Driving Teacher | tk ✓

By vanterous

108K 7.6K 4.6K

Two idiots, one car and long lessons under starry nights. What could go wrong? Oh, but they fall in love. a... More

Driving Teacher | kv
01 | Treachery of the Evil Bus
02 | The Tough Life of Two Guys
03 | Drop the Straight Status, Now
04 | Where is the Nearest Gym?
05 | Car breaks and Heartbreaks
06 | Gucci is the New Sexy
07 | Small World and Small People
08 | Canadian Singers Suck
09 | Friends That Are O-gay (Mostly)
10 | Surprise, Surprise!
11 | Just Jungkook on an Airplane
12 | Ditch the Friend, Grab the Boy
13 | Invasion at the Kim Residency
14 | Almost Lost Our Hope!
15 | Snatched His Non-existant Wig Away
16 | I Thought I Loved Gaming the Most
17 | Are Em, Shuga, and Jay-Ope
18 | A Little Bit Of You By My Side
19 | Love is in the Car, Folks
20 | Murphy's Law 10/10
21 | Oh, Holy Graduation, Here I Come
22 | Brothers From Other Mothers
23 | Hope You Go To-
24 | Let's Fast-Forward Some Things


2.9K 201 140
By vanterous


To be honest, Taehyung never imagined himself crossing acres of land in the air all the way to Europe, to decide his future career for Gucci.

Better than winning a lottery ticket, dude.

He let that sink in for the hundredth time, palm sweating and heart pumping louder than before once again at the sheer thought, because he was so thrilled and highly strung by the situation he had land on.

God, Jungkook really turned my entire life.

So he faced the raven/crack-head bloke with a grateful smile, even if the latter was snoring cutely through his nose.

It was a twenty-three hours flight with two stops in China (Guangzhou and Wuhan) and for the past four hours since their last one, Jungkook had been dozing off with absolutely no clue of Tae holding his hand tightly as the aeroplane gave a few shudders as grey clouds thundered outside the window frame.

He hated heights.

Poor guy wished the younger could wake up but, nope, this guy was definitely one of the hardest to be all rise-and-shine. Taehyung needed his adorable entertainer ASAP.

They haven't kissed again, leaving Taehyung to wonder grumpily if Jungkook was shying away from the public that surrounded them.

It wasn't like he wanted to attach his lips over Jungkook's forever -

Nah, that was exactly what he would fancy.

Pushing his spectacles back with a finger, Tae decided to watch a TV Show with people with long hairdos and leaned back, waiting for the flight's next hour to go by just so he could have Jungkook for himself.

Another jolt sent the older jump in his seat, making him curse out loudly, an earphone plug popping out in terror.

No one was awake to reassure him and, for the second time in this month, he felt a little isolated even if an idiot, coconut-head slept peacefully beside him as the golden-brown-haired pretended to be engrossing in his K-drama — of life, too? Yup, but without the need to act out.

However, Taehyung's long, slim fingers were still wrapped around Jungkook's smaller, muscly ones which were unnoticeably and subconsciously clenching back the older's hand as the person bubbled sleep like a baby.


Rome, Italy

They walked side by side in the alien roadside of the foreign city outside the airport, abashed by the sudden change of environment and mostly, the warm breezes that were so rarely felt back in Seoul.

The beige concrete architect and the colourful crowd brought a warm aura everywhere, even if the honking cars were doing their best to rapture the whole environment.

Faces with a tanned, orange-red paint on them and similar accents rolling off their tongues with unfathomable languages were foreboding — troublous, even. The intensity of detachment from these people left Tae irked.

Even Jungkook's presence seemed somewhat off-putting.

Taehyung had taken off his jacket while he dragged his suitcase, exhausted after journeying a long way, his legs still sore.

Exhaling loudly, he muttered to Jungkook (who was busy tapping on his accursed device) in a tired tone, "I can lay on the bench just to get a nap, Kook. Will you be my pillow?" He elbowed him hard to get his attention when he did not reply.

The other responses in a distracted hum, too busy on his phone.

Huffing, Tae snatched the case and argues, "Won't you listen to me?" He glares at the click of Jungkook's tongue, who stretched out a hand to give him back his phone.

Stubborn and annoyed, Tae purses his lips and raised eyebrows questioningly.

Sighing most heavily, Jungkook flickered a small smile before answering, putting an arm around Tae's neck as people - tourists, mostly - bustled by, "I was trying to book a tour guide — Korean, if possible. Gimme back my phone, now, Tae." The mere shine in the younger's eyes brought rainbows to Tae's world, who automatically grins.

After he does, a slant smile formed on Jungkook's lips. Eyes twinkling with mischief, he queried, "When do the company wants to see you?"

Grabbing himself to not fall in Jungkook's mesmerising looks, Tae cleared his throat, "Tomorrow morning at seven - sharp." Like it has always been, punctuality was not really Tae's thing.

Passing him a lopsided smile once more, Jungkook raised his phone to his left ear, conversing politely to a random tour guide at the other side. Bringing it down, they jogged to yet another cab to book a hotel room near them the guide has told Jungkook about.


Jungkook insisted on taking a long drive to Ostia's beach because he missed Busan - his favourite seashore.

Unable to gather a reason not to, him and Tae abandoned the previously mentioned hotel and booked another cab all the way to the beach, a first at hurting Tae's wallet.

They set up the mat, snacks, crackers and an icebox, promising them to return after they pay a visit to the awaiting water.

Hand in hand, the two ran to the vast sea, orange filling the sky as the sun threatened to dip in the blue ocean. Thanking God for the barely crowded shore, Tae pulled Jungkook closer to him as their ankles dug in the wet sand, waves teasingly coming and going over their bare feet, their hairs wind-swept.

Staring at each other for a long time, nothing else but the closeness of each other and the spraying water, and the sun setting behind them?


"Do you know why I chose you to come with me?" Asked Tae tenderly, not breaking eyes contact as their breath mixed with the salty air.

Jungkook was so good at hiding his feelings, but to Tae, he was an open book, much to read about in.

Biting his lip to hide his smirk, Jungkook looked away, eyes shining. "No," he lied.

Catching him off-guard, Tae covered the remaining distance between them, stepping between Jungkook's feet, and connected his lips with the younger's who caught on, kissing back the older passionately as their fingers played with each other's hair. "This is why," mumbled Tae between Jungkook's lips, feeling the shape of them, endeavouring them.

Once they broke apart, Jungkook had a new gleam in his eyes Tae was unsure of the likes of. "There's a hotel nearby - let's try to check-in."

Taehyung did not want to leave yet. He insists, "Let's stay back for a while." Starting to hop on his feet, he pleads, "Please, please, please?"

Chuckling, Jungkook tugs the older and slams him against his body, plopping the both on the rough mat.

For a while, they waited to see the sun sink in the horizon slowly, the buzz of the beach receding and the clearing thinning.

They stole kisses. They did not let the sea-scented wind take away their love. They watched the last wink of the sun set together; side by side, like always.

Side by side.


The conquest at getting a hotel room without a translator turned out successful, only Jungkook had almost lost it once he realised they were given two separate ones as the counter lady thought they were brothers, not boyfriends.


The word echoed in Tae's brain while he ascended the stairs to get to his room, Jungkook on his heels.

Locking the door behind them and ignoring the other room they have accidentally booked, the two jumped on the bed, night fallen outside the window.

Silence, except for simultaneous breathing.

Abruptly, Jungkook voices out, facing Tae with a masked face almost impossible to comprehend. "My parents died in a car accident." He peeks at Tae to see his reaction, who decides to quietly pull him into a warm hug, cuddling him. "I wanted to let you know," he adds, then shot a glare to the ceiling.

"I know it, now." Affirms Tae, his voice muffled as he presses his nose against the crook of Jungkook's neck. "I am here," he purrs, enveloping the younger with himself.

Teasingly, Jungkook clutches the older's waist, uttering coherently, "I don't want you to apply for Gucci, now."

Slowly, Tae separates himself from Jungkook's hot skin to look up at the doe-like eyes. "Why, though?"

He gulps before answering, "I'll miss you." Peering back at Tae, Jungkook continues, "You have got your license, now. Maybe you can work with me. Or maybe you can just complete your studies, you know. Your parents really paid for your university fees, be thankful." The rush of words showcased his desperation, making Tae pinch his chubby cheeks.

I am the most thankful person right now, grinned Tae.

Thinking hard on what Jungkook said, he bobs his head, "You're right. I could have bought you an apartment here, but actually, Oemma and Appa have really been there with me." Ruffling the younger's hair, he continued, "Thanks for the advice. I am taking it."

I can't believe I am taking it.

Jungkook snuggled even closer to Tae, whispering mischievously, "So no interview or whatever tomorrow?"


"Can I do this, then?" Asked Jungkook, pressing a harsh kiss at Tae's neck, taking it a long time to linger on the smooth, nice-scented skin.

Fluttering his eyes in pleasure, Tae murmurs again, "Mmhmm." His hand flies up to Jungkook's hair, pressing his head down on himself.

The raven-headed punk hastily got up to remove his shirt, Tae yelping out of surprise at his actions.

"What?" Posed Jungkook innocently.

Gulping nervously, the other manages to speak in an undertone, "Not.. today."

Jungkook cracked up at Tae's request, removing his hands from the helm of his shirt and planting a kiss on his forehead, eyes almost disappearing in his holy-moly bunny smile.

They fitted back against each other, sharing the warmth that circulated in an invisible, soothing motion between them.

Tae cuddled Jungkook's chest, the younger massaging his scalp soothingly. Through his muffled voice, the older pronounces reluctantly, "Let's go to Nipples - uh, Naples, I meant. Tomorrow. Okay?"

"Okay." Muttered Jungkook, now playing with Tae's hair as he leaned his head against the bed's frame, stretching out and pulling close the lamp at the bedside to darken the room, filling it with a comfortable silence.

He then snakes his hand down Tae's waist to meet the latter's fingers, inclining them with his and not moving at all as to not disturb Tae.

Seconds stretched into minutes, the still air draping the room with serenity.

The raven-head knew he loved Kim Taehyung like he'd never loved anyone before. Heck, he had fallen face-first on day one for the older and from there, the rectangle-smiling guy unintentionally attached himself with the younger — they had been inseparable since then.

Not to be selfish, but now that Jungkook had Taehyung, he wanted to keep him forever, he wanted to accompany him till his death. This wave of emotion had crash on the younger with such force it made the person surprise himself.

"I love you, Kim Taehyung," he blurted out moments later with all his feelings, (which took guts, alright) unsure if Tae was listening.

A few heartbeats past by, Jungkook gloomily watching the darkness on the ceiling.

"I love you, too, Jeon Jungkook." Came a hoarse reply from below his chin, making him smile out of bliss and jittery with glee, forcing him to, if even possible, tighten himself more around Taehyung, earning a satisfactory hum from the very person.

A lazy smile made his way on Jungkook's tired features, the time with Taehyung at the seaside swimming soothingly in front of his droopy eyes, which had adjusted to the brown fluffs of silky hair he was so tempted to touch again.

He was whole-heartedly contented to have Tae with him in this massively exotic population and flashy atmosphere. They were outsiders, but, at least, they were outsiders together.

Also, back home, his brothers were there to take care of him, even if sometimes he felt he did not need them. Now, having Tae beside him - knowing he was gay, they were gay - he believed how much he needed him.

They needed each other.


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