Adopted by Corey Scherer and...

By ohl0verb0y

59K 1.1K 378

Number 123 in adopted! In this life your adopted by corey scherer and Devyn lundy,youve had a hard life and a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not a chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not a chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
☀️Chapter 31☀️
💐Chapter 32🌷
🌺Chapter 33🌺
🌷Chapter 34🌷
Chapter 35
💔chapter 36💔
Chapter 37
Oh mah gawd
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Capter 42
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
If you want
Chapter 52
{53} please dont leave me
{54} Mistake
{55} The end...

Chapter 43

298 8 1
By ohl0verb0y

Ella's POV 7 months later

I woke up to a horrible feeling in my stomach I checked the time 3:46 AM, I got up and ran to the bathroom I thought I was gonna puke but didn't instead my water broke "ZACH! CORBYN! JONAH! DANIEL!" I yelled as they ran in "my water broke!" I yelled and they all helped me up and began walking me to the car I went into breathing exercises, "don't worry we are almost there" zach said I nodded feeling a contraction "ahhh" I said loudly "Ella were here" Jonah said and they began helping me out Jonah got me a wheel chair and rolled me in "I'm in labor" I said to the lady at the front desk she nodded and began taking me back "only one person can come back" she said "Zach.." I said and he quickly followed I screamed in pain as another contraction hit she helped me into a bed and gave me medicine "in and out in and out" Zach said I nodded doing it "your doing great" she said I nodded "in about 1 hour we will be ready to let your baby girl into this world" she said I smiled thinking of it Zach cut on the tv I watched it while focusing on my breathing Zach held my hand rubbing it gently I bit my lip as another contraction hit

2 hours later

I was ready I was dilated 10 centimeters, the brought me into the room "alright Ella your gonna begin pushing" the doctor said I nodded and began pushing "push" he said "ahhh" I screamed " I can't do this" I said still pushing "I see the head!" He yelled as I pushed harder until it was over I heard crying as tears streamed down my face I saw my babygirl "Ella your going to need to push some more" the doctor said I looked at him confused "it's twins" he said I gasped and nodded continuing to push until I saw my baby boy Zach also cut the umbilical cord for both of them. "Ella do you know what you want to name them?" He asked "jack Avery scherer for the boy," I said "and reese Amelia scherer" I said he nodded and the room them away I went to sleep immediately after

2 days later

I was ready to leave this place, I got up and got into my hoodie and shorts I got the kids stroller and put them in gently, I strapped them in and grabbed my backpack I walked to the desk and signed out I walked out and saw my new car, A Kia Soul

I put them in the car seat and got in the drivers seat I drove home and was shocked when I saw the for rent sign out front I grabbed the baby's and went to my room to put them in their cribs
I went downstairs "what the hell is out front?" I asked whispering "were moving back in to the why dont we house." Daniel said "where am I supposed to live?" I asked "i don't know" he said shrugging his shoulders I ran upstairs as soon as I heard crying it was jack I grabbed him and rocked him back to sleep I put on my socks and grabbed my Mac and began looking for an apartment as I was searching I found a 3 bedroom 4 bath, 1 living space 1 kitchen 1 laundry and a pretty outdoor space, I clicked the buy button and I won the auction, it was 2000 a month, which means I need to daily upload vlogs. I began searching for furniture I also began packing.

2 weeks later

I had moved in and set up the apartment

Jacks room

Reeses room


Living room

My room


Laundry room


Ella's POV

I finished setting up the apartment as crying came from Reeses room I ran in there and began rocking her and walked into the kitchen I sat her in her bouncy chair I strapped her in and began making a bottle as the buzzer rang I went over "who's there?" I asked "mom and dad!" My mom said I buzzed them in and continued making her bottle I handed her it as the door opened "hey mom!" I said hugging her "hey Ella" she said and jack began crying I ran to his room I picked him up and brought him to his bouncy chair and made his bottle I handed him It, "so how's it going?" dad asked "good, Zach's visisted a few times, I'm pissed at Daniel, and that's pretty much it," I said he nodded and I took Reeses bottle. Once she was done, I also took jacks since he had finished aswell I grabbed them both and began burping them once they were done I set them in the cribs and they went to sleep I walked back into the living room I sat down "you look tired" mom said "very" I said "well we are going to the adoption center we got you from.." dad said I gasped "and if we find someone we want to bring them here first" mom said I nodded "well we will see you soon" dad said I waved as they walked out, my phone rang "hey Zach" I said "hey" he said "I'm bored so I'm coming over" he said "mkay!" I said but caught myself before I yelled it I hung up and went to dress the kids I grabbed Reeses outfit

Jacks outfit

I set them both in the bouncy chairs with sponge bob on I gave Reese her blanket along with jack I set her teddy bear with her and gave jack his transformer stuffy, the buzz went off "who's there?" I asked "Zach" he said I buzzed him in, soon there was a knock on my door "hey" I said opening it "hey" he said hugging me we walked to the couch and the thing buzzed again "who's there?" I asked "mom" she said I buzzed her in and she walked in "your father decided to bring him home he was tired" she said I nodded "but I'm deciding you let you go out" she said "I'll watch the kids" she said I nodded "thanks mom I'll go get dressed" I said and heard her begin a conversation with Zach "you know she likes you" she said I gasped I bit my lip but couldn't hear anything else I went into my small closest I grabbed an outfit

I brushed through my hair and applied some lip gloss and walked into the living room "ready?" Zach asked I nodded and grabbed my bag we walked tot he door "I use the regular milk for their bottles, their diapers are by the cribs" I said as Zach pulled me outside we walked downstairs to his motorcycle

I put on the helmet he got me as he got on I got on behind. Him and wrapped my arms around him as he began driving to wherever we were going I smiled as my hair blew behind me, as we pulled up to Kings dominion, I smiled and hopped off we began walking in we used our passes and we went to dominator, we got on the first row I held onto the handles as we neared the top of the hill "Ella will you be my girlfriend?" I heard Zach ask "oh my god yes" I said and he grabbed my hand and we held hands the rest of he ride.

2 hours later

As we reached my apartment I smiled as he stopped before my door he leaned in and kissed me. As soon as we pulled back I smiled as we rested our foreheads together "goodnight" he said I smiled "night" I said and walked inside "hey hon" mom said "hi" I said smiling uncontrollably "seems like someone had fun" she said "I did" I said "well I fed them and changed them, Reese spit up on herself, I rinsed them both in the tub" she said I nodded "thanks mom" I said and she left I walked into the kids rooms and checked on them I walked into the living room locking all the doors and windows I walked to my room and laid down after changing into pajamas, I turned my tv on low volume I slowly drifted off to sleep

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