Chapter 10

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"He's here." I said and they look at me. I look at each of them, "He's here because of me and I'm going to finish it." they started to protest but I stopped them. "You can't stop me. He tried to hurt these people-" I pointed at everyone one in the room then pointed at myself. "Because of me. I'm not going to let him hurt anyone but me." I gave Dad, Mom, and Tommy a hug same with the team. I then turned to C/n and he was begging me with his eyes not to do this. I smiled and took off my necklace that held the ring. I grabbed his hand and put it in it and people gasp. I put a hand on his face and rubbed away the tear that came down. "Hold it for me till I get back." He slowly nods. "I love you with all of my heart. Don't ever forget that." he nods and I kissed him.

I pulled back after a couple of seconds. I gave everyone a watery smile before making my way out. They all rushed over to Kono to watch over the cameras. I ran until I got to the lobby. "Alright Ethan! I'm here now come out and let's talk!" I screamed out as I turned in circles.

"I will once you put that gun down." a voice said out of nowhere. I put my hands up and lowered myself to the ground and put it down and got back up with my hands up. "Step away from it." I did what I was told.

"What the hell is she doing?" Dad asked while watching over the computer which they put on the big screen on the stage.

I looked around, "Alright Ethan, I'm here, guns down so show yourself." he comes from the shadows. "Why are you doing this Ethan?"

He scuffs. "Why am I doing this-" he waves his hands, "I'm doing this because of you!" he sneered at me.

I sighed. "Ethan I get that but what you did to me just because I told you no doesn't give you the right to break out of jail and come here and hurt people." I told him.

But he just got more angry and pulled out a gun and pointed it at me and everyone in the panel room gasped. He takes a step toward me but I take two steps back. "It gives me every right to do this! You put me in jail Y/n!" he yelled at me.

I flinched a little bit, "Maybe if you didn't go crazy and did what you did you would've never would of been in jail in the first place Ethan. That's all on you not me." I said slowly but he didn't care what I said he just wanted revenge. He took another step forward but I moved to my right and we went in a circle. "Ethan drop the gun and let's do this." I told him as I put my fists up. He smirks and drops his gun and charges after me.

I have enough time to get out of the way before he hit me. He stumbled a bit but regained his balance and came after me again. I punched him in his jaw and he stumbles back but then charges again but this time he was able to hit me. I put my hand up to my lip and saw it was bleeding. I spit and look at him. "Not bad going to have to try a lot harder than that."

He smirked again "Oh, I plan too, sweetheart." I cringe at the nickname as he comes after me again.

I kick him in his stomach then kneed him in his face but that didn't stop him. He swung at me again and I ducked, he swung again but I grabbed his arm and twisted it and kicked him in his stomach. He flew backwards and landed on his back but he was too quick to get up. I sighed and I went to punch him but he was able to grab my arm and put it in a lock so I bit him and did a backflip and pushed him to the ground.

"That's my girl." Mom said as they still watched intensely and amazed at the screen. There were a couple people gasp and cheer me on.

He slowly got up spitting on the ground to get rid of the blood that was in his mouth. He came after me fast and pushed me to the ground. I was fighting him when I looked up and saw the gun so I kicked him in his privates and manage to get him off. I manage to get my fingertips on the handle when he pulled me away from it my one of my ankles. I looked back and used my other one to kick him and get my ankle free. I went back after the gun and manage to get it this time and turned around and shot him in his stomach but didn't go down so I shot him three more times until he finally went down.

I sighed and got up and walked over to him and crouched down so I could look at him. I shook my head and scuffed when I looked at him. "I'm sorry it had to end this way Ethan. I really did." I got up and walked away. Everyone came running towards me, Mom and Dad were the first ones to hug me. When they let me go the rest gave me a hug, went from Mom, Dad, to Kono, Chin, Danny, Lou, Jared, Misha, Jensen, Tommy, then last but not least C/n.

He made his way over to me and kissed me and I kissed him back. He pulled back and took out the ring. I shook my head and put my hand on his that had the ring in, "Maybe it's best if you go back to T/n." he gave me a stun look as everyone looked at us.

Steve McGarrett x Lori Weston- That Just Happened.Where stories live. Discover now