Jersey Boy

By danasawr2495

39K 1K 179

BoyxBoy, student/teacher, father/son. That's the life of Alex Jersey. Alex's mom left when he was an infant... More

Jersey Boy
(4) [Part 1]
(4) [Part 2]
(15)- The End


2.5K 89 10
By danasawr2495

{Alex pov}

I rolled over onto my back, trying my hardest to ignore the sun peaking in through my curtain.

“Alex, wake up.” My dad came into my room. I sat up, letting the blanket fall off my bare chest, but it covered my naked lower half.

“You fell right asleep after we finished. Didn’t go shower, didn’t even get dressed.” Dad smiled, tossing me a pack of cigarettes. “Didn’t put up a fight either.”

I nodded, and then set the cigarettes on my nightstand. “Do you need something else?” He asked, squinting his eyes. I shook my head.

“Just need to get dressed.” I cleared my sore throat. I won’t be talking much today.

“Damn, Alex. Are you sick?” Dad asked, completely clueless as to why I had a sore throat. I shook my head again, quickly.

“Dad, can I please get dressed now?” I asked shyly, moving my gaze to the ground.

“Why don’t you shower first? Don’t worry; I have to leave here now anyways.” He came over to me, then ruffled my hair.

I waited until I heard the front door close before actually getting out of my bed. Taking my time, I gathered up my clothes for today, then carried them to the bathroom.

I let out a deep sigh, and scrubbed off the remaining evidence of last night.  I quickly washed the rest of me. Stepping out, I shivered, getting dressed in the cold air.

I had my pants almost buttoned when the phone went off.

“I’m coming!” I shouted. “Dammit, Dad, broke my fucking button.” I muttered. The phone rang a couple more times. “I’m coming!” I shouted louder, voice cracking. I threw open the door, then stormed over to the phone. It went off once more, and I kicked the chair, sending it tumbling to the ground. Growling cuss words in frustration, I looked out the window, and saw a man watching me, wide eyed.

“What?” I snapped into the receiver of the phone, glaring at the man.

“Alex, I left some money on the table for you for lunch.”

“Oh, hi, Dad.” I sighed.

“Bad morning?” he laughed slightly.

“Long night.” A smirk fell across my lips.


“Sorry, Dad. Yeah, really rough morning.” I ran a hand through my dripping hair.

“Do you need to take the day off?”

“No, Dad.” I sighed again.

“Okay, well have a good day. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Kay, bye.” I hung up before he could feed me the three worded lie. ‘I love you.’ Flinging the phone on the couch, I walked over to the open window.

“Roar.” I simply said through the screen. The man stepped back and grinned. Shaking his head, the stranger walked into the apartment next to mine. Great, we have a new neighbor. Lucky him, as well!

{Jace pov}

I shut the door to my new apartment, and took a deep breath. My first morning here and I was already roared at by some kid. I let out a soft groan. The noises last night! He isn’t a bad looking kid, at all. I thought back to the moving furniture next door, then the moans. I mean, I was told the walls were going to be thin, but not that thin! Great, I probably get to hear all of that kid’s late night fun.

“Fucking asshole! I’m going to kill him!” I heard from the apartment next to mine. I started to laugh, but then covered my mouth quickly. If I can hear him, he could probably hear me. His front door slammed shut, then a pound followed quickly. Grabbing my coat and keys, I walked outside to find the kid slumped up against his other neighbor’s door.

“Are you okay?” I asked him, crouching down.

“Fucking perfect!” He snapped.

“What happened?” I sighed.

The boy glared at me, and I thought he was ready to hit me, but instead he threw his head back and spoke. “Jay has my board.”

“Okay?” I raised an eyebrow. “Explain.”

The kid smiled lightly, then shook his head. “I let Jay borrow my skateboard; he’s on vacation, so I don’t have it.”

I thought for a moment, then saw his backpack sitting next to him. “You shouldn’t be riding it in this weather anyways. It’s probably about twenty degrees.” I told him. He only shrugged.

“Then they should have canceled school if it’s a big deal.”

“Look, do you want a ride to school from me?” I got right to the point.

“Nope.” He said simply.

“I can give you a ride, it’s no big deal.” I pressed.

“I don’t need you to take me.” He stood up and walked over to his door now. Fumbling through his pockets, I heard another string of curse words like earlier.

“Forget your key?” I smirked at the boy. His head snapped in my direction, and his eyes burned into my own.

“Yup.” He sighed.

“Need to borrow my phone to call someone?” I asked him, being sincere about it. Shaking his head, the boy answered,

“I can walk.” He shrugged.

“Come on, Kid. I'm a teacher at Hayward High. You don't have to worry about me pulling anything 'funny'.” I grabbed his arm, and dragged him over to my car. He didn’t fight me or struggle, but I was still rough with him, throwing him into the passenger side.

{Alex pov}

I stumbled into the car, then felt my cigarettes fall from my pocket, and down the crack between my seat, and the gear shifter thing. Isn’t this a great morning!

I tried reaching my hand down to grab them, but the tips if my fingers only brushed over the pack.

“Drop something?” The stranger smiled, looking at me.

I nodded my head, but couldn’t think of what to tell him I dropped.

I pushed my fingers to the pack harder, hoping to make it fall out, and land by my feet.

Instead, it landed by his.

“So, um, what’s your name?” I asked casually.

“Jace. Jace Saywer. He said, reaching down and grabbing my cigarettes. “Yours?”

“AJ.” I told him simply. Jace frowned, holding my smokes in one hand.

“Well, I’m twenty-three. How old are you?’ He asked me.

“Eighteen.” I lied.

“No matter how old you are, you can’t have cigarettes at school.” Jace scolded me.

“Maybe I wasn’t going to take them school. Besides, you can’t have them either.” I slumped back in the seat.

“You’re right!” Jace gasped and smiled big. Pulling into the nearest gas station, Jace jumped out of the car, and threw my cigarette pack on the ground. I slowly got out, and watched him intently.

Picking up his foot, Jace brought it onto the pack, and squished it around, ruining the pack and every cigarette in it. I watched in awe as this bastard destroyed my  pack.

“You dick!” I shouted, shoving him. He fell backwards a little, then watched me, amused. “Why the hell would you do that?” My voice started cracking, and it was getting sore again.

"See what smoking does to your voice?" He smiled. I was speechless and almost breathless.

"You don't fucking know shit!" I snapped, storming away from him and the car.

"AJ!" He called after me. "Shit, AJ!"

I tried running, but something was wrong. It wasn't much pain, but it felt as though I couldn't move anymore. I stopped running and leaned up against a building.

"AJ!" Jace found me. I started to slide to the ground, but he caught me under the arms."AJ, are you okay? Do you need an ambulance?"

{Jace pov}

It looked like AJ was gasping for air, and finding it hard to stay conscious. Was he this out of shape, or did he really need cigarettes? I gathered the boy in my arms. There was no way in hell he was eighteen.I carried him back to my car, and gently set him in the seat. His eyes were drifting shut, and I let him sleep.

"I'm not a whore." He mumbled, and I eyed him curiously.

When we got about two blocks away from the school, and I decided to wake AJ up.

He grumbled a little when I tried calling out his name. Then when I touched him lightly, He swatted my hand away. It was when I grabbed him a little tighter, AJ awoke quickly, then started breathing hard.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, worried.

AJ nodded quickly, then placed his hand on the handle. It took him a moment to realize we were still driving. Slumping back in his seat, AJ looked exhausted.

"Long night?" I asked him, then winked. Eyes widening, the kid now looked horrified.

"Wh-what do you mean?" His voice cracked, and I then it hit me why.

"You're gay?" I made sure he knew I had no problem with it, but AJ's face still turned red.

"How old is the person you slept with?" I asked him. If he slept with another teen, then they should at least have been at his apartment, getting ready for school as well.

"I'm eighteen. Age doesn't matter."  AJ shrugged.

"If the kid is sixteen or under it does." I told him.

"He's thirty-nine."

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "Why would you do that?"

"Why are you freaking out? Everyone knows about it." AJ acted like it was no big deal.

"That age difference is horrid! And everyone knows about it?"

"Yeah, I'm legal age. They can't stop it."

I pulled into the school parking lot, and AJ got out quickly. We didn't have time to talk any more, but I'l be seeing a lot of him around.


My new story! Please comment and tell me what you think! It will probably be put in the rated R category soon, but until then, PG13..VERY PG13... I also have a handful of other things I'm working on, so this probably won't be an everyday upload..But I'll try super hard to do it whenever!!! And yes, I will be getting more graphic and shit later on..just not right in the beginning..So ask any questions, leave any feedback, and recommended to people(:

Love you so much, My awesome fans, and random readers!!


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