The Boy Project (a one direct...

By happychick

4.4K 68 73

When an all girls school is suddenly integrated with a bunch of guys, who knows what will happen? Join the ta... More

The Boy Project (a one direction fan fic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
not a real chapter
Chapter 5
chapter 6 part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 part 1

chapter 6 part 1

281 4 1
By happychick

 hey it is happy chick here

how are you good that is good

so here is the next chapter i hope you like it so i hope you like it and vote and comenmt and add it to your libary 

thanks for your support <3 i got 600 reads and that was my objective so i wanted to give you some thin so here it is my part and connies will be up really soon because it is being edited so here it is i personaly love this chapter 






add to libary 

and check this out

Sara's POV

I am so nervous. Forget butterflies, I have a few giant birds in my stomach. The girls and I are going to the shops and we decided to bring the guys with us for the first time. I’m not sure how they will take it; it will probably be really awkward. All the girls were asking their respective guys so of course they are making me ask Liam. I walked up to the drama ask Miss Tina like normal but got a weird reply which is not like normal.

“Why are you asking me to use the room?”

“Because you are the teacher, aren’t you? So you have to ask the teacher to use a classroom.”

“Yes but Liam just asked me. He’s already in there. I thought you were with him.”

Oh I get it. Well that’s a bit awkward then. I walked out in to the hall way and I could hear a voice coming from the room. It must be Liam but I paused. This voice was indescribable, just like an angel. I could hear what he was singing but I not what song it was. 

She is beautiful


Extravagant in every way

The way she moves

The way she looks at me

But I can’t tell her that now

She is the love of my life

 “What was that?” I said as I opened the door. His face fell. Apparently was he unhappy to see me. I knew that I’m not good enough but when I told Catherine she said that I was perfect and that if any guy thought I wasn’t good enough then he’s a jerk and not worth it yeh right.

“Who is she, the girl you’re singing about?” It killed me not to know who she was. A small part of me wished he was talking about me, actually a bigger part than I cared to think but I knew it couldn’t be. I could still hope though.

“No one in particular.” He said too quickly, like he was hiding something. “It isn’t about anyone.”

“Ok then, whatever you say.” Wow he’s acting strangely. “Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out on the weekend?”


“I mean the whole group is going to the movies and they asked me to ask you. I didn’t mean like a date like a couples date or anything.”

“Yeah, of course. I wasn’t thinking anything like a couple thing.”

Wow I’m really hoping he’ll say yes. I can feel the butterflies flapping around my stomach right now.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that our drama group is going to try and work on our piece and then just chill at my place. Are you cool with that?” Please say yes, please say yes. Why do you care Sara? Ummmmmmm I don’t know. Am I zoning out again? Maybe but let’s get back to the point we were on.  Wow I think I am going CRAZY… considering the fact that I’m having a conversation with my own conscience. Anyway, what point was I on? Oh right the one where I think I like him. Wait a minute, I was not thinking that at all! Yes you were. I was not thinking that. Can you just admit you like him because you wanted the song to be about you and that’s all there is too it. End of Story. Now wait just one minute-

“Sara! Stop having conversations with your conscience again. It’s kind of unhealthy.” I’m actually in awe of how well he knows me right now.

“What are you talking about? Pshaww, talking to myself.” I looked around but he was gone. I looked down and there he was lying on his back, his arms and legs slightly spread from his body. I lay next to him and he locked his fingers in mine and pulled me close to him. We always do things like that which makes people think we’re a couple but we’re not. Liam broke the peaceful silence.

“I’m really worried about Connie.”

I look over at him and smile slightly at his frown. He is really thoughtful of his friends. I knew what he meant though. Connie and Justin are moving really fast and I get the vibe that she’s being used.

“I know what you mean and Harry he has not been the same either.” I was really worried about her she was moving too fast with Justin. She is going to get hurt and she’s hurting Harry without even knowing it. Harry’s really fallen hard for her and she’s the only one not to notice, but I think Justin wants her for one thing and one thing only.

“Yeah and you too. Sara, are you okay?”

“What why are you asking. I’m fine, as usual.” Is he worried about me? I don’t know why.

“You’re not eating properly Sara and it’s bad for you.”

“Yes I am. I’m perfectly healthily.” I said sitting up. I knew I wasn’t eating healthily because I wanted to get Liam to notice me and I thought if I lost some weight he would like me better. It’s no big deal. The hunger pains aren’t too bad and when I’m really hungry I’ll have a piece of fruit to fill me up.

He never let go of my hands, staring me in the eyes as he said the words that shattered my heart into tiny little pieces.

“Whoever he is will like you for you. You’re perfect, you don’t need to change.”  

I got up. He looked away and I could feel tears pricking at my eyes.

“That’s the problem Liam, he doesn’t. He only sees me as a friend and nothing more. That’s already been established.” A sob was threatening to break out of my chest and I knew I had to get out before I broke down in tears. I have to stay strong for him, even if he only sees me as a friend.

I got up, grabbed my bag and ran. I had no idea where I was going and I didn’t really care. I ran in to someone who saved me as I was going to fall. I looked up in to his eyes and he had a look of stress on his face. I got up and dusted of my dress about to push past him and pretend I had a purpose.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you.” I muttered almost sounding rude but he took offence.

“It’s ok.” He had no accent out of the ordinary or deep eyes like him, like Liam and that was comforting.

“Come on where are you going. I’ll walk you there.” I thought for a second.

“Textiles… It’s in the room down the hall to the right. Where are you going?”

“Same as you.”

“Really? You don’t strike me as the textiles type of guy.”

“Yeah, I guess I am. Come on, let’s go to class. Oh and by the way, my name is Josh.”

“Cool, I’m Sara.”

“So Sara, are you upset or do you normally run around with tears in your eyes?”

“No not normally but I don’t want to burden you with my personal crap so I won’t even start.”

“It is not crap. Nothing to do with you could ever be crap. You’re too awesome for crap.”

“Thanks but I’m afraid it is it crap. Anyway it’s about boys so you are probably not interested.”

“Well if you haven’t guessed I am a boy so I could probably help. Before you ask, I am not gay.”

“What I wasn’t going to ask that- ok maybe I was but don’t worry I’m ok but I have a favour to ask of you.”

“Anything for you sweetheart.”

“Sit with me in textiles and come with me and my friends to Hurstville tomorrow, will you?”

“Anything for you, my love.” I gave him a look and he just laughed and walked ahead of me. I think he’ll be a really god friend.”

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