House of Anubis: Reunion

By shadowspider

140K 5.2K 920

~ warning: this is actually cringy writing of fetus me so..~ Everyone in the Anubis house graduated and went... More

House of Anubis: Reunion!
Summer House
The Secret is Out
Sibuna Meets Again
Make and Renew
The Secrets Lie Beneath
The Big Truth Can Sound Like a Lie
Going Somewhere but Nowhere
Reflections Arena
Im Back!!!
Oh, Jerome
Buried Alive
Author's Note
Amber's Arrival
Unexpected Arrival
Back in the Tunnels
The Host and the Parasite
Keeping Them Separate
Flute of the Snake Charmer
Use of the Flute
Escaping the Room
Going Out
Return to Anubis
Finding Joy
News Spread
Author's Note #2
Talk About It
New Caretaker
Up in the Attic
Author's Note #3
Close Call
The Caretaker's Office
Truth Be Told
Problems All Around
Face to Face
Carnival Part 2
Set's Plot
False Note
Sibuna Meeting
Search Parties
Three Days Prior
Set the World on Fire part 1
Set the World on Fire part 2
Set the World on Fire part 3
Set the World on Fire part 4
Set the World on Fire part 5
Author's Note
Author's Note(much, much later)
It's Acually Here!

The Bond

1.7K 68 10
By shadowspider

Mick took Mara to a fancy Italian cuisine place, already having the reservations set. He pulled out the chair for Mara and sat across from her at a little round table, not close to anyone, but also not to far from everyone.

"What classes have you been taking?" Mara asked, impressed by Mick's gentleman skills.

"Just a few," Mick smiled.

The waitress came to them. "What would you like to drink?"

"Water, please," Mara ordered.

"Same," Mick decided.

They examined their menus. Mara was planning on this just being a distraction to get Mick out of the house, but she actually got the sense of enjoying the date. And she didn't know why she just felt like this was a date she really wanted to be on; she just did. And it made that night a little more ok.


Patricia, Eddie, and Nina met with Willow after Mara and Mick had already left for their date. Lately, it seemed like they'd been the only ones doing something really effective in Sibuna, unless Fabian was in his room so much from researching. Amber and Alfie were ineffective for their reasons, and KT wasn't really as involved with them.

"Are you ready, Willow?" Nina asked.

Willow turned towards the three waiting by the door. She had a basket in her hands with Cyprus oil, candles, and a lighter. Jerome's shirt was cut up and tied on her arms, and she still wore the red cloak.

"Of course I am," Willow scurried past them.

"Are you guys sure this is going to work?" Eddie asked in a whisper before they followed.

"Nope," Nina and Patricia replied in unison.

The three of them followed, but were left outside of Jerome's room when Willow entered and closed the door behind herself for privacy.

Jerome looked up from his notebook. "Willow, what're you-"

He didn't get to finish as Willow just continued with her own business. She set up the candles on the dressers and lit them as she dimmed down the lights. She also spread the oil around the room, almost as if Jerome/Set wasn't there.

Willow pulled out the computer chair and faced it towards the bed where Jerome was, and she sat. Jerome threw his legs off the bed and sat facing Willow as well.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

Willow was serious and straightforward with her procedures. "Jerome, I need you to comply with me if you want this to go smoothly, but I'm just going to access your mind, soul, and sprit, ok?"

"What are you talking about?"

Willow began the communication process. She knew that instead of forcing herself in past Set, she'd have to meditate and invite Jerome(the actual Jerome) out, just for a brief moment. And if done correctly, Set wouldn't know. She'd have to connect with Jerome spiritually and ask him to join her, but she'd only be able to do it for a brief moment.

Set began feeling light-headed, ad it was meant to happen as most of him ran of Jerome's life, including his spirit, and also this way, he couldn't get up to stop Willow.

Willow's eyes were closed as her voice was silent, but she connected to her higher self, searching for Jerome and inviting him out. She found him, alone in a dark place, unable to tell anything going on. But Willow got his attention, and she coaxed his spirit into another realm briefly, where they could each physically see eachother's spiritual bodies in a spiritual world, in which they looked just like themselves, just a bit transparent and bright. They found themselves standing in the main part of the summer house, seeing everything, even Nina, Eddie, and Patricia waiting in the hallway.

"What is that? How is this-" Jerome was confused.

"Relax, I'm the one holding us here," Willow said. "Since you decided to join me, I can now reach you in this moment and pull you here with me. But only briefly."

"So, you're not kidding with all that spiritual business you ramble on about?"

"That's not what we're here for. Jerome, what is the last thing you remember?"

"Um, I was-I was with you and Joy, and I was tired. I got frustrated for some reason, most likely because I was just really tired, and I headed to my room to get some sleep. After I laid my hand on the knob of my door, it's all...blank."

"You can't recall anything? Nothing that's been happening? You've been unaware?"

"I guess. It almost seems like a dream I'm just stuck in, but I know I'm awake. I know something's going on, but I-I'm just-"

"-in a dream-state?"

"I guess you could say that."

"So, you have no idea where Joy is?"

"Joy? Was she taken? Is she missing?"

"It's Set. He's possessed your body. But Jerome, before our bond breaks, just know that you need to fight. If you feel yourself trapped with something holding you down, fight your way out. It's your way of stopping Set."

The scenery around them began breaking apart as their bond began collapsing.



The bond shattered, and Willow opened her eyes as the candles in the room blew out. She turn on the lights as Set regained himself.

"That's strange. What did you just do?" he asked.

"It's all done," Willow stood up. "Just one my little practice runs for my silly rituals."

Willow gathered everything back in the basket.

"What ritual?" Set asked before Willow left.

"You wouldn't understand."

Willow left him alone, closing the door. Nina, Patricia, and Eddie were in the same place she and Jerome saw them before. She went to her room as they followed, and the door was closed behind all four of them.

"So?" Patricia questioned.

"Jerome's spirit is safe for now, but he's been unaware of everything going on ever since his possession. I told him to fight his way out if he ever can."

"So it worked?" Eddies asked. "It actually worked?"

Willow nodded. "We even saw you three standing in the hall."

"Well, thanks Willow," Eddie thanked. "That-That's kind of awesome."

Willow held out her arms. "Do I get hugs for this?"

Nina and Eddie smiled and gave her a hug. They stared at Patricia until she sighed and gave Willow a weak hug for the accomplishment as well.

"But one thing now," Patricia claimed. "What's our plan on finding Joy?"

"Maybe we can try Anubis house," Nina suggested. "It speaks to Eddie and me. Let's see if it can help with this."

"We're going back to Anubis house," Willow awed. "I am invited, right?"

"Of course," Nina smiled.

"But first, I need rest. Connecting its Jerome took a lot of energy."

"First thing then, yeah?" Patricia clarified.

"Yeah," everyone agreed.


Mara and Mick were having an enjoyable date with soups and pasta and ravioli. They were bonding again, maybe for old time's sake, maybe just to enjoy the night. And Mara was confused about how much she still loved Mick, but she didn't want to think that way at the moment; she didn't.

"Great date so far, huh?" Mick asked.

"It actually is," Mara admired. "I'm impressed."

"I'm glad."

They were staring into eachother's eyes, into eachother's souls, and they were falling deeper and deeper until the waitress brought the check. They snapped out of it.

"Oh, thanks," Mick thanked. He put his debit card inside and handed it back.

"I'm going to freshen up in the restroom," Mara excused herself. "Let's meet outside, ok?"

Mick nodded as Mara left.

Mara freshened up in the restroom as she said she would, and she went outside the restaurant, waiting for Mick to come out. It began raining and took no time to speed up into heavy rain as Mick came outside. Mara was still standing under the little roof.

"I'll get the car and drive around-"

"-no," Mara interrupted. She walked out from under the shelter, into the rain. "I can handle a little water."

"It's not really a little, but ok," Mick agreed.

They walked through the rain, to the car, without an umbrella. When they made it to the car, Mick followed Mara to her side of the vehicle. She was about to open the door when Mick pushed it back closed again. Mara faced Mick.

"What is it?" she asked.

"You look really beautiful," Mick commented, only two inches away.

And it happened like that. Like a streak of lightning or an explosion of fireworks, it was simple as done, that Mick's hands ended up on the sides of Mara's neck as their lips met and fell into rhythm. Mara leaned against the car and they kissed, her hands slowly finding their way to lightly touch Mick's arms, and inching their way towards his neck as well. Their lips were in sync, and their bodies were close as they shared a perfect romantic moment.

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