Steve McGarrett x Lori Weston...

By Woodworthti666

835 31 0

Lori and Steve had a set of twins that Steve never knew about until she contacts him to see if he would like... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

27 2 0
By Woodworthti666

*Ten minutes later*

I was sitting on the stage checking my gun when someone sat next to me. I look over to see it was Jensen, I smiled and went back to put my gun back together. "How you holding up?" I asked him.

He shrugs. "Better than the guys." he says as he points over to Jared and Misha who were freaking out. I chuckled. "I'm sorry you only got to be happy about getting engaged for about a minute."

I shrugged. "It's fine. I have all the time in the world to be happy when we get out of here." as I say that a nose came from behind stage. I hopped up and turned on my light on my gun so I could see. "Stay here and keep everyone calm. I'll be right back." I start to make my way off stage and around the back. "FIVE-O! Who's back here?!" got no reply.

I went a little further and I saw a light coming around the corner so I hid. Once the person was close enough I took them down. "Hff. well now I know not to come help you." I looked down and saw It was Danny.

"Danno," I said as I helped him up. "Well, maybe next time when someone says Five-O then you should answer." I say as I shake my head and wave a hand, "Come on I gotta get back to the panel." we walk back.

When we got back to the room, there stood Chin, Kono, and Lou. "Hey guess who I found." Danny said.

"Technically I found you." the team chuckled as Kono gave me an ear piece. "So, did you guys find Mom and Dad?"

"Yeah, they should be here anytime." Lou said and as soon as he said that they come threw the doors.

"Great timing." Danny said.

I meet them halfway. "So what do we got?"

"There is about 10 of them in the lobby." Dad says.

I nod. "So are we going to take them down?"

"I thought you would ask that." Kono said as her, Chin and Lou take off their backpacks that held our gear and handed us our Colt M4A1 Carbine. I took the one from Kono and walked over to the stage. I put up my hair, took off my flannel, and pulled out my vest, thigh holster and grabbed the gun that Kono brought.

We get ready. Everyone in the room was just staring at us while we got ready to head out. "Okay Kono, I need you to stay here and be our eyes and ears. Tommy, Lou, you stay with her, Chin, C/n, Danny one group, Lori, Y/n and I are another. You guys go around back we will take front. Got it?" Dad said in 'Boss' mode and we all agreed.

We went our separate ways. Dad, Mom, and I were going down the hall when we heard hear voices. I looked at Dad and got my knives out and threw them and hitting the targets. We moved forward and checked their pulse and to get my knives.

"Okay Boss I got the camera's working. I got eyes on all of you." Kono said through the earpiece. 

"Good job Kono, are we clear?" He whispered back.

"All clear."

We moved forward and made it to the lobby and got into position. "Chin, we are in position. Where are you?"

"Just got in position." he replied.

Jensen, Jared, and Misha were watching what was happening through the tablet with Kono, Lou, and Tommy.

"Alright On three we go. Ready?" he got multiple readies back. "Okay, 1.....2.....GO!"

Everyone popped out and screamed "FIVE-O! DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND GET ON THE GROUND!" but all they did was started to shoot. We all ducked for cover and started to shoot back.

I hear Kono over the earpiece to tell me someone was coming up behind me. I turned and moved before he had a chance to hit me. I punched him in his face and he stumbled back a little. He re-balanced and came after me again and I went all Black Widow on his ass, knocking him out. "Nice move there N/n" Kono says.

I smiled "Thanks."

We manage to get all the bad guys down and I walked over to the guy I knocked out and zip tied him to a chair. I woke him up and everyone gathered around us.

"Wakey, wakey" I said as I hit his face a couple of times and he woke up. "Morning sleepy beauty. Now you wanna tell us why you guys are here at this beautiful convention hurting all these wonderful people?" I asked him and he stayed silent. "Okay hard way it is." I said as I stabbed him in his leg. He let out a blood curdling scream.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Danny said. "Are all the McGarrett's like this?" He screamed out.

I shrugged. "I am not sure about Tommy but, can I continue?" I ask him and he sighs and nods. Mom, Dad shaking their heads laughing. I turn back to the guy and rip out my knife out of his thigh. "You going to start talking or do I have to stab you again?" I asked while moving my knife to his other leg.

"No, No, I'll talk." He sighed and I gave him a look to continue. "Ian Wright sent us in here." (pretend they haven't meet him yet.)


"Already on it Boss."

"Thank you for your cooperation." I said as I slapped his face a couple of times and walked back to the room that held the panel.

I heard Danny whisper to Dad. "Damn Steve, she is your kid. She acts just like you."

"Damn right I do Danno!" I yelled back to him and everyone chuckles.

We get back into the panel room and everyone starts clapping. I chuckle, "Kono, is the building clear so we can get these people out?" I asked her.

"Uhm, should be let me double check." I nodded at her and she typed away on her tablet. 

"Oh, what did you get on Ian Wright?" She handed me her tablet with his picture. I froze and they all looked at me. I turned to Tommy and Mom, "Tommy, Mom you remember that one guy that I beat up because he would not leave me alone. Would not stop basically stalking me?" They nodded. "It's him all he did was change his name." I handed Tommy the tablet so him and Mom can look.

Tommy cursed out loud when he saw the picture. Dad just looked at us and moved his finger between us. "You wanna tell me what is going on kids?" he asked us in his deep voice.

I sighed and sat on the stage and looked at him. "There was this kid that went to our school by the name Ethan Smith until he got kicked out and sent to jail for what happened." I started to tell him.

Anybody could see Dad's jaw clench. "What happened?!" Mom moved a hand up and down his arm.

I looked around and realized how many people are going to hear this. I started to get nervous and Tommy and C/n saw it and sat next to me and took my hands, I smiled at them and continued. "He went around telling lies and would not stop texting me. I don't even remember how many times I had to change my number because of him and the cops weren't doing anything about it and that's when I had Mom start training Tommy and I. So if he did try anything that he said he was going to do then I would be ready for him." I felt the boy's squeeze my hands. "It got so bad that-" I shook my head and looked down. "That I didn't even feel safe in my own home or anywhere for that matter." I whispered.

Dad sighs heavily and starts to pace for a while then ask, "When did all this happen?"

I looked up at C/n and then him as he stops pacing. "Like a couple of months before C/n and his family moved next door so at the beginning of 9th grade. All this-" I took my hands out of the boy's hands and waved them around and got up and started pacing mumbling to myself. "All this is my fault." I put my hands on my head still pacing mumbling to myself.

Everyone get super worried as they watched me pace back and forth and trying to get me to listen to them. Dad was going to say something as an alarm went off. I stopped pacing and we all turned to Kono.

"Kono, what is going on on?!" Dad almost yelled at her. She began typing then stopped and looked up and looked at me and I knew it was him.

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