
By ToxicK3

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Zion is a 15 year old stud with a 5 year old sister. Her father ran out on her and her sister leaving them wi... More



3.8K 95 5
By ToxicK3


I was at the park with the kid's trey and Zay cause I wanted to get me and the kids out the house but I ain't want to go anywhere far from the house.

We were chilling and smoking on the basketball court. Aiden had come up and he looked mad.

"What's wrong with you."

"That boy had slapped me cause I ain't want to get off da slide." I chuckled.

"And you ain't do shit nigga yo ass soft if you don't go beat that nigga ass take yo ass back." I told him.

He ran back to the park. "Why you do lil man like that." Trey said handing me the blunt he had.

I inhaled it. "Cause that nigga acting like he pussy or something. Like you suppose to get hit by another person and not fight back just cry about it." I exhaled and handed the blunt to zay.

"Fucking witchu he going to be a whole gangsta outchea." I looked at say and laughed.

"Nah he just ain't going to be no pussy." They agreed and Zahari came running up to us.

"Zion these big boys coming at Aiden for hitting they brother." I sighed and we all got up. We walked to the park.

These boys that looked like they were around ten years old. "Aye we got a problem over here." I asked and took the blunt from Zay.

"Yea dis boy hit my fucking brother." I nodded.

"So, you tryna beat him cause he hit yo brother cause yo brother hit him and how old are you."

"I'm 11 bout to be 12 next month." I nodded and bent down so I was in his hear.

"Listen lil nigga fuck with him again you ain't going to make it to see 12 years old ight." He nodded.

He was scared.

"Same goes for yo brother now whoever fucks with Aiden or my sister Zahari there's going to be a problem." I said the last part twice and lifted my shirt so they could see what I was packing.

We went back to the basketball court and Zay and trey was laughing.

"What the fuck yall niggas laughing at." I looked at them confused.

"Yo dumbass. You really threatened that lil nigga and the whole park." Trey busted out laughing and I just shook my head.

"Nah cause they were bout to jump Aiden but Ima teach Aiden was how to fight." I gave the blunt back to trey after I took a couple of puffs.

"Aye bitch." I looked up and this boy was coming towards us.


"You the niggas that threatened my lil brother."

"And if I was." I stood up and I let him walk up to me.

"Then you going to get your ass beat."

He swings at me but missed. I punched him in his face, and he fell.

"Look bitch come at me again and Ima kill you and yo whole family." I lifted my shirt and then let go. I was ready to go eat.

I went to the park to get Aiden and Zahari. "Aiden and Zahari come on so we can go eat."

They ran to me, and we all left, and I drove to IHOP. So now we were in the middle of eating when I saw Brianna come our way.

"Fuck." I mumbled. I guess trey heard me cause he looked up and busted out laughing. I mugged him.

"I know you seen me calling you."

"No, I didn't but can you go on bout yo business cause I'm pretty sure my girl wouldn't want me talking to you."

"Oh, fucking well I'm pregnant so you are going to have to deal."

"Hell, nah I'm getting a DNA test when the baby born so don't play that shit."

"No, I ain't go-" she got cut off by Zahari.

"Listen bitch leave my sister alone obviously she don't want you fucking hoe."  We all busted out laughing except Brianna. She had mugged Zahari.

"Listen you little demon stay outta grown folks' business."

"Brianna, I advise you to get the fuck out my face before I slap the fuck outchu you."

"You ain't going to slap shit bitch ass nigga. If this is yo baby I'm filing for child support." I shrugged.

She walked away and out the restaurant. I closed my eyes and prayed that it wasn't my baby.

"You betta pray that ain't yo baby." I opened my eyes and slapped trey and Zay busted out laughing.

"Y'all niggas think everything funny. It ain't going to be funny when one of y'all get a girl pregnant." They sucked there teeth.

"I ain't getting no girl pregnant or a girlfriend she better go get a sperm donor that way she can't file for child support." I laughed.

We all finished eating and we left and went to my house. When we got there, we all decided to watch a movie.

We were in the middle of watching a scary movie called bedeviled when we heard glass brake outside.

I hopped up and ran outside when I see Brianna smashing my windows out my windows out my cars and keyed them. "Brianna what the fuck are you doing." I yelled.

"Nah you wanna go out with another bitch when you gotta baby by me." She smashed another window.

"Bitch that's not my baby damn." She continued to key it. I picked her up and carried her to her car.

"Stop fr."

She slapped me and then ran and continued to hit my car with a bat. I ran after her but not as fast cause my stomach started hurting from the stitches.

"Come on Brianna what the fuck do you want from me." She stopped and looked at me.

"I want to be with you, I want us to be a family." I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Brianna, I got a whole girlfriend. I was with her before I even knew you."

She had tears rolling down her face. "But I'm pregnant with your child, she's going to leave yo sorry ass anyway when she finds out I'm having yo baby so just be with me."

"Ok if she does break up with me doesn't mean I'm going to be with you."

"But I love you Zion why don't you understand that."

"But I don't love you I only wanted the pussy." She ran after me with the bat, and I ran in the house and closed it. I slid down the door, she started banging on the door. Trey and Zay came and looked at me before laughing, I mugged the shit outta them making them stop.

"That shit aint funny."

"Yea it is cause that girl crazy was hell."

"Don't you think that now." I got up and checked outside and she was still fucking up my car.

"Brianna get away from my house before I call the feds."

"Nigga if you don't shut up you don't even like the feds." I glared at Zay and opened the door all the way.

"Can you please leave my house I just want some peace." She looked at me and then looked back at the car and started keying it. I groaned.

"No since you wanna play with my feelings Ima fuck yo life up."

I yelled for Zahari and told her to call the police. After she was done with that, I made sure that it was no weed or the smell in the house.

"Damn nigga how much Febreze you need." I sprayed trey and he mugged me. After a while the police came. "You called for the police."

I nodded. "Yea that crazy bitch keeps fucking up my cars like she paid for the shit." She tried to hit me with the bat, but the police took it before she could.

"Alright are you pressing charges."

"Nah I just want her to get off my property." They nodded and escorted her to her car.

"Do you want to file for a restraining order." I shook my head no.

"Nah cause Ima have to see her again cause I gotta see if that's my baby but I'm probably going to get it if that's not my baby." He nodded in understatement, and they made sure that she left before driving off.

"I really hope that aint my baby." I mumbled and went to the living room, and they were in there finishing the movie shook my head.

"Y'all ain't shit." They looked back at me.

"That's yo crazy ass baby momma not mine, she ain't bout to kill me." I slapped trey in the back of the head.

"Man, that ain't my baby momma always talking shit." I mumbled and sat beside them, and we finished the movie.

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