Elves and Dwarves (part 2)

By animaltrainer

10.8K 283 13

After Thorin Oakenshield and his company escaped the halls of the great Goblin king. They now have to take an... More

The Shifter
Thranduil Part 2
Farewell Mirkwood
Sneaking in


660 17 0
By animaltrainer

I have never heard this song so I'm sorry if it's bad. ~ Horseshoe

Bilbo, still invisible, sneaked through the Woodland Realm. Suddenly, Lómëanor stepped out from behind a corner and seemingly addressed him. Bilbo gave a little start, thinking that his invisibility didn't work.

"Come out, I know you're there." Lómëanor called

Bilbo was petrified, thinking he had been found out, when suddenly Tauriel steped out of the shadows behind him. Realizing that the king was talking to her, Bilbo sighed in relief.

"I was coming to report to you." She said

"I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons past." Lómëanor said uninterested

"We cleared the forest as ordered, my lord, but more spiders keep coming up from the south. They are spawning in the ruins of Dol Guldur; if we could kill them at their source-" Tauriel started but Lómëanor interrupted her.

"That fortress lies beyond our borders. Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures, that is your task."

"And when we drive them off, what then? Will they not spread to other lands?" Tauriel asked

"Other lands are not my concern. The fortunes of the world will rise and fall, but here in this kingdom, we will endure." Lómëanor said arrogantly

Tauriel scowled in disgust at his turned back. King Thranduil may not of been very kind ruler but he sure was more gentler and merciful than this pig. She thought.

Bilbo sneaked away. Lómëanor, hearing a noise caused by Bilbo, looked his way. However, he looked back at Tauriel as she bowed and walked away.


Bolg and his orcs spied on the gate to the Woodland Realm.

"The gates are guarded." one growled

"Shugi golgai. Tud-dad nu!" Blog grinned

[Not all of them. Follow me!]

Bolg and his orcs rode away down the river.

In his cell, Kili inspected a shiny black stone with an engraving in his hand. He flipped it in the air and caught it on the back of his hand. Tauriel was checking on all the prisoners, she paused at Kili's cell.

"The stone in your hand, what is it?" She asked

"It is a talisman. A powerful spell lies upon it. If any but a dwarf reads the runes on this stone, they will be forever cursed." Kili lied

He quickly held up the stone toward Tauriel, and she steped back slightly. She began to walk away, but stopped when Kili spoke again, in a laughing manner.

"Or not, depending on whether you believe that kind of thing. It's just a token." Kili said as he smiled. Causing Tauriel to smile as well.

"A runestone. My mother gave it to me so I'd remember my promise." He explained

"What promise?" Tauriel asked

"That I will come back to her." Kili said

Tauriel looked down.

"She worries. She thinks I'm reckless."

"Are you?" She asked

"Nah." He said as he smiled and tossed up his stone. He missed when he tried to catch it and it rolled out of his cell. But Tauriel stopped it with her foot before it could roll into the deep pit outside the cells. She picked it up and inspected it. Kili went up to the bars of his cell, then heard elves laughing in the distance.

"Sounds like quite a party you're having up there."

"It is Mereth-en-Gilith, the Feast of Starlight." She said

She steped slightly away.

"All light is sacred to the Eldar, but Wood Elves love best the light of the stars."

"I always thought it is a cold light, remote and far away."
Kili admitted

Tauriel, who had walked a few steps away while speaking, approached Kili again and spoke earnestly.

"It is memory, precious and pure. Like your promise."

She smiles and handed Kili back his stone.

"I have walked there sometimes, beyond the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away and the white light forever fill the air." She said

"I saw a fire moon once. It rose over the pass near Dunland, huge; red and gold it was, filled the sky. We were an escort for some merchants from Ered Luin, they were trading in Silverbuck for furs. We took the Greenway south, keeping the mountain to our left, and then, this huge fire moon, right in our path. I wish I could show you..." Kili said


Bilbo invisibly walked through the wine cellar. He saw elves moving around wine barrels. One drinks from a large flagon. Bilbo spotted the ring of dungeon keys in his hand.

"...we're running out of drink." One elf complains

"These empty barrels should have been sent back to Esgarrouth hours ago. The bargeman will be waiting for them." Another said

"Say what you like about our ill-tempered king, but he has excellent taste in wine. Come, Elros, try it." The first one said

He was speaking to an elf with a bunch of keys.

"I have the dwarves in my charge." Elros bragged

The other elf took the keys and hung them on a hook in the wall.

"They're locked up; where can they go?" One said

The elves laughed Bilbo took note of the hanging keys.


"I'll wager the sun's on the rise. It must be nearly dawn." Bofur said randomly.

"We're never going to reach the mountain, are we?" Ori asked sadly

Bilbo suddenly appeared, holding up the ring of keys.

"Not stuck in here, you're not!"

Thorin and the other dwarves jump up in surprise. Bilbo hastily tucked his Ring into his pocket.

"Bilbo!" Balin said happily

As the dwarves exclaimed in surprise, Bilbo shushed them.

"Shhh! There are guards nearby!" Bilbo said

He unlocked Thorin's cell and let him out. He then proceeded to let all the dwarves out of their various cells, and they chuckled gleefully at their good fortune. Some of the dwarves started walking in a certain direction.

"The stairs. You first. Ori!" Dwalin called

"Not that way, down here. Follow me." Bilbo said
As he proceeded to lead the dwarves through the Woodland Realm, and they whispered indistinctly. They sneaked through the halls of the Woodland Realm, and eventually found themselves in the wine cellar from before. The elves there were sound asleep around a table, with several empty bottles of wine in front of them. Bilbo lead the dwarves further in.

"This way." Bilbo said

"I don't believe it; we're in the cellars!" Kili whispered

The dwarves were getting mad at Bilbo.

"You were supposed to be leading us out, not further in!" Bofur yelled

"I know what I'm doing!" Bilbo defended


"This way." Bilbo called

They snuck into a large room in which several barrels were stacked sideways down the middle of the room. All the barrels had one end open.

Meanwhile, elven guards opened the cells and found them empty.

"_ _ _!"

"Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!" Bilbo commanded

"Are you mad?! They'll find us!" Dwalin growled

"No, no, they won't, I promise you. Please, please, you MUST trust me!" Bilbo pleaded

The dwarves milled around, as they tried to decide. They heard a commotion in the distance.

"Do as he says!" Thorin ordered

Each of the dwarves climbed into a barrel. Bilbo walked along, counting to make sure all the dwarves had been accounted for.

"What do we do now?" Bofur asked

All the dwarves popped their heads out of their barrels and watched Bilbo as he walked towards a lever in the ground.

"Hold your breath."

"Hold my breath? What do you mean?" Bofur asked with a bewildered expression.

Bilbo pulled the lever, and the part of the floor that the barrels were on tilts downward into an opening. The barrels rolled out the opening and fell several feet into a river that ran beneath the Woodland Realm. The dwarves yelled as they fell and the barrels made loud thumping noises. The elves sleeping around the table stirred and began to wake up. Bilbo triumphantly looked around, he then realized that he forgot to get out himself, and that the trap door had closed.

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