Being Claustrophobic // Niall...

By Skaterboyniall

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"I'm quite claustrophobic, and I dont like everyone crowding around and shouting the same questions." - N. J... More

Authors note


2K 37 6
By Skaterboyniall


I covered my face facing down. I need to get out of here. I said to myself. I looked up again and saw waves of girls and flashing cameras. I could barely see with all the camera. I couldn't hear much because of the screaming too.

I had difficulty walking around because of the huge crowd. I had to wait till there was an opening so that I could run away when they least would expect it.

There was more pushing, screaming, shoving around me when all of the sudden there was an opening. My first instinct was to run and I did. I ran away as fast as I could finding somewhere safe because I knew that they would come and hurt me.

Chapter 1: (Niall's POV)

"Niall! Where are you Niall?" I heard one of the boys yell out. I bet it was Harry or maybe it was Zayn. I have no idea which one it could be. I don't wanna get out the crowd is too big, I can't breathe.

"Niall! Come out they're gone!" One of the boys yelled.

"I Doubt it."I said to myself.

I felt quite comfortable in this box. I'm all alone with a bunch of space. I want to stay here forever but I can't. I have to get out of this lovely box sooner or later as much as I would wish to stay.

"Everyone look around! He's hiding." One of them shouted.

No shit Sherlock, Obviously I'm hiding! Can't they tell that I don't want to be found... I yelled inside my head.

I then heard footsteps approaching closer and closer.

Damn they found me... I sighed.

One of the boys lifted the box up revealing the bright light from the room. I couldn't see well until my eyes adjusted. That was when I saw the boys; Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn. They all looked at me worried.

"Hi, guys." I said quietly looking down at my white converse.

"Hey, Niall. Where have you been?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, we've been worried about you." Zayn said.

"What's wrong Niall?" Harry asked concerned.

"Am I the only one noticing that he hid under a cardboard box! I mean there are other good hiding spots? Right?" Louis said seriously. Liam punched his shoulder.

"Oww!... Sorry." Louis said while rubbing his shoulder.

"I'm really sorry guys. I ran away and hid under this box because it gave me my space. I feel bad about hiding... but didn't you see the crowd of people?" I defended myself.

"Yes, we all saw the girls." Zayn answered.

"I'm quite claustrophobic. I get a little bit scared." I confessed.

"We know Niall but you gotta stop running away. What good are you doing if youre running away from your fear? None. It will become easier each time you try to confront it." Liam said trying to make me feel better.

"I don't know guys... It's been getting worse. I don't think I can fight this." I truthfully said.

"We'll help you mate." Harry tried to comfort me.

"Yeah, we will! Don't worry Nialler we'll keep you safe" Louis winked at me.

"Thanks guys." I faked a smile. Thank god they didn't notice.

I'm very lucky to have them but sometimes I don't think they understand...


We were on stage about to start the concert. I felt nervous. I always feel nervous before a big show. i mean who wouldn't! just have a look at how many people are here tonight!

Our opening song was 'Midnight Memories' and I knew after all that happened earlier with the mob something was bound to go wrong.

The music to the song started playing and Harry began to sing his part.

"Straight off the plane to a new hotel

Just touched down, you could never tell

A big house party with a crowded kitchen

People talk shh but we don't listen..."

Oh gosh why am I feeling this way. I feel the exact same way as when I'm about to freak out because of my claustrophobia. I try to remain calm and breathe but that doesn't seem to work. Zayn then looks at me with a concerned face. He moves his mic away from his mouth to talk to me.

"Dude, are you alright?" he asked worried. I move my mic away to respond.

"Yeah, I guess so. I think it's just the nerves. Don't worry." I lied. He nods and moves his mic back into place. So do I as Louis then starts to sing his part of the song:

"Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please

Way too many people in the Addison Lee

Now I'm at the age when I know what I need, oh, whoa..."

I thought that it was nerves but I had a feeling that it wasn't just that. I walked down the stage getting closer to the crowd. I smiled a fake smile and started to sing the chorus with the rest of the lads:

"... Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Baby you and me

Stumbling in the street

Singing, singing, singing, singing

Midnight memories ,oh, oh, oh, oh

Anywhere we go never say no

Just do it, do it, do it, do it..."

As we all sang the chorus together, Liam then came right beside me and continued the song with his around my shoulder:

"... Five foot something with the skinny jeans

Don't look back, baby follow me..."

I had to sing next my mind was filled with all of the things that had happened earlier. I didn't sing right away and the boys noticed. I quickly moved my mic close to my lips and started to sing what I could remember:

"... I don't know where I'm going but I'm finding my way

Same old shh but a different day..."

I had my eyes closed during my short solo. As I opened them I saw Harry from afar with a worried look on his face. He seemed the most concerned about me after what happened earlier.

I looked away from him ignoring his concern. I had to continue the show for the fans even though I didn't feel alright. I tried to shake it off but the feeling of blacking out came to me but the show had to go on and that's when Louis started to sing:

"Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please

Way too many people in the Addison Lee

Now I'm at the age when I know what I need, oh, whoa..."

I wanted to go on and that's what I did.

"Here we go Colombia!" I yelled through the mic making thousands of girls scream and sang along with the guys:

"...Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Baby you and me

Stumbling in the street

Singing, singing, singing, singing

Midnight memories ,oh, oh, oh, oh

Anywhere we go never say no

Just do it, do it, do it, do it..."

"Why do I feel so alive, yet so trapped?" I asked myself. Apparently Harry caught what I said because his worried face expression on his face.

"We are going to talk later." He assured me by pointing right at me.

I gave him a fake smile to try and show that everything was alright and that he didn't need to worry, but he didn't buy it. He kept on glaring at me and it was freaking me out. I decided to ignore him and continue with my solo:

"...You and me and all our friends,

I don't care how much we spend,


This is what the night is for,

Oh oh oh..."

After my solo it was Harry's and right when he sang it he was giving a mad look. He wanted to know what was wrong but I couldn't tell him. I really wanted to but the thing was that I had no idea what was wrong. I was confused. I mean what happened earlier at the airport? I could barely explain why I ran away. I just felt a lot of pressure from everyone: The fans, manegment, and lately the boys too.

"...I know nothings making sence,

For tonight lets just pretend,

I dont wanna stop so give me more,

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!..."

He yelled out the last 'Oh' from his solo making the crowd go wild before concluding the whole song together as a group.

"...Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Baby you and me

Stumbling in the street

Singing, singing, singing, singing

Midnight memories ,oh, oh, oh, oh

Anywhere we go never say no

Just do it, do it, do it, do it!"

That's when the lights went out signaling that we had to leave the stage to go back stage. We ran out as fast as we could for a little intermission. That's when Harry approached me.






P.S: next chapter will be up after 5 reads and votes !

* Skaterboyniall

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