Moonbeam Levels {sequel to Te...

By prince_3121

4.6K 117 85

"Please send all your Moonbeam levels to me" It's 8 years later and Reina, Princes eldest child is growing up... More

New chapter?


431 11 15
By prince_3121

I hummed along to the music flowing through my record player as I cooked dinner for my babies. Hearing the chit chat in the next room of my 3 bedroom apartment made me smile to myself. They were getting along. At least for now.

"Momma when will dinner be ready" Reina asked as she hopped up on to the counter. "Soon baby, what'd I tell you about sitting on that counter!" I said tapping her thigh, she quickly jumped off.

"Momma you be tripping on stuff like that. It's only sitting on a Counter!" She said rolling her eyes. Her little attitudes remind me of her dad. "Reina Nelson you better not be catching an attitude" I warned as I put they're plates on the kitchen table.

We were having dinner late tonight it was 9:47 by the time dinner was served and Reina and Mattie were quick to tuck in to they're spaghetti.

"I made my first record Momma!" Matias told me smiling ear to ear. "Really! Wow I'm so proud of you!" I said with butterflies.

"Yeah, daddy taught me about the bass and piano in the songs! It was amazing!" He told me. I smiled at my little boy.

The kids were in bed sleeping happily as it was now 12 at night. I got into my Pyjamas after a quick shower and poured a well deserved glass of wine.

As I was about to stick a movie into the DVD player, I heard a knock at the door. I stared at it kinda suspiciously. Who could be calling at 12?

Walking to the door, I answered. My eyes met with the hazel eyes I haven't seen in more than half a year but knew so well. I was in a state of shock as I stared at the older man. I felt like I couldn't speak. It's been so long since I seen him. So long.

We hadn't spoken to each other since we broke things off. Since Reina broke down and told me what he had told her. I don't know weather he was being serious about cheating on me or if it was just something to hurt my sensitive little girl.

He cleared his throat snapping me out of my thoughts "hi" I said sheepishly "Hey" he replied eyes baring into my soul. "Um can I help you with anything?" I asked intending to be cold.

"I needed to talk to you about something" he revealed. I let him in closing the door behind us. He was quick to stare around my apartment, looking at the decor and the pictures of our children.

I sat down on the couch and he quickly joined me. "This is a nice place you've got..." he smiled at me. That smile. Oh how that smile made me want to kiss those lips.

"Thanks... what'd you wanna talk to me about?" I asked. "I got a phone call from the school, A few of Reina's teachers were concerned about her mental state..." he told me, his eyes welling up with worry as were mine.

"What do they mean" I asked annoyed at this. My little girl. My heart would break if I thought something was going on in her mind. "They said she's mentioned a few times about her parents being slip up and she's been teary in
Class and they also told me her grades are falling. Witch is unusual as you know" I did know. Reina was such a smart little girl just like her father.

After discussing Reina together we came to the conclusion we'd have a family meeting at paisley park to reassure our children.

Refilling his wine glass, we had been drinking a little under half an hour now and as much as I tried to hate this man his charm made me blush, his jokes making me giggle.

"What ever happened to us" he sighed, taking me by surprise. I loved this man. But if I was being honest I was happier without him. "A lot prince. A lot." I told him taking a gulp of the sour red liquid, trying to block out the memories. His overdose had not only scarred me but also my children. That's not something I could go back to. Ever.

Just as I was about to ask him a question we heard a door open from the other end of my apartment. Watching as my little boy strolled out in his tigger pyjamas, he stopped quickly, staring at me and his father in confusion.

"Daddy?" He asked as he walked towards prince, quickly burying his face into his neck, hugging his dad tightly. "Yeah baby, me and momma needed to talk for a second" prince explained to my curious little boy.

"It's so late Mattie what are you in here for?" I asked him. "I wanted a drink of water" he said sulking at me. Watching as his father grabbed my water bottle from the coffee table he handed it to his son, Matias quickly gulping it down.

"Now you need to go to bed for momma, if I hear you've been up I'll be very angry, and there'll be no guitar this week" hearing him scold our child made me giggle. "Ok daddy" he sulked hugging him "I love you so much baby boy" prince told him kissing his cheek.

He ran into my arms next kissing all over my face making me laugh.

We were alone once again, he stared me down making me feel very intimidated.

"Oh fuck yes!" I moaned out to him as he continued to pump me. I was ashamed I let it happen but overjoyed at this feeling of pure bliss. 

Damn it selena why would you do this. Why would I let him fuck me. It was just those eyes. That stare into my soul made me long for him. Long for my husband. A little moment of reality.

"Ugh you feel so good!" He grunted into my ear. Hearing his sweet sighs and seeing his gorgeous love faces and feeling his sweat drown me it made my heart flutter.

"Oh my god" I screamed as my back arched, he drilled into me with all his might making me groan and dig my nails into his back. Was this really happening?!

"Oh how I've missed this Selena" he growled into my neck "I thought I'd forever be alone but now I... Ugh yes... I know someone cares" I was confused at his statement. I guess he really was alone. But this didn't mean anything to me.

Laying next to him it was all over. The best hour of my life had just finished but now as I laid in our sticky mess of sweat and cum I thought hard about it. He just fucked me. And I loved it. He came inside of me. What is wrong with me. Why didn't I stop him. We are not together.

"I think you should leave" I told him as tears came to my eyes. Why would I give in to him. I shouldn't have done this. "Why are you upset?" He asked really being sympathetic but I saw it in a different light as my anger was so strong.

Anger at myself.

"Because you fucking slept with me! Why would you do that! You know we aren't ever going to be together again prince!" I yelled at him. As I cried I felt his arms wrap around me as he nursed me on the bed in a soothing way. Like how he'd comfort our kids when they'd have a nightmare.

Reina's pov

Waking up, I was in my room. Not in the awful nightmare I had last night. Stretching my arms out and yawning I could already smell momma cooking breakfast witch made me stomach growl.

Pulling my curtains across, the sunlight beamed in and I ran to my bed, covering myself with my sheets like a vampire. Maybe 10 more minutes of sleep would be ok.

After deciding to head into the kitchen for breakfast I slipped my slippers and dressing gown on and stroller on out to the kitchen yawning.

What I saw was shocking.


As he sat dressed all in black sipping on his coffee, I was shocked. "What are you doing here?" I asked the shock lacing my tired voice.

"He's leaving soon" my momma told me. The look she had told me she wasn't happy. When I first seen them my heart lit up with joy but as I seen the angry look on my mommas face and the sad look on dads I knew this wasn't a happy reunion.

I sat down beside dad, watching momma as she cooked my breakfast. "How are you pretty girl" my dad asked as he pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I'm alright" I sighed.

I wasn't alright. I was confused. Did they sleep together? Are they trying to make this work? I was confused.

Staring across the apartment, Mattie sat in the living room watching Sponge bob. I quickly walked to him and sat down beside him. "How long has daddy been here" I whispered to him "he's been here since last night" Mattie told me "you think daddy and momma love each other again?" He asked.

"I don't think so buddy... I think they've just been talking maybe" I said, not knowing the full truth myself. "Breakfast" my momma called, putting on a happy face.

We both ran to grab our plates of toast and scrambled eggs. Momma made the best breakfast in the world. Well that's a lie. Daddy's pancakes have always been the best breakfast.

After we ate our food, Matias began to play his acoustic guitar for me in the living room.  I pretended to pay attention to him but I was really looking into the kitchen. The most awkward scene I've ever seen.

My dad still sat quietly, my momma doing the dishes completely ignoring him. Once he got up, she immediately responded. "Kids come say bye to daddy" she called to us.

Watching as Matias practically threw his guitar to run to daddy, he landed in his arms as dad peppered his face with kisses, hugging him.

Walking to my dad, he pulled me into a hug immediately, holding me tight. "I love you my beautiful girl" he said as he kissed my neck repeatedly making me giggle "love you too dad" I told him as I kissed his cheek.

"You two be good for momma or else..." he said as he put his fist up making me and Matias giggle "see y'all on Saturday my doves" he said as he opened the door, momma left him out saying a quick and dry 'bye' before closing the door.

I sat beside momma at the table. "So... how'd that happen" I asked referring to my mother and father being in the same room without my momma killing him.

"He came last night to talk to me about grown up stuff and fell asleep on the couch" I knew hat was a lie. I had been to the bathroom during the night and nobody was on the couch.

"You think you and dad would ever get back together" I asked her hopefully. "No. I'd never go back to that. I know he's your dad and you love him, believe me I love him too, but the experiences we had together Reina... we couldn't be together any longer." She told me.

It kinda broke my heart because I knew how much of a beautiful person my daddy was. And my momma was also an amazing person. Life just works out differently than you'd expect.

-💜I'm sorry for my lack of updates, life has been busy right now and I promise to try and get the next chapter up this week. Please comment below your opinions, and questions. I love you all and can't thank you all enough. I'm once again sorry for leaving it so long. Hopefully I'll be back on track now 💕💕💕💕💕💜-

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