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I hummed along to the music flowing through my record player as I cooked dinner for my babies. Hearing the chit chat in the next room of my 3 bedroom apartment made me smile to myself. They were getting along. At least for now.

"Momma when will dinner be ready" Reina asked as she hopped up on to the counter. "Soon baby, what'd I tell you about sitting on that counter!" I said tapping her thigh, she quickly jumped off.

"Momma you be tripping on stuff like that. It's only sitting on a Counter!" She said rolling her eyes. Her little attitudes remind me of her dad. "Reina Nelson you better not be catching an attitude" I warned as I put they're plates on the kitchen table.

We were having dinner late tonight it was 9:47 by the time dinner was served and Reina and Mattie were quick to tuck in to they're spaghetti.

"I made my first record Momma!" Matias told me smiling ear to ear. "Really! Wow I'm so proud of you!" I said with butterflies.

"Yeah, daddy taught me about the bass and piano in the songs! It was amazing!" He told me. I smiled at my little boy.

The kids were in bed sleeping happily as it was now 12 at night. I got into my Pyjamas after a quick shower and poured a well deserved glass of wine.

As I was about to stick a movie into the DVD player, I heard a knock at the door. I stared at it kinda suspiciously. Who could be calling at 12?

Walking to the door, I answered. My eyes met with the hazel eyes I haven't seen in more than half a year but knew so well. I was in a state of shock as I stared at the older man. I felt like I couldn't speak. It's been so long since I seen him. So long.

We hadn't spoken to each other since we broke things off. Since Reina broke down and told me what he had told her. I don't know weather he was being serious about cheating on me or if it was just something to hurt my sensitive little girl.

He cleared his throat snapping me out of my thoughts "hi" I said sheepishly "Hey" he replied eyes baring into my soul. "Um can I help you with anything?" I asked intending to be cold.

"I needed to talk to you about something" he revealed. I let him in closing the door behind us. He was quick to stare around my apartment, looking at the decor and the pictures of our children.

I sat down on the couch and he quickly joined me. "This is a nice place you've got..." he smiled at me. That smile. Oh how that smile made me want to kiss those lips.

"Thanks... what'd you wanna talk to me about?" I asked. "I got a phone call from the school, A few of Reina's teachers were concerned about her mental state..." he told me, his eyes welling up with worry as were mine.

"What do they mean" I asked annoyed at this. My little girl. My heart would break if I thought something was going on in her mind. "They said she's mentioned a few times about her parents being slip up and she's been teary in
Class and they also told me her grades are falling. Witch is unusual as you know" I did know. Reina was such a smart little girl just like her father.

After discussing Reina together we came to the conclusion we'd have a family meeting at paisley park to reassure our children.

Refilling his wine glass, we had been drinking a little under half an hour now and as much as I tried to hate this man his charm made me blush, his jokes making me giggle.

"What ever happened to us" he sighed, taking me by surprise. I loved this man. But if I was being honest I was happier without him. "A lot prince. A lot." I told him taking a gulp of the sour red liquid, trying to block out the memories. His overdose had not only scarred me but also my children. That's not something I could go back to. Ever.

Moonbeam Levels {sequel to Te Amo Corazon} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt