My Insane Love Story (Yandere...

By QueenOfNekoWriters

317K 7.9K 32.4K

You will be mine... Mine and mine alone... Forever... And ever... You'll never escape... From my love... Ever... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Shoot Kokichi
Shoot Shuichi
Shoot Yourself
Shoot No One
Spicy Relationship Head-Canons (Shuichi)
Spicy Relationship Head-Canons (Kokichi)
Spicy Relationship Head-Canons (Shuichi and Kokichi)

Chapter Six

19.1K 396 3.6K
By QueenOfNekoWriters


... I knew I should've... Worked out more...

Even though we just arrived at the pool, I'm already exhausted.

"Yay! We've arrived at the pool! Time for some fun!" (y/n) exclaimed, before running inside.

Kokichi ran in after her, leaving me to pay for our passes.

... Good thing being a detective pays well...

When I entered the pool area, I searched for (y/n) and Kokichi, to find them already in the water, with their things on one of the empty tables.

Impatient as ever, I see...

After placing my things on the same table, I walked up to the pool, and slowing entered through the stairs.

So... Cold!

"Come on Shuichi, it isn't that cold!" (y/n) called out, before she was splashed by Kokichi.

"No, stay away! That way I can beat (y/n) in our splashing war!" Kokichi called out, before being splashed back by (y/n).

... I need to help (y/n)!

Despite my body screaming 'no!', I dove under the water, and stealthily swam up to Kokichi and (y/n), where I did a surprise splash on Kokichi.

"What?! You're on her side?!"

(y/n) smiled.

"Yep! We're taking you down, Kokichi." (y/n) declared.

It was then a splashing war of life or death, with Kokichi versus (y/n) and myself.

Thanks to our amazing teamwork, (y/n/) and I were victorious.

"No fair! It was two versus one!" Kokichi whined.

"Can I help it if I'm so irresistible, that Shuichi wanted to be my partner?" (y/n) questioned.

"Well, that much is true. You are pretty amazing." Kokichi praised.

(y/n) blushed, before stuttering out a thanks.


"Anyway, what do we want to do now?" I questioned, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible.

(y/n) thought for a moment, before responding.

"Let's have a race! I want to see who's the fastest of the three of us." (y/n) suggested.

"Sure, that sounds like fun." I responded.

Though Kokichi looked worried.

"Oh... Okay..."

"Don't worry Kokichi, you'll do just fine." (y/n) reassured Kokichi.

"... With that encouragement, how can I lose?!"

"So, do we want to do a race where we all compete at the same time?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking." (y/n) responded.

"Then how about we see if we can borrow some of the lanes swimmers use?" I suggested.

(y/n) smiled.

"Great idea Shuichi! I'll go ask." (y/n) said, before exiting the pool, and walking up to a lifeguard.

WHile she was gone, Kokichi and I just glared at each other.

'She loves me more, so stop trying." Kokichi stated.

I frowned.

"You sure that that isn't just your imagination playing tricks on you? Who knows, she may just be feeling sorry for you, and that's the only reason she even hangs out with you."

We would've continued arguing, but (y/n) came back.

"They said yes! Come on, let's go!"

"Okay!" Kokichi said, before exiting the pool.

I followed suit.

We then walked up to the three lanes, where we got on the diving boards.

"What stroke, and how many laps?" I questioned.

"I was thinking of a freestyle race, with the length being a 50 meter race. Sound good."

I nodded.

"Yeah... Sounds good..." Kokichi's voice trailed off.

... I'm going to crush Kokichi in this race...

"Ready? Go!" (y/n) declared, before gracefully diving into the water.

I quickly followed.

... TIme to make myself outshine Kokichi...


Dammit! Now I wish I was a better swimmer! Even though I'm pretty good at running... Swimming... Not so much...

"Yay! I win!" (y/n) declared with a happy smile on her face.

Shuichi was also smiling, for he had a close second.

"Great job, (y/n)." Shuichi said.

"Thanks! You had me scared there for a moment. I thought that you might beat me for sure." (y/n) said.

I know I should've said something, but I was too exhausted to say anything.

(y/n) then turned to me, with a worried look on her face.

"Kokichi, are you okay?" (y/n) questioned.

"Yeah... Just fine..."

(y/n) frowned.

"I'll go get you some water. Be right back." (y/n) said, before walking off.

Shuichi then gave me a knowing smirk.

"Nice job! You've officially shown how weak you are."

I frowned.

"At least I know she actually cares for me. She wasn't concerned about you at all."

"Because I don't need her to worry. I can take care of myself, without needing a mommy to take care of me.

I stood up to punch him, when (y/n) returned.

"I got you your water." (y/n) said, before handing me the water.

"Thanks." I said, before taking a drink from the water.

"Perhaps now would be the best time for a break? Maybe get a bite to eat, since it is 12:06pm..." (y/n) suggested.

"Sure. I can buy us something, if you'd like." Shuichi offered.

(y/n) smiled.

'If you're sure you're fine with that."

"Of course, I don't mind. Just tell me what you want."

"(Food), (Drink), and (Extra)." (y/n) said.

"And you Kokichi?" Shuichi questioned.

"I'll buy my own food. Don't worry about me." I said, before walking away.

... I'll show Shuichi and (y/n) that I can take care of myself...


I turned to Shuichi with a look of concern on my face.

"Is he okay?" I questioned.

"I thought that he was. I have no idea why he's so worked up." Shuichi explained.

"Oh. Okay. Well, let's go get some lunch then." I said.


Shuichi then led me to nearby food place near the pool, and ordered us some food.

Once we had out food, we headed back to our table, and began to eat.

As we were finishing our food, I began to become concerned when Kokichi still didn't return.

"Maybe we should go look for him..." My voice trailed off.

"I bet he'll be fine. You don't need to worry." Shuichi reassured me.

"If you say so..."

As we were throwing our food away, Kokichi walked up to us, while holding two ice-cream cones.

"Kokichi, what took you so long?!" I questioned.

Kokichi frowned.

"I was waiting in a humongous line to get you ice-cream. Sorry for making you worry." Kokichi explained.

"Oh, I see. Thank you!" I said, while taking one of the ice-cream cones.

"Sorry Shuichi, I could only carry two cones in my hands." Kokichi apologized.

"It's alright. I understand."

"If you want Shuichi, you can go back to the pool. Kokichi and I will catch up to you." I said.

"Nah. I'm good." Shuichi said.


Kokichi and I enjoyed our ice-cream, while Shuichi just watched while talking with us.

"You know... I'm surprised you haven't pulled any pranks yet." Shuichi said.

"Well, I would like to, but I couldn't bring any of my pranking tools, so I'm unable to pull any of my master pranks." I explained with a frown.

Shuichi then thought for a moment, before smiling.

"... Who said you needed your 'master pranking tools' to pull a prank?"

My eyes began to sparkle at his simple statement.

"... What do you have in mind?" I questioned.

"... The prank we pulled when we were younger... You know, the one that got you into pranks?"


"Brilliant idea! Let's do it!" I exclaimed, before finishing the last bite of the ice-cream.

Kokichi did the same.

"But will we be able to do the prank now that we're older?" Kokichi questioned.

"Yeah. We may just have to adjust it a bit." I said.

"Okay. Who should do what then?" Shuichi questioned.

I thought for a moment, before responding.

"Kokichi should be the one to ask for help, since he's the only one who could pull off the 'scared and tiny child' role." I said.

"Glad my shortness can help for once." Kokichi said.

""Does that mean that you and I will be the brother and girlfriend?" Shuichi questioned.

I nodded.

"Yep! But since we're older, we can't pretend to be just goofing off. We should take it to the next level."

Shuichi blushed at this.

"N-Next level? What does you mean by that?!"

I giggled at Shuichi's embarrassment.

"Relax, we won't do anything like that. We'll just appear to be doing that." I explained.

Shuichi was relieved, yet disappointed. Was he hoping we'd actually do something...?


"So, Kokichi, you ready?" I questioned.

Kokichi nodded.

I smiled.

"Then let's do this!"

Kokichi then ran off, while Shuichi and I headed to a more remote location, where I laid down on one of the reclining chairs, with my stomach on the chair.

"What do you want me to do exactly?" Shuichi questioned.

"Sit so that your legs are around my waist. This will create the impression that we're having sex. But, in reality, you'll just be applying sunscreen to my back." I explained.

"Oh... Okay..." Shuichi said, before getting in the proper position.

I couldn't sense his nervousness, even though I couldn't see him.

"No need to be so nervous. Relax. This will be so much fun! We'll expose the lifeguard's dirty mind in front of everyone." I said with a jittering excitement coursing through me.


Shuichi then pulled out the sunscreen, and began to apply some on my back.

I smiled.

"Now we just wait for Kokichi to start the prank."


... This is going to be so much fun!


I can't believe that I'm doing this...

I'm not complaining, but still... If only I was doing this for a reason other than a prank.

"Stop right there!" I heard a lifeguard shout, as I heard footsteps approaching me.

I turned, to see a lifeguard and Kokichi walking up to us.

(y/n) turned to her side to look at the lifeguard.

"What seems to be the problem?" (y/n) questioned.

"Performing sexual activity in this area is strictly prohibited."

(y/n) frowned.

"What're you talking about? Are you saying my boyfriend can't apply sunscreen to my back?" (y/n) questioned loudly, so everyone around us would look towards us.

Once the lifeguard saw that I was just applying sunscreen, he started to become flustered.

"Oh, right. My apologizes. Well, here you go Kokichi, I found your brother and girlfriend." The lifeguard said, before walking away quickly.

He was still acting very flustered.

"Thanks Mr. Lifeguard!" Kokichi thanked in a child's voice.

Once the lifeguard was gone, we burst out laughing.

"Did you see his face? I bet he was thinking 'Crap! I've been caught!'!" (y/n) said.

"Yeah. Pulling this prank brings back so many great memories." Kokichi said.


I then got off of (y/n), so she could sit up.

"So yeah... What should we do now?" Kokichi questioned.

(y/n) thought for a moment, before responding.

"I'm kind of exhausted, and ready to head back to my room for some me time. That race and splashing war's exhausting are finally catching up to me." (y/n) explained.

Kokichi frowned.

"Do you not love me anyone? I want to continue to play with you!"

"Of course I still love you two. I just want a bit of time to myself." (y/n) explained.

"Aw! But-"

"Kokichi, you should be more respectful of (y/n)'s wishes." I butted in.

Kokichi sighed.

"Fine." Kokichi said before pouting.

"Don't worry Kokichi, we can always come back here another day." (y/n) said.

Kokichi instantly perked up at that statement.


We then collected our things, and headed back to the campus.

"Need us to walk you to your room?" I offered.

(y/n) shook her head 'no'.

"I need to learn how to get around on my own, or else I'll have to rely on you guys every time I want to go anywhere. So now, I'm good. See you later!" (y/n) said, before walking away.

I then walked to my own room to get showered and such, thinking about my next interaction with (y/n) the entire time.

... For she will be mine...

... And no one else's...

Sorry for taking so long to update. Hope this update makes up for it. Later! =^-^=

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