My mate is marrying my bestfr...

By GiselleArmaniQuintana

142K 3.5K 378

Joyce is a beautiful 18 year old wolf which belongs to north moon pack, not to mention her father is the alph... More

chapter 1- reunited and hurt
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10

chapter 7

13.1K 373 32
By GiselleArmaniQuintana

Derek's p.o.v

I kissed Joyce on her head after I wrote the letter than got my stuff and headed out to my car. I felt bad for leaving Joyce but I had some business to take care of, with Sarah. I left around seven, thank god no one besides alpha Steven was awake and thankfully in his office. I quietly walked to my car, trying not to wake anyone up. I felt like Desmond in assassins creed, I thought to myself trying to slowly but surely start my car. I didn't want Joyce to know I was on my way to Sara's just yet. I know she'd want to come and that just make matters worse. 

I drove about a good 30 minutes until I ended up at Sarah's house. I called, no answer. Than again, no answer. Dammit Sarah! I thought as I threw my phone. I was frustrated, I needed to talk to her!

I got out of my car slamming my door, so she'd hear me coming.

Sarah lived alone in her parents house with her younger brother Terrance, after her parents died  she took on the role as his legal guardian, after alpha Steven gave her the go to. she told me the story of their death about 2 months after we started dating, her mom and dad both went on a trip to Seattle for their business. they should've made it there within 2 days but just a couple hours into it the plane was hijacked. Now the guys hijacking didn't think their plan through, they killed both pilots along with some of the passengers. one being Sarah's dad. Sarah knew this because her dad was contacting her before they found out he had a phone, and killed him. none of the hijackers knew how to fly the plane and neither did the passengers, they were stupid enough to kill off they're only source of living, the only people that could land them to ground safely. a day later Sarah found out that the plane her parents were on crashed, just a few cities over from Seattle.

She told me she was only about 15 when it happened, and the only reason she got through it was because of Joyce...

Joyce... I missed her, I should call her. I took out my phone and went to her number, she was saved under "Joyce ❤️" yeah it was corny but I was so happy to finally be with her. it rang about two times than instantly went to voice mail, she was probably upset about me leaving this morning."ill talk to her after I'm done with Sarah" I said to myself

"Sarah!" I screamed while slamming my fist on the door hard enough for her to hear me.


"Sarah so god help me! if you-

"I'm coming dammit," I heard her yell as she tried to run down the stairs "what" she croaked, her voice was raspy and hoarse, it didn't sound like her. Her eyes her red and puffy and her hair was a mess.

"Sarah, can we talk?"

"Theres nothing to talk about" she whispered almost about to cry, I felt like shit. I hurt her so bad. I wanted to make her happy but she wasn't my mate...

"Sarah we need to talk" I yearned

she moved aside telling me to come in, I walked in the doors looking around, all the lights were off, except the upstairs hall and the kitchen. "wheres Terrance?" I asked trying to break the silence

"Derrick why are you here" she looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

I scooted closer to her after taking a seat "Sarah we need to talk about yesterday. And I'm here to apologize" I went to grab her hand but she backed away from me.

"save your breath I know she's your mate, you can have your god damn fairy tale, I know she's prettier, smarter, even though she's a whor-

"Shut up!" I growled causing her to tense up. I've never yelled or growled at her till yesterday and now. "don't you dare finish that sentence" I roared causing her to jump a little

she stood shut and we sat in silence for the next ten minutes until I finally calmed down, " you said your mate would never come between us" she sobbed

dammit... I can't believe I said that, I'm so stupid. I rubbed my neck trying to calm down and think of what to say. all of this was my fault. thinking I could have a life with Sarah, falling head over heels for Joyce the  minute I saw her. thinking I could have them both in my life. I loved them both only difference was now I loved Sarah merely as a friend and Joyce like she was the most important thing in my life, my mate. Joyce was the one, and was always going to be number one in my life. It didn't matter that I only knew her for about a couple of weeks, I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with her, knowing that made everything better.

"Sarah I love you" her eyes shot open wide, with hope and forgiveness. As if she just came out of a bad dream.

"But I'm not in love with you, I love you only as a friend" I said. That look I saw 5 seconds ago quickly disappeared and was replaced with the Sarah I saw opening the door earlier . She lowered her head, I could hear her quietly sobbing.

"I know" she whispered so quietly only a wolf could hear with our heightened senses. "I just didn't want to believe it, especially not with her. she got everything. the soon to be amazing career, good grades, to die for good looks, guys following her like love sick puppies, the family, everything..." she spoke faintly "what did I get?" she asked looking up at me "you, I thought I had you..." she said getting up walking towards the back porch "I wanted you, I knew you'd find your mate but I hoped it'd be too late. and I especially didn't imagine it'd be her."

My heart sank, I felt like the worse person in the world, I promised her my love. A better life, no worries. I promised her a lie. Everything she ever wanted was now in Joyce hand. I could feel my face heat up. I didn't know what to say. She had every right to hate me, to be mad at me.

"I don't hate you..." she whispered "if that's what you're thinking"

I walked up from where I was sitting and went to her, to give her a warm hug "you have every right to" I said causing her to shake her head

"are you happy?" she asked


"Are you happy, with her," she whipped all of her tears and straightened her posture. I nodded "than go be with her" she said forcing a half smile "shell make you incredibly happy. Your lucky to have her as a mate, id know. She's my best friend."

"wait but-

"yes I'm still mad at her, for not telling me sooner, for letting me look like the joke in this love triangle. she's my best friend. I'd do anything for her but what she did..." she shook as she spoke "we tell each other everything. or at least i thought we did. she betrayed me" she sobbed once more

"Sarah it wasn't her, it was me. she tried to push me away. she wanted nothing to do with me" I answered


"I'm the one that wouldn't let it go, my wolf wanted her and wasn't going to let her go. she's my mate Sarah. she wanted you to be happy with me even if that meant giving up her own happiness. "I moved back a little holding her shoulders firmly. "you need to understand that i kissed her, I'm so sorry Sarah for-

She moved so fast I didn't even know what happened. "Sarah," I said holding my cheek from the burning sensation now irrupting. "did you just smack me?" 

"yes" she chuckled

Was she really laughing? As much as I wanted to go off on her I couldn't help but laugh. It was good to see her laugh after all of that. I guess I deserved it...

"I really hope you can forgive me" I yearned sincerely, she walked closer to me causing me to back up abruptly

"I'm not gonna hit you again" she giggled

"what the hell!" roared causing me to look in towards the backyard

"Did you hear that?" I asked opening the back doors, I started to sniff out the scenery, smelling a familiar scent.

"Derrick come back there nothing there" she said tugging on my shirt to come back inside

"I could've sworn-nah your right" I said walking back with her, I still couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone there watching us. I do know maybe I was paranoid or felt guilty for not telling Joyce. But I was going to later. We both walked back in closing the doors behind us.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

We both walked towards the front door "I think that's Terrance" she said happily. As we were both half way there I decided to check my pockets. Shit.

"I forgot my wallet" I said rushing to the back, as I spotted my wallet on the couch it wasn't the only thing that caught my eye. "Joyce?" I asked opening the back doors to get a better look. She just stood there for a while. I knew it was her. She started to walk again " Joyce wait!" I yelled walking towards her. I took her arm and pulled her towards me that now we were both facing each other.

I knew I was a soon to be alpha of my pack but the look she had on her face could scare 10 grown men.

"Joyce what-

"No, you don't have to explain anything to me" she whispered pulling away . "now I feel like the dumb one. The one that's been played. How could you derrick. How could the both of you,"  her eyes watering?

"Joyce you have it all wrong let me explain" I whispered trying not to cause any attention towards us

"Why are you whispering!" she yelled furiously "what you don't want you 'fiancé' to hear us" she said  using air quotes. god she was feisty. I loved it but not at this moment. I could feel her slipping away. I couldn't let that happen

"Joyce lower your voice, she's not my fiancé anymore. come inside and we'll talk" I pleaded trying to grab her arm again. but she pushed me away

"No!" she yelled "Leave me alone, I was so stupid to think that you'd give her up. That you'd want to be with me even though we're mates! I wanted a life with you but now seeing you makes my skin crawl. you're a liar and a two timer. she can have you cause I sure as he'll don't want you anymore" she spat pushing me away. I felt my heart sink. as if my whole world was crumbling right before me. why was she doing this. I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice Joyce walking away, well actually now running. I started to run after her

"Joyce!!" I yelled hoping shed slow down, she started to pick up speed, damn she was fast. Probably one of the fastest she wolves I've ever seen, But I was faster. As much as I wanted to run after her, I knew all wed be doing is playing cat and dog. I stopped, turned back and ran back to where my car was.

As I was getting into my Mercedes Benz I saw Sarah coming towards me "derrick?"

"I'm sorry Sarah I cant explain right now but ill be back to finish this" she nodded in acceptance and retreated back inside. now I just needed to find Joyce and talk to her...

I drove my car and it only took me about five minutes to find Joyce in her dads truck. I got out of the car as fast as I could and walked up to her truck. "Joyce open the door" I yelled

She shook her head, trying to block me out. I could see how much she was trying to hold everything in. "my strong little mate" I thought to myself.

"baby please open up" I pleaded

"don't call me that!" she spat

"goddammit Joyce let me explain! I went there to talk to Sarah and apologize that's it!" I yelled "cmon think about it. that makes no sense to be with her, than go through what we went through yesterday, to just come back here and deal with it all over again! yes i hurt her, but I'm not going to repeat the mistake with you. you're my mate and I don't care what you say I'm not giving you up, not to anyone, not for anything or for anyone." I slumped down to the floor, defeated. I wanted to keep going telling her how much I wanted to be with her. How all I wanted to do was protect her, but it wouldn't make any difference. I was now sitting on my ass leaning against her truck. which was a stupid move

She tried to open her door almost killing me in the process.  "what the hell derrick," she screamed rushing over to me "are you crazy?" she said kneeling down trying to help me up. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would, but damn she got me pretty good. I was trying to rub the pain but that didn't help. Seeing Joyce  panicking was the icing on the cake. I didn't know if its because she cared about me or didn't want a guilty conscious on her hand.

"911 yes I need an ambulance, I think I killed my boyfriend" she said on the phone. I wanted to laugh so hard, but i knew i had to keep it in which was now hurting my stomach by how crazy she looked and how concerned she sounded. her eyes were literally popping out of her head and she was walking, well pacing so fast I thought I was seeing double, no maybe that was just the blow to my head from the door she gave me ... wait did she say boyfriend? did she consider me her boyfriend?

"I mean ex boyfriend" great now i was her ex boyfriend in a relationship I knew nothing about that only lasted what, 12 hours? still it was cute that she thought of me as her boyfriend

I got up trying to balance myself, I walked over to her snatching the phone out of her hands

"Sorry theres been a misunderstanding," as I tried to resolve this little situation Joyce got us into, I noticed her walking towards the park and picking a swing to sit on. "yes sorry, thank you very much bye" I said hanging up. My eyes were still locked on her. I put her phone in my pocket and walked towards her sitting besides her on the swing to her left.

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