The End Or The Beginning

By JessMix3r

78.1K 1.2K 283

Calliope Torres and Arizona Robbins have been through so much together more than any couple should go through... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
authors note.....
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
author note :)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Final Chapter

Chapter 27

1.5K 35 1
By JessMix3r

ARIZONA'S POV continued....

"Arizona the police are here" Maura said snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned around to shout Callie not realising she was stood right next to me fear evident on her face as she stared at the photos, my heart hurt knowing she was so scared.

"hey" I said grabbing her hands

"I will not let anything happen to you okay, never" i said trying to reasure her and its true Im not going to let her hurt Callie.

"lets go the police are here" I took her hand and we walked downstairs to the police officers waiting outside.

"Dr Robbins" one of the officers said and I recognised them straight away.

"hello Office Hale Office Marin" they were the officers who dealt with Maura.

"can you tell us what happened"

"Im not to sure to be honest, me Sofia and Maura went to pick Callie up from the hospital ans Jane was setting up the house with balloons and stuff for Mauras birthday and when we arrived back at Callies which is just down the street Jane came running and said that someone had broke in we came straight here and this is what we saw" I explained

"has anyting been taken" Officer Marin asked me.

"no nothing that ive noticed"

"Jane were you in the house" Officer Hale asked

"no I needed something from the shop so I quickly went I couldnt have been gone for more then 20 minutes and when I got back it was like this"

"thank you, we will call the CSI team, if there anymore information we need to know" Officer Marin asked.

"girls will you take Sofia back to Callies please" without question they got Sofia and left.

"I think I might know who did this" I sighed without even looking I could sense Callie starting at me with confusion. I didnt tell her that I think I know who did this.

"Who would that be Dr Robbins'

"Lauren Boswell"


"WHAT" I spat and then it hit me.

"why do you think it would be her" Officer Marin asked.

"because of these" I said handing Officer Marin the pictures that had "DEAD" written all over my face.

"right okay, and it there a reason she would do this"

"because I broke up with her because I fell back in love with Callie and she wasnt happy at all but I havent heard from her or seen her or anything she I broke up with her but shes the only person I could think of that would want Callie dead" Arizona stated.

"Okay well we will try and find her and bring her infor questioning but in the mean time have you got anywhere else to stay" Officer Hale asked Arizona

"yeah with me just down the street number 6" I said

"okay well the CSI team are on there way and we will try and be quick with everything we need to do here, we will contact you if we have any more information but if you see or hear from Miss Boswell before we do contact us immediately"

"we will thank you" Arizona said

With that we left Arizonas house and walkeed back ot mine. I cant believe this is happening I know the death threats are for me but I cant help but worry about Arziona I mean a person she loved did this to us she must be devastated.

"are you okay" I asked

"if it is her I cant believe she would do this I know she was hurt but what was I supposed to do stay with her when Im in love with someone else it just wasnt fair, I try and do the right thing and it always hits me back in the face"

"I know babe but I wont let her hurt you" I said and I meant it.

"hurt me? shes the one threating to kill you Callie"

"i know" I sighed as well walked into my house.

"I'm so sorry Arizona" Jane said as we walked into the living room

"you have nothing to apologise for, come here"Arizona said pulling Jane into a hug

"this isnt your fault okay, everything is going to be okay" God I love this women she is so amazing

"Maura Im so sorry this has ruined your birthday" Arizona said looking at Maura

"you havent" Maura replied

"I have an idea its still early you still have most of the day to celebrate and there isnt anything we can do till the police contact us so why dont we go out somewhere of your choosing" I asked Maura

"I kinda wanna go to the zoo ive never been" Maura stated shyly

"zoo it is, go get ready you 3" I smiled as they all went upstairs to get ready.

"do you think we should tell them that we think it could be Lauren just incase they come across her in the street or something" I asked

"Not yet lets not spoil the rest of Mauras birthday" Arizona replied.

"your right, have you got her present sorted"

"Yep' she beamed I know what shes planning on giving Maura and shes so excited about it and I bet Maura will be over the moon as well.

An hour later......

We arrived at the zoo all 3 of the girls were so excited. Maura and Jane were walking hand in hand in front of us with Sofia holding Mauras other hand. I cant believe how well Sofia has taken to Maura it must be fate for them to be sisters.

"Mummy look lions" Sofia screamed with excitment I couldnt help but smile.

"yeah baby girl lions are they amazing'

"they are really big" she giggled.

An hour or so later after seeing quite a few on animals we decided to get something to eat which I was glad about because Im starving. We ordered our food and sat at a table as much as Im enjoying the day I still cant stop thinking about Lauren and everything that happened this morning.

"Im just going to the toilet" Jane said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"while shes gone can I talk to you both" Maura asked looking nervous.

"Of course you can" Arizona replied taking a sip of her coffee.

"I think Im ready"

"Ready for what" I asked hearing a little giggle from Arizona

"really Callie" she laughed

"wha...Oh" it clicked.

"you take this Arizona"

"thanks babe" she said sarcasticly

"you have to make sure you are ready Maura and more importantly that Jane is as well. Its s big deal the first time especially if it with the right person, I know normal parents will be against you having sex but Im not normal and plus I cant stop you like I said if your both ready then thats what matters and Im proud of you for coming to us with this" I couldnt help but smile she is a natual at the parenting thing.

"I am ready and I know Jane is shes been waiting for me to be ready its just scary"

"it is scary weve been there but if its with a person you love its the most amazing feeling in the world" i said smiling at Arizona I couldnt help but think of us having sex and how amazing it is.

"shes right so all I can say is take it slow and make sure we arent in the house" Arizona laughed with that Jane returned.

"what are we talking about" Jane asked

"nothing babe" Maura smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek. Just then the food came and we started eating.

"oh by the way me and Arizona have to go into work tonight so you'll have the house to yourself Maura" I stated looking at Arizona hoping she will click on.

"your more then welcome to stay over Jane if you like"

"yeah sure" I love it when a plan comes together.


Im so glad we came to the zoo its taken my mind of this morning its been so much fun and the girls are loving it.

"hey before we go back to the the animals there is something I wanna give you Maura" I smiled as I reached into my bag and gave her the envelope. I cant wait to see her face.

"OMG " she cried as she opened it

"Adoption papers" shes cried again.

"its official" I beamed

"i cant believe it" she smiled and she ran over to me and hugged me.

"this is the best birthday ever thank you...mum" hearing her say that warmed my heart so much. At least shes having a good birthday thats all that matters today and that Callie is safe.

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