dustin in a while and it was nice having my best friend by my side all over again.

Except of course we smoked, drank, going through what any twenty-one year old would do. I sort of felt like an adult but also stuck between my childish side and I think I can speak for Dustin too. He wore a football jersey that day that went all the way behind his rear and wore his hat even though it was late at night. Once the music ended he turned down the volume and looked at me while driving the car.

"You know, college blows." He laughed.

"You're telling me . . ."

"Aw, are you bummed out you still haven't found yourself a man?" He smiled while pinching my left arm.

"No, fuck off," I pushed his hand away.

"Don't let mom get to you like that, she just wants you to get married young and not to mention a guy who is rich. All she cares about really is following whoever is up there but do me a favor and promise me one thing, okay?" He parked the car at the gas station.

"Depends on what it is," I looked over at him and rubbed my hands together slowly in my lap.

"Promise me you won't settle for someone that will hold you down? You are a strong, independent woman and not to mention a beautiful one as well. You deserve someone who can treat you equally . . . Someone who is going to put the same amount of effort as you do and if one can't carry the weight one day because they had a bad day, help them. A relationship takes a working and shouldn't be one-sided, I believe you can find someone who's going to make you happy. Plus if they mess with you or cheat on you I can beat the guy up!"

I looked down wondering if I would ever found that actual pure love that Dustin was talking about. Those were mainly his last words of advice to me before he left and I opened the door handle to mess things up all over again.

I opened my eyes and sighed, I looked around to see my lawyer at the side of the aisle motioning me to enter in my seat in front of the judge. I stood up and each one of my friends either hugged me, patted me and wished me luck. I thanked them but someone stopped me real quick, a tug at my hand behind me. I turned around to see Lydia standing there with a concerned expression. She pulled my close where her lips were near my ear which almost made me shiver.

"You're crying, here are some tissues . . ." She whispered and handed me some tissues from her bag. I thanked her and wiped away my tears, I didn't even know I was crying . . . Damn!

I sat down in my chair and my lawyer asked me if I was ready, I nodded my head.

"Please rise for the judge is now about to enter!" A man to the side yelled.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my fingertips going numb, the man walked in all black. The judge looked intimidating but then again this was my first time entering a courthouse not to mention a courtroom. I looked back and my friends were right behind me giving me moral support, I couldn't have asked for better friends. I couldn't help but think to myself if I should back out but that was only the fear talking to me . . . What needs to be done is justice.

The judge grabbed the gavel and slammed it on the table, "Court is now in session!"

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