Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fa...

By LouieenT

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What is love exactly? Niall's heart has been broken many times but the last one left him scarred. It seems th... More

Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fan Fiction
Welcome Home
Day 2: Gals
Day 5: Day Off
Day 6: Break Ups and Heart Drops
Day 6: The Couple's Milkshake
Day 6: New Found Feelings
Day 6: What Just Happened?
Day 7: New Couples
Day 8: Bang!
Day 8: Results
Day: 16 - Another Passenger and A Day Out
Day 22: America
Day 23: Bank Atlantic Center (Florida) - Dark Intentions
Day 23: Bank Atlantic Center (Florida) - Concert & A Dirty Little Secret

Day 1: Getting Acquainted

242 7 1
By LouieenT

This was going to be amazing! My mum and dad gave me permission to go with Niall on the One Direction tour! I can't believe I'll be able to travel all to places I've never been! And this was all thanks to my best friend Niya, I meant Niall. While I was talking to myself in my head, I sat around in my room waiting for Niall to come and get me, all the while texting Chase. When I first told him about the tour he was a bit bummed and sketched out about the whole idea. He didn't like the fact that I'd be on tour for two months with five other guys, however he was fine with Niall. 

Bored, I decided that I'd try and juggle a few stuffed animals that was lying around in my room. I was fully concentrated on getting my coordination working properly so I could learn to juggle. As I threw the plush into the air, I added too much power and the stuffed bear hit my ceiling fan. I squealed a bit, afraid that I might have broken it. Luckily it was only a stuffed bear and not a fut ball. If it was, I'd totally be screwed. I heard chuckling and turned my attention to Niall who was standing at my bedroom door.

"Smooth." He teased.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

Niall helped me with my bags and brought them to the car. His parents were going to drop us to the airport and from there, Niall and I will be catching a plane to Dublin, the to London, to meet up with the other lads. While we were sitting in the car, Niall was zoning out the window, as was I. I was thinking about how much fun it was going to be. I grabbed Niall's hand squeezing it in excitement. He looked over at me instantly, giving me a weird look. 

"I'm so excited, but nervous at the same time." I squealed. Niall laughed squeezing my hand back.

"Don't worry, it's gonna be fun and the lads will love you." Niall assured me.  I smiled and scooted closer to Niall, wrapping my arms around his and resting my head on his shoulder.

"I can't wait!" I chirped. I heard Niall's deep laughter filling the car and vibrating against his body.

When we finally arrived at the air port there were not so many fans around. I guess it was because no one knew when he was leaving. To be honest, I liked it this way. It seemed a lot more normal. We said our goodbyes to Niall's parents and proceeded to check in and security. The airport wasn't very busy so we go through quickly leaving us with 45 minutes to spare. Niall and I sat down near our gate and talked a bit. I had my legs resting on his lap as he slouched tapping his hands on my legs like a drum. Niall and I made small conversations as we were getting bored from just sitting around. There was an old couple sitting across from us, I noticed them looking our way, so I flashed them a friendly smile.

"Aren't you two the lovely couple." The old woman beamed. Niall and I shared awkward glances at each other before turning our attention back to the couple.

"Oh, we're just friends." I smiled.

"Really? Such a shame. You two make an adorable pair." She frowned a bit.

"Margret, their just a bunch of kids. They have plenty of time to fall in love." The old man spoke this time. I blushed at his statement. 

Niall let out a peep, as he was interrupted by the intercom. We were finally being called for boarding. As we made our way into the plane, I checked my ticket for the first time since we received it at the check-in station. I realized that it was first class. I shot a look at Niall who looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" He asked confused.

"NIall, this is first class!" I pointed out.

"Yeah." He stated simply as if it was nothing to fuss over.

"It's expen-" I shut myself up when I realized he had the money and that he was probably used to it already.

"Never mind." I sighed and took my seat next to the window. Niall came and sat next to me.

When we landed in Dublin we transferred to another plane that would take us to London. The whole flight, I was nothing but excited. I couldn't stop talking or fidgeting. Poor Niall was in my line of fire of my flailing arms of excitement, however he was a good sport about it and allowed me to continually beat him.

"You're so abusive. You think you'd grow out of it." Niall joked.

"And to think you'd grow out of your farting habit, hmmm?!" I retorted. The both of us ended up laughing hysterically at the truth of my comeback.

"I don't think that I'd ever grow out of it. It always reminds me of you." Niall stated.

"EW!" I laughed punching him playfully on his arm. Niall laughed as well as he tried to  protect himself from my 'abusive' nature.

The whole flight, Niall and I goofed off, most likely annoying the rest of the first class passengers. Soon enough, we finally landed at the Heathrow Airport in London. When we made our way out, we were greeted by a large amount of fans and the rest of One Direction boys along side Paul and other body guards. Niall waved at them frantically while taking my hand in his free one. 

"C'mon Cole, I can't wait for you to meet the lads!" Niall gushed. I smiled at the Irish man and let him lead me to the group.

"NIALL!" They all cheered as we reached them.

"So this is Nicole?" Liam smiled at me.

"Yeah, Cole, this is the boys." Niall pushed me in front of him.

"Hey, I'm Nicole, but everyone calls me Cole." I smiled shyly.

"I'm Liam. I've heard a lot of good things about you. I'm happy you could come on tour with us." Liam welcomed me with a sweet hug.

"Hello, I'm Harreh." Harry grinned and brought me in a tight squeeze. 

"I'm Zayn. Can't wait to get to know more about you Cole." He too gave me a warm hug.

"And I'm Louis Tomlinson. Nice to meet you pretty lady." Louis was absolutely hysterical. He scooped me into a giant bear hug lifting me off the ground.

"So Nialler here told us that your a taken woman." Louis bluntly stated.

"Um, yeah." I let out a chuckle.

"That's too bad. I can see it." Louis turned his mouth into a line as he nodded looking at me and Niall.

"See what?" Niall asked confused. To be honest, I was too.

"You're right Boo Bear, I can see it too." Harry added nodding his head as well.

"What are you boys talking about?" I chuckled at the whole situation.

"Me too, don't you Liam?" Zayn looked at Liam.

"Of a matter of fact I do. It would be really lovely." Liam smiled childishly.

"You guys are a bunch of idiots." Niall laughed totally oblivious to what they were talking about, however I was in the same boat.

We all hopped into the van. I was stuck in the middle between Zayn and Niall. For the first hour of the ride, it had been full of laughter and chatter, but once Zayn fell asleep, Liam fell asleep as well. He was sitting in the center of Louis and Harry. Eventually I nodded off to sleep as well. At one point I was half awake and felt myself lean over resting my head on Zayn's shoulder. I didn't care since I was too sleepy, however, I did hear a few voices talking.

"Well look at that." I heard Louis' voice chirp.

"What?" Harry and Niall said in unison.

"Cole is getting comfortable with Zayn. You better be careful Niall, or else Zayn might take her away." Louis laughed.

"What are you talking about Louis? She has a boyfriend, plus Zayn's a good guy. I wouldn't mind if she dated Zayn." Niall replied.

"Really? You don't fancy Cole?" This time it was Harry's voice I heard.

"Only as a friend." Niall told them.

"When I first saw the two of you together coming out of the terminal, I knew the two of you were a match made in heaven." Louis confessed.

"Are you saying that you don't like Cole romantically?" Harry questioned. Niall hesitated to answer.

"Well... I used to, but I knew she wasn't interested in me like that." Niall admitted. My heart fluttered a bit which worried me. There was a time that I felt the same way, but I didn't do anything about it because I was sure he didn't have feeling for me either. 

"So what about now?" Louis' curiosity got the better of him.

"Now?" Niall repeated Louis' last word.

"Yeah. Do you still have feelings for her?" Louis restated his prior question.

"Now that you're making me think about it, I -" That was the last bit of the conversation I was able to catch, as I fell asleep just before Niall could answer.

What seemed like I was asleep forever, I finally woke up to a van full of sleeping boys. My head was resting on Zayn's chest who had an arm around my shoulder. I blushed looking at how close Zayn's face was to mine. Niall's face was pressed up against the glass which made me giggle. His mouth was open revealing his teeth as drool seeped from his lips, his nostril stuck to the window making it look like he has half a pig's nose, and not only that, but his hair all a mess. Also, his eye that was pressed against the window was partially open. I reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone snapping a quick photo of Niall. This would be a great picture for twitter. 

I sat up carefully not to wake Zayn. He looked so peaceful, like sleep was the best thing in the world. I snapped a picture of him as well. After, I glanced behind me and it was literally the cutest thing I've ever seen. Both Louis and Harry had their head resting on Daddy Direction's shoulders. Liam was resting his head on top of Louis'. I took multiple pictures of them since it was just too cute.

Through my iPhone, I logged onto my twitter and noticed I had A LOT more followers than before. I also got a ton of mentions than I had ever gotten. That's when I noticed a picture of me and Zayn was posted up... by Niall!

Niall Horan: They wouldn't wake up no matter what we did! HAHAHA! @zaynmalik @ABCole Twitpic

Nicole Johnson: @NiallOfficial You took a pic of me sleeping, well here's an attractive one of you! Twitpic

Nicole Johnson: Cutest thing ever! xx @Louis_Tomlinson @Real_Liam_Payne @Harry_Styles  Twitpic

Nicole Johnson: @zaynmalik Flawless as ever. Here you go ladies! haha x Twitpic

I logged off and remained sitting up with Zayn's arm still around my shoulder. I didn't mind since he was cute and I was comfortable. This trip had definitely started off good.

--------- WOOP! She met the boys! YAY! haha. Hmm... I'm a bit suspicious of Cole and Zayn. I seem to play them together a lot... I wonder what's going to become of them! Dun Dun DUNNNN!!!!!

Can you imagine those pictures! Can you imagine NIALL'S PICTURE!!! LOL! Oh my, that would be funny. 

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