Troubled Royalty.

De fallenworldofchances

28.7K 1.1K 262

Y/N receives the news that she has to marry the princess of their small island at the age of 18 because her d... Mais

// CHAPTER 1 //
// CHAPTER 2 //
// CHAPTER 3 //
// CHAPTER 4 //
// CHAPTER 5 //
// CHAPTER 6 //

// CHAPTER 7 //

1.9K 82 21
De fallenworldofchances

Y/N's POV.

As another shot comes my way, I hide behind the giant cement blocks standing about my height and next to the wall. I hold the gun in my hands and try to aim it at the psycho killer wearing blue chasing me while he can't see me. Or tried to, as I realized I don't know how to handle this thing at all. As I was so focused on getting the hand of it, I see a red mark on my green clothes. It's blood dripping from all over my belly into the ground and suddenly i'm at the floor.

"Damn it, Y/N." Emma says as my life bar turns from green to red and a "game over" sign appears at the screen in large caps lock letters with a blasting red light on the background. Why is this game so loud? I think to myself as Emma is clearly pissed at me. "You died again! And now my team doesn't have enough players to keep the game up, thanks a lot."

"It's just a stupid video game, Emma, don't get so worked up about it, Jesus!" I said, tossing the controller at the couch and drinking more of the gas water at the middle table in our tv room.

"No, it's not 'just a stupid game'." She said making air quotes with her fingers and mocking me with a weird face. She's so worked up about something that doesn't even matter. It's almost funny how much she cares. "I have worked a lot to be at this level and you screwed this up for me." She said while glaring at me and I just rolled my eyes with no energy to elaborate an answer.

"Stop making this such a big deal, Emma, I told you that I didn't like playing this; you made me play with you, so don't blame the victim here, ok?" I said with a voice a little bit muffled for my mouth was filled with buttered popcorn we had made before. This is so damn good, wow, I could earn some money if I made a career out of cooking. I think to myself not really paying attention to whatever Emma was saying now. Until the next sentence slipped her mouth.

"Spencer would have played it better, if he were here." Is what I heard come out of my sister's mouth, just as I stopped focusing on my cooking skills, and my heart stopped. She had no right to bring my brother up.

"But he's not here." I managed to say when my heart recovered its beating pace and I looked at her face while saying so. Her face instantly changed from an expression of anger into a guilty one. Her mouth opened to say something, but it appears she gave up, as she closed it again and looked down at the space on the couch between us. I got up leaving the popcorn bowl over the table again and headed straight to my room, my head feeling dizzy and my stomach feeling weird; it was like I was going to be sick.

I enter my room after running as fast as I could climbing up the stairs and shut my door closed. I rest my back on it and start hyperventilating as I remember having my brother around. He was always overprotective of me, but I liked it, I felt safe with him. And he always made me laugh, since I was a kid. As my mind floods with memories of Spencer, I didn't care that I was sitted on the floor with my knees up while holding them and tears were falling freely from my face. When did everything become so messy? I don't even have the time to find an answer to my conscious' question when I hear the faint noise of my phone ringing and it becomes louder as I'm aware of that fact. It takes me some time to search for the source of the noise and, when I do, I see the border of my phone lying in my bed and a light radiating from it as it keeps ringing. I keep looking at it as I debate with myself on getting up to answer the call or not, and by the time that I accept that I'm not strong enough to get up and walk to my bed, the noise stops, signaling that the person on the other end already gave up on contacting me. Who the hell is even calling me right now? I rest the back of my head on the wooden door and close my eyes to try and recompose my feelings taking deep breaths. But then I hear my phone ringing again. What the hell? If it's Camila calling me on a friday night, I'm gonna kill her for disturbing me. Is the first thing that comes to my mind. But it's not her fault you're not okay right now, it might be an important call. My own brain tries to reason with my overly emotional self. I listen to it and and finally get up with a groan.

I walk towards my phone on my bed while wiping the tears left on my cheeks. I'm such an emotional wreck, lately, I'm so on edge, God help me. My thoughts are interrupted when I see "my wifey" across the screen of my iPhone. It's obviously Lauren. Why the fuck is Lauren calling me? And when did she save her number under that name? I roll my eyes, but finally answer the call.

"Hello?" I say when I put the phone on my ear and scrab the back of my neck.

"Y/N!! Finally!!" I hear 'my wifey' say on the other end of the line. "Where the fuck have you been? I called you a thousand times already." She says and I frown. Did she really? I put my phone on speaker and see the 'missed calls' notification show me 3 from Lauren. I roll my eyes at her use of such a hyperbole. "Y/N, are you listening to me?" She says and I realized I had zoned out for a bit and missed what she said.

"Lauren, you dramatic ass, you called me three times, not a thousand." I said stressing the word so she would get my point. She scoffed and I could picture her rolling her eyes at my comment.

"Y/N, that's not the point here. Why didn't you answer me?" Her tone turned more serious this time, and that got me frowning as I wondered why everyone was making a big deal out of everything today.

"I was playing video games with my sister downstairs and I left my phone in my room." I said, and left out the part in which just the mention of my brother's name made me cry like a baby. "May I ask why you're calling me, anyway, Princess Lauren?" I asked as I realized I had no idea why she'd be calling me today.

"It's been a week since you left and... Well, I got used to having you here and talking to you, I guess." She told me sincerely and that made me smile a bit.

"Oh my God, I can't believe the Princess Lauren misses lil old me, I'm flattered." I said wearing a smirk and the subject of my brother long forgotten at this point. I heard her gasp and laugh later on, which made me smile again.

"Don't put words into my mouth, I never said that. And if you tell that to anyone, I'm going to deny until the end." She said in a joking tone. I laughed at her and realized I liked having her around too. I mean, I learned how to like her; she's actually just a broken hearted and sad person inside, but amazing, nonetheless, when you get to know her.

"I missed you too, Lauren." I said after our laughter died down. She sighed happily when I said that and I did too. We were silent for a while just listening to each other's breathing when I break the silent. "Are you calling for any reason specifically or you just wanted to hear my voice so you wouldn't miss me anymore?"

"I called to ask how you've been, we haven't talked since you left, so... How have you been?" I could sense her being serious now and it made my heart warmer just knowing thay she cares.

"I've been fine, I guess, what about you?" I answered and tried not to think on the earlier events.

"Why are you lying?" She asked me instead of answering my question and it surprised me.

"What? I'm not lying." I answered with a nervous laugh that I hoped she wouldn't catch on. Way to go, Y/N, you did just great. I thought while rubbing the back of my neck; something I did when I got nervous. At this point I realized I was pacing around the room, for no reason, so I sat at my bed resting my back on my fluffy pillow.

"Y/N, I can hear the sadness emanating from your voice." She said pointedly as if it was so obvious to her, that I shouldn't even try to deceive her. "Yor voice sounds different; have you being crying?" She asked and concern dripped from her tone.

I sigh defeated and decide there's no use on hiding anything from her, she already knows me so well. "Well, let's say I haven't been feeling the happiest lately. I wish my brother were here to be supportive of me on this new phase I'm going through and..." My throat hurt as I felt like crying again. "I just miss him so much, and I keep reminiscing on all these memories I had with him." My voice wavered. "I just want to turn back time when things were easy and I was the happiest." Silent tears were shed when I said that, and I listened to Lauren's breathing get heavier.

"Hey, it's okay." She said trying to sooth me. "We're gonna go through this, I won't ruin your life, I promise."

"That's not what I meant, Lauren." I actually wish she were my only problem. "I have more things on my plate than marrying you, believe me." I layed back on my bed after saying that and sighed again. "Let's just, please, talk about something else, can we?" I pleaded for I wasn't willing to keep dwelling on the subject.

"Ok." Was what she answered. "We can talk about how I've been feeling so fucking bored ever since you left and how I think you should come visit me tomorrow so we can hang out or something; just take me out of my boredom." I frowned wondering how she'd get bored having all that busy agenda of hers, but agreed nonetheless.

"Well, ok, by what time should I get there?"

"Be ready by 8 AM and I'll send Joey to get you." I smiled remembering how much I liked talking to the royal chofer.

"Ok, I'll be ready, then." I answered and that was the end of our conversation as we said our goodbyes and I was left to my thoughts alone.

I might have gotten asleep after that for all of a sudden I am awaken by my sister calling my name and shaking me lightly. She smiles with a hint of something that seems like sadness when I open my eyes and frown out of confusion.

"Hey." She says almost in a whisper and keeps that same smile on her face.

"Hi." Was all I managed to reply. "What time is it?"

"It's 10 PM." I groaned when I realized I had slept for about 2 hours, and closed my eyes again, feeling too tired to get up again. She started playing with my hair, which made my body relax until she opened her mouth again, preventing me from sleeping. "I came to say I'm sorry." I kept quiet after she said that and waited for her to elaborate. "I shouldn't have mentioned him, I know how much you miss him, and I'm sorry for making such a big deal out of nothing." I stayed still listening to her sincere apology until she stopped playing with my hair.

"Hey, don't stop, I like it." I whined and she laughed while picking up the process of massaging my scalp with her fingers again and I sighed out of joy. "By the way, it's okay." I told her regarding her apology. "It's not your fault you're passionate about your video games." I said to lighten the mood and ease her out of her guilt. And it worked as we laughed together and forgot all about the earlier events.
I loved Emma a lot and I couldn't stay mad at her. I might no longer have my brother around, but I do have my sister and she's the one who keeps me together and never lets me go through my shit alone; she's my rock, my home, and I could never imagine myself without her. I loved her so much that we woke up tangled over my bed in the messiest and the least comfortable position ever. Oh God, how I must love my sis.

Lauren's POV.

I'm having breakfast at the garden on this fine Saturday morning, which would be odd, if it had happened a couple weeks ago, but ever since Y/N stayed here and fell in love with this garden, I started spending way more time here now. I never really gave the garden a second thought; I was used to it, but she made me see the beauty in it again, so I became more fond of it. I'm so fucked up, how did she change me so much in a few days? I thought as I realized how I've changed lately. It's almost like I'm subconsciously trying to be a better person for her. I laugh at the thought that just passed my mind; that's just ridiculous now, my head must be playing tricks on me.

When I finished my last spoonful of cereal - yes, I have a kid's eating habits - I see Ally come out of the back door of the castle with Y/N walking alongside her. Well, thinking of the devil... She and Ally seemed to get along well, as they were laughing whole heartedly while making their way towards me, I frowned in wonder and confusion when they stand before me.

"My I ask what's so funny?" I quirk an eyebrow up to signal my confusion, but they instantly cut the laughing moment and look at each other. These bitches are partners in crime... A crime against me, probably. I keep looking at them but neither give me an answer. "Wow, didn't know I was being ignored in my house now, that's the new annoying thing you guys created?"

"Oh, Lauren, will you ever cease to be such a drama queen?" Y/N said in a tone to provoke me. I gasp.

"I'm a Princess, not a Queen, Y/N, can't believe my soon to be wife doesn't even know what title I hold, that's absurd." I answer in a joking tone and that earns a loud laugh from her, which makes me smile.

"I missed you a lot, Laur." I was surprised when I felt strong arms embracing me while I was still sitted and her breath hit my ear as she said that line in a whisper. I close my eyes to enjoy the moment while it lasts, and smile at the nickname she gave me.

"I missed you too, dummy." I say to lighten the mood that had become too seriously emotional for me. Yep, I'm Chandler Bing, that Buzzfeed test is undeniably accurate. She smiles at me and sits on the chair beside me to have breakfast. And what a breakfast, may I comment, the girl ate almost everything that was served, are they starving her at her home? I make a mental note to ask Ally to check her family's financial condition, maybe they're facing a crisis that prevent them from buying enough food, you never know.


"So, tell me, Laur, what's up in the princess' life? Haven't seen you on the news, lately." Y/N asked me as we walked through her favorite place of all times, the garden.

"Yeah, I haven't been out much, mostly just completing my duties as a princess, you know, I have obligations to the people, too." I said and raised my head to the level of hers and catch a surprised face from her.

"Oh my God, someone's been behaving lately." I gasped and shoved her shoulder at the comment and she just laughed at my anctics. "I'm kidding, Laur, I know you care about the people." She said truthfully now. "You care more about them than about yourself, even, I would say." We sat at a corner of the garden that was full of yellow and white flowers, she sitting beside me and against the wall. "You're a great princess." She smiled and shoved me lightly and I was happy to hear her say that.

"You're going to have all these duties too, when you marry me, you know, and I'm gonna make you do all the hard work for me." I told her, also kidding. I liked this light mood we had settled on, it felt nice to hang with her. She looked at me in disbelief, but her lips changed into a smirk later.

"You wouldn't dare, Laur." She said and I realized she kept repeating the pet name 'Laur' now, instead of my actual name.

"Hey, why do you keep calling me 'Laur' now?" I asked trully curious about that.

"Well, I like the nickname, don't you? I can't stop, if you don't."

"It's not that..." I said to ease her worries. "It's just my mom would call me that, when it wasn't 'doughnut' or 'buttercup'." I shrugged when I finished speaking.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that." She hugged my arm and laced the fingers of her right hand into my left one . "I'll find another nickname to call you, ok?"

"I don't mind, I actually like it." I smile to reassure her. "I like it that we're getting along even if our future was determined by other people; we managed to find a common ground, even with my stubborn ass and bitchy attitude." She laughed at my last comment.

"That's true, but I wasn't the sweetest when we first met, either, so we're even, right?" She asked and I nodded as a response. "But hey, I'm going to find you another nickname, anyway, I don't want to take your mom's creation." She said nonchalantly and then added with a proud face. "I can be creative and come up with something nice, too."

"Ok, you hot cocky ass, you do whatever pleases you." She smiled at me and I trully felt happiness at this moment, for the first time in a while. I hated to say it, but Y/N is special in her own way and she affects me more than I'd like to admit. I will never tell her that, though, I would never hear the end of it if I did. I didn't even feel like partying everyday for the past week and I'm sure it's all thanks to her, I just wish she were happy, too, but I know she's suffering and she isn't telling me everything, but I'll make her open up to me, eventually.

We spent the day mostly talking and doing whatever she wanted to; Y/N made me bake cookies with her, I couldn't get why if we could just ask the cookers we have here, but she wanted to bake them with me, so I obliged - not willingly - and ended up actually enjoying it. Another thing I would never let her know, but I think she already knew that I liked it for how much fun we had together. When the cookies were ready, we came to my room and talked some more while enjoying the chocolate chip vanilla dough flavour of our baked goodies.

"I was so wrong about you." I told her and shook my head no.

"What? Why? You'd better mean that in a good way." She said and pointed her finger at me with a stern face.

"I mean that you are so talktative, and when we first met, I said you weren't much of a talker, but I realize I was wrong now, for you just love talking." I told her and watched her face change from each emotion she felt; stern to confused to surprised to shy. Her cheeks even flushed. She's cute

"Hey! I don't talk that much, ok? I'm just passionate about a lot of things, so I talk about somethings nonstop." She said and pouted in a childish manner.

"I like it that you talk for I like listening to you. You also start rambling sometimes and that's cute." She blushed again and changed subjects eager to focus on something other than her.

"You know who's cute? Your cousin." She said and I frowned. "He's the cutest and the most polite boy I've ever seen, you should learn from him, you know." She said with a smirk and I scoffed at her boldness.

"Honey, I'm a princess, I know everything about politeness and manners." I said in a obvious tone.

"Oh, yeah? Really? So you're saying you know how to treat a lady like your cousin does? I don't think so." She kept teasing and I just rolled my eyes. "You are as cute as him, though, I'll give you that." She added, but didn't realize the blush on my face, this time. "You do this thing with your nose, you know, you scrunch it up when you're confused and your eyebrows nit together too." I listened and frowned at her when she said, I didn't know she observed me so much. "Yes! Just like that! It's so cute." She said and pointed at my nose, so I tried looking down at my own nose, but failed to see what she did, and just shook my head in amusement. "You also stick your tongue ou to the left side of your mouth when you focused on something, I perceived that too." She looked up with a thinking face trying to remember any of my other quirks.

"You creep little shit, I didn't know you payed so much attention to me." I told her with an alarming tone evident in my voice.

"It's hard not to, when you look like that." She motioned to my whole body with her hand and her eyes following the movement from head to toe.

"Yeah, true, can't blame you, I'm really hot." Chandler Bing strikes again. I can't deal with honest compliments like those when she was looking at me like that, so I make sarcastic comments or jokes. I can't even be eloquent on how she makes me feel for how much her words and actions affect me. God, what is this girl doing to my head? She's ruining me and my indifferent ass! I thought and mentally slapped my face.

"Exactly, thank God you are aware of that." She noticed my flustered state even with my cocky façade and teased me a little bit more. That smirk! This girl is trying to kill me.

That's how we spent the rest of that day, until Y/N decided we were going to watch Glee. I swear, the girl knows all the songs and all the lines, she must have watched it a thousand times now. I'm pretty sure I was mostly watching her watch the show rather than watching the TV. It was funny how she could still fangirl over her OTPs. She told me she always knew Brittana would be endgame and I agreed even if I had never seen the blonde and the latina together before, they just matched. By the end of the day, Y/N was fast asleep over my arm, which was starting to hurt a little, so I tried moving her to the other side, but she turned to me, instead, hugged my wais and rested her face on my chest. What a clingy cuddly ass, aren't you? I thought as I rolled my eyes and gave up waking her up. Even when Ally came to my room to pick her up and take her to the limo that would get her home, I told her to warn her parents that she'd be staying over, I didn't muster up the courage to wake her up, she was deeply sleeping and we should let the girl rest. And that's how my day was finished; with my soon to be wife curled up against me with her warm breath hitting my neck. Who could've guessed? I could never.

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