Flowerings|| A BNHA Fanfic

By SaltyWaifus

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Midoriya Izuku was viewed as the bottom of the bottom by society. For one he was quirkless and for two he had... More

Perspectives and Acknowledgements
On the Edge of a New Beginning
Entrance Exam into a New Chapter
No Going Back
April Showers
Spring Flowers
Battle Your Heart Out
A special message from Deku :D
Wavering Strings
The Calm Before the Storm
A Storm is Coming

Learning Experiences

179 12 25
By SaltyWaifus

So this is a recap kinda thing for the first week of school for our 4 lovely boys :D


Aizawa looked at the two boys in irritation. "You brats are being very difficult."

"What are you talking about bastard! The one being difficult here is this shithead."

Shinsou fainted offense. "How dare you! Fine I admit to being difficult. But you sir are being a bitch."


"STOP IT THE BOTH OF YOU!" Aizawa snapped, activating his quirk again. "Jesus fuck. Damn all you problem children."

"He's talking about you, you know." Shinsou muttered to Bakugou.


"Shinsou stop provoking him." Shinsou looked away with a huff. Aizawa massaged his head in frustration. Suddenly an idea hit him and he smiled.

Shinsou looked wide eyed at his teacher. "Hoe don't do it." He knew that smile anywhere. And he knew shit was going to hit the fan.

Aizawa's smile widened. "I have the perfect punishment."

Shinsou face planted. "Oh my gawd."

Aizawa led the boys to the teachers lounge and told them to sit on the couch. The other teachers looks at the trio in confusion but shrugged and went on with their business.

"This is your punishment. You two have to.." Aizawa couldn't contain his chuckles. I'm a fuckin genius. "You two have to hold hands and you guys can stop once I wake up."

The two boys in question stared dumbfounded at their teacher.

"And if you stop before I wake up. Then you'll be expelled. Because what kind of hero are you if you can't follow some simple directions."

The two boys look at each other with disbelief.

"Oh fuck no." Bakugou muttered.

"What he said."

Aizawa settled himself in his sleeping bag. "Get a move on now boys. Hold hands~"

The other teachers looked at the two sympathy.

The two did what they were told reluctantly.

Shinsou looked at his hand in disgust. How much does this guy sweat???

Bakugou stared holes at the lump that as their homeroom teacher.I'm going to blow you all up.

It around evening and the two were still stuck holding hands. All the teachers at that point have exited and left for the day. Suddenly the door opened up revealing some kid with purple hair that resembled grapes. "Hello this is Minoru Mineta from Management. I'm here to interview the Heroics teacher of class 1A an- HOLY SHIT. THAT'S PFTHAHAHHA AMAZING! Are you two holding hands??! Oh my god that's amazing." Mineta snapped a picture of the two. "This is so going in the school newspaper." He said to himself when looking at the picture.

"You fuckin wouldn't you grape bastard." Bakugou growled.

"Oh yes I would. Maybe I would reconsider if... I don't know.. Got me some photos of the Class 1A girls changing?"

Shinsou sighed. "If that's really what you want.."

Bakugou looked at the two in bewilderment and rage. "Oi. What the fuck you think you're doing?!" Perverts were something Bakugou despised and he was not having this. "I swear to god. I will blow you up-"

"So any girls that interest you?"

"Actually y-" Mineta froze. Shinsou brainwashed the boy to go away and forget what he saw.

Shinsou looked at the blonde with a huff. "I have morals you know."



Izuku was walking down the hallway looking for English class with Present Mic when he bumped into someone. "A-ah! Sorry!"

"It's ok.."

Izuku looked up to see who he bumped into and something clicked. "It's y-you! You're the person. Um You know.. Um you helped me pick up my stuff when I fell uh.. Then we had a conversation-"

"I'm going into class now. I don't have time for chit chat." Todoroki said plainly.

Izuku walked into class hunched over in defeat. Guess trying to make friends is harder than I thought.. At least he's one more familiar face?.. Taking his seat, he noticed Bakugou was already in class. And of course he's scowling at me. Releasing a sigh he took out his notebook and pencil. Suddenly the door opened and Izuku looked up to check out the newcomer. It was none other than Shinsou Hitoshi. While he walked to a seat in the back corner, kids got out of his way. Shinsou did not have a good relationship with the class. After exhibiting his quirk during the quirk apprehension test, people made sure to stay out of his way and avoid him as much as possible. Izuku felt a bit bad for avoiding him too because he knew how it felt to be a social outcast but Izuku shook off the guilt. He couldn't risk getting found out. Before Shinsou sat down he shot a scowl towards the blonde and muttered out "stupid porcupine bastard." Bakugou replied back with a middle finger. Izuku shuddered. Someone is actually outwardly cussing out to him.. It seems like those two are even more hostile than ever. I wonder what happened when Aizawa gave them detention..

Shinsou huffed. He just wanted to sleep. But honestly that's how every teenager feels most of the time. Taking out some pencils, he put his head down to nap a bit but was awaken immediately by Present Mic slamming open the door and greeting them quite loudly. Shinsou cringed.

Half way through class Kaminari was caught sleeping and Present Mic decided that if he bored them that much then he was going to assign worksheets. The class groaned and shot Kaminari a look of displeasure. Present Mic placed them in groups of 4 and let's just say 4 lucky people ended up being in the same group. Those people being Izuku, Katsuki, Hitoshi and Shoto.

Izuku froze. You've got to be kidding me! What god did I anger. What did I do in my past life? Out of everyone... Why me?

Hitoshi and Katsuki made eye contact. OH FUCK NO was their collective thought.

Shoto observed the three. So one of them is brain dead right now and the other two want to kill each other. Fun.

The four boys moved so that they were sitting together. While other groups were working and striking a conversation their group sat there in silence, aside from Katsuki's grunts. Izuku felt tears forming on the corners of his eyes. Why is Todoroki staring at me like that! Gosh dang it. Shinsou and Bakugou are not any better. They went from glaring at each other to glaring at me. What did I do this time?! Izuku felt his omega side shrink back at the alphas' stares. He side glanced to Uraraka who gave him a sorry smile. I want to go home. Interrupting his thoughts Present Mic announced that the worksheets must be done by the end of the period. Izuku sighed. We're not going to get anything done are we.. "S-sooo.. Umm worksheets.. Uh-"

"Shut up Deku." Katsuki interrupted. I'm not failing a class because of these fucking extras. "We'll just split up the questions and then copy the answers from each other. Panda bastard do 1-10, Candy Cane reject looking ass do 11-20, Deku do 21-30, I'll do 31-40." The group went along with this. They worked quietly in an awkward aura compared to the other groups.

When all groups were done with the assignment Present Mic made the next few days for the boys a heck more awesome with just one point of a finger by assigning a project. The project Present Mic assigned? To introduce your partner, who he chose, in english. Time frame? Assigned Tuesday, due thursday. What to do? State the persons name, favorite food, music, and color, hobbies, family, ect. Simple in theory but a lot more troublesome for some in terms of Present Mic's partnering skills. Izuku was paired with Aoyama, Katsuki and Kirishima, and Shoto with Hitoshi. The next two days varied between the three groups. With a groan the students exited class for the days to come.

-Later that day after school-

Izuku shifted from his spot next to the UA entrance. The two of them agreed to get the project done today so they would have time to practice. And now he was currently waiting for his partner Aoyama to come so they could head over to his house and work on the project. Izuku wondered what the blonde was doing. Interrupting him from his thoughts was Aoyama calling him out. And right behind him was another blond who raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"Sorry to keep you waiting mon ami. I had to pick up this monsieur before coming here." Aoyama said while posing and sparkling.

Slightly blinded Izuku answered, "A-Ah! It's cool.."

"Oh good. By the way Midoriya meet Monoma. Monoma, Midoriya." Aoyama dramatically gestered.

"H-hi.." Izuku waved shakily.

The blond looked down at him. "Hah? This guy is from class 1A. Hmph he doesn't look like mu- oof" He choked out after Aoyama nudged him.

"Please excuse him mon ami. My boyfriend can be a bit.. Perverse."

"I see.." They're dating?

"I am not perverse. How could you say that Yuuga!"

Aoyama shrugged him off and pointed out the gate with a pose. "Let's go to my house now~"

And so the three left campus with Izuku missed the glare a certain blonde sent at him

When Izuku walked into the house, his nose was immediately hit with a pleasant smell. Unable to pinpoint what it was he turned to Aoyama. "Hey.. Um what is that smell? It smells pretty nice and it's pretty calming.."

"Ah that? That's the candles my mom likes." Monoma shot a look at Aoyama who just shrugged.

"Yuuga's mom is a fashion designer. The smell of the candles help her relax and focus." Monoma added while taking off his shoes. "I'm gonna go see if I can help out your mom with stuff. Have fun with that project." He gave one more glance at Izuku before walking out of their sight.

Once Monoma was gone, Aoyama led Izuku to his bedroom. When opening the door he was blinded immediately by the brightness. Though Aoyama seemed unfazed. As Izuku got used to the brightness he asked, "So you guys are dating?"


"How'd you guys meet?" Izuku found out that Monoma's mom is a model for Aoyama's mom. Both moms became good friends and as a result the two of them grew up together like two peas in a pod. It was luck the two of them were actually soulmates, much to the delight of their parents. Izuku also found out that Monoma spends a lot of time in the Aoyama household due to his parents working abroad. "That's nice.." Izuku replied staring down at twiddling fingers with a faint smile. The could have beens flooded through his head. This could've me and him.. We would have been.. With kac- No Izuku! What's done is done. There's no going back. You don't need any alpha.

"So shall we get started?"

Looking up quickly, "O-OH uh yes definitely."

The two asked each other their favorite this or that, family, ect and recorded the information. They then transferred the info into sentences and practiced their presentations in front of each other. It was then time to leave. Once Izuku was out of the house Monoma looked at Aoyama with a raised eyebrow.

"So is that guy an omega? Cause I bought those candles specifically for your mom. An omega. And those candles are made especially for omegas who can pick up the smell easily unlike betas or alphas who can't pick it up."

Aoyama shrugged. "He didn't smell like anything though mon cheri. To everyone he just your average beta. Maybe he has a great sense of smell?"

"I doubt it. You're a beta with a very good sense of smell and even you can't pick up the scent. I'm an alpha who can't even pick up the scent. Those candles are made for omegas by omegas. There's no mistake that guy is an omega."

"I agree with you. He's probably using scent hiding products" Aoyama said with a shrug.

"He has to have been." Monoma walked up to Aoyama and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"And does him being an omega bother you?" Aoyama inquired.

"How do you feel about an omega being a hero?" Monoma countered.

"I don't particularly mind. Just look at mamam. In the beginning she was looked down upon in the fashion industry for being an omega. But she proved to them she had what it takes. And now she's looked up upon as an inspiration. Now for Midoriya I believe he can pull off what mamam did."

"Yeah because Mamam is Mamam. It's gonna take a lot to outshine her. But I don't know about that Class 1A kid." Monoma huffed.


"You better keep an eye on him or something then. No telling what those class 1A dweebs might do. The fashion industry may be harsh but society is harsher."

"Je connais. I plan to."

Monoma hummed into Aoyama's shoulder. "Let's eat dinner. I'm tired of all this talk. Your mom is waiting up on us so we can start dinner."

-Earlier that day after school-

Katsuki tapped his foot impatiently. Deku and twinkle toes just walked off and I'm still waiting for that damn Shitty hair. Fuck. "Are you two dipshits done talking?" Katsuki asked in his sweetest voice.

"Almost!" Replied Kirishima who return his attention to Kaminari. "So train station at 12 saturday?"


"Cool. Stay safe walking home~"

"Will do bro!" Kirishima jogged over to Katsuki. "Sorry about that. So we heading over to the diner to work on the project?" Katsuki grunted out a yes.

The two walked in awkward silence that Kirishima was determined to break. "So you and Shinsou.."

"Shut it shitty hair."

"Well I'm just saying.. Why don't you guys.. You know hook up.. Or like get to know each other.. You guys should have a date like me and Kami-"

"I have no business with that extra."

"It couldn't hurt to try.." Kirishima mumbled.

"And I don't give a flying fuck shitty hair." Katsuki retorted aggressively.

They felt back into a tense silence until they stood in front of the diner. "Look hair for brains, we're only here to get this dumb project over with. No more no less. I'm not here to be all fucking buddy buddy. And I swear to god if you're the reason I fail english I'm going fucking make sure I kill you good bastard." Katsuki grunted harshly before walking into the diner, leaving behind a frozen Kirishima at the front door.

Kirishima felt sweat prickling his face. This will be a long day...


"So are you going to come in or what?" Shinsou said to Shoto behind him. Right upon stepping into the house Shinsou was met with his cats. He squatted down to give them some rubs. Though the cats averted his touch and went to Shoto to rub against him. "First dad and now the damn Canadian flag." He muttered under his breath.

Shoto was surprised when the cats started to purr but ignored it in favor of observing the house. Looks homely.. Shinsou led Shoto to the living room without a word. Not that Shoto had a problem with that. Looking around he found the walls decorated with family pictures. One depicted to a mother and young Shinsou at the beach. Another a family christmas photo. He saw one of a father holding a baby. Looking at the pictures sparked some jealousy and sadness but Shoto quickly pushed it down. A monster should not feel envy. You're only here to get the project over with.

Shinsou looked back to Shoto. Fuckin creep looking at the photos like they're some kind of weird ass thing. Hasn't he ever seen a family picture?

When the two finally settled in the living room the two sat in silence in awkward silence aside from the meows of Shinsou's cats in the background.

"Soo.. english project.. Want to start now?" Shinsou asked impatiently. Out of the people I just HAD to be paired with this guy. Fuck me a new one. Shoto gave a slight nod and started to take out a notebook. Shinsou sighed and stood up. "Do you want something to drink while I'm in the kitchen?" Shoto shook his head. Shinsou shrugged. "Suit yourself then." Stupid elite. Am I not good enough to be graced in your presence? Cocky ass. Shinsou thought bitterly. When he returned he found the cats rubbing against Shoto who ignored them. And of course the cats like him. Everyone just love the blessed and powerful. "I see the cats like you." Shoto shrugged without looking at him. Fine then be like that Mr.elite.

After a few beats of silence Shoto asked "So who should ask questions first?" I want to get this over with before Endeavour gets mad for my tardiness. He shivered thinking about the last time he was late for training.

Shinsou sat down across from him. "I'll start then. What is your favorite food?" Shinsou said in a sarcastic peppy voice.

"Soba. What's your favorite hobby?"


The two went back in forth with the questioning and answering then they fell back into silence. Shinsou was slightly unnerved by the bi-colored haired boy. He looked at Shoto with calculating eyes. Like me he put up a barrier with the class.. Why would he though. He's blessed with a heroic quirk. In addition to that his father is the #2 hero Endeavour. And to my understanding his quirk is more than just ice. It's also fire! Why isn't he going around flaunting that around? Does he think he's just better than everyone? Typical. All these hero wannabes are so see-through. But it just doesn't add up. Shinsou sighed Why am I even hung up on him? He thought before going back to work.

Shoto felt a pair of eyes analyzing him. He didn't dare looking up, risking to make eye contact. In all honesty Shoto didn't what to make of his soulmate. But one thing he knew was that he didn't want him anywhere near himself. I don't want the man to hurt anyone anymore. Shoto thought back to his mother. She was a beautiful alpha woman back in her days. She was strong, independent, but chained to Shoto's father. She had a promising future with her omega. She had so much going for her before she was forced to marry that man. She was force to give up the could have beens. Shoto watched how she tried to put up a strong front for him. Shoto watched when she crumbled. He watched the woman who he called mother disappear into a shell made of fear. The only light in his life disappeared, leaving behind a flame greedy to devourer him. His life was already decided when his quirk manifested. He was going to surpass All Might. And if anything was going to get in the way he would personally take care of it. Shoto remembered the friends he made way back when. Innocent children having a good time. When Shoto was Shoto. It was when he hanged out with them, he could forget and be a kid. But too bad what comes up must come down.


Shoto was in the middle of playing with his friends on a beautiful spring day.

"Tag your it!"

"AHHHH! Todoroki-kun is it! Everyone run! Hahaha!"

Shoto pouted at the situation before retaliating with, "I'm comin' for you guys!" With a new flame ignited within him, he darted towards someone. "And I'm comin' for you!"

"Ahh! Nooooooo!"

The two kids chased each other around. Laughs spilled out of their mouths. That is until the kid Shoto was chasing bumped into someone.

"Ack- Sorry sir! Didn't see you there. Ehehehe."

Endeavour stared down unimpressed and walked passed the kid towards Shoto. "Shoto."


Endeavour grabbed Shoto's arm. "Do you know what time it is?" Shoto shook his head with wide eyes. "You're late for training."

"Oh-OW!" He yelped when Endeavour directed him to a car. "B-but I'm still playing!" Shoto turned his head at his friends who stared at him dumbfounded.

Putting Shoto into the car rather harshly and closing the door he looked at the kids in the playground and then looked towards their parents nearby. "You're kids are distracting mine. He's training to be a hero and your kids are in the way." He said before getting in the car. "Shoto."

Shoto looked up before staring back down at his feet. "You've been lagging lately in training." Shoto froze. "Is it because of your new friends? Are they distracting you from your goal?" Shoto only replied with silence. "You don't need distractions delaying you. What you need to do is get stronger so you can surpass All Might. And as your supporter it is my job to remove anything in your way. Understand?"

"Yes father.." Shoto replied quietly.

"Good. I'm transferring you to a different school then. Those imbeciles are just holding you back with childish games."

"Wha-! No. You can't do that!" Shoto protested but immediately silenced by Endeavour's glare.

"Did you not hear me Shoto?"


"Why are you training?"

"To surpass All Might.."

"And do having petty friendships help with that?"


"I rest my case then."

During training they focused on Shoto's fire. Shoto briefly saw his mother open the door and close it just as quickly. He was about to comment about it but was interrupted by Endeavour. "Shoto. Good job today. Your free to do what you want now."

Shoto nodded and ran to where his mother was. He winced when his clothes rubbed on one of the many bruises on him. He wanted to be showered in her warmth.

"I can't do this anymore mother! I can't anymore. Everyday he starts to look like him. I'm scared. I'm afraid that he'll end up just like him. They're so alike.. I-" She choked with some tears. "I'm scared that I won't be able to protect Shoto. I'm scared that I'll fail him just like with Touya." She said in a whisper so that Shoto couldn't pick up what she was saying after she started choking on tears. "It's those damn flames. They belong to that monster!"

Shoto went still. His thoughts clicked. I'm a monster? Mom is scared? Because of me? Flame? Am I a monster?.. "M-Mom..?" He daringly called out while approaching her.

She quickly turned around, accidently spilling the kettle filled with hot boiling water. "SHOTO!"

He stared at eyes widened at tearful eyes wide with fear. He looked into those eyes with the same look of fear and pain. He screamed as boiling water burned. His mind blacked out.

When he woke up he winced at the pain that erupted from his left eye. But despite all the pain he laughed at the painful realization. So this is a mark of a monster.

End of flashback

Shoto closed his eyes. If he were to find out who his soulmate was.. Shoto could't bare for someone to stand on the same path as him. He was better offer off taking it all himself and that included not using his power. It was all going to be him. Besides.. It's better for everyone if I stand on the sidelines. Opening his eyes he saw Shinsou staring at him before staring back down at his work. Shoto stared into his own work and continued doing it again while silently taking pleasure in the cats around him purring against him. A few minutes later he found himself stumped on how to structure a sentence. Why is english so confusing????? Sucking up his pride he decided to ask his partner for help. "Hey.."


"Can you help me out with this."

Shinsou sighed and lifted his gaze to the boy in question lazily. "Sure." He said with fake enthusiasm. "What do you need help with?"

Shoto shifted himself and moved his paper in between them. "Over here." He pointed to a sentence. "What do you do he-OW!" One of Shinsou's cats bit down on his left arm. Shoto cradled his arm. It just HAD to bite down on the arm with bandages! He could feel the sting of cuts opening and blood steadily flowing out.

Shinsou widened his eyes in surprise and quickly moved over to Shoto. "Oh shit! Are you ok?" And now I'm gonna get sued by some pretty boy. Thanks life. Taking a better look at Shoto's arm he saw specks of blood bleed through his blazer. With such intelligence he voiced his observation. "You're bleeding."

"It's fi-"

"YOU'RE FUCKING BLEEDING." Shinsou turned to his cat. "YOU BIT HIM AND NOW HE'S BLEEDING. Fuck and now I'm gonna get sued by some angry burning piece of trash for hurting the pretty boy!" Shinsou stood up and pointed at Shoto. "You stay there. I'll be right back with a first aid kit."

Shoto stared dumbfounded at the cat and then to his arm. "It's just a little bit of blood.."

Shinsou ran upstairs and into the bathroom. "Thank the gods!" He exclaimed when he located the first aid kit. Once obtained he quickly got back to Shoto who was poking the bleeding arm absentmindedly. As being a doctor's son he was horrified at the sight. "Dude! The fuck are you doing! You can't just poke a wound like that!"


"Jesus fucking christ. How the fuck did I get into this?" Shinsou muttered while rubbing his temple. "Look hold still let me treat your wound."


"Didn't you hear me?" Shinsou huffed. "Roll up the damn sleeve so I can treat your wound before it gets infected."

Shoto shook his dismissively. "Oh no. It's ok. I don't need to be treated. It's just a little blood.."

Shinsou raised an eyebrow unimpressed. "Are you being serious right now? Your sleeve would like to differ. Just look at all that blood. And I'll be damned if any of that gets on the rug."

"Then I'll just move.." Shoto got up to move but was immediately pulled back down.

"Like I said I'm going to treat the wound." He put out his hand. "Just give me your damn arm."

"No thank you."

"Oh for the love of.. Damn you elites." Shinsou grabbed Shoto's arm who winced. "Everything has to be done for you people I swear!" Shinsou started to roll up the sleeve.

Shoto's eyes widened. With a bit more assertion, "I said NO THANK YOU!"

Shinsou stared back at defiant eyes. "And I said I'M GOING TO TREAT THE DAMN WOUND SO SUCK IT UP CANADA."

Shoto looked back with an astonished face. I should just get out of here. I can right now. The door is right there! But why won't my body move! Shoto looked at Shinsou's eyes. What's with this guy?

Shinsou exhaled a huff of exasperation. "Look I'm just trying to help. Don't take it the wrong way." Why am I even pushing so hard to help him? Why can't I push away the feeling that something is wrong? What would even be wrong with him? He has everything! He has a strong quirk. Money. Good looks... He's the type a person I should despise for having be fed with a silver spoon. But.. what the hell?! Why do I want to help him so much? After rolling up the sleeve he was met with the sight of gauze. "I'm gonna unwrap this so I can properly treat the wound." Shoto looked away as confirmation. Slowly, as gauze unwrapped, scarred skin and half healed cuts were revealed. Shinsou looked at the very quiet Shoto before continuing. Once it was all off Shinsou studied the arm in horror. "What the flying fuck is this." Shinsou questioned holding the arm tight.

Shoto pulled his arm away from the grip while still avoiding eye contact with the teen. "That's none of your business."

Shinsou took the arm back. "Like hell it's not! Now tell me why the fuck is this on your arm!"

"I-" Shoto dared to make eye contact with Shinsou. He gulped when he made eye contact.

Shinsou looked at knitted eyebrows and eyes wide with discomfort. Shinsou laughed and let the arm he was holding fall out of his grip. In an exasporated tone, "You've got to be kidding me. Did you do this? And for what reason? You trying to get attention or something? Is it some petty thing?." Shoto's bangs shadowed over his eyes. Shinsou sneered and retorted in a mocking voice. "Oh no I the sweet prince fed a with a silver spoon didn't get what I want. Now I have to-"

"SHUT UP. You'd.. You'd never understand. Someone like YOU wouldn't understand!" He's normal. I'm a monster. Of course he wouldn't understand.

Shinsou winced back. His anger finally cooled off and realization of what just transpired hit him. "I uh-"

"SHUT UP!" Shoto got up and shoved his things into his bag. As calmly as Shoto can muster out he said, "I'm leaving now. Thank you for hosting me." Before leaving he was pulled back down and was faced towards Shinsou. They stared at each other in silence for what seemed like hours. What more does he want!

Shinsou took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I.. I don't know what- I know exactly why I lashed out at you like that. I was-"

"It's ok." Your words mean nothing to me anyways. Just let me be.

"No it's not! I lashed at you because of how petty I am!" Shoto opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted. "Why would you do that to yourself. You have everything. And yet.. What made you think that.."

Shoto hesitated but answered. "It helps." Shoto observed hoe Shinsou's face was painted with remorse. Suddenly he felt something cold on his arm. He cringed at the sting.

"Just bear with me here. It'll sting for a bit.." I could just forget this ever happened. This is his problem not mine. Doing this is just digging my own grave. Shinsou felt the teen tense. "Let me at least do this much.." He felt the teen untense ever so slightly. The room filled with tense silence. Deciding that the silence was enough Shinsou decided to speak. "For.. For all my life I was berated for my quirk." He said in melancholy. "Brainwashing. It was seen as a villain's quirk. Others would beat me up about it everyday. You'd think teachers or some adult would step in.. Pft no. All of them are the same. So quick to judge someone just because of something you can't control. So quick to turn their backs on people they were friends with. The people I were friends with left me in fear. Everyone so caught up with rising up. So blinded by glory. It gotten so bad that in my first year of middle school someone told me to..." Shinsou paused to check his progress. "I'm gonna put some anesthetic on this. So where was I.. Oh.. so I bumped into this one guy and I guess he was not having it? He slammed me into a wall and told me that I was trash and that I should kill myself. At that time I was at my all time low.. I just.. I agreed. There was no point to continue being the source of everyone's fear. My own fear... If that was going to be my life then why not end it? I thought the world would be better with one less villain. That night I decided that I would do the world a favor. I snuck out of the house and I went out to hunt for the highest building. I wanted to be the highest in the world if only for a bit. To feel how it was to look down and not up. I was so close to the edge but some bastard underground hero stopped me. Took me under their wing.. Showed me there was still a reason. I regret the moment I decided to attempt suicide. I regret it so much but I'm thankful for it.. It some weird fucked up way.. And I guess seeing you in pain.. I don't understand.. You have a powerful quirk. You have the looks. You have the aura. The money. Your dad is one of the top heroes... I don't get it. You have everything and yet.. You don't have to tell me.. It was a dick move to lash out on you like that.. I don't know your situation. I'm sorry for what it's worth." Shinsou took out some gauze from the first aid kit while Shoto inspected his arm. "Can I have your arm back. I'm going to wrap it in some new gauze.. I should also add in.. sorry about the cat.. They're their own beings haha.." Shinsou went to work slowly but carefully.

"I.. I do it because it helps." Shinsou gave an understanding hum. "It feels right.. It's my punishment for being a monster."

Shinsou tugged at the gauze wrapped around the arm, "Is this too tight?"

"It's fine." Shoto glanced down at his arm and to Shinsou. I shouldn't say anymore.. He shouldn't get involved..

"You don't have to tell me anything you know." Shinsou said without glancing up.

Shoto bit his lip in contemplation. He's right. But I want him to know.. "Do you know what quirk marriages are?"

"Arranged marriages with the goal to create a child with a strong quirk or something?"

"Correct. My mother was forced into one with my father. He.. he wants to have a child with the perfect combination of ice and hot to surpass All Might and he was going to do anything to do that. Before my mom was forced into the marriage she was engaged to her soulmate. My father got around that by threatening to harm my mother's soulmate.. In order to protect them she agreed to the marriage. Since both of them are alphas you can imagine the difficulty to create a child with the perfect combination of quirks.. In that time my dad took out his anger for my mother incompetence to make the perfect successor on her. She suffered emotionally and physically but still tried to keep a brave face for her kids. When I was born and she found out I developed my quirk she tried to hide the fire aspect of it.. Too bad it didn't fool him. She was beaten for wasting my time to train. One day after training I saw her in the kitchen on the phone. She was pleading for help. That she couldn't take it anymore. That I looked like him. When she turned around and saw me.. She.." Shoto lightly touched his scar. "From that point he sent her to some mental hospital. I promised myself that day through tears that I will never use my left side. Because that side is the monster that killed her."

"I'm all done patching your arm up. But that still doesn't explain why you'd harm yourself."

"What are you talking about? What's not to get? I'm a monster!"


"Because it's my fault that my mom broke."

"Is it?"

"Yes it is."


"If it weren't for me.. If it weren't for his goals.. She would be happy right now. And why do you keep asking why? I thought you said I don't have to explain anything to you?"

"Yet you keep providing me with answers. Besides. Isn't it his fault she broke?" Shoto was about to speak but was interrupted. Shinsou stood up and turned around so his back faced the boy on the floor. "Our society is full of people blinded by quirks. Because of them this world is categorized in black and white. It's full of people trying to claim glory. Aren't you and your mother just a victim of someone blinded by some greedy goal. Just unlucky to get caught up into all this? So why are you blaming yourself for something you can't control?"

"You still don't understand."

"What is there to understand."

"Don't try to use your own experience to make a judgement on my actions."

"Are you a monster?"


"Why? What specifically makes you a monster? Is it your quirk?"

"It belongs to him."

"The man who ruined your mom's life and made you a slave for his goals and ideals. You refuse to use your left side because it's what makes you a monster. You harm yourself because it's your own way to deal with the burden of your quirk." Shinsou took Shoto silence as an agreement. "Shoto Todoroki. You're not a monster. Just another victim."

Shoto stared at the back of Shinsou with wide eyes. "But I'm a monster." Shoto whispered as his mother's face flashes in his mind.

"You aren't." Shinsou replied calmly.

"I'm a monster!" He relayed back with more power.

"You aren't." Shinsou repeated again.

Shoto felt tears form in the corners of his eyes. "I'M A MONSTER."

"AND I'M TELLING YOU SHOTO TODOROKI. YOU. ARE. NOT. A MONSTER." Shinsou yelled back while turning around to face the boy. What he saw in front of him was a broken boy. Is this what Aizawa saw that day. Some kid crying in the dark screaming he was a villain. Some good for nothing piece of shit? I was pathetic wasn't I? Shinsou knelt down in front of Shoto with an understanding face and wrapped his arms around the boy. This is what Aizawa did.. Feels like deja vu. "Repeat after me. I."

Shoto was stunned by the sudden touch but complied with the purple haired teen commands. "I."




"Not.." Shoto hesitated out in a whisper.

"A monster."

"A monster..." Shoto said weakly as he felt the tears break away from his eyes. He clutched to the other boy's shirt needily. The only sounds that filled the room were Shinsou's quiet soothing words and Shoto's crying. It's been so long since someone..

After a long time of the two sitting like that it was time for Shoto to head home.

"Give me your phone."

Shoto sniffed and handed him the phone.

"I just put my number in there. If you ever.. You know.. Well you know where to contact me. I'll send you some cat pics or something..

Shoto nodded and made his way back to the hell hole. He felt a bit lighter today.

Once Shoto was out of sight he went back into the house and sighed when he was met with his cats purring against him. "I don't know if I should be happy or not for what you did. But I hope you know you're not getting and cat weed from me." Sighing once again he went to go back to his normal schedule. Do homework. Greet the parentals home from work. Eat some dinner. Take a bath and get ready for bed but end up staying up till goddamn 3 in the morning even though he got ready for bed like at 10.

Shinsou laid in bed thinking about all the events that happened this week. So Bakuhoe and I ended our friendship. I found out who Deku was. And now I'm some cat pic dealer to Canada. Awesome. Shinsou turned onto his side and started to pet one of the nearby cats. "Deku. Aka Midoriya Izuku. Some strength quirk. Also tormented for being quirkless? Hmm.." Both victims of this fucked up society.. And yet.. Do I hate Deku? Do I hate everyone who has some heroic quirk? He suffered just as much because of something he couldn't control. Shinsou closed his eyes. He didn't know what to make of 'Deku.' But isn't he just like the rest of them. Now that he got some heroic quirk he just blends in with the rest of them? Maybe he's over his past and moving forward? Shinsou shook his head. He thought back to the entrance exam. He remembered assuming that he had some golden life but after the fall out with Bakugou.. Then he remembered back to the quirk apprehension test anf remembered those green eyes filled with fear and how he avoided Shinsou like he was the plague. Or maybe he's just like the rest of them. Once they're on top they become just like the rest of them. Blinded by some glory. Looking at the world in black and white... "My head hurts from thinking!" Getting out of bed he retrieved his laptop and put on some random cat videos. "I deserve this."

It was around 2 am when he received a text from an unknown number. He quickly paused the cat video to check it out.

1:02 am


-Hey. This is Shoto.

Shinsou Hitoshi

-Gosh I sure hope it is



Shinsou Hitoshi

-So you want the goods?



Shinsou Hitoshi

-*insert cat pic 1*

-*insert cat pic 2*

-*insert cat pic 3*



Shinsou Hitoshi

-Np. Btw I'm gonna change your username thing



Shinsou Hitoshi changed Unknown's name to Canada

Canada changed Shinsou Hitoshi name to Eyebags



-Soooo you still up?




-Wanna hear what happened when Aizawa gave us detention?




The presentations went by smoothly and the class was granted free time for the rest of the class then they were free to head to lunch.

"So Izuku! How has your week been?" Uraraka asked.

Izuku slumped into his desk. "It could be better? I don't know.."

"Eh~? Well at least we have lunch to look forward to! Lunch rush's food is soooo good!"

Izuku nodded in agreement.

"Hello Midoriya. Uraraka."

"Hey Iida." The two replied in unison.

From the corner of the class Shinsou watched Izuku. He decided that he hated the boy. Why? He didn't know. But it was easier this way he told himself. Shinsou directed his attention to Shoto who sat alone on the other side of the class. He decided to take his phone out and send a text to the boy. He saw Shoto's mouth quirk up a bit.

Bakugou wanted to bang his head into a wall. Why are these shitheads hovering around me? The first to come up to Bakugou was Kirishima who tried to strike up a conversation but was ignored. Taking pity in his soulmate, Karimari decided to join in trying to make the blonde open up. Then Mina decided to catch up with her old classmate Kirishima and joined in on the 'let's bother Bakugou' scheme. Sero made his way to the group when he heard Karimari referenced a meme and wanted to join in on the fun. Bakugou really wanted to kill all these shitheads.

Lunch rolled by and as it ended, Class 1A went to their Hero studies class. Once they were all settled, All Might announced that he would be teaching the class. The class erupted into joy.

"Finally! We're doing actual hero stuff!" Was the collective thought of the class.


-Fudgecakes. The chapter didn't get transferred correctly. Damn you copy n paste.

SUUUUP. It's been awhile since I last updated lol. Writing up this chapter was pretty difficult. Shoto was hard to characterize. Really working with Shinsou and Shoto for the last part of the chapter gave me a headache. I knew wat I wanted but had no idea how to write it. In the end I came up with something that satisfied me. In other news guess who passed their AP's THIS GUY RIGHT HERE. Passed AP Seminar and APUSH with a mofo 3! I honestly expected to get a 2 on APUSH cause the LEQ was not my thing. Pretty sure what saved me was the DBQ which I firkin rocked! I also passed my APUSH subject test SAT thingy with an average score which is amazing for not studying for it. WELP. In other news... Banana fish and Free! Dive to the future are like my new reason to live. I hope you enjoyed reading! Till next chapter... CIAO.

YoYOYO btw if you ever feel down and depressed or you feel suicidal please do not bottle up inside. Talk to someone about it ;)


(Goes to watch Devilman Crybaby. This thing is one of the unsettling but intriguing anime I've watched.)

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