The Quarterbacks Kryptonite...

By meerrlliiaa

14.3K 317 3

This is your classic Jock/ nerdy love story... Athena Jacks was always very low profile long haired brunette... More

Chapter 1 (the get to know)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 24

281 10 0
By meerrlliiaa

"You bitch!!"

Wham! My cheek felt warm as Ashley's hand swung across my face, her minions cornered me. After I tried to walk out of the bleachers, of course they waited for me. Dragging me underneath the bleachers.
Well isn't this awesome!

"I told you to stay away from him! Parker will always be mine!"
Just as she was about to swing at me again. I gained my own hold of my arm bitch #3 was desperately trying to hold down and caught Ashely's hand.

The look of terror in her eyes as I rose from behind held down. If only I could have taken a picture of it.
Ashley's barbies didn't even think twice about running away after I overthrew them. I always knew they were cowards.

I wanted to hit her. So bad. I just wanted to slam my fist into her face over and over until she was knocked out. But that would honestly take only one punch for this bitch. She can't take a hit to save her life.

She tried to fight against my grip but failed miserably as she started to shrink to the floor. I brought my face down to hers and got closer

"Your first mistake was overestimating your own worth. Your second mistake was underestimating mine."
My voice was so blunt and vile, the color from her already pale face drained completely. She looked like she belonged in the Adams family, of the first movie of the twilight series.

As much as I wanted to hit her. I couldn't. I couldn't stoop that low. Because if I did, it wouldn't be a fair fight. I knew that. And I couldn't become the thing that she is. I would be just as bad as her.
So instead of bashing her face in like any other sane girl would have done. I walked away.

I let go of her hand, stepped back, and walked away. And it made me feel good. Knowing that I did more damage to her than I would have beating the shot out of her.

When I walked out from underneath the bleachers, I saw Angie and Ryder both waiting My the gate, looking around.
I assumed they were looking for me. At least I hoped they were...

"Hey!" I shouted, cupping my mouth with my hands in hope that it would carry my voice further.

It didn't take a second try for both of them to look in my direction and start walking towards me.
I was first pummeled by Angie. Giving me possibly the biggest hug known to man. Even though she's a slimy little tho g, she's got the strength of a gorilla.
"Oh my gosh!!! That was amazing! I'm so happy for you! That homecoming proposal was the best thing ever!!" She squealed

My face started to hurt a bit, I hadn't even realized how big I was smiling right now. Was I really happy about this? I mean, it's Parker..

"You both are obviously going to win homecoming king and queen!!! I can't wait for us to go dress shopping!! Oh my gosh! This is going to be amazing!"
Her words were falling out of her mouth faster than she realized. She sucked in a huge analytical of air to catch her breath and stepped aside for my brother to walk up to me.

I was extremely confused on why Ryder was even here. He hated the fact of me ever being with boys. Hated everything about me going out ever since the accident. He hates a lot. I'm surprised he even agreed to this entire thing.

Well what else was I supposed to say? It was such an awkward situation!!

"I know you are probably wondering how I feel about all of this." He states, clear out of the blue. He's never one to beat around the bush

"Yeah actually. That's all I'm thinking." I admit

"Well." He starts
Running the back of his neck as I see he fiddles with a tag sticking out.
Again with guys rubbing the back of their neck. It's such an obvious move already.
"Parker came by the house earlier in the week and asked me for my permission to ask you to the dance. I will admit I said no at first. But he was extremely calmed and convincing, telling me this entire plan. When I thought about it, I needed to remind myself that it's about you, not me. So your friend and I were in on it."

To say that I was shocked was a major understatement. He actually agreed to this? Wait wait wait... Parker asked for my brothers permission to ask me to the dance?...
This was all blowing my mind, truly. But I'm the best way possible.
Without thinking anything else. I lunged up and reached my arms around Ryder's neck.
Squeezing him tightly and stretching myself up to his height.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. I knew that this hug meant more to the both of us. And I knew that he knew it too. It wasn't just a thank you. It was a "happy hug" way overdue.
"Thank you." I whispered to me.
I felt Ryder's head move as I let go of me and nudged his head in the direction behind me.

When I turned around, there stood Parker.
In his football gear, still holding some flowers.
He's really good.

I started to walk closer to him as he did the same. We looked so close but I found myself longing to be right next to him...

"Hey brownie." He says, making me realize how closed together we already were.

"Hey" I replied back shyly

When he walked up and looked down at me, he was smiling. But after I spoke, his face disappeared, and his gaze on me hardened. His hand went to my face and brushed his fingers over my cheek slightly, as if he thought he was going to hurt me
"Who did this too you."


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