He saved me (A Kakashi Love S...

By Saphirra98

285K 7.9K 2K

I'm going to be honest with you about this fanfic; it's a little crazy, a little cracky, but well written onc... More

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (finally!)
Chapter 38

Chapter 25

5.4K 147 42
By Saphirra98

Kakashi looked up when I came in, a rather relieved look on his face. He started to get up, but seemed to change his mind, dropping back onto the couch.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. I was worried..." he apologized, looking down.

I walked over and crawled into his lap, pressing my face into his shoulder as I tried to get up the nerve to spill.

"You there, Whisper?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me and nudging my temple with his chin.

I took in a deep breath, "Yeah."

"Good." He started humming softly to himself, almost absently, as he read over my shoulder.

I sighed quietly and slowly started to drift asleep.


I curled more tightly into a ball as I slowly woke. I was warm, and I didn't want to wake up yet.

The sound of movement to my left made me crack open my eyes.

Kakashi was sitting at his desk, a mug of tea to one side, an open scroll spread before him.

I tugged at the blanket around me, and carefully slid off of the couch, carefully making my way over to him. "What time is it?" I asked quietly, yawning as I finished my scentence.

"Hm? Probably around eight. Morning," he replied, flashing a smile before turning back to his reading.

"Oh... good. I can still sleep," I mumbled, turning back to the couch. I crawled back on and curled into a tight ball, resting my tail near my nose.

He chuckled but didn't comment.


I yelped and fell back off of the couch, groaning into the wood floor.


"Why are you on the floor?" Kakashi asked in confusion as he stood, apparently intent on refilling his mug.

"I... Shira... wakey wakey..." I muttered, pushing the blanket under my nose and burying myself in it.

"Mmkay. If you get thirsty or something, let me know," he replied amiably, settling back down with a full cup.

;Ah-ah-ahhh! Get up, Mrs. Sleepy!;

I made a quiet whining noise.

)Leave me alooonnnne...(

;No. You should get up. Kakashi's already been out running while you and your lazy ass slept.;

"Well that's good for Kakashi... Now leave me alone..." I grumbled quietly, trying to muffle her with the blanket, but realizing she was talking through our mind link.

"What's good for me?" the shinobi asked vaguely without looking up.

"According to Shira, you 'went running, while me and my lazy ass slept.' Personally, I find that perfectly okay. My ass can be lazy if it wants..."


;NO!... Phew... I thought you'd almost fallen asleep again...;


;...Well then, GET UP!!!;

This time she crawled out from under the couch and jabbed at my ribs with her tail.

"No!" I pouted, dragging my blanket along with myself under Kakashi's desk, away from her.

He leaned down, looking at me upside down.

"What now?" he asked, amused.

"She jabbed me..." I complained, burrowing into my blanket.

Shira followed me under the desk, climbing up on top of my side and jumping around.

"Wake up!" she growled, poking me in the ear with her tongue.

"Ew," I mumbled, grabbing her and tucking her under me, using her as a stuffed animal.

"Ack! What do you think I am, a teddy bear?" she complained, squirming.

I squeezed her tighter.


Kakashi suddenly abandoned his chair, dropping onto his back and managing to fit his upper body under the des with us.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, chuckling.

"Nope," I flung Shira on his chest, burrowing back into my blanket as Kakashi used my back as a pillow.

"NO! This isn't how it was supposed to go..." Shira whined. "I hate losing...."

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," Kakashi rumbled, shaking his head bemusedly.

"Agreed," I added, my voice muffled by the fluffy blanket.

"Gah... You're both lazy bums... You suit each other, I guess..." she trailed off for a moment. "I'm going to go hunting. My wings need stretching or they'll get stiff after the flight yesterday." She scuttled off, the window opening a moment later as she departed.

;Don't forget what you told me last night. You need to tell someone...;

)Later today, both him and Gia, promise.(


I sighed happily now that she was gone, shifting around so that my head was next to Kakashi's.

"Heh heh. She's quite the slave driver," he remarked, his fingers playing with my hair idly.

"She's evil," I stated, purring lightly.

"She's not that bad," he mumbled, starting to scratch behind my ears.

"Yeah-huh! You weren't trained by heppppppppppuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

"My sensei was pretty tough." I could hear him chuckling.

"Did he not allow you to have any extra calories? Did he ever give you a resting day? I didn't get one. Did he ever pummel you until-"

He placed his hand over my mouth.

"Okay, okay. I get it. She was evil. ...So..."

"Sooooooo?" I dragged out, my foot twitching as he got to a really itchy spot.

"...I don't know. I was looking for something to talk about." Noticing my foot, he scratched a bit harder.

I leaned into his hand, my foot twitching again. "Are we goooing toooo seee Giaaaa?" I asked, dragging the words into purrs.

"If you want to," he agreed, both his hands now scratching at my ears.

I finally went limp and just laid there as he scratched away.

He chuckled softly.

"You're awfully cute when you're like this," he observed.

"Mmkay..." I purred.

I heard him chuckle again, "Your tail is curled around my neck..."

I blushed and carefully pulled my tail back.

"You could have left it. It's not like it's going to bother my neck or anything through the mask."

I couldn't help but let my tail return; it seemed to have a mind of its own...

He turned his head suddenly, ceasing his petting to pull his mask out of the way so he could give me an upside-down kiss.

I smiled, quickly responding.

He pulled away a while later.

"Did you say you wanted to go see Gia?" he asked suddenly. "You aren't hurt, are you?"

"No... I have to speak... about something..." I mumbled, Shira shouting in my head to 'GET A MOVE ON!'.

"Oh... I see. You want to go sooner or later?" Kakashi questioned.

"Shira says to pick sooner. The sooner the better, I guess." I crawled out past him, dragging the blanket with me back to the bedroom.

I tossed it back on the bed, quickly grabbing some clothes and stepping into the bathroom to change.

I walked back out, strapping on my pouches. "Ready?" I asked distractedly, trying to snap shut a stubborn pouch on my thigh.

He walked over and brushed my hands away, fastening it in one go.


"... I tired it out for you," I told him seriously.

"Whatever you say." He led the way out the door, winking at me.

I laughed, catching up to him as we walked out of the building.

He took my hand gently, smiling at me and then leading us to Gia's place.

A slightly sleepy looking Gerilynn answered the door, dressing sweats and an old t-shirt.

"Huh? What are you doing here this early?" she asked, yawning expansively.

"I want to talk with Gia. Why aren't you up this late?"

"Meh. It's my day off and I've been running missions all week. What d'ya want?" she grumbled, stepping aside. "You may as well come in. I'll go see if I can get lover-boy out of his lair for you."

She disapeared up the steps, and I ran to the kitchen, smelling the burned food.

"Shane?!" I shouted, dumping water on a flaming frying pan that the boy had been throwing cups of water on.

"Oh my God, I love you!" he squeaked, charging over to hug me. "I hate bacon..."

"That's what it was? I thought it was eggs..." I mumbled, patting his head as Kakashi came up behind me.

"So you've joined the fire-brigade now, eh, Whisper?" he laughed, taking in the scene.

"More like I was forced. He would've burned the house down!" I exclaimed, trying to pry Shane off of my waist. "Look, love you too and all, but... I need... air!" I gasped, prying at his arms.

"Oh, sorry!" He immediately released me, looking a bit embarrased. "I forget my strength sometimes..."

"S'okay," I panted slightly, rubbing at my waist as I walked over to the pan. "Hm..." I managed to get the pan clean with some water and found some new bacon, dropping it in and cooking it. "I'd rather you not try and cook bacon again..." I trailed, prodding at the strips of meat.

"Yeah... Gerilynn tried to bribe me because she didn't want to get up."

"I did what?" she asked, walking into the kitchen, a shirtless, rather disheveled Gia on her heels.

"What's up, Whisper, Kakashi?" he greeted groggily, stumbling to the fridge and taking out a carton of orange juice, which his sister promptly swiped and took a long drink from before handing it back.

"Smoke. Your brother started a fire in the frying pan. That's why I'm cooking. I hate cooking..." I mumbled the last part, flipping over the bacon.

"...You... How many times, Shane?" Gia grumbled, looking at the carton for a second before shrugging, reopening it, and taking a long swig himself. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" he asked, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand as he put the juice away and turned back to us.

"Hold on... It's a private matter..." I responded, pulling the bacon from the frying pan and setting it on a paper towel.

"Hm. Okay. You want to talk now or after bacon?" he asked, reaching for a piece.

I slapped all of their hands away, scolding them, "It's still sizzling!"

"It's best that way," Gerilynn argued, slapping my hand away in return and grabbing a piece.

I glared, and then stepped aside, grabbing a piece of my own and leaning against the counter between Kakashi and Gia. "Actually, I have to talk with both of you."

"Now I'm really interested," Kakashi remarked, glancing down at me.

"Okay then. Come on. We can talk in my office," Gia responded easily, seeming much more awake now that he had had his breakfast.

He led the way across the floor to the door to his office, pausing as Athena pecked him on the cheek on her way to the kitchen. The door closed securely behind us and he settled in his desk chair, gesturing at the now-folded up futon.

I figited nervously. "Wh-what I'm going to tell you guys... You have to promise that this information will not reach other's ears."

They exchanged a glance but nodded.

"Sure," the blonde said, frowning slightly.

"Everything you say here you say in confidence. We won't tell anyone," Kakashi added, giving me a look.

"It's just... hard to tell this, so I'm not repeating myself," I warned, and then started my tale.

I took in a deep breath, "Before I was born, I had a demon sealed inside of me. When my mother gave birth to me, she died. Soon after, my father re-married. I treated my step-mom like my real one, cause, to me then, she was. I grew up alone.

"My parents were always busy, and the other children were afraid of me. When I turned five, I got hit for the first time. I went home crying, to find no one there. It went on like that, me being beaten, running home and tending to my wounds, and then hiding them from my parents who thought I was perfectly fine, they thought I had friends and was happy and peppy.." I trailed, rubbing one of my arms uncomfortably.

"They took me on a few vacations with them when they could, and we were a close family, just not attentive. One day when I came home... They were d-dead... I slipped in their blood... That's why I hate it so much. After that I... I went a bit crazy..." I trailed again, moving a bit closer to the door in case.

"I... I had little fits that would end up injuring people, and soon our leader started to send me with other nin to... to..." My eyes started to tear a bit. "I-I didn't know right from wrong... I ended up being a big part of the extinction of a small clan." I hung my head. "I ended up going on missions like that, taking out my fear and anger on the people. My demonic side often gained control, and when I'd go home, I'd just be beaten again."

"It was ten years later that... Shira picked me. She talked to me, healed me, helped me back onto my feet. She taught me do's and don't's. She trained me into what I am today. She, in a way, replaced my parents.

Soon after that, once I was strong enough, we left. We ran and ran and ran. Not sure where we were headed, just running. We used to stop in random villages, and I'd do some work and earn money for food and weapons. I made my own clothing. We were never shown kindness... until we reached one certain clan.

"They took me in, nurtured me back to health, and taught me in exchange for manual labor. A boy there had caught my heart for a bit, but... I told him something, what I'm about to tell you, and he riled up the people and drove me out, almost killing me in the process..." I couldn'y look up at them for the next thing I was about to say.

"My demonic side had gotten hold of me, and Shira couldn't get me back, so she just kept watch over me.  A small family was traveling down the road. It was a mother, father, with two daughters and a son... My demon was... blood thirsty. She... I..." I started to shake, a single tear running down my cheek. "I was jealous... angry... w-we... killed them... She went back and killed the clan who had kicked us out too... I-I tried to stop her, but... I'm a monster. I may not be dangerous anymore, but I'm still a monster for what I did." I held my head in my hands, tears pooling into my palms as I waited for them to say something.

Why did I say anything?! This was such a stupid idea...

A hand suddenly touched my shoulder lightly, and I winced, expecting a blow. I didn't expect to be pulled into a set of strong arms.

Kakashi simply held me for a long time, letting me cry. Eventually, he spoke.

"Whisper... You're not a monster," he said softly, tightening his hold on me. "You didn't attack those people. The demon did."

"You don't need to feel guilty over things you can't control... Listen... I had the chance to save my parents, and I didn't take it. You didn't even see the attack coming. How could you have done anything? You have no reason to feel guilty over their deaths, anymore than you do to feel guilty over what that demon did...These things are hard to control. I know that, believe me." Gia spoke warmly, walking over to joing the embrace.

"It still doesn't make it right... She killed them with my hands," I whispered, my face pressed into Kakashi's chest.

Kakashi stroked my hair lightly in response. "That doesn't mean it was you calling the shots. It's not like you can control what happens to you before you are born."

"...I want to tell you something, Whisper," the blonde said calmly. "Look at me, please."

I hesitantly turned my head to the side, looking up at the blonde sadly.

He started rubbing at his chest, muttering, and whitish lines began to appear. They spread over his whole chest in the shape of a lion's head.

"See this mark? It was given to me by my uncle. Do you know why?"

I shook my head. "Of course not."

"It serves as a reminder of what I am. I don't just take the form of a lion. I have the spirit of the 'great' lion Leo trapped within me. This being the creature that my father's father hunted to the ends of the earth to stop his killing spree. His spirit was locked into my body by a piece of black magic that could later be traced to my uncle." He paused, eyes closed, hands flexing slightly. "He still wants to hunt. He begs me to let him hunt. He hurts me to let him hunt. There have been times in the past when I've...I've lost control of him. It bothers me like you wouldn't believe, but... We can't let things like that take us down." He looked to Kakashi suddenly.

"He's right. We have to learn from our moments of weakness and then move past them. Don't allow yourself to dwell on the past so much. You're part of our family now," Kakashi added, looking down at me.

"That's right. And we don't turn our backs on family here at the Leaf."

I pressed my face back into his chest, hiding the fresh tears from view. "Thank you."

"As Kakashi said, you're part of our family now. And that means we'll protect you to the last. I just hope I get to be there the next time a psycho decides he's got a grudge against you. I could use some action," Gia grinned.

"You don't have to run anymore," Kakashi affirmed, rubbing my back slightly awkwardly.

I smiled slightly.

)We did it, Shira. We found a home.(

;I knew it!;

She came in through the window (I'm not sure that it was open...) and landed on Gia, giving happy squawks and chirps while rubbing her head on his shoulder.

"Hey there. You didn't really think I'd go ballistic and throw you guys out, did you?" the blonde joked.

"Actually, yes. It's happened too many times!" Shira squawked in annoyance, but then continued with her little... 'happy affection' thing going on.

"It hurt... I think once I landed on a cow... I trailed off, trying to think back.

"A cow?" Kakashi asked, sounding a tad confused.

"Yeah, and once a chicken!" Shira put in, smirking at me.

I glared at her, "So? You're the one who landed in the pig pen."

Kakashi and Gia laughed, and the laughter was contagious. In seconds we were all laughing our heads off.

"Whisper the Chicken Rider," the silver-haired shinobi teased. "It's got a nice ring to it."

I punched him in the shoulder, "For your information, I got pretty far on it!"

We laughed again.

"Alright, alright. I have to say, you probably have me beat there... Oh God, don't tell Gai. He'll be challenging me to a chicken-back race around the village..." Kakashi trailed off, looking mildly disturbed.

"Now that'd be funny!" I laughed, a mischievous smile on my face.

"Fifty bucks on Gai," Gia teased. "He'd scream at it about the 'power of youth' until it won just to shut him up."

"Fifty on the chicken. I don't think it'd want to be squashed by full grown mens' butts!" I teased back giggling.

"Fifty on Kakashi, cause all he'd have to do is attach his book to a fishing pole, hold it infron of the chicken, and there you go! He'd so beat the 'power of youth'," Shira sniggered.

I flicked her nose, "No. Bad girl. You don't read porn. Perverts do that!"

"Ahem..." Kakashi cleared his throat, looking down at me. "Fifty on Whisper busting a gut before we get away from the starting line."

I nodded, "Can I change my bet?"



A loud rumbling noise disrupted the companionable quiet that had fallen, and Gia looked down at his stomach, his face turning red.


"Someone is hung-ry!" I sang teasingly, making him blush even more. "You're so cute when you blush!" I squealed, making him glow.

Kakashi sniggered.

"Um... If you feel up to it, Whisper, I could use some food...." Gia glanced at a weird clock on his desk. "Holy cow. No wonder. We've been in here for hours. It's one o' clock."

My eyes widened. "Whoa... I talk a lot..."

"That's okay. I don't talk very much, so you balance me out," Kakashi commented playfully.

"Um... I can go for a bit," I told Gia.

"Alright then. Let's get the hell out of this stuffy old office!" the blonde said enthusiastically, going to the door.

"Gia?" I called after him, slowly getting up.

"Yeah?" he turned back to me.

"You may want to grab a shirt."

"...Right... Meet you in the kitchen." With that he darted out the door, presumably to find himself some clothing.

I started to follow, laughing, but Kakashi held me back.

"You know this changes nothing, right? I...I won't stop loving you because of your past..." he told me, fidgeting slightly. 

I grinned at him, pecking his cheek, "I was hoping you'd say that!"

He smiled at me, leaning down for a real kiss.

"I'm glad," he said as he released me.

We left the room hand-in-hand, finding Shira flapping around Gia's head as he swatted at her playfully, trying to talk to his girlfriend.

"Ready to go?" Kakashi asked lazily.

They all turned to us and smiled, nodding yes. The they saw our hands and grinned.

"Let's go!" Gia grinned, starting off with Athena.

We followed behind, and Shira took turns perching on my, Kakashi, and Gia's shoulders.

I leaned against Kakashi's side slightly as we walked, resting my head against his shoulder.

He smiled at me and we continued to walk quietly, listening to Athena and Gia bickering playfully.

"Here okay?" Gia asked, pointing to the little green restaurant that seemed to be the usual for Kakashi and I.

I laughed and nodded, Kakashi winking down at me.

We got a table and ordered drinks and food in one go, then sat around laughing and talking about various things. Athena was a really great conversationalist, but she seemed a bit uncertain of many current social customs.

"I'm sorry, but I have to leave early. Kyo, here, will take over for me," our waitress informd us, gesturing to the dark green haired male that had been our waiter last time.

I covered my mouth, trying hard not to laugh or snort.

"Something funny?" Gia asked curiously after placing his order.

I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak. I glanced over at Kakashi who was glaring mercilessly at the poor man.

"A-and y-you s-sir?" the waiter stammered as he turned to Kakashi.

"Miso soup with eggplant. Keep your eyes on your notebook," the shinobi growled.

I tried my best not to laugh when the boy turned to me. "Same!" I squeaked, having to cover my mouth again and turn away.

He walked away and I burst into giggles, leaning heavily against Kakashi.

"What is up with you and that waiter, Kakashi?" Gia demanded cheerily.

"You did look like you wanted to hurt him," Athena added.


"He was flirting with me like crazy last time we came here," I giggled. "Ka-kun is just being jealous."

"...I'm not jealous of that green-haired apricot. I simply don't like him," Kakashi said in what he obviously thought was a dignified manner.

The three of us exchanged looks and burst out laughing.

"K-Ka-kun? Are you jealous of the-the poor apricot man?" Gia choked out.

"It does seem a bit silly of a warrior like you to be jealous of a commoner who's name is a type of fruit," Athena put in, smiling.

I threw a balled up napin at Gia, "You can't call him that!"

"Okay, okay. I get it," the blonde said. "It's your name for him. I'll just have to stick with Kaka-baka."

"How did you know about that?!" I gasped, turning red.

"You were certainly thinking it loud enough..." Gia muttered.

"Forgive me, but is there a reason that that name is so amusing? I'm not terribly familiar with the slang of your language," Athena asked interestedly.

"It means pretty much Kaka-idiot," I mumbled, glancing over at Kakashi as he narrowed his eye at me playfully.

"I see... That is most amusing. An excellent play on words," she acknowledged with an amused look.

"...Hm. Gee, thanks," Kakashi muttered, toying with the pouch on his belt that contained his book.

"Ah-ah-ah!" I tsked him, snatching his book. "No reading at the table when there is company!"

"Hn." He took the book back and returned it to the pouch. "Fine."

Before I could respond, Kyo returned with our food and started passing it out.

Kakashi watched him with narrowed eyes, making sure to put him on edge.

I pushed his shoulder slightly, shaking my head at him playfully.

"...I won't actually hurt him," Kakashi muttered as Kyo walked away again, rather faster than necessary. "...Unless he did something to annoy me..."

"Like flirt with me?" I teased, turning to my lunch.

"Possibly." He fell silent, presumably starting on his own food.

All of us soon finished, and I gave Kakashi the kitten eyes.

He sighed, but when Kyo came back, he put in a very terse order for a slice of cake. Gia ordered one as well.

"Girl power!" I knuckle-bumped with Athena as we giggled.

"...God help us," Gia said, shaking his head.

"Amen," Kakashi agreed.

I pouted at him, "What? Do you find us annoying?"

"Not that. We meant..." Gia trailed off.

"We meant that as women, your...charms have some effect over us when it comes to certain things..." Kakashi admitted reluctantly.

I scoffed, "Charms? I don't have that. I have ears and a tail."

"Yes...that," Kakashi muttered.

Athena suddenly got a glint in her eye, and she moved her chair next to mine, "You know how you have cat ears...."

"Yes," I answered a bit sarcasticly.

"Do you purr?" she asked, reaching for my ears.

"No! Don-" I slapped at her hands, but then fell into a purr as Kakashi started to scratch my ears from behind me.

"Hey, heeeeeeeyyyyyyy.... Stoooooooop it...." I purred, swatting at him half-heartedly.

"Interesting. There are two of my kind in my homeland who choose to look like animals; one a cat, the other a wolf. I have never heard either of them purr, though they tend to growl a lot when you try to make them..." Athena trailed off, looking thoughtful.

"She was born with it, though," Gia pointed out, seeing as I was leaning against Kakashi on the verge of drooling (A/N: YES! Cats do drool!).

"Hm... Perhaps that is the distinction..." She fell silent, thinking.

"Alright, alright Kakashi. Let her go before she starts drooling all over the table," Gia said hastily.

He chuckled, but stopped scratching my ears, dropping an arm around my shoulders instead.

I snapped out of my daze after a few moments, sitting up straight. "Meanie."

"Does this make it better?" he asked as a large slice of cake was placed in front of me.

"Yes," I dug in, only able to eat about half of the cake. "The rest is up to you, Kakashi."

He frowned.

"I'm generally not a sweets person..." he trailed, staring at the cake.

I sighed, and passed it to Gia, who was staring at it longingly.

"Oh yeah!" he cheered. "Thanks, Whisper."

"Welcomes," I smiled, leaning into Kakashi's side as we all waited for the bill.

Kakashi insisted on splitting it with me this time, having given in to the fact that I wouldn't let him pay outright.

We all walked back together, taking a detour through a section of the town that was lush with gardens and plantlife.

I smiled in awe at all of the plants and flowers, touching up the gardens covertly when no one was looking. The secretive look Kakashi kept giving me made me certain that he knew.

When we got to the house, it was to find Gerilynn collapsed on the couch, laying across the laps of her three team-mates, ranting lazily about 'idiots who couldn't find a better way to spend their day off than hogging her couch'. Shane was sprawled on the floor, sketchpads and pencils covering the area around him, the nearly finished one he was working on depicting his sister and her friends in their current position; there was a slight grin on the boy's face.

Everyon looked up to greet us as we walked in, and I couldn't help but notice that it felt...weird to be around them all of a sudden. Not unpleasantly so, but still...

We were invited to stay for a late, light dinner and a fire, and spent the remainder of the afternoon hanging out with the people.

It suddenly hit me as we were sitting around their fireplace, watching Shira sleeping in the flames as Shane sketched frantically and everyone else debated whether roasting marshmallows was really a good idea with the dragon in there.

I felt safe and relaxed. No one here threw me dirty looks or shied away fearfully whenever I so much as twitched. They talked and laughed with me as though I were one of them, as though I was actually a part of their dysfunctional little family.

Huh... So this is what it's like to have a family... Can't say I really remember how it felt with Mom and Dad... It's...nice.

I laughed, "She won't care, you may only have one roasted marshmallow when you pull back, though."

They all laughed, and Gia ran to get the marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers.

I smiled fondly at all of the people in the group, laying my head on Kakashi's shoulder.

"It's nice, isn't it?" he murmured softly in my ear.

I smiled, nodding. "This is pretty much the only real family I've ever had," I muttered back.

"Mm. Welcome home." He nudged my forehead with his chin lightly.

"Whisper, you want the first smore?" Shane asked brightly, offering me a gooey mess of sugar.

"Heck yes!" I grinned, taking it from him and biting into it, the goo spreading to my face.

"Heh heh. Want me to help you with that?" Kakashi smirked, winking at me and then laughing as I blushed.

I shook my head, licking my lips and fingers clean of the mess.

First smore in two years... Still just as messy.

"You're as bad as the last time you ate one of those things," Shira rumbled from within the fire, white goo smeared across her muzzle as she gave me a lazy one-eyed stare.

"Same goes for you. Maybe you need some rabies shots," I teased back.

"Uh-uh. We had a deal, remember? No needles for you, no needles for me."

"Oh God," Kakashi muttered, almost face-palming. Instead he pushed his fingers through his hair.

I gave him a knowing smile.

"Hey guys, look! I c'n fi' th' 'ntire thin' in mah mouf," Shane mumbled around a mouthful of mess.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is our little brother," Gerilynn announced with an eye-roll, reaching over to unstick his jaw so he could chew.

I laughed, and snuggled into Kakashi's side, watching the fire until my eyes closed.

And this week on the Days of our Lives: Whisper finally has a breakdown and confesses her homicidal tendencies to her lover. Gia lets the cat out of the bag, and what is wrong with Kyo's hair? (By the way, in case you didn't get it, his name means apricot.)

So you like? Review, er, I mean, comment, and enjoy. Tell us what you think. Thanks for reading. Bye. Love ya. Don't forget to change your underwear. Or eat your vegetables. ...But most importantly, recognize that I am supreme ruler of the Earth and all shall bow down to me at the allotted times of worship three times a day. Amen. -Prodigious (A.K.A. : Supreme Overlord of the Earth) ^.^

Okay, first off, I'm sorry about her. She has to blow off her creativity somewhere... And, no, You are not the Supreme Overlord of the Earth. (OFF WITH HER HEAD!! -P ^.^(NOT IF YOURS COMES OFF FIRST! *pulls out sledge hammer*-S ;P)) 

So, you learned more about Whisper's past and we got some cuteness! Okay, a lot of cuteness. Comment, vote (or not), and COMMENT (I command you! -P ^.^)! Thnx for reading! -Saphy ;P

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