
By lilblue19

166 7 0

Have you ever stopped to sit and watch the world pass by; wondering what would happen if we had no time, no c... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Inside His HEAD (Part 12)
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16

Part 11

3 0 0
By lilblue19

I sat next to him, all night, all morning, as he laid there in a coma, out one, two, three days past, he's still sound asleep. I went home to shower and grab something to eat, I return to his gorgeous brown eyes staring back at me. He's back, and alive, " How are you, are you alright,you need anything".
"I'm good, Rachel"
"You sure"?
"I'm sure babygirl"
"What happened that morning"?
"We were inside the living room and there was a knock at the door, this group of men stood there armed and demanded we move aside and let them do their jobs. Me neither Cory was going to let that happen. So we asked them what have they come to do, and they demanded we give them you. And we immediately said no, and he got angry and sent his men to us, we held them back as best as we can, but they were abnormally huge. They sat us down and threatened us with guns i we didn't answer their leader. He asked where you were, I didn't know at the time, because you was gone by the time i arrived, so i told them so. Of course they didn't believe me, and Cory said i went out so they would leave. But that only made things worse. They stormed through the house tearing apart every room looking for you. And Cory screamed to the top of his lungs 'she's not here you fools' and they all got more angry and shot us both, me in my side and Cory in his arm.Cory asked, what do you want with my little sister you bastard. And he said that you and he has business to settle. We were both confused but I was losing so much blood, and getting weaker by the moment, so i said with the last breathe I had and said they will never get you, and used my last bit of strength to make an SOS call on my phone. Cory being himself said, my sister has nothing to do with you, cant you just let her be. And their leader took their rage to the max and shot Cory about 6 more times from his head to his foot, and i blacked out, that's all  I remember."

I felt the hot tears run down, my face, it was my fault, it was my fault Cory's dead and why Skyler's injured. It's my fault..
"Babe, you alright"?
"Yh, rest up, your coming home after your check up".
" You're sure, Rachel", he said looking me in eye.
I hate when he gives me that look, this one look well never let me be, you can't ever tell a small white lie, ever.
"I'll be fine, just thinking about Cory"
"Come here, let me hug you"

It's a set up, don't do it, Rachel, you know you shouldn't Rachel no..

I go to him and hug him, and all of the memories of him gasping for his breath, us sitting on the beach, the heavy thought of me leaving him all crumbles on my shoulder,my tears began to pour.

I told you this was a set up, you are to be the strong one here, your here to support him, not he support you...But his hug is so embracing and the world is on me, his hug was everything i needed... everything I yearned for in that moment.

"It's alright, I'm not going anywhere as he runs his hands through my hair"
"You promise"?
"Of course baby"

How can you promise something like that, when you just was on your death bed three days ago..

The doctor comes in, "Excuse me miss, but you can leave the room as we prepare our patient for departure."
"Sure, I'll be right outside Sky"
"I know", he says as they closed the door.

Maybe there is a God above he surely, brought me through this, and didn't take him from me. Why is he now responding what happened when i needed him before.
As i looked up there was this sign in the hallway, which had a scripture verse at the bottom which read,

Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd;I shall not want.
HE maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the vallley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, thou anointest my head with oil;my cup runners over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

This had a deeper meaning to me, than I thought it would mean. I took a quick picture on my phone. Togo over it later, for some reason it brought me a sense of ease, but I wasn't sure
" He's ready miss"
I turn and smile, he's alright, and healthy.
He's safe, Thank you God.
"How does some ice cream sound babe", i say to him trying to lighten the mood as we walk out of the hospital
"You took the words right out my mouth", he chuckled.

It's so nice to hear him laugh again, thought i might never hear that again... I sometimes dream of the life we live together and it seems so much better than it is right now.

Beyond the darkness
Within the stars
Lies the dreams that were once faded
Into the skies where our wishes collide
Our rules, by which we abide
Our dreams become impossible
Lay down and stare the moon above
My dreams glide in the wind
My sweet dreams, out of reach, out of my grasp
Will you come back tomorrow?
I'll be patiently waiting when the sun sets and we meet again..

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