i'm not queen || the original...

By GEMOfTheNight

348K 11.2K 4.7K

⚜️I'm Not Queen || The Originals⚜️ "the evil hybrid, or the psychotic maniac?" "the moral, or the alpha?" "th... More

•i'm not queen || the originals•
•i'm not pregnant•
•i'm not marcellus' mother•
•i'm not having a baby girl•
•i'm not happy that elijah's back•
•i'm not happy to see marcellus again•
•i'm not broken-hearted•
•i'm not a labonair•
•i'm not making new friends•
•i'm not sticking with the girls•
•i'm not devastated•
•i'm not on lockdown•
•i'm not a witch•
•i'm not betrayed by the truth•
•i'm not caught in between•
•i'm not saying goodbye•
•i'm not the leader of the werewolf faction•
•i'm not representing the werewolves•
•i'm not livid•
•i'm not writing a love letter•
•i'm not the powerful immortal being•
•i'm not attracted to a witch•
•i'm not tricked into a date•
•i'm not tempted•
•i'm not his anchor•
•i'm not meeting the important ones•
•i'm not shock•
•i'm not with my love and my hope•
•i'm not a mikaelson witch•
•i'm not personifying love and hope•
•i'm not willing to risk•
•i'm not having an army•
•i'm not keeping a promise•
•i'm not the alpha•

•i'm not a love that lasts•

5.4K 247 151
By GEMOfTheNight


Imogen Farien Avery stood frozen as she stared at Finn and Kol Mikaelson, who were both wearing enchanted manacles which were suspending them from the balcony by their wrists.

Kol smiled charmingly at her but his eyes were apologetic. "Imogen! My beloved anchor! Good to see you again, I did say I'll come back for you, didn't I?" he said humorously.

Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson frowned at Kol before glancing at each other while Finn rolled his eyes in annoyance. Imogen stared blankly at him then to Finn and sighed heavily before turning to Klaus and Elijah.

Imogen narrowed her eyes at them and crossed her arms. "No one touches them! Hurt them and you'll answer to me!" she said sternly and briskly walked away.

The Mikaelsons brothers stared at Imogen's retreating figure before looking at each other.

Kol smirked smugly. "You heard her." he mocked Klaus and Elijah while Finn frowned at him. "You don't want to upset her, do you, big brothers?"

Klaus and Elijah looked at each other and quirk an eyebrow. Both amused and annoyed that Kol used the Immortal Being, the woman they are fighting over for, against them.

Klaus smirked before turning to Kol and walked over to him. "It wouldn't hurt if she didn't know, brother."

Elijah frowned and glanced at Klaus. "And if she finds out?" he asked suspiciously.

Klaus shrugged and turned to Elijah. "The word there is If, Elijah." he told him.

Kol smiled faltered and his eyes widen on panic. "Don't you dare, Niklaus!"

"Don't tell Imogen Farien! When she finds out Esther knew that she found us, her twins, she will go ballistic! You don't know what a mother could for her children. I know she has a lot on her mind right now and I'm not adding it up, when I know us three can handle this. Until then, don't tell Imogen and do when her twins are safe."

Hayley Marshall, Jackson Kenner and Imogen were outside of Jackson's trailer in the Bayou, sitting together as Aiden pace around in front of them.

"The wolves are freaking out. They know it had to be an insider who took down Vincent last night, seeing as no one could have been anywhere near him." Aiden said.

"Did anyone suspect it was you?" Jackson asked.

Aiden shakes his head. "No, not yet. But, they're gonna figure it out, which pretty much means I'm screwed unless we come up with a plan." he said and looked at Imogen for help.

Imogen, Hayley and Jackson crossed their arms as they looked at each other, thinking of a plan.

Imogen's face lit up and looked back at Aiden. "Call a meeting tonight with the whole pack." she said.

Hayley nodded in agreement. "If they're so scared, now's the perfect time to convince them they need to ditch Esther." she added.

Aiden holds up his hand, wearing a moonlight amulet. "She gave them moonlight rings."

"Well, those rings make you slaves." Hayley retorted and Imogen nodded in agreement.

"No! They make us powerful." Aiden argued. "We were exiles before, but now we run the city! The vampires are scared of us, and nobody, including me, is just gonna walk away from that because---"

Jackson looked annoyed as he stood up and approached Aiden. "Set the damn meeting." he said loudly and walked away.

Hayley gave Aiden a look while Imogen sighed and approached him.

"Just do it, Aiden." Imogen urged him.

Aiden sighed softly and forced out a smile before walking away, doing what he was told. Imogen turned to Hayley, who smiled at her and gestured her head towards Jackson. The noirette smiled at her before running after Jackson near the dock of the pond and saw him open a can of beer.

Imogen quirk an eyebrow. "So, are you gonna work on a inspirational speech for the meeting later or you're just get day-drunk?" she asked.

Jackson turned to her. "Little bit of both." he said nonchalantly.

Imogen sighed before snatching the beer from Jackson hand. "Jack, it's ten in the morning." she said in concern.

Jackson turned away from her and went to lean against the boat house. Next to him was a small table covered in books, he grabbed a brown, leather-bound journal off of the top of a pile. Imogen glanced at the journal before looking back at Jackson.

"You know, for months, I wrote down every single word Ansel said. The entire history of our people. If only I'd known he was Klaus' father, I would have asked him a hell of a lot more." Jackson said, turning to Imogen and walked beside her. "You know, I was up all night looking through this, trying to find something, anything that will help me figure out how to get our people back together."

Jackson tossed the book back onto the table while Imogen frowned at him.

"No luck?"

Jackson sighed. "Nothing viable. And now, Ansel's dead, along with Ollie." he said and Imogen down sadly. "So, forgive me if I need a beer, 'cause right now, I can use all the help I can get."

Jackson grabbed his drink from Imogen's hands and walked away. Imogen sighed heavily and looked up at the sky with frustration before noticing the journal on the nearby table. She looked around before grabbing the journal and reading it.

"What's that?"

Imogen turned and saw Hayley walking over to her, her eyes were trained on the journal the noirette was holding.

"It's Jackson's. He wrote everything Ansel told him this past few months." Imogen explained.

Hayley stood beside the Imogen and read the journal. The two silently read the journal until they read about the Unification Ceremony and their eyes widen in shock before looking at each other.

"You see, Kol, I hated you since. Every single damn time I get close with Imogen, my mother, you would interrupt our time together and make excuses so you could steal her away. My mother is too kind for her own good and oblivious enough to look past your cheap excuses. And now? I'm going to enjoy this and risk her hating me."

After reading about the Unification Ceremony in the journal, Imogen and Hayley approached Jackson to confront him about what they learned. Jackson was chopping firewood near his trailer and stopped when the two Labonairs stood in front of him.

"You wanna stop playing mountain-man and explain why you kept this from us?" Hayley said sarcastically as Imogen held up the brown leather journal.

Jackson stared at the two women and sighed as he dropped his axe but remained silent.

Imogen narrowed her eyes at him. "Why don't I jog your memory, Jack?" she said and opening the journal to read what she and Hayley found. "The werewolves' power can be traced back to the myth of the Unification Ceremony, a ritual that bestowed certain unique abilities onto every member of the pack."

Imogen looked up from the journal and saw the guilt on Jackson's face.

"Do you believe this?" Hayley asked.

"I didn't at first. And then Ansel swore he saw it with his own eyes. And then he dies, and I found out he was resurrected from a thousand years ago, which means he was alive to see it." Jackson explained.

Imogen and Hayley exchanged confuse looks before turning back to Jackson.

"How did we not know about this?"

"You both didn't grow up out here." Jackson told them and gestured around the Bayou. "Yeah, every kid grows up hearing the stories. Back in the day, werewolf bloodlines were all distinct, right? Some had speed, some had strength, some could sense enemies from miles away." he walked closer to Imogen and Hayley. "Now, to evolve, we would perform a ritual. A shaman would marry the alphas of each bloodline, and then the special abilities of each would be inherited, mystically, by everyone who participated in the ritual. See, after a few centuries, everybody had the same abilities, so alpha marriages became political. They became about power, about territory."

Imogen and Hayley looked down, both considering the newfound information to be used for the benefit of the Crescents.

"But I have a unique ability."

Hayley was the one to speak first and looked at Imogen.

"Because I'm a hybrid, I can control when I change!"

Imogen lips curled up into a smile and nodded slowly. "And I'm also a hybrid and I can control when I change too." she said as she and Hayley turned to Jackson. "So, if this alpha marriage thing works, then our people get mine or Hayley's power. This is a big benefit for the Crescents!"

Hayley nodded happily. "And they can ditch the rings!" she added as Jackson looked torn. "Which means Esther no longer has a hold over them!"

Jackson just nodded silently and stared at Imogen and Hayley, who were both looking excited.

"Jack, this is exactly the answer that we've been looking for!" Imogen said happily as she lifts the journal in her hand. "Let's find a shaman, you and Hayley or I we'll say some vows."

"Hell, we'll make it a party!" Hayley added.

Jackson looked unhappy. "It ain't just a party. If the vows ain't honored, it doesn't work." he told the two women.

Imogen and Hayley's faced fell when they realized the implications of the Unification ritual.

"It's gotta be a real marriage, in every way, for the rest of our lives." Jackson added and looked at Imogen. "Are you up for that?"

Imogen opened her mouth to say something but can't find the right words. She and Hayley shared conflicted looks. Both knowing one of them has to sacrifice everything for the sake of their people.

Jackson looked hurt as he turned around. "Didn't think so." he mumbled before walking away from the two last Labonairs to think.

Imogen looked freaked out as she turns to Hayley. "I need Cami."

"Josh, we both like Imogen don't we? I'm doing this not just for her but for you and Marcel. So understand why I'm working with Kol Mikaelson. So far, he proved that his sincere and genuine with his personal agenda. I want to help him be with his anchor. Other than that? We both wanted the same thing."

Imogen and Camille O'Connell were in Father Keiran's secret apartment looking through his files.

Imogen called her human friend for a favor and Camille didn't hesitate to help her. When the blonde picked up the phone she was shock that the noirette called her and at the same was overjoyed that she finally wanted to be friends again.


Imogen turned to Camille. "Yeah?"

Camille grinned. "I'm just happy, that's all." she told her.

Imogen smiled sadly. "Look, Cami. I'm sorry I pushed you away for months." she apologized. "You're my friend and I just wanted you safe."

Camille chuckled and walked over to her. "Apology accepted. Plus, I'm already involved with the supernatural community. We're fine and friends again, that's all that matters to me." she assured and embraced the noirette. "I'm glad you reached out."

Imogen embraced her back, holding back her tears of joy. "You're the one who didn't give up on our friendship. You went to the compound even though it was closed and I shut you out."

Camille grinned as she pulled away. "I knew it! You were there when I came to the compound."

Imogen laughed. "I was hiding, okay?"

Camille smiled happily when suddenly she backed away from Imogen as she groaned in pain and rubbed her forehead. Imogen rush to her side and looked at her in concern.

"Cami? Are you're okay?"

Camille sighed. "Yeah, I must just be coming down with something."

Imogen looked guilty. "I'm sorry to drag you out of bed for this." she said sadly. "You should be resting."

Camille smiled softly. "Please. You just discovered an ancient marriage ritual with pretty drastic supernatural and personal implications. The least I can do is get out of bed." she assured. "I'm doing this for you, so it's no problem. I wanted to help you whatever I can do to."

Imogen smiled gratefully at Camille, who winked in return before gesturing towards a pile of files and a book on the desk nearby. The two women walked over to the desk and flipped the pages of the book.

"So, this is everything I found in my uncle's files about werewolf ceremonies and rituals." Camille said and Imogen looked down at the book. "Mostly, it sounds like old folklore and fables."

Imogen nodded silently while Camille smiled sympathetically at her.

"But, I'm guessing you're not here looking for some kind of proof."

Imogen forced out a smile and shrugged. "I don't know what I'm looking for exactly." she admitted.

Camille crossed her arms and faced her. "Not to pry, but does Jackson have any answers?" she asked.

Imogen sighed heavily. "He doesn't even want to talk about it." she said and leaned by the desk. "He doesn't even want to put me or Hayley in this position. He's a good, decent guy. He only wants what's best."

Camille quirk an eyebrow. "And, I'm assuming he knows about Klaus? Elijah? And the latest one, Kaleb? Kol?" she asked knowingly.

"Of course he knows about Nik and Elijah." Imogen answered before she furrowed her eyebrows and frowned Camille. "Hold on, how did you know about Kol?"

"Davina." Camille said and smiled. "She talked about how annoying he is and wouldn't stop talking about you."

Imogen chuckled in amusement. "I'm glad those two became friends."

Camille shrugged. "Davina wouldn't call it that way. More like partners."

Imogen sighed heavily and glanced at the book. "As a leader, you've got to make such tough decisions." she mumbled and looked at Camille.

Camille smiled softly. "Well, there is no right answer to this." she told her and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. "You just have to figure out what's best for you, and think long and hard about your decision, because you're the one who's going to have to live with it."

Imogen looked stressed. "No pressure but you're right. Hayley and I need to think hard about this." she said and sighed heavily. "The biggest problem who's going to do it."

Camille smiled sympathetically at her. "Remember, do what's best for you. You and Hayley." she said and caressed Imogen's cheek before turning away to put the files away on the table.

Imogen looked at Camille's back and frowned when she noticed a vertical line of what looks like large pin-pricks that ran down the length of the blonde's spine, which was visible through a small slit in the back of her shirt.

"Cami, what's that on your back?" she asked in concern.

Camille looked confused as she walk over to a nearby mirror and turned so see what her friend was talking about. Her eyes widen in horror before looking at Imogen, who was mirroring her expression.

"You know, Kol, there's still time for you to be part of our always and forever, to be part of this family. I'm pretty sure Imogen wanted you to be part of it too. As much as I despise the thought of it, you are still family."

"So, what now, Imogen?"

"I have no idea, Hayley."

Imogen and Hayley both sighed heavily as they stared at the pond nearby Jackson's trailer. The noirette returned from Camille's to the Bayou to talk with Hayley about the fate of their pack and as well as their own.

"One of us has to marry Jackson." Hayley mumbled. "Whether we like it or not. We're two of the last Labonairs."

Imogen nodded and looked at Hayley's sad face. She knew she was torn between her feelings for Elijah and marrying Jackson. She was also torn between Klaus and her people. "Maybe, I should marry Jack." she said quietly.

Hayley turned her head to Imogen and shakes her head. "What? No! You can't. Klaus will go berserk, Elijah will probably too and Kol? You're his anchor and he's not gonna take it lightly. All of them are." she argued.

Imogen shrugged. "Well, you can't too. And you don't want too. You love Elijah and marrying Jack will be hard for you. What am I supposed to do?"

Hayley groaned loudly while Imogen smiled sadly and wrapped her arms around the brunette. Hayley placed her head on the noirette's shoulder and sighed heavily.

"I don't want to marry Jack but I don't want you either." she mumbled.

Imogen placed her head on top of Hayley's. "Hayley, listen, like Cami said, there's no right answer to this. We just have to figure out what's best for us, and think long and hard about this decision, because one of us is the one who's going to have to live with it."

Hayley sighed and looked at Imogen. "Between the two of us, I have little to sacrifice than you." she said and the noirette was about to protest but she gave her a look. "You have Klaus, Elijah and Kol, probably all the members of the Mikaelsons, to deal with when you're the one to marry Jack. Plus, your twins will question you why you married him and not their father."

Imogen shakes her head. "This isn't about who'll sacrifice more and less. This is about our pack, our people, our family. This is a about what we're going to do for them as their leaders." she said.

Hayley nodded in agreement and sighed. "But let's be honest here, Jack has feelings for you but it's obvious that you don't return them. You only see him as a friend." she said nonchalantly.

Imogen's eyes widen in shock. "Jack has feelings for me?" she asked in disbelief before laughing in amusement. "Don't be ridiculous, Hayley. He does not."

Hayley frowned. "I'm serious, Imogen. Jack does like you." she said and the noirette remained silent. "Remember after you signed the useless peace treaty, we went back to the Bayou and Jack kissed you on the cheek? Then you told me when you were finding him when he went missing that he introduced you to Ansel as his 'gonna be wife?' I think that's enough proof."

Imogen looked down uncertain, not knowing what to do while Hayley smiled softly.

"And earlier, when he asked if you're up for it and you didn't say anything? He looked really hurt and upset." Hayley added. "If he's gonna choose one of the two last Labonairs? He'll want to marry you."

"But it's not his decision who he wants to marry, Hayley. It's us. It's either you or me. The Immortal descendant of one of the first Labonairs or the very last Labonair." Imogen said and sat down on the ground, cross-legged.

Hayley sat beside Imogen and stared at the pond. She remembered what Jackson told her and the noirette when they first met at the plantation house.

"I think I'm the one that has to marry Jack." Hayley mumbled.

Imogen turned to her. "Hayley---"

Hayley quickly shakes her head. "No, Imogen, listen to me, alright? My parents already arranged Jack and I even before we were born. It's me, okay? We shouldn't even debate about this."

"But Hayley---"

Hayley smiled sadly. "I'm serious. You remembered what Jackson said to us back at the plantation house?" she asked.

Imogen was quiet for a moment before nodding slowly. "Yes."

Hayley stood up from the ground and brushed the dirt off her jeans. "Then it's settled. I'm marrying Jack for our family." she stated.

Imogen quickly stood up. "No, Hayley, I know you. You're forced by this, by your parents. I don't want you to be." she protested.

Hayley smiled sadly and shakes her head. "I have a duty to our pack, Imogen."

Imogen held Hayley's hand tightly with hers. "I have a duty too, Hayley."

Imogen and Hayley were the last Labonairs, they were both Alphas and they finally decided who will marry Jackson for the fate of the pack.

The two women went to St. Anne's church, where the Crescents' meeting was being held. They entered the building and heard Jackson's voice. They saw Jackson standing at the sacristy, giving his speech.

"I know you're angry and scared, but we are a pack. No matter what."

One of the werewolves, Jerick, stood up from his seat and walked towards the aisle to face Jackson.

"You've been checked out for months. Why should we listen to you?"

Hayley was about to rush inside but Imogen grabbed her arm and shakes her head. Hayley frowned but nodded and calmed down.

Aiden stood up and face Jerick. "Cause he's the Alpha! You got a problem with that?"

Imogen nodded at Hayley before the two Labonairs walked inside from back of the room.

"We want to hear what Jackson has to say."

Jackson looked shocked to see both Imogen and Hayley. The two women walked past Jerick and stood the front of the room to join Jackson.

"This is a pack meeting. You two are not one of us anymore." Jerick scoffed.

Imogen and Hayley exchanged smirks before facing Jerick and held their arms out.


Imogen and Hayley's nails grew out like claws. Their hands transformed into wolf paws and their eyes turned gold. After a moment, showing every present Crescent that they were wolves, they shifted back. Their arms and face go back to their human form.

"Hayley and I are still wolves." Imogen said, turning to walk over to the sacristy beside Jackson. "And we didn't need any magical rings to control when or how we change." she faced the Crescents. "You want the same? Then, sit down, shut up, and listen."

Imogen smiled at the Crescents before turning back to look at Jackson, who stared at her in awe while Hayley and Aiden exchanged looks with proud grins on their faces.

Imogen turned back to the Crescents. "You all need help, and you know it. Now, whatever it is that you think of Hayley and I, we were born a Crescent. We are two of the last of the Labonair line, which makes us Alphas." she said and looked at Jackson, who looked confused.

Hayley walked over to the two and stood beside the noirette. "Jackson is your Alpha. Now, I don't know how many of you bought the story you grew up with, the Unification myth. Well, it is all true." she said and Jackson looked over to Imogen, who turned to him and smiled.

The Crescents turned to each other and whisper among themselves. Jackson looked even more confused while Imogen took a deep breath before taking Hayley's hand.

"Which means, if Jackson and Hayley get married." Imogen said and glanced at Jackson, who looked shock and disappointed. "Anyone with the guts to turn up to the ceremony has as much control over their wolf form as Hayley and I do."

Jackson leaned over to Hayley. "Hayley, what is she doing?" he asked.

Hayley sighed heavily and turned to him. "What needs to be done." she told him and looked at the Crescents. "This isn't just about uniting our pack. It's about forming a new community."

Jackson walked over to Imogen to stand beside her and looked at the Crescents. "This ceremony will change everything for us. It will give us the strength we need to defend ourselves. Then, and only then, can we finally have peace."

Imogen walked closer to the Crescents. "The choice is yours. Keep the rings and be somebody's slave, or be part of the greatest pack that ever lived." she said loudly.

The Crescents began to chatter amongst themselves and Imogen looked Aiden, who smiled at her with a determined look on his face. She smiled back as Aiden rose to his feet to join her at the front.

"I'm in!" Aiden said and smiled widely as he took off his moonlight ring and dropped it onto the floor.

Imogen laughed happily and tightly embraced Aiden, who embraced her back tightly. Hayley and Jackson looked at each other and smiled.

"Our mother was only trying to protect you and Imogen from her sister's Dahlia's curse! Dahlia demanded the first-born of every generation. Had your twins lived, they would have paid the price! And, if anyone had tried to protect them, Dahlia would come and destroy us all."

Imogen and Jackson were the only ones left after the meeting and Jackson wanted to talk to the noirette alone. The two sat on one of the pews looking at the altar.

"So, you wanted to talk?" Imogen asked Jackson.

Jackson sighed heavily and looked at her. "Yeah." he mumbled but then remained silent.

Imogen sighed before turning to him and smiled. "Hayley told me that you like me. Is that true?" she asked softly.

Jackson eyes widen in surprise but nodded. "I do. Since we first met at the plantation house." he admitted. "You were something. You just intrigue me."

Imogen smiled sadly at him. "I'm sorry."

Jackson shakes his head. "No, don't be. I'm at fault here, I thought that you're the one to represent the Labonair line as one of the alpha and marry me but I was wrong." he told the noirette.

"But why me?" Imogen asked curiously.

Jackson looked at her in disbelief. "Why you? Are you really asking me that? Did you even look at yourself Imogen? You're strong, brave, kind and beautiful---"

Imogen narrowed her eyes. "Don't you dare say perfect." she said with seriousness in her voice.

Jackson laughed as he shakes his head. "No, I wasn't going to say that." he told the Imogen, who smiled softly at him. "You're a queen. You deserve to be the Labonair Alpha."

Imogen chuckled softly. "Thanks Jack." she said earnestly and placed a hand on top of Jackson's, which was resting on the pew. "But I'm not the only Labonair Alpha. Hayley's stubborn, she can be a tomboy at times, immature, impulsive and tends to speak before she thinks but she's passionate, determined. She's tough as nails, very protective and is willing to do anything for her family and friends. Hayley's gorgeous, Jack."

Jackson smiled softly. "A lot like you."

Imogen chuckled. "Sometimes."

Jackson stared lovingly at her. Imogen sighed heavily before staring at Jackson with a serious look on her face.

"But Jack, promise me that you'll be a good husband to Hayley. Promise me that you'll take care of her. Promise me that you'll be loyal to her. She deserves it. She deserves someone like you."

Jackson nodded. "I promise, Imogen."

Imogen smiled happily. "You deserve someone like Hayley. You'll be surprise how amazing she is. Maybe you'll both learn to love each other." she said, placing a gentle hand on Jackson's face and glared malevolently at him. "Just try and hurt her, you'll be answering to me. I swear that I'll throw you to your death from the very top of One Shell Square."

"We both love Imogen, Nik, and our rivalry is still on. It never stopped when she chose you. We both know she's wreck and broken right now. We'll just wait for her to tell one of us who's her always and forever, until then let's be there for her. She needs us more than ever."

Imogen happily returned to the compound and left Jackson at the church with Hayley so they could talk. She was about to walk inside living room but abruptly stopped when she heard Klaus and Kol's voices inside. She narrowed her eyes and hid behind the wall as she peeked inside. She saw the two Mikaelsons sitting on the sofa talking.

"Despite what you might think, Kol, I did mourn you after your death. And, I did attempt to avenge you. I would do nothing less, because we are brothers. Always and forever." Klaus said sincerely to Kol, who looked overwhelmed.

Imogen's eyes widen in shock as her lips curled up into a happy smile. She walked inside the room and both Klaus and Kol heard her light footsteps and turned to her and when they saw her they look surprised.


"My love."

Kol turned to Klaus and frowned in jealousy while Klaus looked at him and smirked smugly.

"Always and Forever?" Imogen asked softly. "Kol's now a part of our Always and Forever?"

Klaus smiled softly at her and nodded. "He is, my love." he said and glanced at his younger brother. "And Kol, here is to help us get rid of Esther, once and for all."

Imogen looked at Kol and smiled happily. Kol stood up from the sofa and grinned at the noirette as he opened his arms wide.

"Don't I get a welcome hug?"

Imogen laughed in joy as she rush into Kol's opened arms. The two tightly embraced each other with happy smiles on their faces.

"A change of heart, I see?" Imogen teased him.

Kol chuckled softly. "For you. It's always been for you, my beloved anchor." he mumbled.

Klaus stared at them with jealousy and sadness in his eyes. He always knew that Imogen is Kol's anchor. He always knew Kol's feelings for Imogen were true. He always knew that the bond the two have couldn't be compared to anything but his.

Deep inside him, he knew he was scared of his younger brother, Kol. He knew that Imogen cares deeply enough for Kol to be his anchor and that care could turn to something more, and that is what he's afraid of. For centuries, the love that Kol has for Imogen was still there, so sincere and genuine.

"That kind of love never dies."

The Mikaelsons' love for Imogen Avery lasts for centuries and will continue to.


Imogen and Klaus were in Love and Hope's nursery. The noirette watched in confusion as Klaus looked unusually happy. Klaus was looking around the nursery with love in his eyes.

"Nik, are you okay? And have you seen Elijah? There's something I need to tell you both." Imogen said with seriousness in her voice.

Klaus looked at her. "You can tell me on the way." he said happily.

Imogen looked at him even more confused. "What? Where are we going?" she asked.

Klaus grinned. "To see our daughters."

Imogen was stunned at what Klaus just said as her eyes widen in shock. Klaus smiled softly at the noirette's reaction and walked closer to her to kiss her forehead affectionately.

"This is the moment we've been waiting for, my love. We'll be seeing them again. After months of agonizing torture of waiting, we'll be able to finally see them, touch them, be with them again. To be with our Love and Hope."

Imogen lips curled up into a big smile and screamed in delight as she jumped into Klaus' arms. Klaus laughed happily as he spun the noirette around.

Imogen was finally able to see her twin daughters again. She was finally able to carry her twins in her arms again. She can finally be with her daughters again. After months of waiting for them to return to her and Klaus, they finally be able to.

"What did I tell you, my little love, my little hope? Your father and I will be waiting for both of your return in our arms. We're coming my littlest love, my littlest hope."

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[ON GOING] 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦, 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯. ...